2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
< ? php
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// See readme.txt for more details //
/// //
// write.id3v2.php //
// module for writing ID3v2 tags //
// dependencies: module.tag.id3v2.php //
// ///
getid3_lib :: IncludeDependency ( GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'module.tag.id3v2.php' , __FILE__ , true );
class getid3_write_id3v2
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public $filename ;
public $tag_data ;
public $fread_buffer_size = 32768 ; // read buffer size in bytes
public $paddedlength = 4096 ; // minimum length of ID3v2 tag in bytes
public $majorversion = 3 ; // ID3v2 major version (2, 3 (recommended), 4)
public $minorversion = 0 ; // ID3v2 minor version - always 0
public $merge_existing_data = false ; // if true, merge new data with existing tags; if false, delete old tag data and only write new tags
public $id3v2_default_encodingid = 0 ; // default text encoding (ISO-8859-1) if not explicitly passed
public $id3v2_use_unsynchronisation = false ; // the specs say it should be TRUE, but most other ID3v2-aware programs are broken if unsynchronization is used, so by default don't use it.
public $warnings = array (); // any non-critical errors will be stored here
public $errors = array (); // any critical errors will be stored here
public function getid3_write_id3v2 () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function WriteID3v2 () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// File MUST be writeable - CHMOD(646) at least. It's best if the
// directory is also writeable, because that method is both faster and less susceptible to errors.
if ( ! empty ( $this -> filename ) && ( is_writeable ( $this -> filename ) || ( ! file_exists ( $this -> filename ) && is_writeable ( dirname ( $this -> filename ))))) {
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3 ;
$OldThisFileInfo = $getID3 -> analyze ( $this -> filename );
if ( ! getid3_lib :: intValueSupported ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Unable to write ID3v2 because file is larger than ' . round ( PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824 ) . 'GB' ;
fclose ( $fp_source );
return false ;
if ( $this -> merge_existing_data ) {
// merge with existing data
if ( ! empty ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ])) {
$this -> tag_data = $this -> array_join_merge ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ], $this -> tag_data );
$this -> paddedlength = ( isset ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ][ 'headerlength' ]) ? max ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ][ 'headerlength' ], $this -> paddedlength ) : $this -> paddedlength );
if ( $NewID3v2Tag = $this -> GenerateID3v2Tag ()) {
if ( file_exists ( $this -> filename ) && is_writeable ( $this -> filename ) && isset ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ][ 'headerlength' ]) && ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'id3v2' ][ 'headerlength' ] == strlen ( $NewID3v2Tag ))) {
// best and fastest method - insert-overwrite existing tag (padded to length of old tag if neccesary)
if ( file_exists ( $this -> filename )) {
if ( is_readable ( $this -> filename ) && is_writable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'r+b' ))) {
rewind ( $fp );
fwrite ( $fp , $NewID3v2Tag , strlen ( $NewID3v2Tag ));
fclose ( $fp );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "r+b")' ;
} else {
if ( is_writable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'wb' ))) {
rewind ( $fp );
fwrite ( $fp , $NewID3v2Tag , strlen ( $NewID3v2Tag ));
fclose ( $fp );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "wb")' ;
} else {
if ( $tempfilename = tempnam ( GETID3_TEMP_DIR , 'getID3' )) {
if ( is_readable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp_source = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'rb' ))) {
if ( is_writable ( $tempfilename ) && is_file ( $tempfilename ) && ( $fp_temp = fopen ( $tempfilename , 'wb' ))) {
fwrite ( $fp_temp , $NewID3v2Tag , strlen ( $NewID3v2Tag ));
rewind ( $fp_source );
if ( ! empty ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ])) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
fseek ( $fp_source , $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ]);
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
while ( $buffer = fread ( $fp_source , $this -> fread_buffer_size )) {
fwrite ( $fp_temp , $buffer , strlen ( $buffer ));
fclose ( $fp_temp );
fclose ( $fp_source );
copy ( $tempfilename , $this -> filename );
unlink ( $tempfilename );
return true ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $tempfilename . '", "wb")' ;
fclose ( $fp_source );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "rb")' ;
return false ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = '$this->GenerateID3v2Tag() failed' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> errors )) {
return false ;
return true ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'WriteID3v2() failed: !is_writeable(' . $this -> filename . ')' ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function RemoveID3v2 () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// File MUST be writeable - CHMOD(646) at least. It's best if the
// directory is also writeable, because that method is both faster and less susceptible to errors.
if ( is_writeable ( dirname ( $this -> filename ))) {
// preferred method - only one copying operation, minimal chance of corrupting
// original file if script is interrupted, but required directory to be writeable
if ( is_readable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp_source = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'rb' ))) {
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3 ;
$OldThisFileInfo = $getID3 -> analyze ( $this -> filename );
if ( ! getid3_lib :: intValueSupported ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Unable to remove ID3v2 because file is larger than ' . round ( PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824 ) . 'GB' ;
fclose ( $fp_source );
return false ;
rewind ( $fp_source );
if ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ] !== false ) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
fseek ( $fp_source , $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ]);
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( is_writable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp_temp = fopen ( $this -> filename . 'getid3tmp' , 'w+b' ))) {
while ( $buffer = fread ( $fp_source , $this -> fread_buffer_size )) {
fwrite ( $fp_temp , $buffer , strlen ( $buffer ));
fclose ( $fp_temp );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . 'getid3tmp", "w+b")' ;
fclose ( $fp_source );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "rb")' ;
if ( file_exists ( $this -> filename )) {
unlink ( $this -> filename );
rename ( $this -> filename . 'getid3tmp' , $this -> filename );
} elseif ( is_writable ( $this -> filename )) {
// less desirable alternate method - double-copies the file, overwrites original file
// and could corrupt source file if the script is interrupted or an error occurs.
