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synced 2025-03-22 11:07:13 +01:00
Clean up the player physics a little
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 203 additions and 189 deletions
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound;
import net.minecraft.particle.ParticleTypes;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundCategory;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvent;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
@ -103,6 +104,32 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
return pony.getInterpolator().interpolate("wingSpreadAmount", spreadAmount, 10);
private FlightType getFlightType() {
if (UItems.PEGASUS_AMULET.isApplicable(entity)) {
return FlightType.ARTIFICIAL;
return pony.getSpellSlot().get(true)
.filter(effect -> !effect.isDead() && effect instanceof FlightType.Provider)
.map(effect -> ((FlightType.Provider)effect).getFlightType(pony))
private void cancelFlight() {
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
isFlyingEither = false;
isFlyingSurvival = false;
private void playSound(SoundEvent event, float volume, float pitch) {
entity.world.playSoundFromEntity(null, entity, event, entity.getSoundCategory(), volume, pitch);
private double getHorizontalMotion(Entity e) {
return e.getPos().subtract(lastPos).horizontalLengthSquared();
public void tick() {
@ -121,8 +148,6 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
boolean creative = entity.getAbilities().creativeMode || entity.isSpectator();
FlightType type = getFlightType();
if (type != lastFlightType && (lastFlightType.isArtifical() || type.isArtifical())) {
@ -133,6 +158,8 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
entity.getAbilities().allowFlying = type.canFlyCreative(entity);
boolean creative = entity.getAbilities().creativeMode || entity.isSpectator();
if (!creative) {
entity.getAbilities().flying |= (type.canFly() || entity.getAbilities().allowFlying) && isFlyingEither;
if (!type.canFly() && (type != lastFlightType)) {
@ -145,29 +172,17 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
|| (entity.verticalCollision && (pony.getSpecies() != Race.BAT || velocity.y < 0))) {
if (entity.getAbilities().flying && entity.horizontalCollision) {
handleWallCollission(entity, velocity);
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
isFlyingSurvival = entity.getAbilities().flying && !creative;
isFlyingEither = isFlyingSurvival || (creative && entity.getAbilities().flying);
lastFlightType = type;
isFlyingSurvival = entity.getAbilities().flying && !creative;
isFlyingEither = isFlyingSurvival || (creative && entity.getAbilities().flying);
if (isGravityNegative()) {
if (entity.isOnGround() || (!creative && entity.horizontalCollision)) {
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
isFlyingEither = false;
isFlyingSurvival = false;
if (entity.isClimbing() && (entity.horizontalCollision || ((Jumper)entity).isJumping())) {
@ -175,9 +190,12 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
lastFlightType = type;
isFlyingSurvival = entity.getAbilities().flying && !creative;
isFlyingEither = isFlyingSurvival || (creative && entity.getAbilities().flying);
if (type.canFly()) {
if (isFlying()) {
if (pony.getSpecies() == Race.BAT && entity.verticalCollision && pony.canHangAt(pony.getOrigin().up(2))) {
EntityAttributeInstance attr = entity.getAttributeInstance(PlayerAttributes.ENTITY_GRAVTY_MODIFIER);
@ -189,117 +207,12 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
if (type.isArtifical()) {
if (ticksInAir % 10 == 0 && !entity.world.isClient) {
ItemStack stack = entity.getEquippedStack(EquipmentSlot.CHEST);
int damageInterval = 20;
int minDamage = 1;
float energyConsumed = 2 + (float)getHorizontalMotion(entity) / 10F;
if (entity.world.hasRain(entity.getBlockPos())) {
energyConsumed *= 3;
if (entity.world.getDimension().isUltrawarm()) {
energyConsumed *= 4;
damageInterval /= 2;
minDamage *= 3;
AmuletItem.consumeEnergy(stack, energyConsumed);
if (AmuletItem.getEnergy(stack) < 9) {
entity.world.playSoundFromEntity(null, entity, SoundEvents.BLOCK_CHAIN_STEP, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 0.13F, 0.5F);
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(damageInterval) == 0) {
