"spell.unicopia.light.lore":"Summons multiple small lights to follow the caster",
"spell.unicopia.awkward.lore":"Unstable magics",
"spell.unicopia.transformation.lore":"Transforms the target into something else",
"spell.unicopia.feather_fall":"Feather Fall",
"spell.unicopia.feather_fall.lore":"Slows the descent of the caster and surrounding allies",
"spell.unicopia.catapult.lore":"Grabs a nearby block or entity and throws it into the air",
"spell.unicopia.dispel_evil":"Dispel Evil",
"spell.unicopia.dispel_evil.lore":"Casts away any nearby unearthly forces",
"trait.unicopia.strength.description":"Imparts physical strength or enhances endurance.\nSpells with more of the strength trait hit harder and last longer.",
"trait.unicopia.focus.description":"Narrows a spell to focus its energy more effectively.\nAdding the focus trait to spells will decrease the cost of its effects whilst extending its range to more targets in cases of multi-target spells.",
"trait.unicopia.knowledge.description":"A mechanical harvest born of machinery and technology.\nSome spells require a little...ingenuity.",
"trait.unicopia.famine.description":"You are consumed by an overwhelming hunger. A hunger for power.",
"trait.unicopia.happiness.description":"Complemented by the Element of Harmony, wants nothing more than to bring happiness into this world.",
"trait.unicopia.kindness.description":"Complemented by the Element of Harmony and the Element of Laughter, wants nothing more than to bring happiness into this world.",
"trait.unicopia.generosity.description":"Causes a spell to favor others over the caster.\nCan be used to increase range and power, but to the detriment to the caster.\n\nComplemented by the Element of Harmony and the Element of Kindness.\nSpells with this trait are better suited to lending aid to those in need.",
"trait.unicopia.rot.description":"Death and destruction enter this world. All will die, all must die. It has been written and so shall it be.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.respawn.journey":"But the end is not all, for at the end of every end is another beginning.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.respawn.choice":"Choose wisely, for the choice you make now will change the world around you and the paths you may take.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.welcome":"Select Your Tribe",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.welcome.journey":"A journey into magic and adventure awaits, traveller! But before you go, you must select your path.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.welcome.choice":"Choose wisely, for the choice you make now will change the world around you and the paths you may take.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.preference":"Your current preferred tribe is set to %s.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.1.unicopia.earth":" - Stronger knockback and resistance to magic",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.earth":" - Have extra weight makes them effective against magic and brute force",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.earth":" - A special connection to the earth that makes farming 10,000% more effective!",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.earth":" - Has powerful punches, kicks, and stomps that they can use to defend or attack their environment",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.pegasus":" - Use stored mana to dash in short bursts or build it up to perform a powerful rainboom",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.2.unicopia.kirin":" - Can unlock a rage ability by taking damage",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.3.unicopia.kirin":" - Is silent in their default state, and can move freely around the warden",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.goods.4.unicopia.kirin":" - Can eat fruits and vegetables, red meats, and some foraged items normally toxic to other races",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.bat":" - Is carnivorous. Can eat raw and cooked meat, or sustain themselves purely on stolen love.",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.changeling":" - Requires love, collected from ponies or other hostile mobs to subsidize their diet",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.changeling":" - Becomes sick from eating most regular food and must harvest love to hasten a cure",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.kirin":" - Are no longer quiet whilst raging",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.kirin":" - Has a tendency to burn things, especially when close to raging",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.kirin":" - Lighter than other ponies, and might take increased knockback",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.kirin":" - Doesn't like water",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.1.unicopia.hippogriff":" - Weak to brute force attacks",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.2.unicopia.hippogriff":" - Cannot interact with clouds",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.3.unicopia.hippogriff":" - Must rest between flights to regain their strength",
"gui.unicopia.tribe_selection.confirm.bads.4.unicopia.hippogriff":" - Has a bird brain",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p1.body":"To whomever holds this tome, beware what you seek for you might not like what you find. §kHither yonder equs§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p2.title":"Ch.1 Magic in Equestria",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p2.body":"Equestria is filled with magic of all different shapes and forms. Following recent events, however, it's has become plainly obvious that we do not fully understand all that there is about the world of Equestria. That is why the crown has tasked me with researching Magic in all of its forms, so we might utilise it and, I hope, save ourselves from the §kdiscordic assault§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p3.title":"1st Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p3.2.body":"These 'Gemstones' as the locals call them are a common material found around the world. Farm-Ponies dig them up all the time and consider it a local delicacy, but I believe these stones are capable of a lot more than they let on.