2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
< ? php
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// See readme.txt for more details //
/// //
// write.php //
// module for writing tags (APEv2, ID3v1, ID3v2) //
// dependencies: getid3.lib.php //
// write.apetag.php (optional) //
// write.id3v1.php (optional) //
// write.id3v2.php (optional) //
// write.vorbiscomment.php (optional) //
// write.metaflac.php (optional) //
// write.lyrics3.php (optional) //
// ///
if ( ! defined ( 'GETID3_INCLUDEPATH' )) {
throw new Exception ( 'getid3.php MUST be included before calling getid3_writetags' );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
if ( ! include_once ( GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'getid3.lib.php' )) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
throw new Exception ( 'write.php depends on getid3.lib.php, which is missing.' );
// You should pass data here with standard field names as follows:
// * TITLE
// * ALBUM
// * GENRE
// * YEAR
// * ATTACHED_PICTURE (ID3v2 only)
// http://www.personal.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/sv8/apekey.html
// The APEv2 Tag Items Keys definition says "TRACK" is correct but foobar2000 uses "TRACKNUMBER" instead
// Pass data here as "TRACKNUMBER" for compatability with all formats
class getid3_writetags
// public
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public $filename ; // absolute filename of file to write tags to
public $tagformats = array (); // array of tag formats to write ('id3v1', 'id3v2.2', 'id2v2.3', 'id3v2.4', 'ape', 'vorbiscomment', 'metaflac', 'real')
public $tag_data = array ( array ()); // 2-dimensional array of tag data (ex: $data['ARTIST'][0] = 'Elvis')
public $tag_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ; // text encoding used for tag data ('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE', )
public $overwrite_tags = true ; // if true will erase existing tag data and write only passed data; if false will merge passed data with existing tag data
public $remove_other_tags = false ; // if true will erase remove all existing tags and only write those passed in $tagformats; if false will ignore any tags not mentioned in $tagformats
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public $id3v2_tag_language = 'eng' ; // ISO-639-2 3-character language code needed for some ID3v2 frames (http://www.id3.org/iso639-2.html)
public $id3v2_paddedlength = 4096 ; // minimum length of ID3v2 tags (will be padded to this length if tag data is shorter)
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public $warnings = array (); // any non-critical errors will be stored here
public $errors = array (); // any critical errors will be stored here
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// private
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
private $ThisFileInfo ; // analysis of file before writing
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function getid3_writetags () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function WriteTags () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( empty ( $this -> filename )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'filename is undefined in getid3_writetags' ;
return false ;
} elseif ( ! file_exists ( $this -> filename )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'filename set to non-existant file "' . $this -> filename . '" in getid3_writetags' ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> tagformats )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'tagformats must be an array in getid3_writetags' ;
return false ;
$TagFormatsToRemove = array ();
if ( filesize ( $this -> filename ) == 0 ) {
// empty file special case - allow any tag format, don't check existing format
// could be useful if you want to generate tag data for a non-existant file
$this -> ThisFileInfo = array ( 'fileformat' => '' );
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'id3v1' , 'id3v2.2' , 'id3v2.3' , 'id3v2.4' , 'ape' , 'lyrics3' );
} else {
$getID3 = new getID3 ;
$getID3 -> encoding = $this -> tag_encoding ;
$this -> ThisFileInfo = $getID3 -> analyze ( $this -> filename );
// check for what file types are allowed on this fileformat
switch ( isset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'fileformat' ]) ? $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'fileformat' ] : '' ) {
case 'mp3' :
case 'mp2' :
case 'mp1' :
case 'riff' : // maybe not officially, but people do it anyway
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'id3v1' , 'id3v2.2' , 'id3v2.3' , 'id3v2.4' , 'ape' , 'lyrics3' );
break ;
case 'mpc' :
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'ape' );
break ;
case 'flac' :
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'metaflac' );
break ;
case 'real' :
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'real' );
break ;
case 'ogg' :
switch ( isset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]) ? $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ] : '' ) {
case 'flac' :
//$AllowedTagFormats = array('metaflac');
$this -> errors [] = 'metaflac is not (yet) compatible with OggFLAC files' ;