if ( is_readable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp_source = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'rb' ))) {
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3 ;
$OldThisFileInfo = $getID3 -> analyze ( $this -> filename );
if ( ! getid3_lib :: intValueSupported ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'filesize' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Unable to remove ID3v2 because file is larger than ' . round ( PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824 ) . 'GB' ;
fclose ( $fp_source );
return false ;
rewind ( $fp_source );
if ( $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ] !== false ) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
fseek ( $fp_source , $OldThisFileInfo [ 'avdataoffset' ]);
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $fp_temp = tmpfile ()) {
while ( $buffer = fread ( $fp_source , $this -> fread_buffer_size )) {
fwrite ( $fp_temp , $buffer , strlen ( $buffer ));
fclose ( $fp_source );
if ( is_writable ( $this -> filename ) && is_file ( $this -> filename ) && ( $fp_source = fopen ( $this -> filename , 'wb' ))) {
rewind ( $fp_temp );
while ( $buffer = fread ( $fp_temp , $this -> fread_buffer_size )) {
fwrite ( $fp_source , $buffer , strlen ( $buffer ));
fseek ( $fp_temp , - 128 , SEEK_END );
fclose ( $fp_source );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "wb")' ;
fclose ( $fp_temp );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not create tmpfile()' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this -> filename . '", "rb")' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Directory and file both not writeable' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> errors )) {
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function GenerateID3v2TagFlags ( $flags ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
switch ( $this -> majorversion ) {
case 4 :
// %abcd0000
$flag = ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'unsynchronisation' ]) ? '1' : '0' ); // a - Unsynchronisation
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'extendedheader' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // b - Extended header
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'experimental' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // c - Experimental indicator
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'footer' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // d - Footer present
$flag .= '0000' ;
break ;
case 3 :
// %abc00000
$flag = ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'unsynchronisation' ]) ? '1' : '0' ); // a - Unsynchronisation
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'extendedheader' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // b - Extended header
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'experimental' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // c - Experimental indicator
$flag .= '00000' ;
break ;
case 2 :
// %ab000000
$flag = ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'unsynchronisation' ]) ? '1' : '0' ); // a - Unsynchronisation
$flag .= ( ! empty ( $flags [ 'compression' ] ) ? '1' : '0' ); // b - Compression
$flag .= '000000' ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
break ;
return chr ( bindec ( $flag ));
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function GenerateID3v2FrameFlags ( $TagAlter = false , $FileAlter = false , $ReadOnly = false , $Compression = false , $Encryption = false , $GroupingIdentity = false , $Unsynchronisation = false , $DataLengthIndicator = false ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
switch ( $this -> majorversion ) {
case 4 :
// %0abc0000 %0h00kmnp
$flag1 = '0' ;
$flag1 .= $TagAlter ? '1' : '0' ; // a - Tag alter preservation (true == discard)
$flag1 .= $FileAlter ? '1' : '0' ; // b - File alter preservation (true == discard)
$flag1 .= $ReadOnly ? '1' : '0' ; // c - Read only (true == read only)
$flag1 .= '0000' ;
$flag2 = '0' ;
$flag2 .= $GroupingIdentity ? '1' : '0' ; // h - Grouping identity (true == contains group information)
$flag2 .= '00' ;
$flag2 .= $Compression ? '1' : '0' ; // k - Compression (true == compressed)
$flag2 .= $Encryption ? '1' : '0' ; // m - Encryption (true == encrypted)
$flag2 .= $Unsynchronisation ? '1' : '0' ; // n - Unsynchronisation (true == unsynchronised)
$flag2 .= $DataLengthIndicator ? '1' : '0' ; // p - Data length indicator (true == data length indicator added)
break ;
case 3 :
// %abc00000 %ijk00000
$flag1 = $TagAlter ? '1' : '0' ; // a - Tag alter preservation (true == discard)
$flag1 .= $FileAlter ? '1' : '0' ; // b - File alter preservation (true == discard)
$flag1 .= $ReadOnly ? '1' : '0' ; // c - Read only (true == read only)
$flag1 .= '00000' ;
$flag2 = $Compression ? '1' : '0' ; // i - Compression (true == compressed)
$flag2 .= $Encryption ? '1' : '0' ; // j - Encryption (true == encrypted)
$flag2 .= $GroupingIdentity ? '1' : '0' ; // k - Grouping identity (true == contains group information)
$flag2 .= '00000' ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
break ;
return chr ( bindec ( $flag1 )) . chr ( bindec ( $flag2 ));
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function GenerateID3v2FrameData ( $frame_name , $source_data_array ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( ! getid3_id3v2 :: IsValidID3v2FrameName ( $frame_name , $this -> majorversion )) {
return false ;
$framedata = '' ;
if (( $this -> majorversion < 3 ) || ( $this -> majorversion > 4 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 are supported in GenerateID3v2FrameData()' ;
} else { // $this->majorversion 3 or 4
switch ( $frame_name ) {
case 'UFID' :
// 4.1 UFID Unique file identifier
// Owner identifier <text string> $00
// Identifier <up to 64 bytes binary data>
if ( strlen ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ]) > 64 ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Identifier not allowed to be longer than 64 bytes in ' . $frame_name . ' (supplied data was ' . strlen ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ]) . ' bytes long)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= substr ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], 0 , 64 ); // max 64 bytes - truncate anything longer
break ;
case 'TXXX' :
// 4.2.2 TXXX User defined text information frame
// Text encoding $xx
// Description <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Value <text string according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ], $this -> majorversion )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'WXXX' :
// 4.3.2 WXXX User defined URL link frame
// Text encoding $xx
// Description <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// URL <text string>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ], $this -> majorversion )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ]) || ! $this -> IsValidURL ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], false , false )) {
//$this->errors[] = 'Invalid URL in '.$frame_name.' ('.$source_data_array['data'].')';
// probably should be an error, need to rewrite IsValidURL() to handle other encodings
$this -> warnings [] = 'Invalid URL in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'IPLS' :
// 4.4 IPLS Involved people list (ID3v2.3 only)
// Text encoding $xx
// People list strings <textstrings>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ], $this -> majorversion )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'MCDI' :
// 4.4 MCDI Music CD identifier
// CD TOC <binary data>
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'ETCO' :
// 4.5 ETCO Event timing codes
// Time stamp format $xx
// Where time stamp format is:
// $01 (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
// $02 (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
// Followed by a list of key events in the following format:
// Type of event $xx
// Time stamp $xx (xx ...)
// The 'Time stamp' is set to zero if directly at the beginning of the sound
// or after the previous event. All events MUST be sorted in chronological order.
if (( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] > 2 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] < 1 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Time Stamp Format byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ]);
foreach ( $source_data_array as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidETCOevent ( $val [ 'typeid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Event Type byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $val [ 'typeid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif (( $key != 'timestampformat' ) && ( $key != 'flags' )) {
if (( $val [ 'timestamp' ] > 0 ) && ( $previousETCOtimestamp >= $val [ 'timestamp' ])) {
// The 'Time stamp' is set to zero if directly at the beginning of the sound
// or after the previous event. All events MUST be sorted in chronological order.
