mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 12:08:00 +01:00
character: introduce streamed spritesheets
Streamed spritesheets can be generated on-the-go and don't need to be loaded from any file (or loading can be handled manually). Streamed spritesheet can also be "preloaded", that is - converted to regular spritesheet by preemptively reading the stream and storing the results.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 240 additions and 91 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void SelectSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* charac
while (tmp) {
if (!strcmp(tmp->name, name)) {
character->spritesheet = tmp;
if (character->successor) {
@ -52,9 +51,27 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void SelectSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* charac
character->pos = reversed ? (tmp->frame_count - 1) : 0;
character->reversed = reversed;
character->reversing = tmp->reversed ^ reversed;
character->frame = &tmp->frames[character->pos];
//character->bitmap = tmp->frames[character->pos].bitmap;
if (tmp->stream) {
if (character->spritesheet && character->spritesheet->stream && character->frame) {
character->frame = malloc(sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame));
*(character->frame) = tmp->stream(game, 0.0, tmp->stream_data);
character->frame->_priv.image = al_create_sub_bitmap(character->frame->bitmap, character->frame->sx * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, character->frame->sy * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, (character->frame->sw > 0) ? (character->frame->sw * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap), (character->frame->sh > 0) ? (character->frame->sh * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap));
tmp->width = al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap);
tmp->height = al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap);
if (character->frame->end) {
tmp->frame_count = character->pos + 1;
} else {
character->frame = &tmp->frames[character->pos];
character->finished = false;
character->spritesheet = tmp;
PrintConsole(game, "SUCCESS: Spritesheet for %s activated: %s (%dx%d)", character->name, character->spritesheet->name, character->spritesheet->width, character->spritesheet->height);
@ -66,7 +83,7 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void SelectSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* charac
SYMBOL_EXPORT void SwitchSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name) {
int pos = character->pos;
SelectSpritesheet(game, character, name);
if (pos < character->spritesheets->frame_count) {
if (pos < character->spritesheets->frame_count && !character->spritesheet->stream) {
character->pos = pos;
character->frame = &character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos];
@ -95,46 +112,48 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void LoadSpritesheets(struct Game* game, struct Character* charact
struct Spritesheet* tmp = character->spritesheets;
while (tmp) {
PrintConsole(game, "- %s", tmp->name);
if ((!tmp->bitmap) && (tmp->file)) {
char filename[255] = {0};
if (strstr(tmp->file, "../") == tmp->file) {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s", tmp->file + 3);
} else {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s/%s", character->name, tmp->file);
tmp->bitmap = AddBitmap(game, filename);
tmp->filepath = strdup(filename);
tmp->width = (al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) / tmp->cols;
tmp->height = (al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) / tmp->rows;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp->frame_count; i++) {
if ((!tmp->frames[i].source) && (tmp->frames[i].file)) {
if (game->config.debug.enabled) {
PrintConsole(game, " - %s", tmp->frames[i].file);
if (!tmp->stream) {
if ((!tmp->bitmap) && (tmp->file)) {
char filename[255] = {0};
if (strstr(tmp->frames[i].file, "../") == tmp->frames[i].file) {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s", tmp->frames[i].file + 3);
if (strstr(tmp->file, "../") == tmp->file) {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s", tmp->file + 3);
} else {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s/%s", character->name, tmp->frames[i].file);
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s/%s", character->name, tmp->file);
tmp->frames[i].source = AddBitmap(game, filename);
tmp->frames[i].filepath = strdup(filename);
} else if (!tmp->frames[i].source) {
tmp->frames[i].source = al_create_sub_bitmap(tmp->bitmap, tmp->frames[i].col * tmp->width * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->frames[i].row * tmp->height * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->width * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->height * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE);
