2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
< ? php
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
// //
// /demo/demo.browse.php - part of getID3() //
// Sample script for browsing/scanning files and displaying //
// information returned by getID3() //
// See readme.txt for more details //
// ///
die ( 'For security reasons, this demo has been disabled. It can be enabled by removing line ' . __LINE__ . ' in demos/' . basename ( __FILE__ ));
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
define ( 'GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_EDIT_LINK' , false );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
define ( 'GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK' , false );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// die if magic_quotes_runtime or magic_quotes_gpc are set
if ( function_exists ( 'get_magic_quotes_runtime' ) && get_magic_quotes_runtime ()) {
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
die ( 'magic_quotes_runtime is enabled, getID3 will not run.' );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
if ( function_exists ( 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' ) && get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
die ( 'magic_quotes_gpc is enabled, getID3 will not run.' );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$PageEncoding = 'UTF-8' ;
$writescriptfilename = 'demo.write.php' ;
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
require_once '../getid3/getid3.php' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// Needed for windows only. Leave commented-out to auto-detect, only define here if auto-detection does not work properly
//define('GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR', 'C:\\helperapps\\');
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3 ;
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$getID3 -> setOption ([ 'encoding' => $PageEncoding ]);
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$getID3checkColor_Head = 'CCCCDD' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$getID3checkColor_DirectoryLight = 'FFCCCC' ;
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$getID3checkColor_DirectoryDark = 'EEBBBB' ;
$getID3checkColor_FileLight = 'EEEEEE' ;
$getID3checkColor_FileDark = 'DDDDDD' ;
$getID3checkColor_UnknownLight = 'CCCCFF' ;
$getID3checkColor_UnknownDark = 'BBBBDD' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
header ( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $PageEncoding );
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">' ;
echo '<html><head>' ;
echo '<title>getID3() - /demo/demo.browse.php (sample script)</title>' ;
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="getid3.css" type="text/css">' ;
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=' . $PageEncoding . '" />' ;
echo '</head><body>' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ])) {
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
if ( file_exists ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ])) {
if ( unlink ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ])) {
$deletefilemessage = 'Successfully deleted ' . addslashes ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ]);
} else {
$deletefilemessage = 'FAILED to delete ' . addslashes ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ]) . ' - error deleting file' ;
} else {
$deletefilemessage = 'FAILED to delete ' . addslashes ( $_REQUEST [ 'deletefile' ]) . ' - file does not exist' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'noalert' ])) {
echo '<b><font color="' . (( $deletefilemessage [ 0 ] == 'F' ) ? '#FF0000' : '#008000' ) . '">' . $deletefilemessage . '</font></b><hr>' ;
} else {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("' . $deletefilemessage . '");</script>' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ])) {
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ]) || ! is_file ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ])) {
die ( getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( 'ISO-8859-1' , $PageEncoding , $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ] . ' does not exist' ));
$starttime = microtime ( true );
// 'option_md5_data' => $AutoGetHashes,
// 'option_sha1_data' => $AutoGetHashes,
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3 -> analyze ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ]);
$AutoGetHashes = ( bool ) ( isset ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ]) && ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ] > 0 ) && ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ] < ( 50 * 1048576 ))); // auto-get md5_data, md5_file, sha1_data, sha1_file if filesize < 50MB, and NOT zero (which may indicate a file>2GB)
$AutoGetHashes = ( $AutoGetHashes && GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK );
if ( $AutoGetHashes ) {
$ThisFileInfo [ 'md5_file' ] = md5_file ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ]);
$ThisFileInfo [ 'sha1_file' ] = sha1_file ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ]);
getid3_lib :: CopyTagsToComments ( $ThisFileInfo );
$listdirectory = dirname ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ]);
$listdirectory = realpath ( $listdirectory ); // get rid of /../../ references
// this mostly just gives a consistant look to Windows and *nix filesystems
// (windows uses \ as directory seperator, *nix uses /)
$listdirectory = str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , '/' , $listdirectory . '/' );
if ( strstr ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ], 'http://' ) || strstr ( $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ], 'ftp://' )) {
echo '<i>Cannot browse remote filesystems</i><br>' ;
} else {
echo 'Browse: <a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . urlencode ( $listdirectory ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">' . getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( 'ISO-8859-1' , $PageEncoding , $listdirectory ) . '</a><br>' ;
getid3_lib :: ksort_recursive ( $ThisFileInfo );
echo table_var_dump ( $ThisFileInfo , false , $PageEncoding );
$endtime = microtime ( true );
echo 'File parsed in ' . number_format ( $endtime - $starttime , 3 ) . ' seconds.<br>' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
} else {
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$listdirectory = ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ] : '.' );
$listdirectory = realpath ( $listdirectory ); // get rid of /../../ references
$currentfulldir = $listdirectory . '/' ;
// this mostly just gives a consistant look to Windows and *nix filesystems
// (windows uses \ as directory seperator, *nix uses /)
$currentfulldir = str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , '/' , $listdirectory . '/' );
ob_start ();
if ( $handle = opendir ( $listdirectory )) {
ob_end_clean ();
echo str_repeat ( ' ' , 300 ); // IE buffers the first 300 or so chars, making this progressive display useless - fill the buffer with spaces
echo 'Processing' ;
$starttime = microtime ( true );
$TotalScannedUnknownFiles = 0 ;
$TotalScannedKnownFiles = 0 ;
$TotalScannedPlaytimeFiles = 0 ;
$TotalScannedBitrateFiles = 0 ;
$TotalScannedFilesize = 0 ;
$TotalScannedPlaytime = 0 ;
$TotalScannedBitrate = 0 ;
$FilesWithWarnings = 0 ;
$FilesWithErrors = 0 ;
while ( $file = readdir ( $handle )) {
$currentfilename = $listdirectory . '/' . $file ;
set_time_limit ( 30 ); // allocate another 30 seconds to process this file - should go much quicker than this unless intense processing (like bitrate histogram analysis) is enabled
echo ' .' ; // progress indicator dot
flush (); // make sure the dot is shown, otherwise it's useless
switch ( $file ) {
case '..' :
$ParentDir = realpath ( $file . '/..' ) . '/' ;
$ParentDir = str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , '/' , $ParentDir );
$DirectoryContents [ $currentfulldir ][ 'dir' ][ $file ][ 'filename' ] = $ParentDir ;
continue 2 ;
break ;
case '.' :
// ignore
continue 2 ;
break ;
// symbolic-link-resolution enhancements by davidbullock״ech-center*com
$TargetObject = realpath ( $currentfilename ); // Find actual file path, resolve if it's a symbolic link
$TargetObjectType = filetype ( $TargetObject ); // Check file type without examining extension
if ( $TargetObjectType == 'dir' ) {
$DirectoryContents [ $currentfulldir ][ 'dir' ][ $file ][ 'filename' ] = $file ;
} elseif ( $TargetObjectType == 'file' ) {
$getID3 -> setOption ([ 'option_md5_data' => ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'ShowMD5' ]) && GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK )]);
$fileinformation = $getID3 -> analyze ( $currentfilename );
getid3_lib :: CopyTagsToComments ( $fileinformation );
$TotalScannedFilesize += ( isset ( $fileinformation [ 'filesize' ]) ? $fileinformation [ 'filesize' ] : 0 );
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'ShowMD5' ]) && GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK ) {
$fileinformation [ 'md5_file' ] = md5_file ( $currentfilename );
if ( ! empty ( $fileinformation [ 'fileformat' ])) {
$DirectoryContents [ $currentfulldir ][ 'known' ][ $file ] = $fileinformation ;
$TotalScannedPlaytime += ( isset ( $fileinformation [ 'playtime_seconds' ]) ? $fileinformation [ 'playtime_seconds' ] : 0 );
$TotalScannedBitrate += ( isset ( $fileinformation [ 'bitrate' ]) ? $fileinformation [ 'bitrate' ] : 0 );
$TotalScannedKnownFiles ++ ;
} else {
$DirectoryContents [ $currentfulldir ][ 'other' ][ $file ] = $fileinformation ;
$DirectoryContents [ $currentfulldir ][ 'other' ][ $file ][ 'playtime_string' ] = '-' ;
$TotalScannedUnknownFiles ++ ;
if ( isset ( $fileinformation [ 'playtime_seconds' ]) && ( $fileinformation [ 'playtime_seconds' ] > 0 )) {