$this -> errors [] = 'Out-of-order timestamp in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $val [ 'timestamp' ] . ') for Event Type (' . $val [ 'typeid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $val [ 'typeid' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val [ 'timestamp' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'MLLT' :
// 4.6 MLLT MPEG location lookup table
// MPEG frames between reference $xx xx
// Bytes between reference $xx xx xx
// Milliseconds between reference $xx xx xx
// Bits for bytes deviation $xx
// Bits for milliseconds dev. $xx
// Then for every reference the following data is included;
// Deviation in bytes %xxx....
// Deviation in milliseconds %xxx....
if (( $source_data_array [ 'framesbetweenreferences' ] > 0 ) && ( $source_data_array [ 'framesbetweenreferences' ] <= 65535 )) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'framesbetweenreferences' ], 2 , false );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid MPEG Frames Between References in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'framesbetweenreferences' ] . ')' ;
if (( $source_data_array [ 'bytesbetweenreferences' ] > 0 ) && ( $source_data_array [ 'bytesbetweenreferences' ] <= 16777215 )) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'bytesbetweenreferences' ], 3 , false );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid bytes Between References in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bytesbetweenreferences' ] . ')' ;
if (( $source_data_array [ 'msbetweenreferences' ] > 0 ) && ( $source_data_array [ 'msbetweenreferences' ] <= 16777215 )) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'msbetweenreferences' ], 3 , false );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Milliseconds Between References in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'msbetweenreferences' ] . ')' ;
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ], 8 , false )) {
if (( $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ] % 4 ) == 0 ) {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ]);
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Bits For Bytes Deviation in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ] . ') must be a multiple of 4.' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Bits For Bytes Deviation in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ] . ')' ;
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsformsdeviation' ], 8 , false )) {
if (( $source_data_array [ 'bitsformsdeviation' ] % 4 ) == 0 ) {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsformsdeviation' ]);
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Bits For Milliseconds Deviation in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ] . ') must be a multiple of 4.' ;
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Bits For Milliseconds Deviation in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsformsdeviation' ] . ')' ;
foreach ( $source_data_array as $key => $val ) {
if (( $key != 'framesbetweenreferences' ) && ( $key != 'bytesbetweenreferences' ) && ( $key != 'msbetweenreferences' ) && ( $key != 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ) && ( $key != 'bitsformsdeviation' ) && ( $key != 'flags' )) {
$unwrittenbitstream .= str_pad ( getid3_lib :: Dec2Bin ( $val [ 'bytedeviation' ]), $source_data_array [ 'bitsforbytesdeviation' ], '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
$unwrittenbitstream .= str_pad ( getid3_lib :: Dec2Bin ( $val [ 'msdeviation' ]), $source_data_array [ 'bitsformsdeviation' ], '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $unwrittenbitstream ); $i += 8 ) {
$highnibble = bindec ( substr ( $unwrittenbitstream , $i , 4 )) << 4 ;
$lownibble = bindec ( substr ( $unwrittenbitstream , $i + 4 , 4 ));
$framedata .= chr ( $highnibble & $lownibble );
break ;
case 'SYTC' :
// 4.7 SYTC Synchronised tempo codes
// Time stamp format $xx
// Tempo data <binary data>
// Where time stamp format is:
// $01 (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
// $02 (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
if (( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] > 2 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] < 1 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Time Stamp Format byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ]);
foreach ( $source_data_array as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidETCOevent ( $val [ 'typeid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Event Type byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $val [ 'typeid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif (( $key != 'timestampformat' ) && ( $key != 'flags' )) {
if (( $val [ 'tempo' ] < 0 ) || ( $val [ 'tempo' ] > 510 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Tempo (max = 510) in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $val [ 'tempo' ] . ') at timestamp (' . $val [ 'timestamp' ] . ')' ;
} else {
if ( $val [ 'tempo' ] > 255 ) {
$framedata .= chr ( 255 );
$val [ 'tempo' ] -= 255 ;
$framedata .= chr ( $val [ 'tempo' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val [ 'timestamp' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'USLT' :
// 4.8 USLT Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription
// Text encoding $xx
// Language $xx xx xx
// Content descriptor <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Lyrics/text <full text string according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ], true ) == '' ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Language in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= strtolower ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'SYLT' :
// 4.9 SYLT Synchronised lyric/text
// Text encoding $xx
// Language $xx xx xx
// Time stamp format $xx
// $01 (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
// $02 (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
// Content type $xx
// Content descriptor <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Terminated text to be synced (typically a syllable)
// Sync identifier (terminator to above string) $00 (00)
// Time stamp $xx (xx ...)
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ], true ) == '' ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Language in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} elseif (( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] > 2 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] < 1 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Time Stamp Format byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidSYLTtype ( $source_data_array [ 'contenttypeid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Content Type byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'contenttypeid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! is_array ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Lyric/Timestamp data in ' . $frame_name . ' (must be an array)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= strtolower ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'contenttypeid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
ksort ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ]);
foreach ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ] as $key => $val ) {
$framedata .= $val [ 'data' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val [ 'timestamp' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'COMM' :
// 4.10 COMM Comments
// Text encoding $xx
// Language $xx xx xx
// Short content descrip. <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// The actual text <full text string according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ], true ) == '' ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Language in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= strtolower ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'RVA2' :
// 4.11 RVA2 Relative volume adjustment (2) (ID3v2.4+ only)
// Identification <text string> $00
// The 'identification' string is used to identify the situation and/or
// device where this adjustment should apply. The following is then
// repeated for every channel:
// Type of channel $xx
// Volume adjustment $xx xx
// Bits representing peak $xx
// Peak volume $xx (xx ...)