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p4.1.body":"My research is still incomplete but I may have stumbled upon something. These stones have high magical potentia! More than I've ever seen before!",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p4.2.body":"§mLuna wants-§r I'm going to keep experimenting. Hooves-crossed, I'll update you tomorrow if I find anything.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p5.title":"2nd Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p5.1.body":"It worked! Holy §kCelestia's ass-cheeks'§r it actually worked!",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p5.2.body":"This is amazing! These can do so much more than I could have ever imagined. Think of the advances I could bring to Equestria. Gem-powered lighting, heating, cooling, I'd no longer have to spend summer sitting on this-",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p5.3.body":"I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p6.1.body":"I drew a guide at the start of this book to help with the placement.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p6.2.body":"Put a raw gem-it mustn't have any spells already-in the middle and place materials around it in the slots I marked.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p6.3.body":"Each material gives different effects and putting them closer enhances their influence on the gem.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p7.title":"3rd Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p7.1.body":"I'm going to start documenting spell combinations as I find them. Some of them are pretty obvious, like gem + fire = fire gem.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p7.2.body":"But some are less clear. For instance, what traits would an egg add? Much experimenting is needed. Oh, I'm giddy with excitement!",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p8.1.body":"Not every combination works. What's disappointing is now I have all these useless stones piling up in my chambers.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p8.2.body":"I don't know what to do with them. They're not edible. At least the locals don't think so.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p8.3.body":"They do still have the traits I gave them, so maybe I can find a use other than building a rock-fort with little Luna...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p9.title":"13th Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p9.1.body":"Sorry for the long delay in updates. I've been hard at work researching different spells and deciding my approach.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.introduction.p9.2.body":"Fire is becoming a very interesting aspect, what with traits for it being readily available.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p1.title":"Ch.2 Fire Magic",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p2.1.body":"It took me longer than I anticipated, nearly a month! Hah! But I present to you, dear reader, my findings for the first elementary form of magic: FIRE.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p2.2.body":"It's a working title, okay?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.scorch.1.body":"Simple and to the point, Scorch does exactly what you'd think. By imbuing a gem with the fire trait, one can induce it to glow and become hot to the touch.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.scorch.2.body":"The effect becomes stronger the more fire you load it with, but take care not to overload it, as it may become volatile.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.flame.1.body":"Creates a heating affect up to a radius of 3 hooves from any surfaces it touches.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.flame.2.body":"Useful when one needs a flame in a hurry or to fend off a wild wendigo.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p5.2.body":"I've managed to improve the previous spell somewhat, but there is still something lacking. It's all very orderly. Predictable.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p5.3.body":"Luna has suggested adding more fire, but I'm weary to create more scorch marks on the tower. Faust save me if anypony were to find out what I've been doing...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p6.2.body":"Some spells normally take a great amount of focus to cast, and a steady wit to control, However I've found objects embued with the focusing trait work wonderfully as a substitute for when the caster is lacking.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p7.1.body":"Any glass objects you can find, eyes, bottles, whatever incorporates a lense can be used to embue focus on a spell.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p8.1.body":"We went to the market today. Had to get out of that tower, do something, be somewhere. Luna suggested we go in to see what they were selling for the fair so I decided to indulge her.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p8.2.body":"The townsfolk are still rather skeptical of us, though who's to blame them. Luna was getting along well with the other foals, at least.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.fire_bolt.1.body":"Creates a series of heated projectiles to fling at a target. Upon impact the target will be set alight.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.fire_bolt.2.body":"- Increase focus will allow finer grained control of the projectile's trajectory.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.fire_bolt.3.body":"- With over 50 focus it's almost like they know where the target is (homing?).",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p10.2.body":"Where some spells take focus, others require power. Either to exert a force, or to generate energy in some form.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p10.3.body":"There are few unicorns that have the inherent strength and power to cast spells of these kinds, but luckily such a trait is not in short supply around us.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p11.1.body":"Earthly elements, stone, many metals and minerals, that are strong under compression will exhibit the strength trait.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p11.2.body":"Electrical/Conductive elements that can be used to power things, or that glow can also be used to obtain the power trait.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p12.1.body":"Got a knock at the door today. Luna was very eager to answer it but I had to send her away as it was a messenger from the crown.