mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 13:31:32 +01:00
2252 lines
129 KiB
2252 lines
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/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
// //
// changelog.txt - part of getID3() //
// See readme.txt for more details //
// ///
What does the returned data structure look like?
Hint: If you take a look at the nicely-formatted output of
/demos/demo.browse.php you can generally see where the data you want
is returned.
Note that what is described below is only a rough guide to what data
is actually returned by getID3(), since the actual data returned
depends entirely on what data is in your file, what type of file it
is, what kind of data is in the tags, etc. In addition, some formats
(Quicktime for example) use a freeform recursive structure that is
impossible to document completely.
In the vast majority of cases, all the data you'll need is located
in the root of the array or the special arrays described below in
Section 1 (['audio'], ['video'], ['tags_html'], ['replay_gain']).
It is suggested that for most applications you should use tag data
from the root ['tags_html'] array, as this is the only location
where data is stored in a consistant format: HTML-compatible
character entities (ie Ӓ) for characters outside the 0x20-0x7F
range (printable ISO-8859-1 characters). This data can be used as-is
for output in HTML, and can be converted to whatever character set
you wish to use if the output is not HTML.
If you want to merge all available tags (for example, ID3v2 + ID3v1)
into one array, you can call
and you'll then have ['comments'] and ['comments_html'] which are
identical to ['tags'] and ['tags_html'] except the array is one
dimension shorter (no tag type array keys). For example, artist is:
['tags_html']['id3v1']['artist'][0] or ['comments_html']['artist'][0]
Some commonly-used information is found in these locations:
File type: ['fileformat'] // ex 'mp3'
Song length: ['playtime_string'] // ex '3:45' (minutes:seconds)
['playtime_seconds'] // ex 225.13 (seconds)
Overall bitrate: ['bitrate'] // ex 113485.71 (bits-per-second - divide by 1000 for kbps)
Audio frequency: ['audio']['sample_rate'] // ex 44100 (Hertz)
Artist name: ['comments_html']['artist'][0] // ex 'Elvis' (if CopyTagsToComments() is used - see above)
// more than one artist may be present, you may want to use implode:
// implode(' & ', ['comments_html']['artist'])
array() {
// SECTION 1: Values that are present for most or all file types
['getID3version']=>string() // version of getID3() that scanned this file (ex: '1.6.2')
['error']=>array() // if present, contains one or more fatal error messages
['warning']=>array() // if present, contains one or more non-fatal warning messages
['exist']=>boolean() // does this file actually exist?
['fileformat']=>string() // one of the standard filetype abbreviations ('mp3', 'riff', 'quicktime', etc)
['filename']=>string() // filename only, no path
['filenamepath']=>string() // full filename with path
['filepath']=>string() // path to file, not including filename
['filesize']=>integer() // filesize in bytes
['md5_file']=>string() // md5 hash of entire file
['md5_data']=>string() // md5 hash of portion of file excluding prepended and appeneded metainformation tags (ID3, APE, etc) - may be identical to ['md5_file']
['md5_data_source']=>string() // md5 hash of original source file before compression (currently used by FLAC, OptimFROG, WavPack v4+)
['sha1_file']=>string() // sha1 hash of entire file
['sha1_data']=>string() // sha1 hash of portion of file excluding prepended and appeneded metainformation tags (ID3, APE, etc) - may be identical to ['md5_file']
['avdataoffset']=>integer() // offset in bytes where audio/video data starts and prepended tags end
['avdataend']=>integer() // offset in bytes where audio/video data ends and appended tags start
['bitrate']=>double() // average bitrate for entire file (all audio/video streams), in bits per second
['mime_type']=>string() // if present, MIME type of scanned file
['playtime_seconds']=>double() // playing time of file, in seconds
['playtime_string']=>string() // playing time of file, formatted as <minutes>:<seconds>
['tags']=>array() // array of all metainformation tags present in file ('id3v1', 'id3v2', 'ape', 'riff', 'asf', etc)
['audio']=>array() {
['bitrate']=>double() // average bitrate for audio portion of file (all audio streams), in bits per second
['bitrate_mode']=>string() // 'cbr' (Constant Bit Rate) or 'vbr' (Variable Bit Rate)
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channelmode']=>string() // 'mono' or 'stereo'
['channels']=>integer() // number of audio channels
['codec']=>string() // name of audio compression codec
['compression_ratio']=>double() // ratio of compressed byte size of audio to uncompressed size
['dataformat']=>string() // one of the standard filetype abbreviations ('mp3', 'wma', etc)
['encoder']=>string() // name and version of encoder used to create file, if known
['lossless']=>boolean() // true = lossless compression; false = lossy compression
['video']=>array() {
['bitrate']=>integer() // average bitrate for video portion of file (all video streams), in bits per second
['bitrate_mode']=>string() // 'cbr' (Constant Bit Rate) or 'vbr' (Variable Bit Rate)
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['codec']=>string() // name of video compression codec
['compression_ratio']=>double() // ratio of compressed byte size of video to uncompressed size
['dataformat']=>string() // one of the standard filetype abbreviations ('avi', 'mpeg', etc)
['encoder']=>string() // name and version of encoder used to create file, if known
['frame_rate']=>double() // frames per second
['lossless']=>boolean() // true = lossless compression; false = lossy compression
['resolution_x']=>integer() // horizontal dimension of video/image in pixels
['resolution_y']=>integer() // vertical dimension of video/image in pixels
['pixel_aspect_ratio']=>double() // pixel display aspect ratio
['tags']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
['tags_html']=>array() { // identical to ['tags'], but with all entries converted to HTML entities as appropriate from various source encodings
[<key name>]=>array() //
['replay_gain']=>array() { // replay gain information combined from any source that contains this information (LAME, ID3v2, Vorbis, APE, etc)
['audiophile']=>array() {
['radio']=>array() {
// SECTION 2: Values that are present for specific file types only
['aac']=>array() { // AAC - Advanced Audio Coding / MPEG-4
['bitrate_distribution']=>array() //
['header']=>array() { //
['channel_configuration']=>integer() //
['crc_present']=>boolean() //
['home']=>boolean() //
