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synced 2025-03-03 16:51:28 +01:00
Revamp the tribe selection screen so it can handle more options
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 138 additions and 52 deletions
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ public class TextBlock extends Label {
public TextBlock(int x, int y, int width) {
super(x, y);
this.maxWidth = width;
this.render(null, x, y, width);
public Bounds getBounds() {
Bounds bounds = super.getBounds();
bounds.height = getFont().wrapLines(getStyle().getText(), maxWidth).size() * getFont().fontHeight;
bounds.width = 0;
return bounds;
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ public class TribeButton extends Button {
MinecraftClient mc = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, getX() - 3, getY() - 13, 0, 0, 76, 69);
if (isHovered()) {
if (isSelected()) {
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, getX() - 4, getY() - 14, 76, 0, 78, 71);
if (hovered && screenWidth > 0) {
if (isFocused() && screenWidth > 0) {
Identifier id = Race.REGISTRY.getId(race);
context.drawCenteredTextWithShadow(getFont(), Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.describe." + id.getNamespace() + "." + id.getPath()), screenWidth / 2, getY() + height, 0xFFFFFFFF);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class TribeButton extends Button {
int foreColor = getStyle().getColor();
if (!active) {
foreColor = 10526880;
} else if (isHovered()) {
} else if (isSelected()) {
foreColor = 16777120;
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.client.gui;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.GameGui;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.ScrollContainer;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.element.Button;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.element.Label;
import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.Race;
@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
private final BooleanConsumer callback;
private final ScrollContainer textBody = new ScrollContainer();
public TribeConfirmationScreen(BooleanConsumer callback, Race selection) {
this.callback = callback;
@ -25,12 +28,26 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
protected void init() {
final int columnHeight = 167;
final int columnWidth = 310;
final int padding = 15;
int top = (height - columnHeight) / 2;
int left = (width - columnWidth) / 2 + 8;
int maxWidth = 295;
textBody.verticalScrollbar.layoutToEnd = true;
textBody.margin.top = top + 43;
textBody.margin.left = left;
textBody.margin.right = width - (left + maxWidth);
textBody.margin.bottom = height - (textBody.margin.top + 130);
textBody.getContentPadding().top = 10;
textBody.getContentPadding().left = 8;
textBody.getContentPadding().bottom = 100;
textBody.getContentPadding().right = 0;
addDrawableChild(new Button(width / 2 + 5, top + columnHeight + padding, 100, 20))
.onClick(b -> callback.accept(true))
@ -42,38 +59,40 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
addDrawable(new Label(width / 2, top - 30).setCentered()).getStyle().setText(Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm", selection.getDisplayName().copy().formatted(Formatting.YELLOW)));
addDrawable(new TribeButton((width - 70) / 2, top, 0, selection));
top += 43;
private void buildTextBody() {
int top = 0;
int left = (width - columnWidth) / 2 + padding;
int left = 0;
Text race = selection.getAltDisplayName().copy().formatted(Formatting.YELLOW);
addDrawable(new Label(left - 3, top += 10)).getStyle().setText(Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods", race).formatted(Formatting.YELLOW));
textBody.addButton(new Label(left - 3, top += 10)).getStyle().setText(Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods", race).formatted(Formatting.YELLOW));
top += 15;
int maxWidth = 280;
int maxWidth = 270;
Identifier id = Race.REGISTRY.getId(selection);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
String key = String.format("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.%d.%s.%s", i, id.getNamespace(), id.getPath());
if (Language.getInstance().hasTranslation(key)) {
TextBlock block = addDrawable(new TextBlock(left, top, maxWidth));
TextBlock block = textBody.addButton(new TextBlock(left, top, maxWidth));
top += block.getBounds().height;
addDrawable(new Label(left - 3, top += 5)).getStyle().setText(Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads", race).formatted(Formatting.YELLOW));
textBody.addButton(new Label(left - 3, top += 5)).getStyle().setText(Text.translatable("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads", race).formatted(Formatting.YELLOW));
top += 15;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
String key = String.format("gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.%d.%s.%s", i, id.getNamespace(), id.getPath());
if (Language.getInstance().hasTranslation(key)) {
TextBlock block = addDrawable(new TextBlock(left, top, maxWidth));
TextBlock block = textBody.addButton(new TextBlock(left, top, maxWidth));
top += block.getBounds().height;
@ -91,7 +110,7 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
int top = (height - columnHeight) / 2;
int left = (width - columnWidth) / 2;
top += 25;
top += 40;
final int zOffset = 0;
@ -106,12 +125,16 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
left = width / 2;
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, left - 55, top, 140, 70, 21, 50);
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, left - 35, top, 10, 70, 69, 50);
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, left + 35, top, 148, 70, 21, 50);
textBody.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
context.getMatrices().translate(0, 0, 2);
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, left - 35, top - 5, 10, 70, 69, 50);
context.drawTexture(TribeSelectionScreen.TEXTURE, left - 35, top - 15, 10, 70, 69, 50);
super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