$TotalScannedPlaytimeFiles ++ ;
if ( isset ( $fileinformation [ 'bitrate' ]) && ( $fileinformation [ 'bitrate' ] > 0 )) {
$TotalScannedBitrateFiles ++ ;
$endtime = microtime ( true );
closedir ( $handle );
echo 'done<br>' ;
echo 'Directory scanned in ' . number_format ( $endtime - $starttime , 2 ) . ' seconds.<br>' ;
flush ();
$columnsintable = 14 ;
echo '<table class="table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">' ;
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . $getID3checkColor_Head . '"><th colspan="' . $columnsintable . '">Files in ' . getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( 'ISO-8859-1' , $PageEncoding , $currentfulldir ) . '</th></tr>' ;
$rowcounter = 0 ;
foreach ( $DirectoryContents as $dirname => $val ) {
if ( isset ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'dir' ]) && is_array ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'dir' ])) {
uksort ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'dir' ], 'MoreNaturalSort' );
foreach ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'dir' ] as $filename => $fileinfo ) {
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . (( $rowcounter ++ % 2 ) ? $getID3checkColor_DirectoryLight : $getID3checkColor_DirectoryDark ) . '">' ;
if ( $filename == '..' ) {
echo '<td colspan="' . $columnsintable . '">' ;
echo '<form action="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" method="get">' ;
echo 'Parent directory: ' ;
echo '<input type="text" name="listdirectory" size="50" style="background-color: ' . $getID3checkColor_DirectoryDark . ';" value="' ;
echo htmlentities ( str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , '/' , realpath ( $dirname . $filename )), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding );
} else {
echo htmlentities ( realpath ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding );
echo '"> <input type="submit" value="Go">' ;
echo '</form></td>' ;
} else {
$escaped_filename = htmlentities ( $filename , ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ); // do filesystems always return filenames in ISO-8859-1?
$escaped_filename = ( $escaped_filename ? $escaped_filename : rawurlencode ( $filename ));
echo '<td colspan="' . $columnsintable . '"><a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '"><b>' . $escaped_filename . '</b></a></td>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . $getID3checkColor_Head . '">' ;
echo '<th>Filename</th>' ;
echo '<th>File Size</th>' ;
echo '<th>Format</th>' ;
echo '<th>Playtime</th>' ;
echo '<th>Bitrate</th>' ;
echo '<th>Artist</th>' ;
echo '<th>Title</th>' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'ShowMD5' ]) && GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK ) {
echo '<th>MD5 File (File) (<a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . rawurlencode ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ] : '.' ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">disable</a>)</th>' ;
echo '<th>MD5 Data (File) (<a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . rawurlencode ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ] : '.' ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">disable</a>)</th>' ;
echo '<th>MD5 Data (Source) (<a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . rawurlencode ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ] : '.' ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">disable</a>)</th>' ;
} else {
echo '<th colspan="3">MD5 Data' . ( GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK ? ' (<a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . rawurlencode ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'listdirectory' ] : '.' ) . '&ShowMD5=1' , ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">enable</a>)' : '' ) . '</th>' ;
echo '<th>Tags</th>' ;
echo '<th>Errors & Warnings</th>' ;
echo GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_EDIT_LINK ? '<th>Edit</th>' : '' ;
echo GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_DELETE_LINK ? '<th>Delete</th>' : '' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
if ( isset ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'known' ]) && is_array ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'known' ])) {
uksort ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'known' ], 'MoreNaturalSort' );
foreach ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'known' ] as $filename => $fileinfo ) {
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . (( $rowcounter ++ % 2 ) ? $getID3checkColor_FileDark : $getID3checkColor_FileLight ) . '">' ;
$escaped_filename = htmlentities ( $filename , ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding );
$escaped_filename = ( $escaped_filename ? $escaped_filename : rawurlencode ( $filename ));