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'description' ]) . " \x00 " ;
foreach ( $source_data_array as $key => $val ) {
if ( $key != 'description' ) {
$framedata .= chr ( $val [ 'channeltypeid' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val [ 'volumeadjust' ], 2 , false , true ); // signed 16-bit
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitspeakvolume' ], 8 , false )) {
$framedata .= chr ( $val [ 'bitspeakvolume' ]);
if ( $val [ 'bitspeakvolume' ] > 0 ) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val [ 'peakvolume' ], ceil ( $val [ 'bitspeakvolume' ] / 8 ), false , false );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Bits Representing Peak Volume in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $val [ 'bitspeakvolume' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
break ;
case 'RVAD' :
// 4.12 RVAD Relative volume adjustment (ID3v2.3 only)
// Increment/decrement %00fedcba
// Bits used for volume descr. $xx
// Relative volume change, right $xx xx (xx ...) // a
// Relative volume change, left $xx xx (xx ...) // b
// Peak volume right $xx xx (xx ...)
// Peak volume left $xx xx (xx ...)
// Relative volume change, right back $xx xx (xx ...) // c
// Relative volume change, left back $xx xx (xx ...) // d
// Peak volume right back $xx xx (xx ...)
// Peak volume left back $xx xx (xx ...)
// Relative volume change, center $xx xx (xx ...) // e
// Peak volume center $xx xx (xx ...)
// Relative volume change, bass $xx xx (xx ...) // f
// Peak volume bass $xx xx (xx ...)
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Bits For Volume Description byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] . ') (range = 1 to 255)' ;
} else {
$incdecflag .= '00' ;
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'right' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // a - Relative volume change, right
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'left' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // b - Relative volume change, left
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'rightrear' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // c - Relative volume change, right back
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'leftrear' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // d - Relative volume change, left back
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'center' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // e - Relative volume change, center
$incdecflag .= $source_data_array [ 'incdec' ][ 'bass' ] ? '1' : '0' ; // f - Relative volume change, bass
$framedata .= chr ( bindec ( $incdecflag ));
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'right' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'left' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'right' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'left' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
if ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'rightrear' ] || $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'leftrear' ] ||
$source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'rightrear' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'leftrear' ] ||
$source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'center' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'center' ] ||
$source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'bass' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'bass' ]) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'rightrear' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'leftrear' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'rightrear' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'leftrear' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
if ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'center' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'center' ] ||
$source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'bass' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'bass' ]) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'center' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'center' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
if ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'bass' ] || $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'bass' ]) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'volumechange' ][ 'bass' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakvolume' ][ 'bass' ], ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] / 8 ), false );
break ;
case 'EQU2' :
// 4.12 EQU2 Equalisation (2) (ID3v2.4+ only)
// Interpolation method $xx
// $00 Band
// $01 Linear
// Identification <text string> $00
// The following is then repeated for every adjustment point
// Frequency $xx xx
// Volume adjustment $xx xx
if (( $source_data_array [ 'interpolationmethod' ] < 0 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'interpolationmethod' ] > 1 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Interpolation Method byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'interpolationmethod' ] . ') (valid = 0 or 1)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'interpolationmethod' ]);
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'description' ]) . " \x00 " ;
foreach ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ] as $key => $val ) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( intval ( round ( $key * 2 )), 2 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val , 2 , false , true ); // signed 16-bit
break ;
case 'EQUA' :
// 4.12 EQUA Equalisation (ID3v2.3 only)
// Adjustment bits $xx
// This is followed by 2 bytes + ('adjustment bits' rounded up to the
// nearest byte) for every equalisation band in the following format,
// giving a frequency range of 0 - 32767Hz:
// Increment/decrement %x (MSB of the Frequency)
// Frequency (lower 15 bits)
// Adjustment $xx (xx ...)
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Adjustment Bits byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsvolume' ] . ') (range = 1 to 255)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'adjustmentbits' ]);
foreach ( $source_data_array as $key => $val ) {
if ( $key != 'bitsvolume' ) {
if (( $key > 32767 ) || ( $key < 0 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Frequency in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $key . ') (range = 0 to 32767)' ;
} else {
if ( $val >= 0 ) {
// put MSB of frequency to 1 if increment, 0 if decrement
$key |= 0x8000 ;
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $key , 2 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val , ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'adjustmentbits' ] / 8 ), false );
break ;
case 'RVRB' :
// 4.13 RVRB Reverb
// Reverb left (ms) $xx xx
// Reverb right (ms) $xx xx
// Reverb bounces, left $xx
// Reverb bounces, right $xx
// Reverb feedback, left to left $xx
// Reverb feedback, left to right $xx
// Reverb feedback, right to right $xx
// Reverb feedback, right to left $xx
// Premix left to right $xx
// Premix right to left $xx
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'left' ], 16 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'left' ] . ') (range = 0 to 65535)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'right' ], 16 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'right' ] . ') (range = 0 to 65535)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bouncesL' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Bounces, Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bouncesL' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bouncesR' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Bounces, Right in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bouncesR' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLL' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Feedback, Left-To-Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLL' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLR' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Feedback, Left-To-Right in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLR' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRR' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Feedback, Right-To-Right in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRR' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRL' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Reverb Feedback, Right-To-Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRL' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'premixLR' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Premix, Left-To-Right in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'premixLR' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'premixRL' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Premix, Right-To-Left in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'premixRL' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'left' ], 2 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'right' ], 2 , false );
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'bouncesL' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'bouncesR' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLL' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackLR' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRR' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'feedbackRL' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'premixLR' ]);
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'premixRL' ]);
break ;
case 'APIC' :
// 4.14 APIC Attached picture
// Text encoding $xx
// MIME type <text string> $00
// Picture type $xx
// Description <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Picture data <binary data>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidAPICpicturetype ( $source_data_array [ 'picturetypeid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Picture Type byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'picturetypeid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif (( $this -> majorversion >= 3 ) && ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidAPICimageformat ( $source_data_array [ 'mime' ]))) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid MIME Type in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'mime' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif (( $source_data_array [ 'mime' ] == '-->' ) && ( ! $this -> IsValidURL ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], false , false ))) {
//$this->errors[] = 'Invalid URL in '.$frame_name.' ('.$source_data_array['data'].')';
// probably should be an error, need to rewrite IsValidURL() to handle other encodings
$this -> warnings [] = 'Invalid URL in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'mime' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'picturetypeid' ]);
$framedata .= ( ! empty ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'description' ] : '' ) . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'GEOB' :
// 4.15 GEOB General encapsulated object
// Text encoding $xx
// MIME type <text string> $00
// Filename <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Content description <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Encapsulated object <binary data>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidMIMEstring ( $source_data_array [ 'mime' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid MIME Type in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'mime' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $source_data_array [ 'description' ]) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Missing Description in ' . $frame_name ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'mime' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'filename' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'PCNT' :
// 4.16 PCNT Play counter
// When the counter reaches all one's, one byte is inserted in
// front of the counter thus making the counter eight bits bigger
// Counter $xx xx xx xx (xx ...)