stack.damage(minDamage + entity.world.random.nextInt(50), entity, e -> e.sendEquipmentBreakStatus(EquipmentSlot.CHEST));
if (!getFlightType().canFly()) {
entity.world.playSoundFromEntity(null, entity, SoundEvents.ITEM_SHIELD_BREAK, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1, 2);
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
isFlyingEither = false;
isFlyingSurvival = false;
} else {
int level = pony.getLevel().get() + 1;
if (ticksInAir > (level * 100)) {
Bar mana = pony.getMagicalReserves().getMana();
float cost = (float)-getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 20F / level;
if (entity.isSneaking()) {
cost /= 10;
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.2) {
pony.getMagicalReserves().getEnergy().add(2 + (int)(getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 5));
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.1 && ticksInAir % 10 == 0) {
float exhaustion = (0.3F * ticksInAir) / 70;
if (entity.isSprinting()) {
exhaustion *= 3.11F;
entity.fallDistance = 0;
if (type.isAvian()) {
applyThrust(entity, velocity);
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(9000) == 0) {
moveFlying(entity, velocity);
if (entity.world.hasRain(entity.getBlockPos())) {
applyTurbulance(entity, velocity);
if (type.isAvian()) {
if (entity.world.isClient && ticksInAir % 20 == 0 && entity.getVelocity().length() < 0.29) {
entity.playSound(getFlightType().getWingFlapSound(), 0.5F, 1);
thrustScale = 1;
velocity.y -= 0.02 * getGravitySignum();
velocity.x *= 0.9896;
velocity.z *= 0.9896;
tickFlight(type, velocity);
} else {
ticksInAir = 0;
if (!creative && type.isAvian()) {
double horMotion = getHorizontalMotion(entity);
double motion = entity.getPos().subtract(lastPos).lengthSquared();
boolean takeOffCondition = velocity.y > 0
&& (horMotion > 0.2 || (motion > 0.2 && velocity.y < -0.02 * getGravitySignum()));
boolean fallingTakeOffCondition = !entity.isOnGround() && velocity.y < -1.6 * getGravitySignum();
if (takeOffCondition || fallingTakeOffCondition) {
entity.getAbilities().flying = true;
isFlyingEither = true;
isFlyingSurvival = true;
if (!isGravityNegative()) {
velocity.y += horMotion + 0.3;
applyThrust(entity, velocity);
velocity.x *= 0.2;
velocity.z *= 0.2;
@ -322,74 +235,195 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
protected void handleWallCollission(PlayerEntity player, MutableVector velocity) {
private void tickFlight(FlightType type, MutableVector velocity) {
if (type.isArtifical()) {
} else {
entity.fallDistance = 0;
if (type.isAvian()) {
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(9000) == 0) {
if (entity.world.hasRain(entity.getBlockPos())) {
if (type.isAvian()) {
if (entity.world.isClient && ticksInAir % 20 == 0 && entity.getVelocity().length() < 0.29) {
entity.playSound(getFlightType().getWingFlapSound(), 0.5F, 1);
thrustScale = 1;
velocity.y -= 0.02 * getGravitySignum();
velocity.x *= 0.9896;
velocity.z *= 0.9896;
private void tickArtificialFlight(MutableVector velocity) {
if (ticksInAir % 10 == 0 && !entity.world.isClient) {
ItemStack stack = entity.getEquippedStack(EquipmentSlot.CHEST);
int damageInterval = 20;
int minDamage = 1;
float energyConsumed = 2 + (float)getHorizontalMotion(entity) / 10F;
if (entity.world.hasRain(entity.getBlockPos())) {
energyConsumed *= 3;
if (entity.world.getDimension().isUltrawarm()) {
energyConsumed *= 4;
damageInterval /= 2;
minDamage *= 3;
AmuletItem.consumeEnergy(stack, energyConsumed);
if (AmuletItem.getEnergy(stack) < 9) {
playSound(SoundEvents.BLOCK_CHAIN_STEP, 0.13F, 0.5F);
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(damageInterval) == 0) {
stack.damage(minDamage + entity.world.random.nextInt(50), entity, e -> e.sendEquipmentBreakStatus(EquipmentSlot.CHEST));
if (!getFlightType().canFly()) {
playSound(SoundEvents.ITEM_SHIELD_BREAK, 1, 2);
private void tickNaturalFlight(MutableVector velocity) {
int level = pony.getLevel().get() + 1;
if (ticksInAir > (level * 100)) {
Bar mana = pony.getMagicalReserves().getMana();
float cost = (float)-getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 20F / level;
if (entity.isSneaking()) {
cost /= 10;
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.2) {
pony.getMagicalReserves().getEnergy().add(2 + (int)(getHorizontalMotion(entity) * 5));