return false ;
break ;
case 'vorbis' :
$AllowedTagFormats = array ( 'vorbiscomment' );
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = 'metaflac is not (yet) compatible with Ogg files other than OggVorbis' ;
return false ;
break ;
break ;
default :
$AllowedTagFormats = array ();
break ;
foreach ( $this -> tagformats as $requested_tag_format ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $requested_tag_format , $AllowedTagFormats )) {
$errormessage = 'Tag format "' . $requested_tag_format . '" is not allowed on "' . ( isset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'fileformat' ]) ? $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'fileformat' ] : '' );
$errormessage .= ( isset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ]) ? '.' . $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ] : '' );
$errormessage .= '" files' ;
$this -> errors [] = $errormessage ;
return false ;
// List of other tag formats, removed if requested
if ( $this -> remove_other_tags ) {
foreach ( $AllowedTagFormats as $AllowedTagFormat ) {
switch ( $AllowedTagFormat ) {
case 'id3v2.2' :
case 'id3v2.3' :
case 'id3v2.4' :
if ( ! in_array ( 'id3v2' , $TagFormatsToRemove ) && ! in_array ( 'id3v2.2' , $this -> tagformats ) && ! in_array ( 'id3v2.3' , $this -> tagformats ) && ! in_array ( 'id3v2.4' , $this -> tagformats )) {
$TagFormatsToRemove [] = 'id3v2' ;
break ;
default :
if ( ! in_array ( $AllowedTagFormat , $this -> tagformats )) {
$TagFormatsToRemove [] = $AllowedTagFormat ;
break ;
$WritingFilesToInclude = array_merge ( $this -> tagformats , $TagFormatsToRemove );
// Check for required include files and include them
foreach ( $WritingFilesToInclude as $tagformat ) {
switch ( $tagformat ) {
case 'ape' :
$GETID3_ERRORARRAY = & $this -> errors ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
getid3_lib :: IncludeDependency ( GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'write.apetag.php' , __FILE__ , true );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
break ;
case 'id3v1' :
case 'lyrics3' :
case 'vorbiscomment' :
case 'metaflac' :
case 'real' :
$GETID3_ERRORARRAY = & $this -> errors ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
getid3_lib :: IncludeDependency ( GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'write.' . $tagformat . '.php' , __FILE__ , true );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
break ;
case 'id3v2.2' :
case 'id3v2.3' :
case 'id3v2.4' :
case 'id3v2' :
$GETID3_ERRORARRAY = & $this -> errors ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
getid3_lib :: IncludeDependency ( GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'write.id3v2.php' , __FILE__ , true );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = 'unknown tag format "' . $tagformat . '" in $tagformats in WriteTags()' ;
return false ;
break ;
// Validation of supplied data
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> tag_data )) {
$this -> errors [] = '$this->tag_data is not an array in WriteTags()' ;
return false ;
// convert supplied data array keys to upper case, if they're not already
foreach ( $this -> tag_data as $tag_key => $tag_array ) {
if ( strtoupper ( $tag_key ) !== $tag_key ) {
$this -> tag_data [ strtoupper ( $tag_key )] = $this -> tag_data [ $tag_key ];
unset ( $this -> tag_data [ $tag_key ]);
// convert source data array keys to upper case, if they're not already
if ( ! empty ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ])) {
foreach ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ] as $tag_format => $tag_data_array ) {
foreach ( $tag_data_array as $tag_key => $tag_array ) {
if ( strtoupper ( $tag_key ) !== $tag_key ) {
$this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ $tag_format ][ strtoupper ( $tag_key )] = $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ $tag_format ][ $tag_key ];
unset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ $tag_format ][ $tag_key ]);
// Convert "TRACK" to "TRACKNUMBER" (if needed) for compatability with all formats
if ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACK' ]) && ! isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACKNUMBER' ])) {
$this -> tag_data [ 'TRACKNUMBER' ] = $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACK' ];
unset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACK' ]);
// Remove all other tag formats, if requested
if ( $this -> remove_other_tags ) {
$this -> DeleteTags ( $TagFormatsToRemove );
// Write data for each tag format
foreach ( $this -> tagformats as $tagformat ) {
$success = false ; // overridden if tag writing is successful
switch ( $tagformat ) {
case 'ape' :
$ape_writer = new getid3_write_apetag ;
if (( $ape_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForAPE ()) !== false ) {
$ape_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $ape_writer -> WriteAPEtag ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteAPEtag() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $ape_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForAPE() failed' ;
break ;
case 'id3v1' :
$id3v1_writer = new getid3_write_id3v1 ;
if (( $id3v1_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForID3v1 ()) !== false ) {