['layer']=>integer() //
['mpeg_version']=>integer() //
['original']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['profile_id']=>integer() //
['profile_text']=>string() //
['sample_frequency']=>integer() //
['sample_frequency_index']=>integer() //
['synch']=>integer() //
} //
['header_type']=>string() //
} //
['ape']=>array() //
{ //
['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['footer']=>array() //
{ //
['flags']=>array() //
['raw']=>array() //
['tag_version']=>integer() //
} //
['header']=>array() //
{ //
['flags']=>array() //
['raw']=>array() //
['tag_version']=>integer() //
} //
['items']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing metainformation
[<key name>]=>array() { // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
['data']=>array() { // array of one or more Unicode values
['data_ascii']=>array() { // array of values converted approximately from Unicode to ASCII
['flags']=>array() //
} //
} //
['tag_offset_end']=>integer() //
['tag_offset_start']=>integer() //
} //
['asf']=>array() { // ASF - Advanced Streaming Format (ASF, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Windows Media Video (WMV))
['audio_media']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['codec']=>string() //
['codec_data']=>string() //
['codec_data_size']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['nAvgBytesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wBitsPerSample']=>integer() //
['nBlockAlign']=>integer() //
['nChannels']=>integer() //
['nSamplesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wFormatTag']=>integer() //
} //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['codec_list']=>array() { //
['codec_entries']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['description']=>string() //
['description_ascii']=>string() //
['information']=>string() //
['name']=>string() //
['name_ascii']=>string() //
['type']=>string() //
['type_raw']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['codec_entries_count']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['reserved']=>string() //
['reserved_guid']=>string() //
} //
['comments']=>array() { // array of comment values, derived from ['content_description']
['album']=>string() //
['artist']=>string() //
['comment']=>string() //
['copyright']=>string() //
['genre']=>string() //
['title']=>string() //
['track']=>string() //
['year']=>string() //
} //
['content_description']=>array() { // raw values - should use values from ['comments'] instead
['author']=>string() //
['author_ascii']=>string() //
['author_length']=>integer() //
['copyright']=>string() //
['copyright_ascii']=>string() //
['copyright_length']=>integer() //
['description']=>string() //
['description_ascii']=>string() //
['description_length']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['rating']=>string() //
['rating_ascii']=>string() //
['rating_length']=>integer() //
['title']=>string() //
['title_ascii']=>string() //
['title_length']=>integer() //
} //
['data_object']=>array() { //
['fileid']=>string() //
['fileid_guid']=>string() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['reserved']=>integer() //
['total_data_packets']=>integer() //
} //
['extended_content_description']=>array() { //
['content_descriptors']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['name']=>string() //
['name_ascii']=>string() //
['name_length']=>integer() //
['value']=>string() //
['value_ascii']=>string() //
['value_length']=>integer() //
['value_type']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['content_descriptors_count']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
} //
['file_properties_object']=>array() { //
['creation_date']=>double() //
['creation_date_unix']=>double() //
['data_packets']=>integer() //
['fileid']=>string() //
['fileid_guid']=>string() //
['filesize']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['broadcast']=>boolean() //
['seekable']=>boolean() //
} //
['flags_raw']=>integer() //
['max_bitrate']=>integer() //
['max_packet_size']=>integer() //
['min_packet_size']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['play_duration']=>double() //
['preroll']=>integer() //
['send_duration']=>double() //
} //
['header_extension_object']=>array() { //
['extension_data']=>integer() //
['extension_data_size']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['reserved_1']=>string() //
['reserved_1_guid']=>string() //
['reserved_2']=>integer() //
} //
['header_object']=>array() { //
['headerobjects']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['reserved1']=>integer() //
['reserved2']=>integer() //
} //
['marker_object']=>array() { //
['markers_count']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['reserved']=>string() //
['reserved_2']=>integer() //
['reserved_guid']=>string() //
} //
['stream_bitrate_properties']=>array() { //
['bitrate_records']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['flags_raw']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['stream_number']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['bitrate_records_count']=>integer() //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
} //
['stream_properties_object']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['error_correct_data']=>string() //
['error_correct_guid']=>string() //
['error_correct_type']=>string() //
['error_data_length']=>integer() //
['flags_raw']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['encrypted']=>boolean() //
} //
['objectid']=>string() //
['objectid_guid']=>string() //
['objectsize']=>integer() //
['stream_type']=>string() //
['stream_type_guid']=>string() //
['time_offset']=>integer() //
['type_data_length']=>integer() //
['type_specific_data']=>string() //
} //
} //
['video_media']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['flags']=>integer() //
['format_data']=>array() { //
['bits_per_pixel']=>integer() //
['codec']=>string() //
['codec_data']=>boolean() //
['codec_fourcc']=>string() //
['colors_important']=>integer() //
['colors_used']=>integer() //
['format_data_size']=>integer() //
['horizontal_pels']=>integer() //
['image_height']=>integer() //
['image_size']=>integer() //
['image_width']=>integer() //
['reserved']=>integer() //
['vertical_pels']=>integer() //
} //
['format_data_size']=>integer() //
['image_height']=>integer() //
['image_width']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['au']=>array() { // AU - Next/Sun AUdio format
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['comment']=>string() //
['data_format']=>string() //
['data_format_id']=>integer() //
['data_size']=>integer() //
['header_length']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['used_bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
