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synced 2025-03-21 10:47:11 +01:00
This changeset's key new feature is allowing web browsers to display media player notifications for Pony.fm by implementing the media session API. These notifications display Play/Pause, Previous, and Next controls that control Pony.fm's playback. This also makes Pony.fm controllable by automotive audio systems and other Bluetooth devices that expose their own (often physical) playback controls. Other improvements in this changeset include: - Update the automated dev environment setup to work in 2021 - Remove extraneous frontend logging - Fix to consistently include album data with a track's data
322 lines
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322 lines
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* Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music.
* Copyright (C) 2015 Feld0
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var gulp = require("gulp"),
gutil = require("gulp-util"),
plug = require("gulp-load-plugins")(),
argv = require("yargs").argv,
header = require("gulp-header"),
webpack = require("webpack"),
WebpackDevServer = require("webpack-dev-server"),
webpackDevConfig = require("./webpack.dev.config.js"),
webpackProductionConfig = require("./webpack.production.config.js"),
webpackStream = require('webpack-stream'),
_ = require("underscore"),
runSequence = require("run-sequence"),
panini = require("panini"),
inky = require("inky"),
fs = require("fs"),
siphon = require('siphon-media-query'),
lazypipe = require('lazypipe'),
ext_replace = require('gulp-ext-replace'),
del = require('del');
var plumberOptions = {
errorHandler: plug.notify.onError("Error: <%= error.message %>")
var licenseHeader = [
"* Pony.fm - A community for pony fan music.",
"* Copyright (C) 2016 Feld0 and others",
"* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
"* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by",
"* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
"* (at your option) any later version.",
"* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
"* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
"* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.",
"* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License",
"* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.",
const PRODUCTION = !!(argv.production);
gulp.task("webpack-build", function() {
return gulp.src(_.values(webpackProductionConfig.entry))
gulp.task("webpack-dev-server", function () {
// Starts a webpack-dev-server
var compiler = webpack(webpackDevConfig);
new WebpackDevServer(compiler, {
// server and middleware options, currently blank
// stats: {chunks: false}
stats: 'minimal'
}).listen(61999, "localhost", function (err) {
if (err)
throw new gutil.PluginError("webpack-dev-server", err);
// Server listening
gutil.log("[webpack-dev-server]", "http://localhost:61999/webpack-dev-server/index.html");
gulp.task("styles-app", function () {
var includedStyles = [
if (!argv.production) {
// we also want to add the embed stuff, since we're in development mode
// we want to watch embed files and re-compile them. However, we want
// to leave this path out in production so that embed files are not bloating
// the css file
// Remove app.less from the cache so that it gets recompiled
var styleCache = plug.cached.caches.styles;
for (var file in styleCache) {
if (!styleCache.hasOwnProperty(file))
if (!endsWith(file, "app.less"))
delete styleCache[file];
// note that we're not doing autoprefixer on dev builds for now to shave off roughly 600-700 milliseconds per
// build. It's already taking forever to recompile the less
return argv.production
// Production pipeline
? gulp.src(includedStyles, {base: "resources/assets/styles"})
.pipe(plug.if(/\.less/, plug.less()))
browsers: ["last 2 versions"],
cascade: false
// Development pipeline
: gulp.src(includedStyles, {base: "resources/assets/styles"})
.pipe(plug.if(/\.less/, plug.less()))
gulp.task("styles-embed", function () {
// note that this task should really only ever be invoked for production
// since development-mode watches and builds include the embed styles
// already
return gulp.src(["resources/assets/styles/embed.less"], {base: "resources/assets/styles"})
browsers: ["last 2 versions"],
cascade: false
gulp.task('copy:templates', function () {
module: "ponyfm",
root: "/templates"
//=============== ZURB Foundation Email stack =================//
// These tasks are adapted from ZURB's gulpfile (https://github.com/zurb/foundation-emails-template/blob/master/gulpfile.babel.js).
// They have been modified for ES5, Gulp 3 compatibility, and namespaced with "email-"
// to avoid collisions with Pony.fm's other Gulp tasks.