echo '<td><a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?filename=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" title="View detailed analysis">' . $escaped_filename . '</a></td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . number_format ( $fileinfo [ 'filesize' ]) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . NiceDisplayFiletypeFormat ( $fileinfo ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'playtime_string' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'playtime_string' ] : '-' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'bitrate' ]) ? BitrateText ( $fileinfo [ 'bitrate' ] / 1000 , 0 , (( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'bitrate_mode' ]) && ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'bitrate_mode' ] == 'vbr' )) ? true : false )) : '-' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'comments_html' ][ 'artist' ]) ? implode ( '<br>' , $fileinfo [ 'comments_html' ][ 'artist' ]) : (( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_x' ]) && isset ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_y' ])) ? $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_x' ] . 'x' . $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_y' ] : '' )) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'comments_html' ][ 'title' ]) ? implode ( '<br>' , $fileinfo [ 'comments_html' ][ 'title' ]) : ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'frame_rate' ]) ? number_format ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'frame_rate' ], 3 ) . 'fps' : '' )) . '</td>' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'ShowMD5' ]) && GETID3_DEMO_BROWSE_ALLOW_MD5_LINK ) {
echo '<td align="left"><tt>' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'md5_file' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'md5_file' ] : ' ' ) . '</tt></td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"><tt>' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'md5_data' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'md5_data' ] : ' ' ) . '</tt></td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"><tt>' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'md5_data_source' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'md5_data_source' ] : ' ' ) . '</tt></td>' ;
} else {
echo '<td align="center" colspan="3">-</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> ' . ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'tags' ]) ? implode ( ', ' , array_keys ( $fileinfo [ 'tags' ])) : '' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'warning' ])) {
$FilesWithWarnings ++ ;
echo '<a href="#" onClick="alert(\'' . htmlentities ( str_replace ( " ' " , " \\ ' " , preg_replace ( '#[\r\n\t]+#' , ' ' , implode ( '\\n' , $fileinfo [ 'warning' ]))), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '\'); return false;" title="' . htmlentities ( implode ( " ; \n " , $fileinfo [ 'warning' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">warning</a><br>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'error' ])) {
$FilesWithErrors ++ ;
echo '<a href="#" onClick="alert(\'' . htmlentities ( str_replace ( " ' " , " \\ ' " , preg_replace ( '#[\r\n\t]+#' , ' ' , implode ( '\\n' , $fileinfo [ 'error' ]))), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '\'); return false;" title="' . htmlentities ( implode ( " ; \n " , $fileinfo [ 'error' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">error</a><br>' ;
echo '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> ' ;
$fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ] = ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ] : '' );
switch ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ]) {
case 'mp3' :
case 'mp2' :
case 'mp1' :
case 'flac' :
case 'mpc' :
case 'real' :
echo '<a href="' . htmlentities ( $writescriptfilename . '?Filename=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" title="Edit tags">edit tags</a>' ;
break ;
case 'ogg' :
if ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]) && ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ] == 'vorbis' )) {
echo '<a href="' . htmlentities ( $writescriptfilename . '?Filename=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" title="Edit tags">edit tags</a>' ;
break ;
default :
break ;
echo '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> <a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . urlencode ( $listdirectory ) . '&deletefile=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" onClick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete ' . addslashes ( htmlentities ( $dirname . $filename )) . '? \n(this action cannot be un-done)\');" title="' . htmlentities ( 'Permanently delete ' . " \n " . $filename . " \n " . ' from' . " \n " . ' ' . $dirname , ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">delete</a></td>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