} //
['bmp']=>array() { // BMP - OS/2 or Windows BitMaP
['header']=>array() { //
['compression']=>string() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['bits_per_pixel']=>integer() //
['bmp_data_size']=>integer() //
['colors_important']=>integer() //
['colors_used']=>integer() //
['compression']=>integer() //
['data_offset']=>integer() //
['filesize']=>integer() //
['header_size']=>integer() //
['height']=>integer() //
['identifier']=>string() //
['planes']=>integer() //
['resolution_h']=>integer() //
['resolution_v']=>integer() //
['width']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['type_os']=>string() //
['type_version']=>integer() //
} //
['bonk']=>array() { // BONK - lossy/lossless audio compression (www.bonkenc.org)
['BONK']=>array() { //
['channels']=>integer() //
['downsampling_ratio']=>integer() //
['joint_stereo']=>boolean() //
['lossless']=>boolean() //
['number_samples']=>integer() //
['number_taps']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['samples_per_packet']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
['version']=>integer() //
} //
['INFO']=>array() { //
['size']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['version']=>integer() //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['nextbit']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['dataend']=>integer() //
['dataoffset']=>integer() //
} //
['flac']=>array() { // FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Compressor
['SEEKTABLE']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['samples']=>integer() //
} //
['placeholders']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['block_data']=>string() //
['block_length']=>integer() //
['block_type']=>integer() //
['block_type_text']=>string() //
['last_meta_block']=>boolean() //
['offset']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['STREAMINFO']=>array() { //
['audio_signature']=>string() //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['max_block_size']=>integer() //
['max_frame_size']=>integer() //
['min_block_size']=>integer() //
['min_frame_size']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['block_data']=>string() //
['block_length']=>integer() //
['block_type']=>integer() //
['block_type_text']=>string() //
['last_meta_block']=>boolean() //
['offset']=>integer() //
} //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['samples_stream']=>integer() //
} //
['VORBIS_COMMENT']=>array() { //
['raw']=>array() { //
['block_data']=>string() //
['block_length']=>integer() //
['block_type']=>integer() //
['block_type_text']=>string() //
['last_meta_block']=>boolean() //
['offset']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['compressed_audio_bytes']=>integer() //
['compression_ratio']=>double() //
['uncompressed_audio_bytes']=>integer() //
} //
['gif']=>array() { // GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
['global_color_table']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>integer() //
} //
['header']=>array() { //
['bits_per_pixel']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['global_color_sorted']=>boolean() //
['global_color_table']=>boolean() //
} //
['global_color_size']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['aspect_ratio']=>integer() //
['bg_color_index']=>integer() //
['flags']=>integer() //
['height']=>integer() //
['identifier']=>string() //
['version']=>string() //
['width']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['version']=>string() //
} //
['id3v1']=>array() { // ID3v1
['album']=>string() //
['artist']=>string() //
['comment']=>string() //
['genre']=>string() //
['genreid']=>integer() //
['title']=>string() //
['track']=>integer() //
['year']=>string() //
['padding_valid']=>boolean() //
['comments']=>array() //
['tag_offset_start']=>integer() //
['tag_offset_end']=>integer() //
} //
['id3v2']=>array() { // ID3v2 - www.id3.org
[<frame name>]=>array() { // <frame name> can be any of the 4-character (3-character in ID3v2.2) frame names allowed in the ID3v2 spec. Exact contents of returned array data varies with frame type.
[<x>]=>array() { // some frames types allow multiple values ('COMM' for example), others do not and do not have this array level
['asciidata']=>boolean() //
['asciidescription']=>string() //
['data']=>boolean() //
['datalength']=>integer() //
['dataoffset']=>integer() //
['description']=>string() //
['encoding']=>string() //
['encodingid']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['Encryption']=>boolean() //
['FileAlterPreservation']=>boolean() //
['GroupingIdentity']=>boolean() //
['ReadOnly']=>boolean() //
['TagAlterPreservation']=>boolean() //
['compression']=>boolean() //
} //
['framenamelong']=>string() //
['language']=>string() //
['languagename']=>string() //
} //
} //
['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['flags']=>array() { //
['experim']=>string() //
['exthead']=>string() //
['unsynch']=>string() //
} //
['header']=>boolean() //
['headerlength']=>integer() //
['majorversion']=>integer() //
['minorversion']=>integer() //
['padding']=>array() { //
['length']=>integer() //
['start']=>integer() //
['valid']=>boolean() //
} //
['tag_offset_end']=>integer() //
['tag_offset_start']=>integer() //
} //
['iso']=>array() { // ISO-9660 - CD-ROM Image
['directories']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['file_flags']=>array() { //
['associated']=>boolean() //
['directory']=>boolean() //
['extended']=>boolean() //
['hidden']=>boolean() //
['multiple']=>boolean() //
['permissions']=>boolean() //
} //
['file_identifier_ascii']=>string() //
['filename']=>string() //
['filesize']=>integer() //
['offset_bytes']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['extended_attribute_length']=>integer() //
['file_flags']=>integer() //
['file_identifier']=>string() //
['file_identifier_length']=>integer() //
['file_unit_size']=>integer() //
['filesize']=>integer() //
['interleave_gap_size']=>integer() //
['length']=>integer() //
['offset_logical']=>integer() //
['recording_date_time']=>string() //
['volume_sequence_number']=>integer() //
} //
['recording_timestamp']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['files']=>array() { // multidimensional tree-structure array listing of all files and directories in image
[<directory name>]=>array() // entries of type array are directories (key is directory name), may contain files and/or other subdirectories
[<file name>]=>integer() // entries of type integer are files (key is file name, value is file size in bytes)
} //
['path_table']=>array() { //
['directories']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['extended_length']=>integer() //
['full_path']=>string() //