$id3v1_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $id3v1_writer -> WriteID3v1 ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteID3v1() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $id3v1_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForID3v1() failed' ;
break ;
case 'id3v2.2' :
case 'id3v2.3' :
case 'id3v2.4' :
$id3v2_writer = new getid3_write_id3v2 ;
$id3v2_writer -> majorversion = intval ( substr ( $tagformat , - 1 ));
$id3v2_writer -> paddedlength = $this -> id3v2_paddedlength ;
if (( $id3v2_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForID3v2 ( $id3v2_writer -> majorversion )) !== false ) {
$id3v2_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $id3v2_writer -> WriteID3v2 ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteID3v2() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $id3v2_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForID3v2() failed' ;
break ;
case 'vorbiscomment' :
$vorbiscomment_writer = new getid3_write_vorbiscomment ;
if (( $vorbiscomment_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForVorbisComment ()) !== false ) {
$vorbiscomment_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $vorbiscomment_writer -> WriteVorbisComment ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteVorbisComment() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $vorbiscomment_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForVorbisComment() failed' ;
break ;
case 'metaflac' :
$metaflac_writer = new getid3_write_metaflac ;
if (( $metaflac_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForMetaFLAC ()) !== false ) {
$metaflac_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $metaflac_writer -> WriteMetaFLAC ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteMetaFLAC() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $metaflac_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForMetaFLAC() failed' ;
break ;
case 'real' :
$real_writer = new getid3_write_real ;
if (( $real_writer -> tag_data = $this -> FormatDataForReal ()) !== false ) {
$real_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $real_writer -> WriteReal ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteReal() failed with message(s):<pre><ul><li>' . str_replace ( " \n " , '</li><li>' , htmlentities ( trim ( implode ( " \n " , $real_writer -> errors )))) . '</li></ul></pre>' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'FormatDataForReal() failed' ;
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid tag format to write: "' . $tagformat . '"' ;
return false ;
break ;
if ( ! $success ) {
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function DeleteTags ( $TagFormatsToDelete ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
foreach ( $TagFormatsToDelete as $DeleteTagFormat ) {
$success = false ; // overridden if tag deletion is successful
switch ( $DeleteTagFormat ) {
case 'id3v1' :
$id3v1_writer = new getid3_write_id3v1 ;
$id3v1_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $id3v1_writer -> RemoveID3v1 ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'RemoveID3v1() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $id3v1_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'id3v2' :
$id3v2_writer = new getid3_write_id3v2 ;
$id3v2_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $id3v2_writer -> RemoveID3v2 ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'RemoveID3v2() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $id3v2_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'ape' :
$ape_writer = new getid3_write_apetag ;
$ape_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $ape_writer -> DeleteAPEtag ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'DeleteAPEtag() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $ape_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'vorbiscomment' :
$vorbiscomment_writer = new getid3_write_vorbiscomment ;
$vorbiscomment_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $vorbiscomment_writer -> DeleteVorbisComment ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'DeleteVorbisComment() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $vorbiscomment_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'metaflac' :
$metaflac_writer = new getid3_write_metaflac ;
$metaflac_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $metaflac_writer -> DeleteMetaFLAC ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'DeleteMetaFLAC() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $metaflac_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'lyrics3' :
$lyrics3_writer = new getid3_write_lyrics3 ;
$lyrics3_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $lyrics3_writer -> DeleteLyrics3 ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'DeleteLyrics3() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $lyrics3_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
case 'real' :
$real_writer = new getid3_write_real ;
$real_writer -> filename = $this -> filename ;
if (( $success = $real_writer -> RemoveReal ()) === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'RemoveReal() failed with message(s):<PRE><UL><LI>' . trim ( implode ( '</LI><LI>' , $real_writer -> errors )) . '</LI></UL></PRE>' ;
