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package com.minelittlepony.unicopia;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.spongepowered.include.com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.base.Suppliers;
import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.ability.magic.Affine;
import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.util.RegistryUtils;
import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.DynamicCommandExceptionType;
import net.minecraft.command.argument.RegistryKeyArgumentType;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import net.minecraft.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKey;
public record Race (Supplier<Composite> compositeSupplier, boolean canCast, FlightType flightType, boolean canUseEarth, boolean isNocturnal, boolean canHang) implements Affine {
public static final String DEFAULT_ID = "unicopia:unset";
public static final Registry<Race> REGISTRY = RegistryUtils.createDefaulted(Unicopia.id("race"), DEFAULT_ID);
public static final RegistryKey<? extends Registry<Race>> REGISTRY_KEY = REGISTRY.getKey();
private static final DynamicCommandExceptionType UNKNOWN_RACE_EXCEPTION = new DynamicCommandExceptionType(id -> Text.translatable("race.unknown", id));
public static Race register(String name, boolean magic, FlightType flight, boolean earth, boolean nocturnal, boolean canHang) {
return register(Unicopia.id(name), magic, flight, earth, nocturnal, canHang);
public static Race register(Identifier id, boolean magic, FlightType flight, boolean earth, boolean nocturnal, boolean canHang) {
return Registry.register(REGISTRY, id, new Race(Suppliers.memoize(() -> new Composite(REGISTRY.get(id), null)), magic, flight, earth, nocturnal, canHang));
public static RegistryKeyArgumentType<Race> argument() {
return RegistryKeyArgumentType.registryKey(REGISTRY_KEY);
* The default, unset race.
* This is used if there are no other races.
public static final Race UNSET = register("unset", false, FlightType.NONE, false, false, false);
public static final Race HUMAN = register("human", false, FlightType.NONE, false, false, false);
public static final Race EARTH = register("earth", false, FlightType.NONE, true, false, false);
public static final Race UNICORN = register("unicorn", true, FlightType.NONE, false, false, false);
public static final Race PEGASUS = register("pegasus", false, FlightType.AVIAN, false, false, false);
public static final Race BAT = register("bat", false, FlightType.AVIAN, false, true, true);
public static final Race ALICORN = register("alicorn", true, FlightType.AVIAN, true, false, false);
public static final Race CHANGELING = register("changeling", false, FlightType.INSECTOID, false, false, true);
public static final Race KIRIN = register("kirin", true, FlightType.NONE, false, false, false);
public static void bootstrap() {}
public Composite composite() {
return compositeSupplier.get();
public Composite composite(@Nullable Race pseudo) {
return pseudo == null ? composite() : new Composite(this, pseudo);
public Affinity getAffinity() {
return this == CHANGELING ? Affinity.BAD : Affinity.NEUTRAL;
public boolean hasIronGut() {
return !isHuman() && this != CHANGELING;
public boolean isUnset() {
return this == UNSET;
public boolean isEquine() {
return !isHuman();
public boolean isHuman() {
return this == UNSET || this == HUMAN;
public boolean isDayurnal() {
return !isNocturnal();
public boolean isOp() {
return this == ALICORN;
public boolean canFly() {
return !flightType().isGrounded();
public boolean canInteractWithClouds() {
return canFly() && this != CHANGELING && this != BAT;
public Identifier getId() {
return REGISTRY.getId(this);
public Text getDisplayName() {
return Text.translatable(getTranslationKey());
public Text getAltDisplayName() {
return Text.translatable(getTranslationKey() + ".alt");
public String getTranslationKey() {
Identifier id = getId();
return String.format("%s.race.%s", id.getNamespace(), id.getPath().toLowerCase());
public Identifier getIcon() {
Identifier id = getId();
return new Identifier(id.getNamespace(), "textures/gui/race/" + id.getPath() + ".png");
public boolean isPermitted(@Nullable PlayerEntity sender) {
Set<String> whitelist = Unicopia.getConfig().speciesWhiteList.get();
return isUnset()
|| whitelist.isEmpty()
|| whitelist.contains(getId().toString());
public Race validate(PlayerEntity sender) {
if (!isPermitted(sender)) {
if (this == EARTH) {
return HUMAN;
return EARTH.validate(sender);
return this;
public int hashCode() {
return getId().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Race race && Objects.equal(race.getId(), getId());
public String toString() {
return "Race{ " + getId().toString() + " }";
public boolean equals(String s) {
return getId().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)
|| getTranslationKey().equalsIgnoreCase(s);
public static Race fromName(String s, Race def) {
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) {
Identifier id = Identifier.tryParse(s);
if (id != null) {
if (id.getNamespace() == Identifier.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) {
id = new Identifier(Unicopia.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, id.getPath());
return REGISTRY.getOrEmpty(id).orElse(def);
return def;
public static Race fromName(String name) {
return fromName(name, EARTH);
public static Race fromArgument(CommandContext<ServerCommandSource> context, String name) throws CommandSyntaxException {
Identifier id = context.getArgument(name, RegistryKey.class).getValue();
return REGISTRY.getOrEmpty(id).orElseThrow(() -> UNKNOWN_RACE_EXCEPTION.create(id));
public static Set<Race> allPermitted(PlayerEntity player) {
return REGISTRY.stream().filter(r -> r.isPermitted(player)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public record Composite (Race physical, @Nullable Race pseudo) {
public Race collapsed() {
return pseudo == null ? physical : pseudo;
public boolean includes(Race race) {
return physical == race || pseudo == race;
public boolean any(Predicate<Race> test) {
return test.test(physical) || (pseudo != null && test.test(pseudo));
public boolean canUseEarth() {
return any(Race::canUseEarth);
public boolean canFly() {
return any(Race::canFly);
public boolean canCast() {
return any(Race::canCast);
public FlightType flightType() {
if (pseudo() == null) {
return physical().flightType();
return physical().flightType().or(pseudo().flightType());