tmp->filepath = strdup(filename);
tmp->bitmap = AddBitmap(game, filename);
tmp->width = (al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) / tmp->cols;
tmp->height = (al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) / tmp->rows;
tmp->frames[i].bitmap = al_create_sub_bitmap(tmp->frames[i].source, tmp->frames[i].sx * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->frames[i].sy * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, (tmp->frames[i].sw > 0) ? (tmp->frames[i].sw * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->frames[i].source), (tmp->frames[i].sh > 0) ? (tmp->frames[i].sh * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->frames[i].source));
for (int i = 0; i < tmp->frame_count; i++) {
if ((!tmp->frames[i].bitmap) && (tmp->frames[i].file)) {
if (game->config.debug.enabled) {
PrintConsole(game, " - %s", tmp->frames[i].file);
char filename[255] = {0};
if (strstr(tmp->frames[i].file, "../") == tmp->frames[i].file) {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s", tmp->frames[i].file + 3);
} else {
snprintf(filename, 255, "sprites/%s/%s", character->name, tmp->frames[i].file);
tmp->frames[i].bitmap = AddBitmap(game, filename);
tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath = strdup(filename);
} else if (!tmp->frames[i].bitmap) {
tmp->frames[i].bitmap = al_create_sub_bitmap(tmp->bitmap, tmp->frames[i].col * tmp->width * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->frames[i].row * tmp->height * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->width * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->height * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE);
tmp->frames[i]._priv.image = al_create_sub_bitmap(tmp->frames[i].bitmap, tmp->frames[i].sx * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, tmp->frames[i].sy * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, (tmp->frames[i].sw > 0) ? (tmp->frames[i].sw * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->frames[i].bitmap), (tmp->frames[i].sh > 0) ? (tmp->frames[i].sh * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->frames[i].bitmap));
int width = al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->frames[i].bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + tmp->frames[i].x;
if (width > tmp->width) {
tmp->width = width;
int height = al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->frames[i].bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + tmp->frames[i].y;
if (height > tmp->height) {
tmp->height = height;
if (character->detailedProgress && progress) {
int width = al_get_bitmap_width(tmp->frames[i]._priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + tmp->frames[i].x;
if (width > tmp->width) {
tmp->width = width;
int height = al_get_bitmap_height(tmp->frames[i]._priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + tmp->frames[i].y;
if (height > tmp->height) {
tmp->height = height;
if (character->detailed_progress && progress) {
if (progress) {
@ -153,12 +172,12 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void UnloadSpritesheets(struct Game* game, struct Character* chara
struct Spritesheet* tmp = character->spritesheets;
while (tmp) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmp->frame_count; i++) {
if (tmp->frames[i].filepath) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->frames[i].filepath);
if (tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath);
} else {
if (tmp->bitmap) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->filepath);
@ -182,11 +201,68 @@ static double strtodnull(const char* _nptr, double val) {
return strtod(_nptr, NULL);
SYMBOL_EXPORT void PreloadStreamedSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name) {
struct Spritesheet* spritesheet = GetSpritesheet(game, character, name);
if (!spritesheet->stream) {
PrintConsole(game, "%s: tried to preload non-streaming spritesheet %s!", character->name, name);
for (int i = 0; i < spritesheet->frame_count; i++) {
if (spritesheet->frames[i].file) {
if (spritesheet->frames[i]._priv.filepath) {
PrintConsole(game, "Preloading %s streaming spritesheet: %s", character->name, name);
int size = 255, i = 0;
double delta = 0;
spritesheet->frames = malloc(sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame) * size);
while (true) {
PrintConsole(game, " - frame %d", i);
spritesheet->frames[i] = spritesheet->stream(game, delta, spritesheet->stream_data);
spritesheet->frames[i]._priv.image = al_create_sub_bitmap(spritesheet->frames[i].bitmap, spritesheet->frames[i].sx * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, spritesheet->frames[i].sy * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, (spritesheet->frames[i].sw > 0) ? (spritesheet->frames[i].sw * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_width(spritesheet->frames[i].bitmap), (spritesheet->frames[i].sh > 0) ? (spritesheet->frames[i].sh * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_height(spritesheet->frames[i].bitmap));