['length']=>integer() //
['location_bytes']=>integer() //
['location_logical']=>integer() //
['name']=>string() //
['name_ascii']=>string() //
['parent_directory']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>string() //
} //
['primary_volume_descriptor']=>array() { //
['abstract_file_identifier']=>string() //
['application_identifier']=>string() //
['bibliographic_file_identifier']=>string() //
['copyright_file_identifier']=>string() //
['data_preparer_identifier']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['publisher_identifier']=>string() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['abstract_file_identifier']=>string() //
['application_data']=>string() //
['application_identifier']=>string() //
['bibliographic_file_identifier']=>string() //
['copyright_file_identifier']=>string() //
['data_preparer_identifier']=>string() //
['file_structure_version']=>integer() //
['logical_block_size']=>integer() //
['path_table_l_location']=>integer() //
['path_table_l_opt_location']=>integer() //
['path_table_m_location']=>integer() //
['path_table_m_opt_location']=>integer() //
['path_table_size']=>integer() //
['publisher_identifier']=>string() //
['root_directory_record']=>string() //
['standard_identifier']=>string() //
['system_identifier']=>string() //
['unused_1']=>string() //
['unused_2']=>string() //
['unused_3']=>string() //
['unused_4']=>integer() //
['volume_creation_date_time']=>string() //
['volume_descriptor_type']=>integer() //
['volume_descriptor_version']=>integer() //
['volume_effective_date_time']=>string() //
['volume_expiration_date_time']=>string() //
['volume_identifier']=>string() //
['volume_modification_date_time']=>string() //
['volume_sequence_number']=>integer() //
['volume_set_identifier']=>string() //
['volume_set_size']=>integer() //
['volume_space_size']=>integer() //
} //
['system_identifier']=>string() //
['volume_creation_date_time']=>integer() //
['volume_effective_date_time']=>boolean() //
['volume_expiration_date_time']=>boolean() //
['volume_identifier']=>string() //
['volume_modification_date_time']=>integer() //
['volume_set_identifier']=>string() //
} //
['supplementary_volume_descriptor']=>array() { //
['abstract_file_identifier']=>string() //
['application_identifier']=>string() //
['bibliographic_file_identifier']=>string() //
['copyright_file_identifier']=>string() //
['data_preparer_identifier']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['publisher_identifier']=>string() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['abstract_file_identifier']=>string() //
['application_data']=>string() //
['application_identifier']=>string() //
['bibliographic_file_identifier']=>string() //
['copyright_file_identifier']=>string() //
['data_preparer_identifier']=>string() //
['file_structure_version']=>integer() //
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['volume_expiration_date_time']=>string() //
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['jpg']=>array() { // JPEG - still image
['exif']=>array() // data returned from PHP's exif_read_data() function
} //
['la']=>array() { // LA - Lossless Audio (www.lossless-audio.com)
['raw']=>array() {
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['flags']=>array() { //
['seekable']=>boolean() //
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['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['bytes_per_sample']=>integer() //
['bytes_per_second']=>integer() //
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['compression_ratio']=>double() //
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['version']=>double() //
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['footerstart']=>double() //
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['adaptive_prediction_order']=>boolean() //
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['fast_compress']=>boolean() //
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['quantization']=>integer() //
['random_access']=>boolean() //
['stereo']=>boolean() //
} //
['raw']=>array() { //
['audio_type']=>integer() //
['parameters']=>double() //
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['total_samples']=>integer() //
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['comments']=>array() { //
['album']=>string() //
['artist']=>string() //
['author']=>string() //
['comment']=>string() //
['title']=>string() //
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['lyrics']=>boolean() //
['timestamps']=>boolean() //
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[<x>]=>array() { //
['description']=>string() //
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['synchedlyrics']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>string() //
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['midi']=>array() { // MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) - sequenced music
['comments']=>array() { //
['comment']=>string() //
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['keysignature']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>string() //
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[<x>]=>array() { //
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[<x>]=>array() { //
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['tracks']=>integer() //
} //
['timesignature']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>string() //
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['totalticks']=>integer() //
} //
['monkeys_audio']=>array() { // Monkey's Audio - lossless audio compression
['bitrate']=>double() //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression']=>string() //
['compression_ratio']=>double() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['24-bit']=>boolean() //
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['raw']=>array() { //
['header_tag']=>string() //
['nChannels']=>integer() //
['nCompressionLevel']=>integer() //
['nFinalFrameSamples']=>integer() //
['nFormatFlags']=>integer() //
['nPeakLevel']=>integer() //
['nSampleRate']=>integer() //
['nSeekElements']=>integer() //
['nTotalFrames']=>integer() //
['nVersion']=>integer() //
['nWAVHeaderBytes']=>integer() //
['nWAVTerminatingBytes']=>integer() //
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['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['samples']=>integer() //
['samples_per_frame']=>integer() //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
['version']=>double() //
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['mpc']=>array() { // MPC (Musepack) - lossy audio compression
['header']=>array() { //
['album_gain_db']=>integer() //
['album_peak']=>integer() //
['album_peak_db']=>boolean() //
['title_gain_db']=>integer() //