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p12.2.body":"My research has garnered a certain bit of notoriety, it appears. The royals are very eager to see what I have concocted.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p12.3.body":"They've gotten it in their heads that they can use it against the West.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p12.4.body":"Gods forbid they succeed. I shudder to think what the council might do if they got their hooves on my work.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p13.1.body":"I have word from the crown. They appear satisfied, for now, and have agreed to let my continue my research as I have into the winter.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p13.2.body":"I am under duress to destroy the last several entries, I'm afraid.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p14.1.body":"I shall visit §kCommander Hurricane§r tomorrow. Perhaps she may shed light onto my predicament.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.shield.1.body":"Casting shields are one of the first things every unicorn learns in self-defense. It's simple and easy to cast, and is an excellent introduction to incanting.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.shield.2.body":"Its disadvantage is the energy and mental cost, however we can negate both by attaching it to a gem as per follows...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.shield.modifier.1":"+ add power trait to increase effect range",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p16.1.body":"By adding extra traits, I was able to slightly modify the shield to allow or deny certain parties into the effect range.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p16.2.body":"+ add life trait --> all animals may enter\n+ add blood trait --> all monsters may enter\n+ add ice trait --> all ponies may enter",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p18.1.body":"Fire magic has proven to be a little more... unpredictable than anticipated. Every time I feel like I'm making progress it finds a way to set me back.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.fire.p18.2.body":"I can't stop now, though...I'm told the situation in the west is growing dire. They have asked me to pick up the pace and produce something we can use to get the upper hoof against the §kChangeling Storm§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p2.1.body":"This is an interesting one. Rather simple, I admit, but Luna insisted I make something cold to help us deal with this darn heat.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p2.2.body":"All you need is a gem and something cold. Like a snowball.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.frost.1.body":"Creates a chilling affect up to a radius of 3 hooves from any surfaces it touches.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.frost.2.body":"Will sap energy out of the immediate environment causing a phase change.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p4.1.body":"Alters the ability of certain objects to distinguish between hot and cold.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p4.2.body":"This is a very weak spell, but when used with a boat can be exceedingly useful to get out of a sticky situation.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p5.1.body":"The village-ponies had a bonfire last night. I could tell by the strong smell of burning wood and the sound of music.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p5.2.body":"Luna, bless her heart, insisted that we take a break to join them. She had to practically drag me away from my desk to do it.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p5.3.body":"What can I say? She's a light in my heart.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p6.1.body":"We arrived at the bonfire, and of course the first thing they had was a mug of ale in my hoof. I didn't drink it, of course-alcohol is a poison to me. I'd be sick as a mule.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p6.2.body":"Luna enjoyed it - the bonfire, not the ale! - though. She made immediate friends with one of the town's fillies, Celly or something. They played the whole night.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p7.1.body":"On the way back Luna was telling me of the stories her friend told her. The town has a lot of legends, as to be expected.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p7.2.body":"One of them was about a scary old warlock who lived in a haunted tower at the edge of town. There's no mystery who that was about.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p8.1.body":"There was a strange noise in the village last night. Very strange. I heard a lot of ponies shouting and there may have been a fire.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p8.2.body":"I hope everything is okay.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.light.1.body":"By combining a fire bolt gem with a splash of life and the chilling effect of ice I've created a spell to help with seeing in the night.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.light.2.body":"Dancing Lights will summon a cluster of glowing orbs to illuminate your path.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.light.modifier.1":"* By adding more focus you can extend the duration of the spell",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p10.1.body":"There were more noises last night, this time a lot closer. The town's demeanor has also changed. A lot of the ponies I see that are normally very cheerful have become sullen.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p10.2.body":"Something has happened, that much is obvious, though few will tell me what.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p11.1.body":"Winter is nearly upon us now. I just saw the earliest flakes of snow outside this window as I write.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p11.2.body":"The locals have begun their winter unwrapping and though the usual grumblings about frozen fields abound, I can tell there is still §ka sense of uneasiness§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p12.1.body":"It's rather surprising how quickly the weather starts to change around here. Everything in Catermoore is so very well controlled, with the spells we use to manage temperature and the pegasi assisting with the weather, we sometimes forget what wild seasons can be like.