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'POPM' :
// 4.17 POPM Popularimeter
// When the counter reaches all one's, one byte is inserted in
// front of the counter thus making the counter eight bits bigger
// Email to user <text string> $00
// Rating $xx
// Counter $xx xx xx xx (xx ...)
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'rating' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Rating byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'rating' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( ! IsValidEmail ( $source_data_array [ 'email' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Email in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'email' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'email' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'rating' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'RBUF' :
// 4.18 RBUF Recommended buffer size
// Buffer size $xx xx xx
// Embedded info flag %0000000x
// Offset to next tag $xx xx xx xx
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'buffersize' ], 24 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Buffer Size in ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'nexttagoffset' ], 32 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Offset To Next Tag in ' . $frame_name ;
} else {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'buffersize' ], 3 , false );
$flag .= '0000000' ;
$flag .= $source_data_array [ 'flags' ][ 'embededinfo' ] ? '1' : '0' ;
$framedata .= chr ( bindec ( $flag ));
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'nexttagoffset' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'AENC' :
// 4.19 AENC Audio encryption
// Owner identifier <text string> $00
// Preview start $xx xx
// Preview length $xx xx
// Encryption info <binary data>
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'previewstart' ], 16 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Preview Start in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'previewstart' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'previewlength' ], 16 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Preview Length in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'previewlength' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'previewstart' ], 2 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'previewlength' ], 2 , false );
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'encryptioninfo' ];
break ;
case 'LINK' :
// 4.20 LINK Linked information
// Frame identifier $xx xx xx xx
// URL <text string> $00
// ID and additional data <text string(s)>
if ( ! getid3_id3v2 :: IsValidID3v2FrameName ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $this -> majorversion )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Frame Identifier in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidURL ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], true , false )) {
//$this->errors[] = 'Invalid URL in '.$frame_name.' ('.$source_data_array['data'].')';
// probably should be an error, need to rewrite IsValidURL() to handle other encodings
$this -> warnings [] = 'Invalid URL in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ((( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'AENC' ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'APIC' ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'GEOB' ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'TXXX' )) && ( $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ] == '' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Content Descriptor must be specified as additional data for Frame Identifier of ' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' in ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif (( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'USER' ) && ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ], true ) == '' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Language must be specified as additional data for Frame Identifier of ' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' in ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif (( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'PRIV' ) && ( $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ] == '' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Owner Identifier must be specified as additional data for Frame Identifier of ' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' in ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ((( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'COMM' ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'SYLT' ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] == 'USLT' )) && (( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( substr ( $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ], 0 , 3 ), true ) == '' ) || ( substr ( $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ], 3 ) == '' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Language followed by Content Descriptor must be specified as additional data for Frame Identifier of ' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' in ' . $frame_name ;
} else {
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ];
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'data' ]) . " \x00 " ;
switch ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]) {
case 'COMM' :
case 'SYLT' :
case 'USLT' :
case 'PRIV' :
case 'USER' :
case 'AENC' :
case 'APIC' :
case 'GEOB' :
case 'TXXX' :
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'additionaldata' ];
break ;
case 'ASPI' :
case 'ETCO' :
case 'EQU2' :
case 'MCID' :
case 'MLLT' :
case 'OWNE' :
case 'RVA2' :
case 'RVRB' :
case 'SYTC' :
case 'IPLS' :
case 'RVAD' :
case 'EQUA' :
// no additional data required
break ;
case 'RBUF' :
if ( $this -> majorversion == 3 ) {
// no additional data required
} else {
$this -> errors [] = $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' is not a valid Frame Identifier in ' . $frame_name . ' (in ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion . ')' ;
default :
if (( substr ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], 0 , 1 ) == 'T' ) || ( substr ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], 0 , 1 ) == 'W' )) {
// no additional data required
} else {
$this -> errors [] = $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ' is not a valid Frame Identifier in ' . $frame_name . ' (in ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion . ')' ;
break ;
break ;
case 'POSS' :
// 4.21 POSS Position synchronisation frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Time stamp format $xx
// Position $xx (xx ...)
if (( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] < 1 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] > 2 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Time Stamp Format in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ] . ') (valid = 1 or 2)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'position' ], 32 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Position in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'position' ] . ') (range = 0 to 4294967295)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'timestampformat' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'position' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'USER' :
// 4.22 USER Terms of use (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Text encoding $xx
// Language $xx xx xx
// The actual text <text string according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ], true ) == '' ) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Language in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= strtolower ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'OWNE' :
// 4.23 OWNE Ownership frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Text encoding $xx
// Price paid <text string> $00
// Date of purch. <text string>
// Seller <text string according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsANumber ( $source_data_array [ 'pricepaid' ][ 'value' ], false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Price Paid in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'pricepaid' ][ 'value' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidDateStampString ( $source_data_array [ 'purchasedate' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Date Of Purchase in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'purchasedate' ] . ') (format = YYYYMMDD)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'pricepaid' ][ 'value' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'purchasedate' ];
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'seller' ];
break ;
case 'COMR' :
// 4.24 COMR Commercial frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Text encoding $xx
// Price string <text string> $00
// Valid until <text string>
// Contact URL <text string> $00
// Received as $xx
// Name of seller <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Description <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
// Picture MIME type <string> $00
// Seller logo <binary data>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidDateStampString ( $source_data_array [ 'pricevaliduntil' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Valid Until date in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'pricevaliduntil' ] . ') (format = YYYYMMDD)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidURL ( $source_data_array [ 'contacturl' ], false , true )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Contact URL in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'contacturl' ] . ') (allowed schemes: http, https, ftp, mailto)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidCOMRreceivedAs ( $source_data_array [ 'receivedasid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Received As byte in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'contacturl' ] . ') (range = 0 to 8)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsValidMIMEstring ( $source_data_array [ 'mime' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid MIME Type in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'mime' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
unset ( $pricestring );
foreach ( $source_data_array [ 'price' ] as $key => $val ) {
if ( $this -> ID3v2IsValidPriceString ( $key . $val [ 'value' ])) {
$pricestrings [] = $key . $val [ 'value' ];
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Price String in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $key . $val [ 'value' ] . ')' ;
$framedata .= implode ( '/' , $pricestrings );
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'pricevaliduntil' ];