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid tag format to delete: "' . $tagformat . '"' ;
return false ;
break ;
if ( ! $success ) {
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function MergeExistingTagData ( $TagFormat , & $tag_data ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// Merge supplied data with existing data, if requested
if ( $this -> overwrite_tags ) {
// do nothing - ignore previous data
} else {
throw new Exception ( '$this->overwrite_tags=false is known to be buggy in this version of getID3. Will be fixed in the near future, check www.getid3.org for a newer version.' );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ $TagFormat ])) {
return false ;
$tag_data = array_merge_recursive ( $tag_data , $this -> ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ $TagFormat ]);
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForAPE () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$ape_tag_data = array ();
foreach ( $this -> tag_data as $tag_key => $valuearray ) {
switch ( $tag_key ) {
// ATTACHED_PICTURE is ID3v2 only - ignore
$this -> warnings [] = '$data[' . $tag_key . '] is assumed to be ID3v2 APIC data - NOT written to APE tag' ;
break ;
default :
foreach ( $valuearray as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_string ( $value ) || is_numeric ( $value )) {
$ape_tag_data [ $tag_key ][ $key ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'UTF-8' , $value );
} else {
$this -> warnings [] = '$data[' . $tag_key . '][' . $key . '] is not a string value - all of $data[' . $tag_key . '] NOT written to APE tag' ;
unset ( $ape_tag_data [ $tag_key ]);
break ;
break ;
$this -> MergeExistingTagData ( 'ape' , $ape_tag_data );
return $ape_tag_data ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForID3v1 () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'genreid' ] = 255 ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> tag_data [ 'GENRE' ])) {
foreach ( $this -> tag_data [ 'GENRE' ] as $key => $value ) {
if ( getid3_id3v1 :: LookupGenreID ( $value ) !== false ) {
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'genreid' ] = getid3_id3v1 :: LookupGenreID ( $value );
break ;
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'title' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TITLE' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'TITLE' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'artist' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'ARTIST' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'ARTIST' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'album' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'ALBUM' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'ALBUM' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'year' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'YEAR' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'YEAR' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'comment' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'COMMENT' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'COMMENT' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'track' ] = intval ( getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACKNUMBER' ]) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'TRACKNUMBER' ] : array ()))));
if ( $tag_data_id3v1 [ 'track' ] <= 0 ) {
$tag_data_id3v1 [ 'track' ] = '' ;
$this -> MergeExistingTagData ( 'id3v1' , $tag_data_id3v1 );
return $tag_data_id3v1 ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForID3v2 ( $id3v2_majorversion ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$tag_data_id3v2 = array ();
$ID3v2_text_encoding_lookup [ 2 ] = array ( 'ISO-8859-1' => 0 , 'UTF-16' => 1 );
$ID3v2_text_encoding_lookup [ 3 ] = array ( 'ISO-8859-1' => 0 , 'UTF-16' => 1 );
$ID3v2_text_encoding_lookup [ 4 ] = array ( 'ISO-8859-1' => 0 , 'UTF-16' => 1 , 'UTF-16BE' => 2 , 'UTF-8' => 3 );
foreach ( $this -> tag_data as $tag_key => $valuearray ) {
$ID3v2_framename = getid3_write_id3v2 :: ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup ( $id3v2_majorversion , $tag_key );
switch ( $ID3v2_framename ) {
case 'APIC' :
foreach ( $valuearray as $key => $apic_data_array ) {
if ( isset ( $apic_data_array [ 'data' ]) &&
isset ( $apic_data_array [ 'picturetypeid' ]) &&
isset ( $apic_data_array [ 'description' ]) &&
isset ( $apic_data_array [ 'mime' ])) {
$tag_data_id3v2 [ 'APIC' ][] = $apic_data_array ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'ID3v2 APIC data is not properly structured' ;
return false ;
break ;
case '' :
$this -> errors [] = 'ID3v2: Skipping "' . $tag_key . '" because cannot match it to a known ID3v2 frame type' ;
// some other data type, don't know how to handle it, ignore it
break ;
default :
// most other (text) frames can be copied over as-is
foreach ( $valuearray as $key => $value ) {
if ( isset ( $ID3v2_text_encoding_lookup [ $id3v2_majorversion ][ $this -> tag_encoding ])) {
// source encoding is valid in ID3v2 - use it with no conversion