if (mana.getPercentFill() < 0.1 && ticksInAir % 10 == 0) {
float exhaustion = (0.3F * ticksInAir) / 70;
if (entity.isSprinting()) {
exhaustion *= 3.11F;
private void checkAvianTakeoffConditions(MutableVector velocity) {
double horMotion = getHorizontalMotion(entity);
double motion = entity.getPos().subtract(lastPos).lengthSquared();
boolean takeOffCondition = velocity.y > 0
&& (horMotion > 0.2 || (motion > 0.2 && velocity.y < -0.02 * getGravitySignum()));
boolean fallingTakeOffCondition = !entity.isOnGround() && velocity.y < -1.6 * getGravitySignum();
if (takeOffCondition || fallingTakeOffCondition) {
entity.getAbilities().flying = true;
isFlyingEither = true;
isFlyingSurvival = true;
if (!isGravityNegative()) {
velocity.y += horMotion + 0.3;
velocity.x *= 0.2;
velocity.z *= 0.2;
private void handleWallCollission(MutableVector velocity) {
if (wallHitCooldown > 0) {
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(player.getCameraPosVec(1).add(player.getRotationVec(1).normalize().multiply(2)));
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(entity.getCameraPosVec(1).add(entity.getRotationVec(1).normalize().multiply(2)));
BlockState state = player.world.getBlockState(pos);
BlockState state = entity.world.getBlockState(pos);
if (!player.world.isAir(pos) && Block.isFaceFullSquare(state.getCollisionShape(player.world, pos), player.getHorizontalFacing().getOpposite())) {
double motion = Math.sqrt(getHorizontalMotion(player));
if (!entity.world.isAir(pos) && Block.isFaceFullSquare(state.getCollisionShape(entity.world, pos), entity.getHorizontalFacing().getOpposite())) {
double motion = Math.sqrt(getHorizontalMotion(entity));
float distance = (float)(motion * 20 - 3);
float bouncyness = EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.PADDED, player) * 6;
float bouncyness = EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.PADDED, entity) * 6;
if (distance > 0) {
wallHitCooldown = 30;
if (bouncyness > 0) {
player.world.playSoundFromEntity(null, player, USounds.ENTITY_PLAYER_REBOUND, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1, 1);
ProjectileUtil.ricochet(player, Vec3d.of(pos), 0.4F + Math.min(2, bouncyness / 18F));
playSound(USounds.ENTITY_PLAYER_REBOUND, 1, 1);
ProjectileUtil.ricochet(entity, Vec3d.of(pos), 0.4F + Math.min(2, bouncyness / 18F));
distance /= bouncyness;
} else {
player.world.playSoundFromEntity(null, player, distance > 4 ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_SMALL_FALL, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1, 1);
//player.playSound(distance > 4 ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_SMALL_FALL, 1, 1);
playSound(distance > 4 ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_SMALL_FALL, 1, 1);
player.damage(DamageSource.FLY_INTO_WALL, distance);
entity.damage(DamageSource.FLY_INTO_WALL, distance);
protected void moveFlying(PlayerEntity player, MutableVector velocity) {
double motion = getHorizontalMotion(player);
private void moveFlying(MutableVector velocity) {
double motion = getHorizontalMotion(entity);
float forward = 0.000015F * (1 + (pony.getLevel().get() / 10F)) * (float)Math.sqrt(motion);
// vertical drop due to gravity
forward += 0.005F;
velocity.x += - forward * MathHelper.sin(player.getYaw() * 0.017453292F);
velocity.x += - forward * MathHelper.sin(entity.getYaw() * 0.017453292F);
velocity.y -= (0.01F / Math.max(motion * 100, 1)) * getGravityModifier();
velocity.z += forward * MathHelper.cos(player.getYaw() * 0.017453292F);
velocity.z += forward * MathHelper.cos(entity.getYaw() * 0.017453292F);
protected void applyThrust(PlayerEntity player, MutableVector velocity) {
if (pony.sneakingChanged() && player.isSneaking()) {
private void applyThrust(MutableVector velocity) {
if (pony.sneakingChanged() && entity.isSneaking()) {
thrustScale = 1;
player.playSound(getFlightType().getWingFlapSound(), 0.5F, 1);
entity.playSound(getFlightType().getWingFlapSound(), 0.5F, 1);
} else {
thrustScale *= 0.1889F;
float heavyness = EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.HEAVY, player) / 6F;
float heavyness = EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.HEAVY, entity) / 6F;
float thrustStrength = 0.135F * thrustScale;
if (heavyness > 0) {