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'contacturl' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'receivedasid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'sellername' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . getid3_id3v2 :: TextEncodingTerminatorLookup ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'mime' ] . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'logo' ];
break ;
case 'ENCR' :
// 4.25 ENCR Encryption method registration (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Owner identifier <text string> $00
// Method symbol $xx
// Encryption data <binary data>
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'methodsymbol' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Group Symbol in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'methodsymbol' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= ord ( $source_data_array [ 'methodsymbol' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'GRID' :
// 4.26 GRID Group identification registration (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Owner identifier <text string> $00
// Group symbol $xx
// Group dependent data <binary data>
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Group Symbol in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= ord ( $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'PRIV' :
// 4.27 PRIV Private frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
// Owner identifier <text string> $00
// The private data <binary data>
$framedata .= str_replace ( " \x00 " , '' , $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ]) . " \x00 " ;
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'SIGN' :
// 4.28 SIGN Signature frame (ID3v2.4+ only)
// Group symbol $xx
// Signature <binary data>
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Group Symbol in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= ord ( $source_data_array [ 'groupsymbol' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'SEEK' :
// 4.29 SEEK Seek frame (ID3v2.4+ only)
// Minimum offset to next tag $xx xx xx xx
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], 32 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Minimum Offset in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ') (range = 0 to 4294967295)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], 4 , false );
break ;
case 'ASPI' :
// 4.30 ASPI Audio seek point index (ID3v2.4+ only)
// Indexed data start (S) $xx xx xx xx
// Indexed data length (L) $xx xx xx xx
// Number of index points (N) $xx xx
// Bits per index point (b) $xx
// Then for every index point the following data is included:
// Fraction at index (Fi) $xx (xx)
if ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'datastart' ], 32 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Indexed Data Start in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'datastart' ] . ') (range = 0 to 4294967295)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'datalength' ], 32 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Indexed Data Length in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'datalength' ] . ') (range = 0 to 4294967295)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'indexpoints' ], 16 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Number Of Index Points in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'indexpoints' ] . ') (range = 0 to 65535)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsWithinBitRange ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsperpoint' ], 8 , false )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Bits Per Index Point in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'bitsperpoint' ] . ') (range = 0 to 255)' ;
} elseif ( $source_data_array [ 'indexpoints' ] != count ( $source_data_array [ 'indexes' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Number Of Index Points does not match actual supplied data in ' . $frame_name ;
} else {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'datastart' ], 4 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'datalength' ], 4 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'indexpoints' ], 2 , false );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsperpoint' ], 1 , false );
foreach ( $source_data_array [ 'indexes' ] as $key => $val ) {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( $val , ceil ( $source_data_array [ 'bitsperpoint' ] / 8 ), false );
break ;
case 'RGAD' :
// RGAD Replay Gain Adjustment
// http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~djmrob/replaygain/
// Peak Amplitude $xx $xx $xx $xx
// Radio Replay Gain Adjustment %aaabbbcd %dddddddd
// Audiophile Replay Gain Adjustment %aaabbbcd %dddddddd
// a - name code
// b - originator code
// c - sign bit
// d - replay gain adjustment
if (( $source_data_array [ 'track_adjustment' ] > 51 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'track_adjustment' ] < - 51 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Track Adjustment in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'track_adjustment' ] . ') (range = -51.0 to +51.0)' ;
} elseif (( $source_data_array [ 'album_adjustment' ] > 51 ) || ( $source_data_array [ 'album_adjustment' ] < - 51 )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Album Adjustment in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'album_adjustment' ] . ') (range = -51.0 to +51.0)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidRGADname ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_name' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Track Name Code in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_name' ] . ') (range = 0 to 2)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidRGADname ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_name' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Album Name Code in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_name' ] . ') (range = 0 to 2)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidRGADoriginator ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_originator' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Track Originator Code in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_originator' ] . ') (range = 0 to 3)' ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidRGADoriginator ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_originator' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Album Originator Code in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_originator' ] . ') (range = 0 to 3)' ;
} else {
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: Float2String ( $source_data_array [ 'peakamplitude' ], 32 );
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: RGADgainString ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_name' ], $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'track_originator' ], $source_data_array [ 'track_adjustment' ]);
$framedata .= getid3_lib :: RGADgainString ( $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_name' ], $source_data_array [ 'raw' ][ 'album_originator' ], $source_data_array [ 'album_adjustment' ]);
break ;
default :
if ((( $this -> majorversion == 2 ) && ( strlen ( $frame_name ) != 3 )) || (( $this -> majorversion > 2 ) && ( strlen ( $frame_name ) != 4 ))) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid frame name "' . $frame_name . '" for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} elseif ( $frame_name { 0 } == 'T' ) {
// 4.2. T??? Text information frames
// Text encoding $xx
// Information <text string(s) according to encoding>
$source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] = ( isset ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]) ? $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] : $this -> id3v2_default_encodingid );
if ( ! $this -> ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Invalid Text Encoding in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ] . ') for ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion ;
} else {
$framedata .= chr ( $source_data_array [ 'encodingid' ]);
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
} elseif ( $frame_name { 0 } == 'W' ) {
// 4.3. W??? URL link frames
// URL <text string>
if ( ! $this -> IsValidURL ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ], false , false )) {
//$this->errors[] = 'Invalid URL in '.$frame_name.' ('.$source_data_array['data'].')';
// probably should be an error, need to rewrite IsValidURL() to handle other encodings
$this -> warnings [] = 'Invalid URL in ' . $frame_name . ' (' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$framedata .= $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
} else {
$this -> errors [] = $frame_name . ' not yet supported in $this->GenerateID3v2FrameData()' ;
break ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> errors )) {
return false ;
return $framedata ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2FrameIsAllowed ( $frame_name , $source_data_array ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
static $PreviousFrames = array ();
if ( $frame_name === null ) {
// if the writing functions are called multiple times, the static array needs to be
// cleared - this can be done by calling $this->ID3v2FrameIsAllowed(null, '')
$PreviousFrames = array ();
return true ;
if ( $this -> majorversion == 4 ) {
switch ( $frame_name ) {
case 'UFID' :
case 'AENC' :
case 'ENCR' :
case 'GRID' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[ownerid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same OwnerID (' . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ];
break ;
case 'TXXX' :
case 'WXXX' :
case 'RVA2' :
case 'EQU2' :
case 'APIC' :
case 'GEOB' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'USER' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[language] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Language (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ];
break ;
case 'USLT' :
case 'SYLT' :
case 'COMM' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[language] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Language + Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ' + ' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'POPM' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'email' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[email] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Email (' . $source_data_array [ 'email' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ];
break ;
case 'IPLS' :
case 'MCDI' :
case 'ETCO' :
case 'MLLT' :
case 'SYTC' :
case 'RVRB' :
case 'PCNT' :
case 'RBUF' :
case 'POSS' :
case 'OWNE' :
case 'SEEK' :
case 'ASPI' :
case 'RGAD' :
if ( in_array ( $frame_name , $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name ;
break ;
case 'LINK' :
// this isn't implemented quite right (yet) - it should check the target frame data for compliance
// but right now it just allows one linked frame of each type, to be safe.