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'encodingid' ] = $ID3v2_text_encoding_lookup [ $id3v2_majorversion ][ $this -> tag_encoding ];
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'data' ] = $value ;
} else {
// source encoding is NOT valid in ID3v2 - convert it to an ID3v2-valid encoding first
if ( $id3v2_majorversion < 4 ) {
// convert data from other encoding to UTF-16 (with BOM)
// note: some software, notably Windows Media Player and iTunes are broken and treat files tagged with UTF-16BE (with BOM) as corrupt
// therefore we force data to UTF-16LE and manually prepend the BOM
$ID3v2_tag_data_converted = false ;
if ( ! $ID3v2_tag_data_converted && ( $this -> tag_encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' )) {
// great, leave data as-is for minimum compatability problems
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'encodingid' ] = 0 ;
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'data' ] = $value ;
$ID3v2_tag_data_converted = true ;
if ( ! $ID3v2_tag_data_converted && ( $this -> tag_encoding == 'UTF-8' )) {
do {
// if UTF-8 string does not include any characters above chr(127) then it is identical to ISO-8859-1
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $value ); $i ++ ) {
if ( ord ( $value { $i }) > 127 ) {
break 2 ;
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'encodingid' ] = 0 ;
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'data' ] = $value ;
$ID3v2_tag_data_converted = true ;
} while ( false );
if ( ! $ID3v2_tag_data_converted ) {
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'encodingid' ] = 1 ;
//$tag_data_id3v2[$ID3v2_framename][$key]['data'] = getid3_lib::iconv_fallback($this->tag_encoding, 'UTF-16', $value); // output is UTF-16LE+BOM or UTF-16BE+BOM depending on system architecture
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'data' ] = " \xFF \xFE " . getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'UTF-16LE' , $value ); // force LittleEndian order version of UTF-16
$ID3v2_tag_data_converted = true ;
} else {
// convert data from other encoding to UTF-8
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'encodingid' ] = 3 ;
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'data' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'UTF-8' , $value );
// These values are not needed for all frame types, but if they're not used no matter
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'description' ] = '' ;
$tag_data_id3v2 [ $ID3v2_framename ][ $key ][ 'language' ] = $this -> id3v2_tag_language ;
break ;
$this -> MergeExistingTagData ( 'id3v2' , $tag_data_id3v2 );
return $tag_data_id3v2 ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForVorbisComment () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$tag_data_vorbiscomment = $this -> tag_data ;
// check for multi-line comment values - split out to multiple comments if neccesary
// and convert data to UTF-8 strings
foreach ( $tag_data_vorbiscomment as $tag_key => $valuearray ) {
foreach ( $valuearray as $key => $value ) {
str_replace ( " \r " , " \n " , $value );
if ( strstr ( $value , " \n " )) {
unset ( $tag_data_vorbiscomment [ $tag_key ][ $key ]);
$multilineexploded = explode ( " \n " , $value );
foreach ( $multilineexploded as $newcomment ) {
if ( strlen ( trim ( $newcomment )) > 0 ) {
$tag_data_vorbiscomment [ $tag_key ][] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'UTF-8' , $newcomment );
} elseif ( is_string ( $value ) || is_numeric ( $value )) {
$tag_data_vorbiscomment [ $tag_key ][ $key ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'UTF-8' , $value );
} else {
$this -> warnings [] = '$data[' . $tag_key . '][' . $key . '] is not a string value - all of $data[' . $tag_key . '] NOT written to VorbisComment tag' ;
unset ( $tag_data_vorbiscomment [ $tag_key ]);
break ;
$this -> MergeExistingTagData ( 'vorbiscomment' , $tag_data_vorbiscomment );
return $tag_data_vorbiscomment ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForMetaFLAC () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// FLAC & OggFLAC use VorbisComments same as OggVorbis
// but require metaflac to do the writing rather than vorbiscomment
return $this -> FormatDataForVorbisComment ();
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function FormatDataForReal () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$tag_data_real [ 'title' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'TITLE' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'TITLE' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_real [ 'artist' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'ARTIST' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'ARTIST' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_real [ 'copyright' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'COPYRIGHT' ]) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'COPYRIGHT' ] : array ())));
$tag_data_real [ 'comment' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_encoding , 'ISO-8859-1' , implode ( ' ' , ( isset ( $this -> tag_data [ 'COMMENT' ] ) ? $this -> tag_data [ 'COMMENT' ] : array ())));
$this -> MergeExistingTagData ( 'real' , $tag_data_real );
return $tag_data_real ;