['title_peak']=>integer() //
['title_peak_db']=>boolean() //
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['end_loud']=>boolean() //
['encoder_version']=>string() //
['frame_count']=>integer() //
['intensity_stereo']=>boolean() //
['last_frame_length']=>integer() //
['max_level']=>integer() //
['max_subband']=>integer() //
['mid_side_stereo']=>boolean() //
['profile']=>string() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['samples']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
['stream_major_version']=>integer() //
['stream_minor_version']=>integer() //
['true_gapless']=>boolean() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['album_gain']=>integer() //
['album_peak']=>integer() //
['encoder_version']=>integer() //
['preamble']=>string() //
['profile']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['title_gain']=>integer() //
['title_peak']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['mpeg']=>array() { // MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) - MPEG video and/or MPEG audio (MP3/MP2/MP1)
['audio']=>array() { //
['LAME']=>array() { //
['RGAD']=>array() { //
['peak_amplitude']=>double() //
} //
['ath_type']=>integer() //
['audio_bytes']=>integer() //
['bitrate_min']=>integer() //
['encoder_delay']=>integer() //
['encoding_flags']=>array() { //
['nogap_next']=>boolean() //
['nogap_prev']=>boolean() //
['nspsytune']=>boolean() //
['nssafejoint']=>boolean() //
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['end_padding']=>integer() //
['lame_tag_crc']=>integer() //
['lowpass_frequency']=>integer() //
['mp3_gain_db']=>double() //
['mp3_gain_factor']=>double() //
['mp3_gain_raw']=>integer() //
['music_crc']=>integer() //
['noise_shaping']=>integer() //
['noise_shaping_raw']=>integer() //
['not_optimal_quality']=>boolean() //
['not_optimal_quality_raw']=>integer() //
['preset_used_id']=>integer() //
['short_version']=>string() // ex: "LAME 3.93"
['long_version']=>string() // (pre-v3.90 only) ex: "LAME 3.88 (alpha)"
['source_sample_freq']=>string() //
['source_sample_freq_raw']=>integer() //
['stereo_mode']=>string() //
['stereo_mode_raw']=>integer() //
['surround_info']=>string() //
['surround_info_id']=>integer() //
['tag_revision']=>integer() //
['vbr_method']=>string() //
['vbr_method_raw']=>integer() //
} //
['VBR_bitrate']=>double() //
['VBR_bytes']=>integer() //
['VBR_frames']=>integer() //
['VBR_method']=>string() //
['VBR_scale']=>integer() //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['bitrate_distribution']=>array() { //
['free']=>integer() //
['8']=>integer() //
['16']=>integer() //
['24']=>integer() //
['32']=>integer() //
['40']=>integer() //
['48']=>integer() //
['56']=>integer() //
['64']=>integer() //
['80']=>integer() //
['96']=>integer() //
['112']=>integer() //
['128']=>integer() //
['144']=>integer() //
['160']=>integer() //
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['copyright']=>boolean() //
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['frame_count']=>integer() //
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['layer']=>integer() //
['modeextension']=>string() //
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['padding']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['protection']=>boolean() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
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['copyright']=>integer() //
['emphasis']=>integer() //
['layer']=>integer() //
['modeextension']=>integer() //
['original']=>integer() //
['padding']=>integer() //
['private']=>integer() //
['protection']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['synch']=>integer() //
['version']=>integer() //
} //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['stereo_distribution']=>array() { //
['dual channel']=>integer() //
['joint stereo']=>integer() //
['mono']=>integer() //
['stereo']=>integer() //
} //
['toc']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>integer() //
} //
['version']=>string() //
['version_distribution']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>integer() //
[<x>]=>integer() //
['2.5']=>integer() //
} //
['xing_flags']=>array() { //
['bytes']=>boolean() //
['frames']=>boolean() //
['toc']=>boolean() //
['vbr_scale']=>boolean() //
} //
['xing_flags_raw']=>string() //
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['bitrate']=>integer() //
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['frame_rate']=>double() //
['framesize_horizontal']=>integer() //
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['pixel_aspect_ratio']=>double() //
['pixel_aspect_ratio_text']=>string() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['constrained_param_flag']=>integer() //
['frame_rate']=>integer() //
['framesize_horizontal']=>integer() //
['framesize_vertical']=>integer() //
['intra_quant_flag']=>integer() //
['marker_bit']=>integer() //
['pixel_aspect_ratio']=>integer() //
['vbv_buffer_size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['nsv']=>array() { // NSV - Nullsoft Streaming Video
['NSVf']=>array() { //
['TOC_entries_1']=>integer() //
['TOC_entries_2']=>integer() //
['file_size']=>integer() //
['header_length']=>integer() //
['identifier']=>string() //
['meta_size']=>integer() //
['metadata']=>string() //
['playtime_ms']=>integer() //
} //
['NSVs']=>array() { //
['audio_codec']=>string() //
['frame_rate']=>double() //
['framerate_index']=>integer() //
['identifier']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['resolution_x']=>integer() //
['resolution_y']=>integer() //
['unknown1b']=>integer() //
['unknown1c']=>integer() //
['unknown1d']=>integer() //
['unknown2a']=>integer() //
['unknown2b']=>integer() //
['unknown2c']=>integer() //
['unknown2d']=>integer() //
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['unknown3c']=>integer() //
['unknown3d']=>integer() //
['video_codec']=>string() //
} //
['comments']=>array() { //
['aspect']=>string() //
['title']=>string() //
} //
} //
['ofr']=>array() { // OFR (OptimFROG) - lossless audio compression
['COMP']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['channel_configuration']=>string() //
['crc_32']=>boolean() //
['encoder']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['algorithm_id']=>integer() //
['channel_configuration']=>integer() //
['encoder_id']=>integer() //
['sample_type']=>integer() //
} //
['sample_count']=>integer() //
['sample_type']=>string() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['HEAD']=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
['OFR ']=>array() { //
['channel_config']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['compression']=>string() //