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p12.2.body":"But these Earth Ponies don't ave any of those luxuries. They have to deal with the weather as it comes.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p13.1.body":"Just this morning I was on the way to the stall when I passed the lake at the foot of this tower's hill and saw it was nearly completely frozen over. A few colts had taken to skating across it.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p13.2.body":"Luna asked if she could join them, but I didn't allow it. I couldn't say why at the time, but I had a bad feeling, like something was going to happen...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p14.1.body":"Oh gods, of princesses. I. I don't know how to describe this. My hooves are shaking, I can barely breeze. I'm freezing cold and I can't stop thinking about what happened.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p14.2.body":"I knew there was something wrong. I b---knew it. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I'm extremely glad I didn't let Luna skate on that lake.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p15.title":"Frozen Lake II",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p15.1.body":"Let me take a step back a bit to describe what happened. Do you remember the frozen lake and those colts that were skating on it?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p15.2.body":"Well, after that I went on to the market and I was looking at the strawberries in one of the stalls--Didn't get any, sadly they were forgotten in the confusion.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p16.title":"Frozen Lake III",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p16.1.body":"Whilst I was debating the vendor about the price, I felt Luna tugging on my tunic and she asked me what was going on. I heard galloping and I saw ponies running by us. None of them stopped to explain, but I heard some very gruff words in old ponish.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p16.2.body":"They were heading in the direction of our tower so I set off after them.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p16.3.body":"My immediate thoughts were 'was it a fire'? Was my lab in danger?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p16.4.body":"I tell you what, I wish that were the case. What I actually found was much, much, worse, and even thinking of it makes my blood run cold anew.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p17.title":"Frozen Lake IV",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p17.1.body":"When we were getting near the lake from earlier, I saw a large crowd growing along its banks. Ladders and emergency equipment were out and scattered on the shoreline and a loud uproar had erupted about what to do.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p17.2.body":"Getting closer, though, I realised what had happened soon enough--and I made a beeline for the water-- The ice was broken and the lake was freezing cold.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p17.3.body":"I jumped in anyway, pulling my saddlebags open with my magic, and grabbed the last of the gems I had with my and cast the unfinished spell it had inside.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p17.4.body":"The waters receded away from me as I galloped down the slop and across the drying lake bed and dove to catch the colts that had fallen in.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p18.title":"Frozen Lake V",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p18.1.body":"They were freezing and wet, even as the spell's effects worked to pull the water away from their coats, we carried them up to the shore and got them covered in blankets with hot drinks in their hooves.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p18.2.body":"The townponies insisted on giving me a blanket of my own, even though I hadn't - couldn't have- gotten wet.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p18.3.body":"It was only much later, when the shock began to wear of and I was feeling my head start to pound that I remembered to cancel the spell.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p18.4.body":"Thank the princesses we got there in time.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p19.1.body":"No sign of the colts this morning, I assume they won't be coming near this lake for a long while. The water had frozen again in the night and looked peaceful.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p19.2.body":"The uneasy feeling I had yesterday was gone today so I was able to relax on its banks with Luna. She didn't want to swim in this lake any more, and I don't blame her. I wouldn't either.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.p20.1.body":"Luna started a sand castle, and whilst she was busy with that I decided to sketch out the details of my new spell.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.hydrophobic.1.body":"By combining the abilities of a shield spell with that of the frost gem, the results are... Admittedly strange.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.hydrophobic.2.body":"I'm calling this water repulsion because it does just that: It pushes water away from the caster.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.hydrophobic.modifier.1":"* By adding more focus you can extend the duration of the spell",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.ice.hydrophobic.modifier.2":"* Add the generosity trait to tie this spell to a location rather than a user",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p1.title":"Ch.4 Air Magic",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p1.1.body":"A new month, a new chapter. Little Luna was getting bored of sitting in the tower all day (and who's to blame her? We've been on this assignment for over two months at this point).",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p1.2.body":"So as a little treat, we've decided to go on a little trip to the Grand Marepid Falls to visit my friend, Commander Hurricane.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p1.3.body":"The Commander has also very graciously allowed me access to her library to continue my studies. I'm excited to see what combining unicorn and pegasus magics might bring.