if ( isset ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'other' ]) && is_array ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'other' ])) {
uksort ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'other' ], 'MoreNaturalSort' );
foreach ( $DirectoryContents [ $dirname ][ 'other' ] as $filename => $fileinfo ) {
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . (( $rowcounter ++ % 2 ) ? $getID3checkColor_UnknownDark : $getID3checkColor_UnknownLight ) . '">' ;
$escaped_filename = htmlentities ( $filename , ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding );
$escaped_filename = ( $escaped_filename ? $escaped_filename : rawurlencode ( $filename ));
echo '<td><a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?filename=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '"><i>' . $escaped_filename . '</i></a></td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'filesize' ]) ? number_format ( $fileinfo [ 'filesize' ]) : '-' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . NiceDisplayFiletypeFormat ( $fileinfo ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'playtime_string' ]) ? $fileinfo [ 'playtime_string' ] : '-' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right"> ' . ( isset ( $fileinfo [ 'bitrate' ]) ? BitrateText ( $fileinfo [ 'bitrate' ] / 1000 ) : '-' ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> </td>' ; // Artist
echo '<td align="left"> </td>' ; // Title
echo '<td align="left" colspan="3"> </td>' ; // MD5_data
echo '<td align="left"> </td>' ; // Tags
//echo '<td align="left"> </td>'; // Warning/Error
echo '<td align="left"> ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'warning' ])) {
$FilesWithWarnings ++ ;
echo '<a href="#" onClick="alert(\'' . htmlentities ( implode ( '\\n' , $fileinfo [ 'warning' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '\'); return false;" title="' . htmlentities ( implode ( " \n " , $fileinfo [ 'warning' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">warning</a><br>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'error' ])) {
if ( $fileinfo [ 'error' ][ 0 ] != 'unable to determine file format' ) {
$FilesWithErrors ++ ;
echo '<a href="#" onClick="alert(\'' . htmlentities ( implode ( '\\n' , $fileinfo [ 'error' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '\'); return false;" title="' . htmlentities ( implode ( " \n " , $fileinfo [ 'error' ]), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '">error</a><br>' ;
echo '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="left"> </td>' ; // Edit
echo '<td align="left"> <a href="' . htmlentities ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?listdirectory=' . urlencode ( $listdirectory ) . '&deletefile=' . urlencode ( $dirname . $filename ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $PageEncoding ) . '" onClick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete ' . addslashes ( $dirname . $filename ) . '? \n(this action cannot be un-done)\');" title="Permanently delete ' . addslashes ( $dirname . $filename ) . '">delete</a></td>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . $getID3checkColor_Head . '">' ;
echo '<td><b>Average:</b></td>' ;
echo '<td align="right">' . number_format ( $TotalScannedFilesize / max ( $TotalScannedKnownFiles , 1 )) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td> </td>' ;
echo '<td align="right">' . getid3_lib :: PlaytimeString ( $TotalScannedPlaytime / max ( $TotalScannedPlaytimeFiles , 1 )) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td align="right">' . BitrateText ( round (( $TotalScannedBitrate / 1000 ) / max ( $TotalScannedBitrateFiles , 1 ))) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td rowspan="2" colspan="' . ( $columnsintable - 5 ) . '"><table class="table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr><th align="right">Identified Files:</th><td align="right">' . number_format ( $TotalScannedKnownFiles ) . '</td><td> </td><th align="right">Errors:</th><td align="right">' . number_format ( $FilesWithErrors ) . '</td></tr><tr><th align="right">Unknown Files:</th><td align="right">' . number_format ( $TotalScannedUnknownFiles ) . '</td><td> </td><th align="right">Warnings:</th><td align="right">' . number_format ( $FilesWithWarnings ) . '</td></tr></table>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '<tr bgcolor="#' . $getID3checkColor_Head . '">' ;
echo '<td><b>Total:</b></td>' ;
echo '<td align="right">' . number_format ( $TotalScannedFilesize ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td> </td>' ;
echo '<td align="right">' . getid3_lib :: PlaytimeString ( $TotalScannedPlaytime ) . '</td>' ;
echo '<td> </td>' ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
} else {
$errormessage = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