int width = al_get_bitmap_width(spritesheet->frames[i]._priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + spritesheet->frames[i].x;
if (width > spritesheet->width) {
spritesheet->width = width;
int height = al_get_bitmap_height(spritesheet->frames[i]._priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE + spritesheet->frames[i].y;
if (height > spritesheet->height) {
spritesheet->height = height;
if (spritesheet->frames[i].end) {
spritesheet->frame_count = i + 1;
delta = spritesheet->frames[i].duration / 1000.0;
if (i == size) {
size += 255;
spritesheet->frames = realloc(spritesheet->frames, sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame) * size);
spritesheet->frames = realloc(spritesheet->frames, sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame) * spritesheet->frame_count);
if (spritesheet->stream_destructor) {
spritesheet->stream_destructor(game, spritesheet->stream_data);
spritesheet->stream = NULL;
spritesheet->stream_data = NULL;
spritesheet->stream_destructor = NULL;
SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name) {
struct Spritesheet* s = character->spritesheets;
while (s) {
if (!strcmp(s->name, name)) {
//PrintConsole(game, "%s spritesheet %s already registered!", character->name, name);
PrintConsole(game, "%s: spritesheet %s already registered!", character->name, name);
s = s->next;
@ -263,8 +339,8 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* char
snprintf(framename, 255, "frame%d", i);
s->frames[i].duration = strtodnull(al_get_config_value(config, framename, "duration"), s->duration);
s->frames[i].source = NULL;
s->frames[i].bitmap = NULL;
s->frames[i]._priv.image = NULL;
s->frames[i].x = strtolnull(al_get_config_value(config, framename, "x"), 0);
s->frames[i].y = strtolnull(al_get_config_value(config, framename, "y"), 0);
s->frames[i].sx = strtolnull(al_get_config_value(config, framename, "sx"), 0);
@ -288,7 +364,7 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* char
s->frames[i].file = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
strncpy(s->frames[i].file, file, len);
s->frames[i].filepath = NULL;
s->frames[i]._priv.filepath = NULL;
if (!file) {
s->frames[i].col = i % s->cols;
@ -303,18 +379,32 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* char
s->frames[i].row = strtol(row_str, NULL, 10);
s->frames[i].start = i == 0 ? true : false;
s->frames[i].end = i == (s->frame_count - 1) ? true : false;
s->stream = NULL;
s->stream_data = NULL;
s->stream_destructor = NULL;
s->next = character->spritesheets;
character->spritesheets = s;
SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterStreamedSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name, SpritesheetStream* callback, SpritesheetStreamDestructor* destructor, void* data) {
RegisterSpritesheet(game, character, name);
struct Spritesheet* spritesheet = GetSpritesheet(game, character, name);
spritesheet->stream = callback;
spritesheet->stream_data = data;
spritesheet->stream_destructor = destructor;
SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheetFromBitmap(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* bitmap) {
struct Spritesheet* s = character->spritesheets;
while (s) {
if (!strcmp(s->name, name)) {
//PrintConsole(game, "%s spritesheet %s already registered!", character->name, name);
PrintConsole(game, "%s: spritesheet %s already registered!", character->name, name);
s = s->next;
@ -343,13 +433,16 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheetFromBitmap(struct Game* game, struct Chara
s->offsetX = 0;
s->offsetY = 0;
s->shared = true;
s->stream = NULL;
s->stream_data = NULL;
s->stream_destructor = NULL;
s->frames = malloc(sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame) * s->frame_count);
for (int i = 0; i < s->frame_count; i++) {
s->frames[i].duration = 16.66;
s->frames[i].source = NULL;
s->frames[i].bitmap = NULL;
s->frames[i]._priv.image = NULL;
s->frames[i].x = 0;
s->frames[i].y = 0;
s->frames[i].sx = 0;
@ -360,7 +453,7 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void RegisterSpritesheetFromBitmap(struct Game* game, struct Chara
s->frames[i].flipY = false;
s->frames[i].tint = al_premul_rgba_f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
s->frames[i].file = NULL;
s->frames[i].filepath = NULL;
s->frames[i]._priv.filepath = NULL;
s->frames[i].col = i % s->cols;
s->frames[i].row = i / s->cols;
@ -385,8 +478,6 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT struct Character* CreateCharacter(struct Game* game, char* name) {
character->x = -1;
character->y = -1;
character->tint = al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255);
//character->pivotX = 0.5;
//character->pivotY = 0.5;
character->scaleX = 1.0;
character->scaleY = 1.0;
character->angle = 0;