@ -122,7 +145,11 @@ public class TribeConfirmationScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) {
return true;
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ENTER) {
return true;
return super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers);
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.client.gui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.GameGui;
import com.minelittlepony.common.client.gui.element.Label;
import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.Race;
@ -14,6 +17,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
public class TribeSelectionScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
static final Identifier TEXTURE = Unicopia.id("textures/gui/tribe_selection.png");
@ -25,6 +29,13 @@ public class TribeSelectionScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
private boolean finished;
private final List<TribeButton> options = new ArrayList<>();
private static int SELECTION = -1;
private int prevScrollPosition;
private int scrollPosition;
private int targetScroll;
public TribeSelectionScreen(Set<Race> allowedRaces, String baseString) {
this.allowedRaces = allowedRaces;
@ -52,33 +63,26 @@ public class TribeSelectionScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
top += block.getBounds().height;
top += 30;
final int itemWidth = 70 + 10;
List<Race> options = Race.REGISTRY.stream().filter(race -> race.availability().isSelectable()).toList();
int columns = Math.min(width / itemWidth, options.size());
int x = (width - (columns * itemWidth)) / 2;
int y = top;
int column = 0;
int row = 0;
for (Race race : options) {
addOption(race, x + (column * itemWidth), y + (row * itemWidth));
if (column >= columns) {
column = 0;
addOption(race, top);
top = height - 20;
if (SELECTION == -1) {
SELECTION = options.size() / 2;
scroll(SELECTION, false);
private void addOption(Race race, int x, int y) {
addDrawableChild(new TribeButton(x, y, width, race)).onClick(b -> {
private void addOption(Race race, int y) {
var option = new TribeButton(0, y, width, race);
int index = options.size();
option.onClick(b -> {
finished = true;
scroll(index, false);
client.setScreen(new TribeConfirmationScreen(result -> {
finished = false;
@ -92,8 +96,32 @@ public class TribeSelectionScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
public void tick() {
prevScrollPosition = scrollPosition;
if (scrollPosition < targetScroll) {
if (scrollPosition > targetScroll) {
private void updateScolling() {
final int itemWidth = 70 + 10;
int x = (width - itemWidth) / 2;
float diff = MathHelper.lerp(client.getTickDelta(), prevScrollPosition, scrollPosition) / 8F;
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {
var option = options.get(i);
option.setX((int)(x + (i - diff) * itemWidth));
option.setFocused(i == SELECTION);
public void render(DrawContext context, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
@ -104,6 +132,33 @@ public class TribeSelectionScreen extends GameGui implements HidesHud {
public boolean keyPressed(int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers) {
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT) {
scroll(Math.max(SELECTION - 1, 0), true);
return true;
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT) {
scroll(Math.min(SELECTION + 1, options.size() - 1), true);
return true;
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ENTER) {
return super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers);
private void scroll(int target, boolean animate) {
SELECTION = target;
targetScroll = SELECTION * 8;
if (!animate) {
scrollPosition = targetScroll;
prevScrollPosition = scrollPosition;
public boolean shouldCloseOnEsc() {
return false;
@ -535,12 +535,14 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.human": " - Are omnivores and can eat all types of food except for love",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.human": " - Opposable thumbs",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.human": " - Walking upright",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.human": "",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.earth": " - Stronger knockback and resistance to magic",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.earth": " - Have extra weight makes them effective against magic and brute force",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.earth": " - A special connection to the earth that makes farming 10,000% more effective!",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.earth": " - Cute floppy pony ears",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.earth": " - Has powerful punches, kicks, and stomps that they can use to defend or attack their environment",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.5.unicopia.earth": " - Is the only one that can hug creepers and survive",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.6.unicopia.earth": " - Can eat rocks",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.7.unicopia.earth": " - Cute floppy pony ears",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.unicorn": " - Teleportation and magic spells",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.unicorn": " - Research and craft magical artefacts that enhance their abilities",
@ -550,7 +552,8 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.pegasus": " - Flight and the ability to train to build endurace",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.pegasus": " - Use stored mana to dash in short bursts or build it up to perform a powerful rainboom",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.pegasus": " - Moves faster and takes less fall damage",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.pegasus": " - Can eat vegetables and certain types of fish",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.pegasus": " - Can interact directly with cloud items and blocks",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.5.unicopia.pegasus": " - Can eat vegetables and certain types of fish",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.bat": " - Flight and the ability to train to build endurance",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.bat": " - Sees better in the night",