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p3.1.body":"Apologies for the, um, unusual entry in the appendices for today. It appears some little gremlin managed to abscond with my journal.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p4.2.body":"Air magic is to pegasi like fire is to unicorns. They're both equally hard to control but where fire is primarily focused around force, destruction, or protection, air is all about flexibility and free motion.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p4.3.body":"Command Hurricane has very kindly given me some tips on how to identify this trait in everyday objects.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p4.4.body":"Anything relating to flight, or that originated from creatures that fly, or that comes from up above can be considered a source of the air trait.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.catapult.1.body":"This is a straightforward application of a unicorn's telekinesis. The catapult gem allows a caster to grab any block or creature and fling them into the air.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.catapult.2.body":"Use it again on something already thrown to push it away from you.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.catapult.modifier.1":"* One can add apply more force by adding the strength trait",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.bubble.1.body":"A defensive and utility spell. Bubble will trap the target in a giant soap bubble, rendering them defenseless.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.bubble.2.body":"Use it again will pop the bubble.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p7.1.body":"I thought I would take a short moment to write down an entry to record my findings whilst Luna and The Commander are out.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p7.2.body":"Pegasi magic really is a fascinating beast. It's not like our magic, which is more of a study, with rigid rules and practices.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p8.1.body":"Pegasus magic is more about feeling. It's an art form. They don't think about what they want to do, it just happens, but it all still follows the same principle.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p9.1.body":"Take for example their cloud homes. There are no spells I can read that would let me do this, but if you feel, not with your hooves or your horn, but properly, with your mind, your heart, you will find magic buzzing all throughout.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p9.2.body":"Clouds are teeming with the air and water trait, but also others, like power, strength, life, earth. All traits of the material the clouds are mimicking.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p10.1.body":"I wish I could study this further, but I'm afraid to interfere in this magic I don't yet fully understand.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p10.2.body":"Commander Hurricane may never forgive me if I destroy her home the first time I'm here.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.feather_fall.1.body":"Expanding on the defensive capabilities of the protection gem, I've attempted to extend its advantages to party members.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.feather_fall.2.body":"This one is unusual because of its complexity, but in theory it should allow one to slow their own and friends' descent.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p12.1.body":"Went to dinner with Commander Hurricane and Luna. We got to talking about architecture and Hurricane mentioned the Taz Marehall.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p12.2.body":"Luna thought it was a rather funny name of a castle. I had to remind her that not all cultures are the same.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p13.1.body":"I'm writing this on the eve of my return to §kTrotholm§r. Though my time in Cloudopolis has been enlightening, I look forward to a return to the familiar surroundings and a proper rest in my own solid bed.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p13.2.body":"I cannot say the same for Luna, though. She is currently sitting on my bed beside me pouting over every little thing she sees me put into my saddlebag.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p14.1.body":"She keeps insisting that we stay a little longer §mto hang out with that pegasus colt I saw her with the other day, no doubt.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p15.1.body":"As we're flying above the mountain tops, I can't help but feel in awe the beauty that §kMother Faust§r has given us.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p15.2.body":"I had to spend the whole time keeping Luna from falling out, and of course answering questions about all the different kinds of clouds. Thankfully, the balloon operator was there to help with the subtleties.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p15.3.body":"Being out here, above all of our troubles, really makes me forget the rest of the world for a moment. It takes me back to a simpler time, before the--",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.air.p15.4.body":"Of course the flashes of explosions to the west has to ruin it all. There appears to be a storm on the horizon. I certainly hope it not to be a bad omen...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p1.title":"Ch.5 The Arcane",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p2.1.body":"A new communication from the crown today. The situation seems to be worsening in the west and though they've been satisfied with my work until now, they are putting pressure on me to produce something more destructive.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p2.2.body":"I tried to tell the messenger that I couldn't-",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p3.1.body":"Let it be known that it was never my intention that anypony use my work for nefarious purposes. I am a researcher, above and beyond all else. My intentions are pure, and my wants are nothing more than this world to be at peace.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p4.1.body":"No review of magic is ever complete without a glimpse into the other side.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p4.2.body":"Dark magic, or as I'm going to refer to it as The Arcane are tip-toeing the line between the normal light magic we normally know and the more nefarious side of reality.