@ -404,7 +495,7 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT struct Character* CreateCharacter(struct Game* game, char* name) {
character->callback = NULL;
character->callback_data = NULL;
character->destructor = NULL;
character->detailedProgress = false;
character->detailed_progress = false;
return character;
@ -418,6 +509,14 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void DestroyCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* charact
character->destructor(game, character);
if (character->spritesheet && character->spritesheet->stream) {
if (character->frame) {
if (!character->shared) {
struct Spritesheet* s = character->spritesheets;
while (s) {
@ -433,18 +532,21 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void DestroyCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* charact
for (int i = 0; i < tmp->frame_count; i++) {
if (tmp->frames[i].filepath && !tmp->shared) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->frames[i].filepath);
if (tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath && !tmp->shared) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath);
} else {
if (tmp->frames[i].file) {
if (tmp->frames[i].filepath) {
if (tmp->frames[i]._priv.filepath) {
if (tmp->stream && tmp->stream_destructor) {
tmp->stream_destructor(game, tmp->stream_data);
if (tmp->bitmap && !tmp->shared) {
RemoveBitmap(game, tmp->filepath);
@ -481,36 +583,52 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void AnimateCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* charact
delta *= speed_modifier;
character->delta += delta * 1000;
int pos = character->pos;
while (character->delta >= character->frame->duration) {
bool reachedEnd = false;
character->delta -= character->frame->duration;
if (character->reversing) {
} else {
if (character->pos >= character->spritesheet->frame_count) {
if (character->spritesheet->bidir) {
character->pos -= 2;
character->reversing = true;
if (character->reversed) {
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
character->pos = 0;
reachedEnd = true;
if (character->spritesheet->stream) {
FatalError(game, true, "Tried to animate streaming spritesheet '%s' of character '%s' in reverse", character->spritesheet->name, character->name);
QuitGame(game, false);
if (character->pos < 0) {
if (character->spritesheet->bidir) {
character->pos += 2;
character->reversing = false;
if (!character->reversed) {
if (character->frame->start) {
if (character->spritesheet->bidir) {
character->reversing = false;
if (!character->reversed) {
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
character->pos = character->spritesheet->frame_count - 1;
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
character->pos = character->spritesheet->frame_count - 1;
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
if (character->frame->end) {
if (character->spritesheet->bidir) {
if (character->spritesheet->stream) {
FatalError(game, true, "Tried to animate streaming spritesheet '%s' of character '%s' in bidir", character->spritesheet->name, character->name);
QuitGame(game, false);
character->reversing = true;
if (character->reversed) {
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
character->pos = 0;
reachedEnd = true;
} else {
@ -552,9 +670,22 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void AnimateCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* charact
if (character->spritesheet->frame_count == 1) {
character->pos = 0;
character->frame = &character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos];
if (character->spritesheet->stream) {
if (!reachedEnd && pos != character->pos) {
pos = character->pos;
double duration = character->frame->duration;
character->frame = malloc(sizeof(struct SpritesheetFrame));
*(character->frame) = character->spritesheet->stream(game, duration, character->spritesheet->stream_data);
character->frame->_priv.image = al_create_sub_bitmap(character->frame->bitmap, character->frame->sx * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, character->frame->sy * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, (character->frame->sw > 0) ? (character->frame->sw * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap), (character->frame->sh > 0) ? (character->frame->sh * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) : al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap));
} else {
character->frame = &character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos];
SYMBOL_EXPORT void MoveCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, float x, float y, float angle) {
@ -632,11 +763,11 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT void DrawCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character)
al_compose_transform(&transform, ¤t);
al_draw_tinted_scaled_bitmap(character->frame->bitmap, GetCharacterTint(game, character),