@ -559,8 +562,8 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.changeling": " - Able to fly and hover in place",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.changeling": " - Shapeshift and morph into nearly anyone or anyling",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.changeling": " - Is carnivorous. Can eat anything that doesn't make them sick",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.changeling": "",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.changeling": " - Sticks to walls and can climb over almost enything",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.changeling": " - Is carnivorous. Can eat anything that doesn't make them sick",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.kirin": " - Immune to all types of fire damage",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.kirin": " - Can unlock a rage ability by taking damage",
@ -570,18 +573,21 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Flight and the ability to train to build endurance",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Can dash whilst flying",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Has a sharp and noisy beak for screeching and pecking",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Loves stairs, fish, and meat, but mostly stairs",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Can eat raw and cooked fish, cooked meat",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.5.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Heals extra hearts when eating pinecones",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.6.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Loves stairs",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads": "but they...",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.human": " - Have no magical abilities what-so-ever",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.human": " - Need an Elytra to fly",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.human": " - Needs an Elytra to fly",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.human": " - Must grow food the old fashioned way, through hard work and manual labour",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.human": " - No floppy ears",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.earth": " - Cannot fly",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.earth": " - Are weak to certain types of magic",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.earth": " - Can only eat plants and vegetables",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.earth": " - Heavier and moves slower than the other ponies",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.unicorn": " - Cannot fly",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.unicorn": " - Are weak to brute force attacks",
@ -590,17 +596,15 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.pegasus": " - Light weight makes them the weakest to brute force",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.pegasus": " - Must rest between flights to regain their strength",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.pegasus": " - Cannot use magic without aid from others",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.pegasus": "",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.bat": " - Light weight makes them weak to brute force attacks",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.bat": " - Must rest between flights to regain their strength",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.bat": " - Is sometimes scared of even themselves",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.bat": " - Is carnivorous. Can eat anything that doesn't make them sick",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.bat": " - Is carnivorous. Can eat raw and cooked meat, or sustain themselved purely on stolen love.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.changeling": " - Are always starving",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.changeling": " - Requires love, collected from ponies or other hostile mobs to subsidise their diet",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.changeling": " - Becomes sick from eating regular food and must eat love to hasten a cure",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.changeling": "",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.changeling": " - Becomes sick from eating most regular food and must harvest love to hasten a cure",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.kirin": " - Are no longer quiet whilst raging",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.kirin": " - Has a tendency to burn things, especially when close to raging",
@ -608,9 +612,9 @@
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.kirin": " - Doesn't like water",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Weak to brute force attacks",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Must rest between flights to regain their strength",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Has a bird brain",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.hippogriff": "",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Cannot interact with clouds",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Must rest between flights to regain their strength",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.hippogriff": " - Has a bird brain",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.join": "Join Tribe",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.cancel": "Go Back",
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