['encoder']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['compression']=>integer() //
['encoder_id']=>integer() //
['sample_type']=>integer() //
} //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['sample_type']=>string() //
['size']=>integer() //
['total_samples']=>integer() //
} //
['TAIL']=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ogg']=>array() { // OGG - container format for Ogg Vorbis, OggFLAC, Speex, etc
['bitrate_average']=>double() //
['bitrate_max']=>integer() //
['bitrate_min']=>integer() //
['bitrate_nominal']=>integer() //
['bitstreamversion']=>integer() //
['blocksize_large']=>integer() //
['blocksize_small']=>integer() //
['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['comments_raw']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['dataoffset']=>integer() //
['key']=>string() //
['size']=>integer() //
['value']=>string() //
} //
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['numberofchannels']=>integer() //
['pageheader']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['flags']=>array() { //
['bos']=>boolean() //
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[<x>]=>integer() //
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['stream_serialno']=>integer() //
['stream_structver']=>integer() //
['stream_type']=>string() //
} //
['eos']=>array() { //
['flags']=>array() { //
['bos']=>boolean() //
['eos']=>boolean() //
['fresh']=>boolean() //
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['header_end_offset']=>integer() //
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[<x>]=>integer() //
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['stream_serialno']=>integer() //
['stream_structver']=>integer() //
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['samplerate']=>integer() //
['samples']=>integer() //
['stop_bit']=>integer() //
['vendor']=>string() //
} //
['png']=>array() { // PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - still image
['IDAT']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>integer() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
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['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['IEND']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
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['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['color_type']=>array() { //
['alpha']=>boolean() //
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['true_color']=>boolean() //
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['compression_method_text']=>string() //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
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['data_length']=>integer() //
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['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['height']=>integer() //
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['bit_depth']=>integer() //
['color_type']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>integer() //
['filter_method']=>integer() //
['interlace_method']=>integer() //
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['width']=>integer() //
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['PLTE']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
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['data_length']=>integer() //
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['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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[<x>]=>integer() //
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['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['gAMA']=>array() { //
['gamma']=>double() //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>integer() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
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['pHYs']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>integer() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
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['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['pixels_per_unit_x']=>integer() //
['pixels_per_unit_y']=>integer() //
['unit']=>string() //
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['pcLb']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
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['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['tEXt']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>integer() //
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['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['tIME']=>array() { //
['day']=>integer() //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>integer() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
} //
['hour']=>integer() //
['minute']=>integer() //
['month']=>integer() //
['second']=>integer() //
['unix']=>integer() //
['year']=>integer() //
} //
['tRNS']=>array() { //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
['data']=>string() //
['data_length']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['ancilliary']=>boolean() //
['private']=>boolean() //
['reserved']=>boolean() //
['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
} //
['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
} //
['transparent_color_blue']=>integer() //
['transparent_color_green']=>integer() //
['transparent_color_red']=>integer() //
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['zTXt']=>array() { //
['compressed_text']=>string() //
['compression_method']=>integer() //
['compression_method_text']=>string() //
['header']=>array() { //
['crc']=>double() //
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['safe_to_copy']=>boolean() //
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['type_raw']=>double() //
['type_text']=>string() //
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['keyword']=>string() //
['text']=>string() //
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} //
['quicktime']=>array() { // Quicktime - video/audio
['']=>array() { //
['name']=>boolean() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
['audio']=>array() { //
['bit_depth']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['codec']=>string() //
['sample_rate']=>double() //
} //
['free']=>array() { //
['name']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
['mdat']=>array() { //
['name']=>string() //
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['moov']=>array() { //
['hierarchy']=>string() //
['name']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
['subatoms']=>array() // This is an undocumentably-complex recursive array, typically containing a huge amount of seemingly disorganized data. Avoid this like the plague.