al_draw_tinted_scaled_bitmap(character->frame->_priv.image, GetCharacterTint(game, character),
0, 0,
al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap), al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap),
character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos].x, character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos].y,
al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE,
al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->_priv.image), al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->_priv.image),
character->frame->x, character->frame->y,
al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->_priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->_priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE,
@ -720,11 +851,11 @@ SYMBOL_EXPORT bool IsOnCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character,
if (test && pixelperfect) {
al_transform_coordinates(&transform, &x, &y);
int xpos = (int)x - character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos].x, ypos = (int)y - character->spritesheet->frames[character->pos].y;
if (xpos < 0 || ypos < 0 || xpos >= al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE || ypos >= al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->bitmap) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) {
int xpos = (int)x - character->frame->x, ypos = (int)y - character->frame->y;
if (xpos < 0 || ypos < 0 || xpos >= al_get_bitmap_width(character->frame->_priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE || ypos >= al_get_bitmap_height(character->frame->_priv.image) / LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE) {
return false;
ALLEGRO_COLOR color = al_get_pixel(character->frame->bitmap, xpos * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, ypos * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE);
ALLEGRO_COLOR color = al_get_pixel(character->frame->_priv.image, xpos * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE, ypos * LIBSUPERDERPY_IMAGE_SCALE);
return (color.a > 0.0);
@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
#include "libsuperderpy.h"
struct SpritesheetFrame {
char* file;
char* filepath;
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap, *source;
double duration;
int row;
@ -39,8 +38,22 @@ struct SpritesheetFrame {
int sh;
bool flipX;
bool flipY;
bool start;
bool end;
bool shared;
struct {
char* filepath;
} _priv;
typedef struct SpritesheetFrame SpritesheetStream(struct Game*, double, void*);
#define SPRITESHEET_STREAM(x) struct SpritesheetFrame x(struct Game* game, double delta, void* data)
typedef void SpritesheetStreamDestructor(struct Game*, void*);
#define SPRITESHEET_STREAM_DESCTRUCTOR(x) void x(struct Game* game, void* data)
/*! \brief Structure representing one spritesheet for character animation. */
struct Spritesheet {
char* name; /*!< Name of the spritesheet (used in file paths). */
@ -64,6 +77,9 @@ struct Spritesheet {
bool flipY;
struct SpritesheetFrame* frames;
bool shared; /*!< Marks the spritesheet bitmaps as shared, so they won't be freed together with the spritesheet. */
SpritesheetStream* stream;
SpritesheetStreamDestructor* stream_destructor;
void* stream_data;
int width;
int height;
@ -113,7 +129,7 @@ struct Character {
void* callback_data;
CharacterDestructor* destructor;
bool shared; /*!< Marks the list of spritesheets as shared, so it won't be freed together with the character. */
bool detailedProgress; /*!< Reports progress of loading individual frames. */
bool detailed_progress; /*!< Reports progress of loading individual frames. */
// TODO: document functions
@ -122,6 +138,7 @@ void SelectSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* nam
void SwitchSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name);
void EnqueueSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name);
void RegisterSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name);
void RegisterStreamedSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name, SpritesheetStream* callback, SpritesheetStreamDestructor* destructor, void* data);
void RegisterSpritesheetFromBitmap(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* bitmap);
struct Spritesheet* GetSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name);
@ -137,6 +154,7 @@ void DestroyCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character);
void LoadSpritesheets(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, void (*progress)(struct Game*));
void UnloadSpritesheets(struct Game* game, struct Character* character);
void PreloadStreamedSpritesheet(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, char* name);
void AnimateCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, float delta, float speed_modifier);
void MoveCharacter(struct Game* game, struct Character* character, float x, float y, float angle);
Reference in a new issue