thrustStrength /= heavyness;
Vec3d direction = player.getRotationVec(1).normalize().multiply(thrustStrength);
Vec3d direction = entity.getRotationVec(1).normalize().multiply(thrustStrength);
velocity.x += direction.x;
velocity.z += direction.z;
velocity.y += (direction.y * 2.45 + Math.abs(direction.y) * 10) * getGravitySignum() - heavyness / 5F;
if (player.isSneaking()) {
if (entity.isSneaking()) {
if (!isGravityNegative()) {
velocity.y += 0.4 - 0.25;
@ -401,70 +435,50 @@ public class PlayerPhysics extends EntityPhysics<PlayerEntity> implements Tickab
protected void applyTurbulance(PlayerEntity player, MutableVector velocity) {
float glance = 360 * player.world.random.nextFloat();
float forward = 0.015F * player.world.random.nextFloat() * player.world.getRainGradient(1);
private void applyTurbulance(MutableVector velocity) {
float glance = 360 * entity.world.random.nextFloat();
float forward = 0.015F * entity.world.random.nextFloat() * entity.world.getRainGradient(1);
if (player.world.random.nextInt(30) == 0) {
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(30) == 0) {
forward *= 10;
if (player.world.random.nextInt(30) == 0) {
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(30) == 0) {
forward *= 10;
if (player.world.random.nextInt(40) == 0) {
if (entity.world.random.nextInt(40) == 0) {
forward *= 100;
if (player.world.isThundering() && player.world.random.nextInt(60) == 0) {
if (entity.world.isThundering() && entity.world.random.nextInt(60) == 0) {
velocity.y += forward * 3 * getGravitySignum();
if (forward >= 1) {
player.world.playSound(null, player.getBlockPos(), USounds.AMBIENT_WIND_GUST, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, 3, 1);
entity.world.playSound(null, entity.getBlockPos(), USounds.AMBIENT_WIND_GUST, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, 3, 1);
forward = Math.min(forward, 7);
forward /= 1 + (EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.HEAVY, player) * 0.8F);
forward /= 1 + (EnchantmentHelper.getEquipmentLevel(UEnchantments.HEAVY, entity) * 0.8F);
velocity.x += - forward * MathHelper.sin((player.getYaw() + glance) * 0.017453292F);
velocity.z += forward * MathHelper.cos((player.getYaw() + glance) * 0.017453292F);
velocity.x += - forward * MathHelper.sin((entity.getYaw() + glance) * 0.017453292F);
velocity.z += forward * MathHelper.cos((entity.getYaw() + glance) * 0.017453292F);
if (!player.world.isClient && player.world.isThundering() && player.world.random.nextInt(9000) == 0) {
LightningEntity lightning = EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT.create(player.world);
lightning.refreshPositionAfterTeleport(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ());
if (!entity.world.isClient && entity.world.isThundering() && entity.world.random.nextInt(9000) == 0) {
LightningEntity lightning = EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT.create(entity.world);
lightning.refreshPositionAfterTeleport(entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getZ());
protected double getHorizontalMotion(Entity e) {
return e.getPos().subtract(lastPos).horizontalLengthSquared();
private FlightType getFlightType() {
if (UItems.PEGASUS_AMULET.isApplicable(entity)) {
return FlightType.ARTIFICIAL;
return pony.getSpellSlot().get(true)
.filter(effect -> !effect.isDead() && effect instanceof FlightType.Provider)
.map(effect -> ((FlightType.Provider)effect).getFlightType(pony))
public void updateFlightStat(boolean flying) {
* Called when a player's species changes to update whether they can fly or not
public void updateFlightState() {
FlightType type = getFlightType();
entity.getAbilities().allowFlying = type.canFlyCreative(entity);
if (type.canFly() || entity.getAbilities().allowFlying) {
entity.getAbilities().flying |= flying;
isFlyingSurvival = entity.getAbilities().flying;
} else {
entity.getAbilities().flying = false;
isFlyingSurvival = false;
entity.getAbilities().flying &= type.canFly() || entity.getAbilities().allowFlying;
isFlyingSurvival = entity.getAbilities().flying;
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class Pony extends Living<PlayerEntity> implements Transmittable, Copieab
entity.getDataTracker().set(RACE, race.ordinal());
Add table
Reference in a new issue