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.vortex.1.body":"If someone were to ask you 'what is the opposite of a repulsion spell, what would you say? An attraction spell, of course!",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.vortex.2.body":"By twisting the purpose of the protection spell, I've been able to reverse its function to create a spell that pulls objects and entities closer to the caster.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.vortex.modifier.1":"+ 10x knowledge to narrow the effect's range to items",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.vortex.modifier.2":"+ add focus trait to increase duration\n+ add power trait to increase range",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p6.1.body":"Additional Notes for the Attraction Spell",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p6.2.body":"I caught Luna playing with my spellcrafting grid today, even though I expressly forbid her from entering my study when I'm not there.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p6.3.body":"Apparently it was over some dispute with Celly, I don't really remember, but it culminated in Luna sneaking into the study whilst I was out to get some bread.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p7.1.body":"This isn't really about that, though. She's been scolded and sent back to her room, however as I was cleaning up the mess she'd made I noticed something in the piles of gems.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p7.2.body":"It's hard to describe, really. This is still distinctly an attraction gem, but it's different.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p7.3.body":"It has traits I hadn't considered before, and the way it behaves...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p8.title":"Arcane Attraction II Cont.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p8.1.body":"Well I'll leave that up to tomorrow. I'm still tired from everything that's happened this week.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p9.1.body":"As per their agreement, the council have sent certain... supplemental materials to aid in the new direction my research is taking. I was a little shocked at first.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p9.2.body":"This... thing... Whatever it is. Was, rather.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p9.3.body":"Is this really what we're fighting in the west?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p10.1.body":"I've put the... thing. In the basement. Locked the door.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p10.2.body":"I just couldn't stand looking at it any longer. It's vaguely pony-shaped, but also...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p10.3.body":"I couldn't well let Luna see it. I've sent her out to spend the next few nights with Celly whilst I sort out what to do with this.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.1.body":"I'm sorry for the long delays. Things have been... busy.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.2.body":"I've learned a lot about these creatures. Attached are some illustrations, done best I could so I wouldn't have to look at the thing directly.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.3.body":"Its body is black and vaguely §kinsect-like§r with ponish proportions. It has no fur.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.4.body":"The magic they use is unusual. Not unusual, like what I've been studying. It's unnatural. Wild.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.5.body":"There is definitely something I might be able to harness here, but I shudder... Should I?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p11.6.body":"I fear that this may be a line that shouldn't be crossed.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.transformation.1.body":"I've begun by simply harnessing their ability. It's unfocused and hard to control. I can rarely predict what is going to happen, but this gem has very clear transmogrification properties.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.transformation.2.body":"Throwing this at any creature has the chance to transform it into any other creature.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.reveal.2.body":"When cast it will force any nearby disguised changelings in its range to reveal their true form.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.reveal.modifier.1":"* Increase range by adding the power trait",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p14.1.body":"Sleep the last few nights has become... elusive.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p14.2.body":"I don't know how to describe it, really. Luna appears unaffected, but every night after the sun goes down I find myself lying awake at night unable to sleep. It doesn't help that that sounds in the village have resumed.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p15.1.body":"Last night, especially, I found myself pacing in the observatory. The air became chill, more than is normal for this time of year, and beyond anything that raging fire in corner of the room could combat.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p15.2.body":"The room where I keep the--my patient opposite the wall behind me.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p16.1.body":"I've long since taken to keeping that door locked because every so often I could swear I heard something moving in there...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p16.2.body":"Gods, am I going crazy?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p17.1.body":"Bits, there it is again!",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p17.2.body":"I thought last night was a fluke, but I just heard it again--I'm shaking. My hooves, I can barely hold this book as I struggle to pen these words.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p17.3.body":"There's something--I heard something. Like a chittering--",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p18.1.body":"I made a call into town. One of the local blacksmiths have agreed to install a new lock, one of the heavy kind that not even earth ponies can bust.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p18.2.body":"I fear it may not be enough, though, it--whatever it is, clearly has magic. I may be forced to research a magical solution to my insomnia.