} //
['time_scale']=>integer() //
['display_scale']=>integer() // 1 = normal; 0.5 = half; 2 = double
['video']=>array() { //
['codec']=>string() //
['color_depth']=>integer() //
['color_depth_name']=>string() //
['resolution_x']=>double() //
['resolution_y']=>double() //
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['wide']=>array() { //
['name']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
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} //
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[<x>]=>array() { //
['file_version']=>integer() //
['headers_count']=>integer() //
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['name']=>string() //
['object_version']=>integer() //
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[<x>]=>array() { //
['avg_bit_rate']=>integer() //
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['save_enabled']=>boolean() //
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['offset']=>integer() //
['preroll']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['comments']=>array() { //
['artist']=>string() //
['comment']=>string() //
['title']=>string() //
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['riff']=>array() { // RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) - audio/video container format (AVI, WAV, CDDA, etc)
['AIFC']=>array() { //
['COMM']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
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['FVER']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
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['size']=>integer() //
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['INST']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['MARK']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['SSND']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
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['AIFF']=>array() { //
['(c) ']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['COMM']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['SSND']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['AVI ']=>array() { //
['JUNK']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['hdrl']=>array() { //
['avih']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['odml']=>array() { //
['dmlh']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['strl']=>array() { //
['JUNK']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['strf']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['strh']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['strn']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
} //
['idx1']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['movi']=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['CDDA']=>array() { //
['fmt ']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['disc_id']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['playtime_frames']=>integer() //
['playtime_seconds']=>double() //
['size']=>integer() //
['start_offset_frame']=>integer() //
['start_offset_seconds']=>double() //
['track_num']=>integer() //
['unknown1']=>integer() //
['unknown6']=>integer() //
['unknown7']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['WAVE']=>array() { //
['DISP']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['INFO']=>array() { //
['IART']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ICMT']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ICOP']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['IENG']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['IGNR']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['IKEY']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['IMED']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['INAM']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ISBJ']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ISFT']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ISRC']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ISRF']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['ITCH']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['MEXT']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['anciliary_data_length']=>integer() //
['data']=>string() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['anciliary_data_free']=>boolean() //
['anciliary_data_left']=>boolean() //
['anciliary_data_right']=>boolean() //
['homogenous']=>boolean() //
} //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['anciliary_data_def']=>integer() //
['sound_information']=>integer() //
} //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['bext']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['author']=>string() //
['bwf_version']=>integer() //
['coding_history']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>string() //
} //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['origin_date']=>string() //
['origin_date_unix']=>integer() //
['origin_time']=>string() //
['reference']=>string() //
['reserved']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
['time_reference']=>integer() //
['title']=>string() //
} //
} //
['cart']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['artist']=>string() //
['category']=>string() //
['classification']=>string() //
['client_id']=>string() //
['cut_id']=>string() //
['data']=>string() //
['end_date']=>string() //
['end_time']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['out_cue']=>string() //
['post_time']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['timer_value']=>integer() //
['usage_fourcc']=>string() //
} //
} //
['producer_app_id']=>string() //
['producer_app_version']=>string() //
['size']=>integer() //
['start_date']=>string() //
['start_time']=>string() //
['tag_text']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>string() //
} //
['title']=>string() //
['url']=>string() //
['user_defined_text']=>string() //
['version']=>string() //
['zero_db_reference']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['data']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['fact']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['fmt ']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['rgad']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['data']=>string() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['audio']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['codec']=>string() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
} //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['codec_fourcc']=>string() //
['codec_name']=>string() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['total_samples']=>integer() //
} //
['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['header_size']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['avih']=>array() { //
['dwFlags']=>integer() //
['dwHeight']=>integer() //
['dwInitialFrames']=>integer() //
['dwLength']=>integer() //
['dwMaxBytesPerSec']=>integer() //
['dwMicroSecPerFrame']=>integer() //
['dwPaddingGranularity']=>integer() //
['dwRate']=>integer() //
['dwScale']=>integer() //
['dwStart']=>integer() //
['dwStreams']=>integer() //
['dwSuggestedBufferSize']=>integer() //
['dwTotalFrames']=>integer() //
['dwWidth']=>integer() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['capturedfile']=>boolean() //
['copyrighted']=>boolean() //
['hasindex']=>boolean() //
['interleaved']=>boolean() //
['mustuseindex']=>boolean() //
['trustcktype']=>boolean() //
} //
} //
['fact']=>array() { //
['NumberOfSamples']=>integer() //
} //
['fmt ']=>array() { //
['nAvgBytesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wBitsPerSample']=>integer() //
['nBlockAlign']=>integer() //
['nChannels']=>integer() //
['nSamplesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wFormatTag']=>integer() //
} //
['rgad']=>array() { //
['audiophile']=>array() { //
['adjustment']=>integer() //
['name']=>integer() //
['originator']=>integer() //
['signbit']=>integer() //
} //
['fPeakAmplitude']=>double() //
['nAudiophileRgAdjust']=>integer() //
['nRadioRgAdjust']=>integer() //
['radio']=>array() { //
