2015-04-23 04:27:10 -05:00

140 lines
5 KiB

var gulp = require("gulp"),
coffee = require("gulp-coffee"),
concat = require("gulp-concat"),
sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
cached = require("gulp-cached"),
plumber = require("gulp-plumber"),
notify = require("gulp-notify"),
order = require("gulp-order"),
argv = require("yargs").argv,
gulpif = require("gulp-if"),
uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
less = require("gulp-less"),
minifyCss = require('gulp-minify-css');
var plumberOptions = {
errorHandler: notify.onError("Error: <%= error.message %>")
gulp.task("scripts-app", function() {
var paths = [
if (!argv.production) {
// we also want to add the embed stuff, since we're in development mode
// we want to watch embed files and re-compile them. However, we want
// to leave this path out in production so that embed files are not bloating
// the js file
return argv.production
// Production pipeline
? gulp.src(paths, {base: "app/scripts"})
], {base: "."}))
.pipe(gulpif(/\.coffee/, coffee()))
// Development/watch pipeline
: gulp.src(paths, {base: "app/scripts"})
.pipe(gulpif(/\.coffee/, coffee()))
gulp.task("scripts-embed", function() {
// note that this task should really only ever be invoked for production
// since development-mode watches and builds include the embed scripts
// already
var includedScripts = [
return gulp.src(includedScripts, {base: "app/scripts"})
.pipe(gulpif(/\.coffee/, coffee()))
.pipe(order(includedScripts, {base: "."}))
gulp.task("styles-app", function() {
var includedStyles = [
if (!argv.production) {
// we also want to add the embed stuff, since we're in development mode
// we want to watch embed files and re-compile them. However, we want
// to leave this path out in production so that embed files are not bloating
// the css file
return argv.production
// Production pipeline
? gulp.src(includedStyles, {base: "app/styles"})
.pipe(gulpif(/\.less/, less()))
// Development pipeline
: gulp.src(includedStyles, {base: "app/styles"})
.pipe(gulpif(/\.less/, less()))
gulp.task("styles-embed", function() {
// note that this task should really only ever be invoked for production
// since development-mode watches and builds include the embed styles
// already
return gulp.src(["app/styles/embed.less"], {base: "app/styles"})
gulp.task("watch", function() {
gulp.watch("app/scripts/**/*.{coffee,js}", ["scripts-app"]);
gulp.watch("app/styles/**/*.{css,less}", ["styles-app"]);