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.arcane_protection.1.body":"This spell will create a magical shroud that can be used to protect from other spellcasters.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.arcane_protection.2.body":"No one else will be able to use magic within its radius.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.arcane_protection.modifier.1":"* Increase range by adding the power trait",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.displacement.1.body":"By casting this spell, a unicorn is able to swap their location with any other creature.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p21.1.body":"The locks have been installed, and with the addition of some extra wards, I'm feeling a little more at ease.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p21.2.body":"The motions at night have all but stopped, though I feel like I can almost hear it at times...",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.mimic.1.body":"I've been able to tap into some of this strange creature's abilities. There's still a lot to figure out here, but for now I've merely distilled its essence into a gem.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.mimic.modifier.1":"* Add the focus trait to increase the effect's duration",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p24.1.body":"There's been a wave of darkness that has come over the town. Nothing's been the same since that gods-forsaken creature arrived.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p24.2.body":"Ponies in town have begun remarking on lack of sleep, and it's showing. Just today I saw a poor stallion walking around in a daze. Bags under his eyes, barely any colour in his cheeks.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p25.1.body":"He looked almost like a zombie the way he went through the motions, not really paying any attention even after he nearly ran into me.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p26.1.body":"§kIt's not enough. Never enough. Crawling. I feel crawling. Oh gods, the crawling won't stop.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p27.1.body":"The insomnia. I can't take it. I lie in my bed every night waiting to go to sleep.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p27.2.body":"I thought I could stop it, keep it at bay, but I still hear it. That creature. Cold, unfeeling.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p27.3.body":"I feel myself being drained any time I'm around it. Is it... feeding on me?",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p27.4.body":"No, it couldn't be.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.p28.1.body":"I found this incantation under some old notes whilst clearing out the lab. It's... simplistic and hard to manage, but it gets the job done.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.dark_magic.dispel_evil.modifier.1":"* Add the power trait to increase the effect's range",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.p1.title":"Ch.6 The Beyond",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.p2.1.body":"This chapter serves as an exploration of the worlds beyond our own and a delving into what most unicorns would normally shy away from.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.p2.2.body":"In this section can be found the most powerful of the powerful spells, but also the most danger. Read further at your own peril, as this is not for the light of mind.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.siphoning.1.body":"A simple spell that siphons life force out of a living entity and uses it to revitalise the caster.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.necromancy.1.body":"This area effect spell taps into the great beyond to summon life to serve its master.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.necromancy.2.body":"This spell is not very useful when used on its own, but combined with other traits may become a powerful tool against the §kChangeling Swarms§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.dark_vortex.1.body":"Dipping below the fabric of reality, this spell taps into the deep arcane powers of the beyond to punch a hole in reality.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.dark_vortex.2.body":"The resulting hole is a hungry mass that consumes all who approach. It grants massive energy, but feed it at your peril.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.portal.1.body":"Combining the effects of the displacement spell created by my predecessor and the dark vortex gem, one is able to tame its chaotic nature.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.portal.2.body":"The arcane rift spell allows the caster to link two locations together to create a bridge across the ether. Anything that enters one end will appear at the other maintaining its velocity.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.mind_swap.1.body":"Continuing my predecessor's research into the abilities of the Changeling Spawn, I have enhanced his mimic spell by adding a chaotic twist.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.mind_swap.2.body":"Mind Swap extends the effects of mimic to cover two individuals, in effect swapping their bodies for a limited time.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.otherworldly.mind_swap.3.body":"* Add the focus trait to increase the effect's duration",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.p2.title":"2nd Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.p2.1.body":"What follows is a compendium of research into certain objects of interest identified through my research.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.p2.2.body":"Not all of these have gotten anywhere, as they have been proven to either be pure legend, or perhaps a hoax, so I cannot put stock into their stories.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.crystal_heart.1.body":"Crafted by a group of unicorns long ago, its origin and current location is unknown.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.crystal_heart.2.body":"What few accounts exist claim it was a powerful tool of protection and support, as it would funnel life force from enemies towards the caster and their allies.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.crystal_heart.title":"5th Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.crystal_heart.3.body":"Other accounts say that this artefact only functions when mounted on a specific pedestal of diamond blocks, like a beacon.