echo '<b>ERROR: Could not open directory: <u>' . $currentfulldir . '</u></b><br>' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
echo PoweredBygetID3 () . '<br clear="all">' ;
echo '</body></html>' ;
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function RemoveAccents ( $string )
// Revised version by markstewardרotmail*com
// Again revised by James Heinrich (19-June-2006)
return strtr (
strtr (
$string ,
" \x8A \x8E \x9A \x9E \x9F \xC0 \xC1 \xC2 \xC3 \xC4 \xC5 \xC7 \xC8 \xC9 \xCA \xCB \xCC \xCD \xCE \xCF \xD1 \xD2 \xD3 \xD4 \xD5 \xD6 \xD8 \xD9 \xDA \xDB \xDC \xDD \xE0 \xE1 \xE2 \xE3 \xE4 \xE5 \xE7 \xE8 \xE9 \xEA \xEB \xEC \xED \xEE \xEF \xF1 \xF2 \xF3 \xF4 \xF5 \xF6 \xF8 \xF9 \xFA \xFB \xFC \xFD \xFF " ,
" \xDE " => 'TH' ,
" \xFE " => 'th' ,
" \xD0 " => 'DH' ,
" \xF0 " => 'dh' ,
" \xDF " => 'ss' ,
" \x8C " => 'OE' ,
" \x9C " => 'oe' ,
" \xC6 " => 'AE' ,
" \xE6 " => 'ae' ,
" \xB5 " => 'u' ,
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function BitrateColor ( $bitrate , $BitrateMaxScale = 768 )
// $BitrateMaxScale is bitrate of maximum-quality color (bright green)
// below this is gradient, above is solid green
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$bitrate *= ( 256 / $BitrateMaxScale ); // scale from 1-[768]kbps to 1-256
$bitrate = round ( min ( max ( $bitrate , 1 ), 256 ));
$bitrate -- ; // scale from 1-256kbps to 0-255kbps
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
$Rcomponent = max ( 255 - ( $bitrate * 2 ), 0 );
$Gcomponent = max (( $bitrate * 2 ) - 255 , 0 );
if ( $bitrate > 127 ) {
$Bcomponent = max (( 255 - $bitrate ) * 2 , 0 );
} else {
$Bcomponent = max ( $bitrate * 2 , 0 );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
return str_pad ( dechex ( $Rcomponent ), 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad ( dechex ( $Gcomponent ), 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad ( dechex ( $Bcomponent ), 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function BitrateText ( $bitrate , $decimals = 0 , $vbr = false )
return '<span style="color: #' . BitrateColor ( $bitrate ) . ( $vbr ? '; font-weight: bold;' : '' ) . '">' . number_format ( $bitrate , $decimals ) . ' kbps</span>' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function string_var_dump ( $variable )
if ( version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , '4.3.0' , '>=' )) {
return print_r ( $variable , true );
ob_start ();
var_dump ( $variable );
$dumpedvariable = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
return $dumpedvariable ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function table_var_dump ( $variable , $wrap_in_td = false , $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' )
$returnstring = '' ;
switch ( gettype ( $variable )) {
case 'array' :
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td>' : '' );
$returnstring .= '<table class="dump" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' ;
foreach ( $variable as $key => $value ) {
$returnstring .= '<tr><td valign="top"><b>' . str_replace ( " \x00 " , ' ' , $key ) . '</b></td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td valign="top">' . gettype ( $value );
if ( is_array ( $value )) {
$returnstring .= ' (' . count ( $value ) . ')' ;
} elseif ( is_string ( $value )) {
$returnstring .= ' (' . strlen ( $value ) . ')' ;
//if (($key == 'data') && isset($variable['image_mime']) && isset($variable['dataoffset'])) {
if (( $key == 'data' ) && isset ( $variable [ 'image_mime' ])) {
$imageinfo = [];
if ( $imagechunkcheck = getid3_lib :: GetDataImageSize ( $value , $imageinfo )) {
$returnstring .= '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><img src="data:' . $variable [ 'image_mime' ] . ';base64,' . base64_encode ( $value ) . '" width="' . $imagechunkcheck [ 0 ] . '" height="' . $imagechunkcheck [ 1 ] . '"></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
} else {
$returnstring .= '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><i>invalid image data</i></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
} else {
$returnstring .= '</td>' . " \n " . table_var_dump ( $value , true , $encoding ) . '</tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</table>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
case 'boolean' :
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td class="dump_boolean">' : '' ) . ( $variable ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' ) . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
case 'integer' :
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td class="dump_integer">' : '' ) . $variable . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
case 'double' :
case 'float' :
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td class="dump_double">' : '' ) . $variable . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
case 'object' :
case 'null' :