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[frameid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same FrameID (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
// no links to singleton tags
$this -> errors [] = 'Cannot specify a ' . $frame_name . ' tag to a singleton tag that already exists (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // only one linked tag of this type
$PreviousFrames [] = $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // no non-linked singleton tags of this type
break ;
case 'COMR' :
// There may be more than one 'commercial frame' in a tag, but no two may be identical
// Checking isn't implemented at all (yet) - just assumes that it's OK.
break ;
case 'PRIV' :
case 'SIGN' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[ownerid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[data] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . $source_data_array [ 'data' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same OwnerID + Data (' . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . ' + ' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
default :
if (( $frame_name { 0 } != 'T' ) && ( $frame_name { 0 } != 'W' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Frame not allowed in ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion . ': ' . $frame_name ;
break ;
} elseif ( $this -> majorversion == 3 ) {
switch ( $frame_name ) {
case 'UFID' :
case 'AENC' :
case 'ENCR' :
case 'GRID' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[ownerid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same OwnerID (' . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ];
break ;
case 'TXXX' :
case 'WXXX' :
case 'APIC' :
case 'GEOB' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'USER' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[language] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Language (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ];
break ;
case 'USLT' :
case 'SYLT' :
case 'COMM' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[language] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Language + Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ' + ' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'POPM' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'email' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[email] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Email (' . $source_data_array [ 'email' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ];
break ;
case 'IPLS' :
case 'MCDI' :
case 'ETCO' :
case 'MLLT' :
case 'SYTC' :
case 'RVAD' :
case 'EQUA' :
case 'RVRB' :
case 'PCNT' :
case 'RBUF' :
case 'POSS' :
case 'OWNE' :
case 'RGAD' :
if ( in_array ( $frame_name , $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name ;
break ;
case 'LINK' :
// this isn't implemented quite right (yet) - it should check the target frame data for compliance
// but right now it just allows one linked frame of each type, to be safe.
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[frameid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same FrameID (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
// no links to singleton tags
$this -> errors [] = 'Cannot specify a ' . $frame_name . ' tag to a singleton tag that already exists (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // only one linked tag of this type
$PreviousFrames [] = $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // no non-linked singleton tags of this type
break ;
case 'COMR' :
// There may be more than one 'commercial frame' in a tag, but no two may be identical
// Checking isn't implemented at all (yet) - just assumes that it's OK.
break ;
case 'PRIV' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[ownerid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'data' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[data] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . $source_data_array [ 'data' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same OwnerID + Data (' . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . ' + ' . $source_data_array [ 'data' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . $source_data_array [ 'data' ];
break ;
default :
if (( $frame_name { 0 } != 'T' ) && ( $frame_name { 0 } != 'W' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Frame not allowed in ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion . ': ' . $frame_name ;
break ;
} elseif ( $this -> majorversion == 2 ) {
switch ( $frame_name ) {
case 'UFI' :
case 'CRM' :
case 'CRA' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[ownerid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same OwnerID (' . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'ownerid' ];
break ;
case 'TXX' :
case 'WXX' :
case 'PIC' :
case 'GEO' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'ULT' :
case 'SLT' :
case 'COM' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'language' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[language] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'description' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[description] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Language + Description (' . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . ' + ' . $source_data_array [ 'description' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'language' ] . $source_data_array [ 'description' ];
break ;
case 'POP' :
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'email' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[email] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same Email (' . $source_data_array [ 'email' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'email' ];
break ;
case 'IPL' :
case 'MCI' :
case 'ETC' :
case 'MLL' :
case 'STC' :
case 'RVA' :
case 'EQU' :
case 'REV' :
case 'CNT' :
case 'BUF' :
if ( in_array ( $frame_name , $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name ;
break ;
case 'LNK' :
// this isn't implemented quite right (yet) - it should check the target frame data for compliance
// but right now it just allows one linked frame of each type, to be safe.