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.altar.1.body":"An an§kc§rient altar con§ktr§ructed by an early t§kr§ribe of §kunicorn§rs. It's thought that these were used to perform r§kituals§r sum§kmoni§rng upon §keven o§rlder mag§kics§r.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.altar.2.body":"Not much is §kkn§rown about these my§ks§rterious structures, and they hold many secrets even to this day.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.altar.3.body":"U§ks§re the §ka§rltar",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.dragon_breath_scroll.2.body":"It's, um a scroll that you write somepony's name on it and you hold it in one hoof and something in the other hoof and, like, um it goes whooosh and the item is sent to that pony.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.dragon_breath_scroll.3.body":"P.S. Uncle Starswirly is a dunderhead.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.friendship_bracelet.1.body":"Used in the past by spellcasters to communicate over long distances, this band has long since lost its old use.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.friendship_bracelet.2.body":"Unicorns who sign and hand out this band can use it to share certain magic effects with their friends.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.friendship_bracelet.title":"13th Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.friendship_bracelet.3.body":"Anyone wearing a bangle you have signed will be able to benefit from the positive effects of your spells, or will be allowed through protection and shield spells.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.friendship_bracelet.4.body":"Mana costs are also shared equally between all nearby members.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.spectral_clock.title":"14th Mare '12",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.spectral_clock.1.body":"Not so much an artefact as a strange trinket. Luna happened to bring this home from the market last week, and though at first glance it may seem to be an ordinary broken clock what I've found is far stranger.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.spectral_clock.2.body":"This clock doesn't tell the time. Well, it does, but not directly. Rather it seems to be following the cycles of some of the plants in the surrounding forest.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.pegasus_amulet.1.body":"Commander Hurricane informed me of this, though I've found little texts to back up his claims.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.pegasus_amulet.2.body":"The Pegasus Amulet is claimed to grant the wearer temporary flight, like a pegasus.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.pegasus_amulet.3.body":"It was intended as an aide for early unicorn ambassadors to Cloud Heights, but was lost after negotiations broke down.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.meadowbrooks_staff.1.body":"A precursor to magic staffs, the meadowbrook's staff is an upright support structure commonly used by warlocks during long incantation sessions.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.meadowbrooks_staff.2.body":"It features a twisting and mottled shape with a dense and sturdy core capable of supporting the weight of an average-sized, adult male.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.meadowbrooks_staff.3.body":"Due to its dense structure and flammability, this object also serves a secondary purpose as an offensive weapon and fuel source should the situation demand.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.meadowbrooks_staff.4.body":"To use correctly in combat, one must begin by gripping the staff by the narrow end in both hooves, followed by a swift swing from above one's head whilst yelling 'Fus Roh DAH!'",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.magic_staff.1.body":"Magical aides for non-magical users. Magic staffs work similarly to a unicorn's horn in that they can be used to channel and harness the innate magic stored within gems.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.magic_staff.2.body":"Not all spells work in the same way, but for those that do, a good staff is an essential tool for any beginner magi.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.magic_staff.3.body":"The simplest way to create this is to put a gem on the end of a stick. Yes, very revolutionary, I know.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.1.body":"A powerful artifact once thought to be the source of King Grogar's power.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.2.body":"In skilled hooves, the bell may be used to transfer magical energy from one being to another.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.3.body":"It's theorised this artifact was forged from the claws of an Ursa Major during the era of Discord's reign, possibly as a weapon against the tyrant.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.4.body":"By its nature, the bell a corrupting influence inherent to it that will destroy the minds of anyone who dares weird its power.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.2.title":"Grogar's Bell II",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.5.body":"Legend says that after its first bearer, King Grogar, was driven to madness, the bell was stowed far away.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.grogars_bell.6.body":"beyond most ponies' grasp, guarded inside an ancient city by an unbeatable beast.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.alicorn_amulet.1.body":"Like the crystal heart, little is known of this artefact and thus nothing, not even its existence can be confirmed.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.alicorn_amulet.2.body":"The alicorn amulet is a powerful force of dark magic created created by an unknown mage as their attempt to create the perfect being.",
"gui.unicopia.spellbook.chapter.artefacts.alicorn_amulet.3.body":"It combines the traits of all races into one powerful form, but it hard to control and addictive in nature. Anyone who uses it quickly becomes reliant on it and few attempt to remove it survive the ordeal.",
"gui.unicopia.action.spells_cleared":"Removed all spells",
"gui.unicopia.action.no_spells_cleared":"You have no active spells",