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td>' : '' ) . string_var_dump ( $variable ) . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
case 'string' :
$returnstring = htmlentities ( $variable , ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE , $encoding );
$returnstring = ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td class="dump_string">' : '' ) . nl2br ( $returnstring ) . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
default :
$imageinfo = [];
if (( $imagechunkcheck = getid3_lib :: GetDataImageSize ( $variable , $imageinfo )) && ( $imagechunkcheck [ 2 ] >= 1 ) && ( $imagechunkcheck [ 2 ] <= 3 )) {
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td>' : '' );
$returnstring .= '<table class="dump" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td><b>type</b></td><td>' . getid3_lib :: ImageTypesLookup ( $imagechunkcheck [ 2 ]) . '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td><b>width</b></td><td>' . number_format ( $imagechunkcheck [ 0 ]) . ' px</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td><b>height</b></td><td>' . number_format ( $imagechunkcheck [ 1 ]) . ' px</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td><b>size</b></td><td>' . number_format ( strlen ( $variable )) . ' bytes</td></tr></table>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
} else {
$returnstring .= ( $wrap_in_td ? '<td>' : '' ) . nl2br ( htmlspecialchars ( str_replace ( " \x00 " , ' ' , $variable ))) . ( $wrap_in_td ? '</td>' . " \n " : '' );
break ;
return $returnstring ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function NiceDisplayFiletypeFormat ( & $fileinfo )
if ( empty ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ])) {
return '-' ;
$output = $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ];
if ( empty ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]) && empty ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ])) {
return $output ; // 'gif'
if ( empty ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]) && ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ])) {
if ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ] == $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]) {
return $output ; // 'mp3'
$output .= '.' . $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]; // 'ogg.flac'
return $output ;
if ( ! empty ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]) && empty ( $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ])) {
if ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ] == $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]) {
return $output ; // 'mpeg'
$output .= '.' . $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]; // 'riff.avi'
return $output ;
if ( $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ] == $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]) {
if ( $fileinfo [ 'fileformat' ] == $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]) {
return $output ; // 'real'
$output .= '.' . $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ]; // any examples?
return $output ;
$output .= '.' . $fileinfo [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ];
$output .= '.' . $fileinfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]; // asf.wmv.wma
return $output ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function MoreNaturalSort ( $ar1 , $ar2 )
if ( $ar1 === $ar2 ) {
return 0 ;
$len1 = strlen ( $ar1 );
$len2 = strlen ( $ar2 );
$shortest = min ( $len1 , $len2 );
if ( substr ( $ar1 , 0 , $shortest ) === substr ( $ar2 , 0 , $shortest )) {
// the shorter argument is the beginning of the longer one, like "str" and "string"
if ( $len1 < $len2 ) {
return - 1 ;
} elseif ( $len1 > $len2 ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
$ar1 = RemoveAccents ( strtolower ( trim ( $ar1 )));
$ar2 = RemoveAccents ( strtolower ( trim ( $ar2 )));
$translatearray = [ '\'' => '' , '"' => '' , '_' => ' ' , '(' => '' , ')' => '' , '-' => ' ' , ' ' => ' ' , '.' => '' , ',' => '' ];
foreach ( $translatearray as $key => $val ) {
$ar1 = str_replace ( $key , $val , $ar1 );
$ar2 = str_replace ( $key , $val , $ar2 );
if ( $ar1 < $ar2 ) {
return - 1 ;
} elseif ( $ar1 > $ar2 ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
2021-02-14 02:39:15 +00:00
function PoweredBygetID3 ( $string = '' )
global $getID3 ;
if ( ! $string ) {
$string = '<div style="border: 1px #CCCCCC solid; padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0px; float: left; background-color: #EEEEEE; font-size: 8pt; font-face: sans-serif;">Powered by <a href="http://www.getid3.org/"><b>getID3() v<!--GETID3VER--></b><br>http://www.getid3.org/</a><br>Running on PHP v' . phpversion () . ' (' . ( ceil ( log ( PHP_INT_MAX , 2 )) + 1 ) . '-bit)</div>' ;
return str_replace ( '<!--GETID3VER-->' , $getID3 -> version (), $string );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00