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synced 2025-03-10 21:50:01 +01:00
Added a separate stat for magical exhaustion
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 72 additions and 31 deletions
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public class UnicornCastingAbility implements Ability<Hit> {
public void preApply(Pony player, AbilitySlot slot) {
if (getAmulet(player).getResult() == ActionResult.CONSUME) {
Vec3d eyes = player.getMaster().getCameraPosVec(1);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class UnicornProjectileAbility implements Ability<Hit> {
public void preApply(Pony player, AbilitySlot slot) {
player.spawnParticles(MagicParticleEffect.UNICORN, 5);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class JoustingSpell extends AbstractSpell implements Attached {
if (source instanceof Pony) {
return !source.getEntity().isRemoved() && age++ < 90 + 7 * (source.getLevel().get() + 1);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ManaRingSlot extends Slot {
arcBegin = renderRing(matrices, 17, 13, arcBegin, mana.getEnergy(), 0xFF002299, tickDelta);
arcBegin = renderRing(matrices, 17, 13, arcBegin, mana.getExhaustion(), 0xFF002299, tickDelta);
@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawableHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.InGameHud;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.InventoryScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.sound.PositionedSoundInstance;
import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityDimensions;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Arm;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
@ -66,32 +68,7 @@ public class UHud extends DrawableHelper {
Pony pony = Pony.of(client.player);
boolean hasEffect = client.player.hasStatusEffect(SunBlindnessStatusEffect.INSTANCE);
if (hasEffect || (pony.getSpecies() == Race.BAT && SunBlindnessStatusEffect.hasSunExposure(client.player))) {
float i = hasEffect ? (client.player.getStatusEffect(SunBlindnessStatusEffect.INSTANCE).getDuration() - tickDelta) / SunBlindnessStatusEffect.MAX_DURATION : 0;
float pulse = (1 + (float)Math.sin(client.player.age / 108F)) * 0.25F;
float strength = MathHelper.clamp(pulse + i, 0.3F, 1F);
int alpha1 = (int)(strength * 205) << 24 & -16777216;
int alpha2 = (int)(alpha1 * 0.6F);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight / 2, 0xFFFFFF | alpha1, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, scaledHeight / 2, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2, 0xFFFFFF | alpha1);
if (hasEffect) {
matrices.translate(scaledWidth, 0, 0);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, 0, scaledHeight, scaledWidth / 2, 0xFFFFFF | 0, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, scaledWidth / 2, scaledHeight, scaledWidth, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2, 0xFFFFFF | 0);
renderViewEffects(pony, matrices, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, tickDelta);
if (client.currentScreen instanceof HidesHud || client.player.isSpectator() || client.options.hudHidden) {
@ -169,6 +146,50 @@ public class UHud extends DrawableHelper {
protected void renderViewEffects(Pony pony, MatrixStack matrices, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, float tickDelta) {
boolean hasEffect = client.player.hasStatusEffect(SunBlindnessStatusEffect.INSTANCE);
if (hasEffect || (pony.getSpecies() == Race.BAT && SunBlindnessStatusEffect.hasSunExposure(client.player))) {
float i = hasEffect ? (client.player.getStatusEffect(SunBlindnessStatusEffect.INSTANCE).getDuration() - tickDelta) / SunBlindnessStatusEffect.MAX_DURATION : 0;
float pulse = (1 + (float)Math.sin(client.player.age / 108F)) * 0.25F;
float strength = MathHelper.clamp(pulse + i, 0.3F, 1F);
int alpha1 = (int)(strength * 205) << 24 & -16777216;
int alpha2 = (int)(alpha1 * 0.6F);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight / 2, 0xFFFFFF | alpha1, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, scaledHeight / 2, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2, 0xFFFFFF | alpha1);
if (hasEffect) {
matrices.translate(scaledWidth, 0, 0);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, 0, scaledHeight, scaledWidth / 2, 0xFFFFFF | 0, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, scaledWidth / 2, scaledHeight, scaledWidth, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2, 0xFFFFFF | 0);
float exhaustion = pony.getMagicalReserves().getExhaustion().getPercentFill();
if (exhaustion > 0.5F) {
if (tickDelta == 0) {
client.getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK, 1));
int alpha1 = 205 << 24 & -16777216;
int alpha2 = (int)(alpha1 * 0.6F);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight / 2, 0xFFFFFF | alpha1, 0x000000 | alpha2);
fillGradient(matrices, 0, scaledHeight / 2, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 0xFFFFFF | alpha2, 0x000000 | alpha1);
public void setMessage(Text message) {
this.message = message;
this.messageTime = 60;
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ public class RaceChangeStatusEffect extends StatusEffect {
MagicReserves magic = pony.getMagicalReserves();
if (state.shouldShowParticles()) {
pony.spawnParticles(ParticleTypes.TOTEM_OF_UNDYING, 5);
@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ public interface MagicReserves {
Bar getEnergy();
* Gets the amount of fatigue induced by using magic.
Bar getExhaustion();
* Gets the amount of magical energy the player has.
* This is increases slowly with time by performing certain actions.
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ public class ManaContainer implements MagicReserves, Tickable {
private final Pony pony;
private final BarInst energy;
private final BarInst exhaustion;
private final BarInst exertion;
private final BarInst mana;
private final BarInst xp;
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ public class ManaContainer implements MagicReserves, Tickable {
public ManaContainer(Pony pony) {
this.pony = pony;
this.energy = new BarInst(Pony.ENERGY, 100F, 0);
this.exhaustion = new BarInst(Pony.EXHAUSTION, 100F, 0);
this.exertion = new BarInst(Pony.EXERTION, 10F, 0);
this.xp = new BarInst(Pony.XP, 1, 0);
this.mana = new XpCollectingBar(Pony.MANA, 100F, 100F);
@ -26,6 +28,11 @@ public class ManaContainer implements MagicReserves, Tickable {
return exertion;
public Bar getExhaustion() {
return exhaustion;
public Bar getEnergy() {
return energy;
@ -56,6 +63,12 @@ public class ManaContainer implements MagicReserves, Tickable {
if (exhaustion.get() > 5) {
} else {
if (!pony.getSpecies().canFly() || !pony.getPhysics().isFlying()) {
if (mana.getShadowFill() <= mana.getPercentFill()) {
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.2) {
pony.getMagicalReserves().getEnergy().add(2 + (int)(getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 5));
pony.getMagicalReserves().getExhaustion().add(2 + (int)(getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 50));
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.1 && ticksInAir % 10 == 0) {
float exhaustion = (0.3F * ticksInAir) / 70;
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ public class Pony extends Living<PlayerEntity> implements Transmittable, Copieab
private static final TrackedData<Integer> RACE = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.INTEGER);
static final TrackedData<Float> ENERGY = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.FLOAT);
static final TrackedData<Float> EXHAUSTION = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.FLOAT);
static final TrackedData<Float> EXERTION = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.FLOAT);
static final TrackedData<Float> MANA = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.FLOAT);
static final TrackedData<Float> XP = DataTracker.registerData(PlayerEntity.class, TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.FLOAT);
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