// Delete the "resources/views/emails/html" folder
// This happens every time a build starts
gulp.task("email-clean", function emailClean() {
return del([
// Compile layouts, pages, and partials into flat HTML files
// Then parse using Inky templates
gulp.task("email-pages", function emailPages() {
return gulp.src('resources/emails/src/pages/**/*.blade.php.hbs')
root: 'resources/emails/src/pages',
layouts: 'resources/emails/src/layouts',
partials: 'resources/emails/src/partials',
helpers: 'resources/emails/src/helpers'
.pipe(ext_replace('.blade.php', '.blade.php.hbs'))
// If this is the dev environment, write the templates to the "public"
// directory as well.
.pipe(plug.if(!PRODUCTION, ext_replace('.blade.php.html', '.blade.php')))
.pipe(plug.if(!PRODUCTION, gulp.dest('public/build/emails')));
// Reset Panini's cache of layouts and partials
gulp.task("email-reset-pages", function emailResetPages(done) {
// Compile Sass into CSS
gulp.task("email-sass", function emailSass() {
return gulp.src('resources/emails/src/assets/scss/app.scss')
.pipe(plug.if(!PRODUCTION, plug.sourcemaps.init()))
includePaths: ['node_modules/foundation-emails/scss']
}).on('error', plug.sass.logError))
.pipe(plug.if(PRODUCTION, plug.uncss(
{html: ['resources/views/emails/html/**/*.blade.php']})))
.pipe(plug.if(!PRODUCTION, plug.sourcemaps.write()))
// If this is the dev environment, write the CSS to the "public"
// directory as well.
.pipe(plug.if(!PRODUCTION, gulp.dest('public/build/emails/css')));
// Copy and compress images
gulp.task("email-images", function emailImages() {
return gulp.src('resources/emails/src/assets/img/**/*')
// Inlines CSS into HTML, adds media query CSS into the <style> tag of the email, and compresses the HTML
function emailInliner(css) {
var css = fs.readFileSync(css).toString();
var mqCss = siphon(css);
return lazypipe()
.pipe(plug.inlineCss, {
applyStyleTags: false,
removeStyleTags: true,
preserveMediaQueries: true,
removeLinkTags: false
.pipe(plug.replace, '<!-- <style> -->', "<style>" + mqCss + "</style>")
.pipe(plug.replace, '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/app.css">', '')
.pipe(plug.htmlmin, {
collapseWhitespace: true,
minifyCSS: true
// Inline CSS and minify HTML
gulp.task("email-inline", function emailInline() {
return gulp.src('resources/views/emails/html/**/*.blade.php')
// Helper tasks for email watchers
gulp.task("email-rebuild-handlebars", gulp.series("email-pages", "email-inline", function(callback){
gulp.task("email-rebuild-layouts", gulp.series("email-reset-pages", "email-pages", "email-inline", function(callback){
gulp.task("email-rebuild-sass", gulp.series("email-reset-pages", "email-sass", "email-pages", "email-inline", function(callback){
// Watch for file changes
gulp.task("email-watch", function (callback) {
gulp.watch('resources/emails/src/pages/**/*.blade.php.hbs', gulp.parallel("email-rebuild-handlebars"));
gulp.watch(['resources/emails/src/layouts/**/*', 'resources/emails/src/partials/**/*'], gulp.parallel("email-rebuild-layouts"));
gulp.watch(['resources/emails/src/assets/scss/**/*.scss'], gulp.parallel("email-rebuild-sass"));
gulp.watch('resources/emails/src/assets/img/**/*', gulp.parallel("email-images"));
// Build the "resources/views/emails/html" folder by running all of the above tasks
gulp.task('email-build', gulp.series(("email-clean", "email-pages", "email-sass", "email-images", "email-inline", function(callback){
// Build emails, run the server, and watch for file changes
gulp.task('email-default', gulp.series('email-build', "email-watch", function(callback) {
//=============== END Zurb Foundation Email stack =================//
gulp.task('build', gulp.parallel('webpack-build',
gulp.task("watch-legacy", gulp.series(gulp.parallel("build"), function () {
gulp.watch("resources/assets/styles/**/*.{css,less}", gulp.parallel("styles-app"));
gulp.task("watch", gulp.parallel("webpack-dev-server", "email-default", "watch-legacy"));
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;