['adjustment']=>integer() //
['name']=>integer() //
['originator']=>integer() //
['signbit']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['strf']=>array() { //
['auds']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['nAvgBytesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wBitsPerSample']=>integer() //
['nBlockAlign']=>integer() //
['nChannels']=>integer() //
['nSamplesPerSec']=>integer() //
['wFormatTag']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['vids']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['biBitCount']=>integer() //
['biClrImportant']=>integer() //
['biClrUsed']=>integer() //
['biHeight']=>integer() //
['biPlanes']=>integer() //
['biSize']=>integer() //
['biSizeImage']=>integer() //
['biWidth']=>integer() //
['biXPelsPerMeter']=>integer() //
['biYPelsPerMeter']=>integer() //
['fourcc']=>string() //
} //
} //
} //
['strh']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['dwFlags']=>integer() //
['dwInitialFrames']=>integer() //
['dwLength']=>integer() //
['dwQuality']=>integer() //
['dwRate']=>integer() //
['dwSampleSize']=>integer() //
['dwScale']=>integer() //
['dwStart']=>integer() //
['dwSuggestedBufferSize']=>integer() //
['fccHandler']=>string() //
['fccType']=>string() //
['rcFrame']=>integer() //
['wLanguage']=>integer() //
['wPriority']=>integer() //
} //
} //
} //
['rgad']=>array() { //
['audiophile']=>array() { //
['adjustment']=>double() //
['name']=>string() //
['originator']=>string() //
} //
['peakamplitude']=>double() //
['radio']=>array() { //
['adjustment']=>double() //
['name']=>string() //
['originator']=>string() //
} //
} //
['video']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['codec']=>string() //
['frame_height']=>integer() //
['frame_rate']=>double() //
['frame_width']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['litewave']=>array() { // http://www.clearjump.com
['raw']=>array() { //
['compression_method']=>integer() // 1=lossy; 2=lossless
['compression_flags']=>integer() //
['m_dwScale']=>integer() // scalefactor for lossy compression - related to m_wQuality as: $m_wQuality = round((2000 - $m_dwScale) / 20)
['m_dwBlockSize']=>integer() // number of samples in encoded blocks
['m_wQuality']=>integer() // quality factor (0=most compressed lossy; 99=best quality lossy; 100=lossless)
['m_wMarkDistance']=>integer() // distance between marks in bytes
['m_wReserved']=>integer() //
['m_dwOrgSize']=>integer() // original file size in bytes
['m_bFactExists']=>integer() // indicates if 'fact' chunk exists in the original file
['m_dwRiffChunkSize']=>integer() // riff chunk size in the original file
} //
['quality_factor']=>integer() // alias of ['raw']['m_wQuality']
} //
} //
['shn']=>array() { // Shorten - lossless audio compression
['seektable']=>array() { //
['length']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['present']=>boolean() //
} //
['version']=>integer() //
} //
['swf']=>array() { // SWF - ShockWave Flash (www.openswf.org)
['header']=>array() { //
['frame_count']=>integer() //
['frame_height']=>integer() //
['frame_width']=>integer() //
['length']=>integer() //
['signature']=>string() //
['version']=>integer() //
} //
['bgcolor']=>string() //
['tags']=>array() //
} //
['voc']=>array() { // VOC - SoundBlaster VOC audio format
['blocks']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['block_offset']=>integer() //
['block_size']=>integer() //
['block_type_id']=>integer() //
['channels']=>integer() //
['compression_name']=>string() //
['compression_type']=>integer() //
['pack_method']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['sample_rate_id']=>integer() //
['stereo']=>boolean() //
['time_constant']=>integer() //
['wFormat']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['compressed_bits_per_sample']=>integer() //
['header']=>array() { //
['datablock_offset']=>integer() //
['major_version']=>integer() //
['minor_version']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['vqf']=>array() { // VQF - transform-domain weighted interleave Vector Quantization Format (lossy audio)
['COMM']=>array() { //
['bitrate']=>integer() //
['channel_mode']=>integer() //
['sample_rate']=>integer() //
['security_level']=>integer() //
} //
['DSIZ']=>integer() //
['comments']=>array() { // array of array of strings containing best data from any available metainformation tag (APE, ID3v2, ID3v1, Lyrics3, Vorbis, ASF, RIFF, Real, etc.)
[<key name>]=>array() // <key name> can be anything, usually 'artist', 'title', etc. Contains array of one or more values (eg: multiple artists are possible)
} //
['raw']=>array() { //
['header_tag']=>string() //
['size']=>integer() //
['version']=>string() //
} //
} //
['wavpack']=>array() { // WavPack - lossless audio compression
['bits']=>integer() //
['crc1']=>double() //
['crc2']=>integer() //
['extension']=>string() //
['extra_bc']=>string() //
['extras']=>string() //
['flags_raw']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['shift']=>integer() //
['size']=>integer() //
['total_samples']=>integer() //
['version']=>integer() //
} //
['zip']=>array() { // ZIP - lossless data compression
['central_directory']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>string() //
['create_version']=>string() //
['entry_offset']=>integer() //
['extract_version']=>string() //
['filename']=>string() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['compression_speed']=>string() //
['data_descriptor_used']=>boolean() //
['encrypted']=>boolean() //
} //
['host_os']=>string() //
['last_modified_timestamp']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>integer() //
['crc_32']=>double() //
['create_version']=>integer() //
['disk_number_start']=>integer() //
['external_file_attrib']=>double() //
['extra_field_length']=>integer() //
['extract_version']=>integer() //
['file_comment_length']=>integer() //
['filename_length']=>integer() //
['general_flags']=>integer() //
['internal_file_attrib']=>integer() //
['last_mod_file_date']=>integer() //
['last_mod_file_time']=>integer() //
['local_header_offset']=>integer() //
['signature']=>integer() //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
} //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['comments']=>array() { //
['comment']=>string() //
} //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>string() //
['compression_speed']=>string() //
['end_central_directory']=>array() { //
['comment']=>string() //
['comment_length']=>integer() //
['directory_entries_this_disk']=>integer() //
['directory_entries_total']=>integer() //
['directory_offset']=>integer() //
['directory_size']=>integer() //
['disk_number_current']=>integer() //
['disk_number_start_directory']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['signature']=>integer() //
} //
['entries']=>array() { //
[<x>]=>array() { //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>string() //
['extract_version']=>string() //
['filename']=>string() //
['flags']=>array() { //
['compression_speed']=>string() //
['data_descriptor_used']=>boolean() //
['encrypted']=>boolean() //
} //
['host_os']=>string() //
['last_modified_timestamp']=>integer() //
['offset']=>integer() //
['raw']=>array() { //
['compressed_size']=>integer() //
['compression_method']=>integer() //
['crc_32']=>integer() //
['extra_field_length']=>integer() //
['extract_version']=>integer() //
['filename_length']=>integer() //
['general_flags']=>integer() //
['last_mod_file_date']=>integer() //
['last_mod_file_time']=>integer() //
['signature']=>integer() //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
} //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
} //
} //
['entries_count']=>integer() //
['files']=>array() { // multidimensional tree-structure array listing of all files and directories in image
[<directory name>]=>array() // entries of type array are directories (key is directory name), may contain files and/or other subdirectories
[<file name>]=>integer() // entries of type integer are files (key is file name, value is file size in bytes)
} //
['uncompressed_size']=>integer() //
} //
} //