if ( ! isset ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ])) {
$this -> errors [] = '[frameid] not specified for ' . $frame_name ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Only one ' . $frame_name . ' tag allowed with the same FrameID (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ], $PreviousFrames )) {
// no links to singleton tags
$this -> errors [] = 'Cannot specify a ' . $frame_name . ' tag to a singleton tag that already exists (' . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$PreviousFrames [] = $frame_name . $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // only one linked tag of this type
$PreviousFrames [] = $source_data_array [ 'frameid' ]; // no non-linked singleton tags of this type
break ;
default :
if (( $frame_name { 0 } != 'T' ) && ( $frame_name { 0 } != 'W' )) {
$this -> errors [] = 'Frame not allowed in ID3v2.' . $this -> majorversion . ': ' . $frame_name ;
break ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> errors )) {
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function GenerateID3v2Tag ( $noerrorsonly = true ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$this -> ID3v2FrameIsAllowed ( null , '' ); // clear static array in case this isn't the first call to $this->GenerateID3v2Tag()
$tagstring = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $this -> tag_data )) {
foreach ( $this -> tag_data as $frame_name => $frame_rawinputdata ) {
foreach ( $frame_rawinputdata as $irrelevantindex => $source_data_array ) {
if ( getid3_id3v2 :: IsValidID3v2FrameName ( $frame_name , $this -> majorversion )) {
unset ( $frame_length );
unset ( $frame_flags );
$frame_data = false ;
if ( $this -> ID3v2FrameIsAllowed ( $frame_name , $source_data_array )) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
if ( array_key_exists ( 'description' , $source_data_array ) && array_key_exists ( 'encodingid' , $source_data_array ) && array_key_exists ( 'encoding' , $this -> tag_data )) {
$source_data_array [ 'description' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $this -> tag_data [ 'encoding' ], $source_data_array [ 'encoding' ], $source_data_array [ 'description' ]);
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $frame_data = $this -> GenerateID3v2FrameData ( $frame_name , $source_data_array )) {
$FrameUnsynchronisation = false ;
if ( $this -> majorversion >= 4 ) {
// frame-level unsynchronisation
$unsynchdata = $frame_data ;
if ( $this -> id3v2_use_unsynchronisation ) {
$unsynchdata = $this -> Unsynchronise ( $frame_data );
if ( strlen ( $unsynchdata ) != strlen ( $frame_data )) {
// unsynchronisation needed
$FrameUnsynchronisation = true ;
$frame_data = $unsynchdata ;
if ( isset ( $TagUnsynchronisation ) && $TagUnsynchronisation === false ) {
// only set to true if ALL frames are unsynchronised
} else {
$TagUnsynchronisation = true ;
} else {
if ( isset ( $TagUnsynchronisation )) {
$TagUnsynchronisation = false ;
unset ( $unsynchdata );
$frame_length = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( strlen ( $frame_data ), 4 , true );
} else {
$frame_length = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( strlen ( $frame_data ), 4 , false );
$frame_flags = $this -> GenerateID3v2FrameFlags ( $this -> ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupTagAlter ( $frame_name ), $this -> ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupFileAlter ( $frame_name ), false , false , false , false , $FrameUnsynchronisation , false );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = 'Frame "' . $frame_name . '" is NOT allowed' ;
if ( $frame_data === false ) {
$this -> errors [] = '$this->GenerateID3v2FrameData() failed for "' . $frame_name . '"' ;
if ( $noerrorsonly ) {
return false ;
} else {
unset ( $frame_name );
} else {
// ignore any invalid frame names, including 'title', 'header', etc
$this -> warnings [] = 'Ignoring invalid ID3v2 frame type: "' . $frame_name . '"' ;
unset ( $frame_name );
unset ( $frame_length );
unset ( $frame_flags );
unset ( $frame_data );
if ( isset ( $frame_name ) && isset ( $frame_length ) && isset ( $frame_flags ) && isset ( $frame_data )) {
$tagstring .= $frame_name . $frame_length . $frame_flags . $frame_data ;
if ( ! isset ( $TagUnsynchronisation )) {
$TagUnsynchronisation = false ;
if (( $this -> majorversion <= 3 ) && $this -> id3v2_use_unsynchronisation ) {
// tag-level unsynchronisation
$unsynchdata = $this -> Unsynchronise ( $tagstring );
if ( strlen ( $unsynchdata ) != strlen ( $tagstring )) {
// unsynchronisation needed
$TagUnsynchronisation = true ;
$tagstring = $unsynchdata ;
while ( $this -> paddedlength < ( strlen ( $tagstring ) + getid3_id3v2 :: ID3v2HeaderLength ( $this -> majorversion ))) {
$this -> paddedlength += 1024 ;
$footer = false ; // ID3v2 footers not yet supported in getID3()
if ( ! $footer && ( $this -> paddedlength > ( strlen ( $tagstring ) + getid3_id3v2 :: ID3v2HeaderLength ( $this -> majorversion )))) {
// pad up to $paddedlength bytes if unpadded tag is shorter than $paddedlength
// "Furthermore it MUST NOT have any padding when a tag footer is added to the tag."
if (( $this -> paddedlength - strlen ( $tagstring ) - getid3_id3v2 :: ID3v2HeaderLength ( $this -> majorversion )) > 0 ) {
$tagstring .= str_repeat ( " \x00 " , $this -> paddedlength - strlen ( $tagstring ) - getid3_id3v2 :: ID3v2HeaderLength ( $this -> majorversion ));
if ( $this -> id3v2_use_unsynchronisation && ( substr ( $tagstring , strlen ( $tagstring ) - 1 , 1 ) == " \xFF " )) {
// special unsynchronisation case:
// if last byte == $FF then appended a $00
$TagUnsynchronisation = true ;
$tagstring .= " \x00 " ;
$tagheader = 'ID3' ;
$tagheader .= chr ( $this -> majorversion );
$tagheader .= chr ( $this -> minorversion );
$tagheader .= $this -> GenerateID3v2TagFlags ( array ( 'unsynchronisation' => $TagUnsynchronisation ));
$tagheader .= getid3_lib :: BigEndian2String ( strlen ( $tagstring ), 4 , true );
return $tagheader . $tagstring ;
$this -> errors [] = 'tag_data is not an array in GenerateID3v2Tag()' ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidPriceString ( $pricestring ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( getid3_id3v2 :: LanguageLookup ( substr ( $pricestring , 0 , 3 ), true ) == '' ) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> IsANumber ( substr ( $pricestring , 3 ), true )) {
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupTagAlter ( $framename ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// unfinished
switch ( $framename ) {
case 'RGAD' :
$allow = true ;
default :
$allow = false ;
break ;
return $allow ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupFileAlter ( $framename ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// unfinished
switch ( $framename ) {
case 'RGAD' :
return false ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
break ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidETCOevent ( $eventid ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $eventid < 0 ) || ( $eventid > 0xFF )) {
// outside range of 1 byte
return false ;
} elseif (( $eventid >= 0xF0 ) && ( $eventid <= 0xFC )) {
// reserved for future use
return false ;
} elseif (( $eventid >= 0x17 ) && ( $eventid <= 0xDF )) {
// reserved for future use
return false ;
} elseif (( $eventid >= 0x0E ) && ( $eventid <= 0x16 ) && ( $this -> majorversion == 2 )) {
// not defined in ID3v2.2
return false ;
} elseif (( $eventid >= 0x15 ) && ( $eventid <= 0x16 ) && ( $this -> majorversion == 3 )) {
// not defined in ID3v2.3
return false ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidSYLTtype ( $contenttype ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $contenttype >= 0 ) && ( $contenttype <= 8 ) && ( $this -> majorversion == 4 )) {
return true ;
} elseif (( $contenttype >= 0 ) && ( $contenttype <= 6 ) && ( $this -> majorversion == 3 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidRVA2channeltype ( $channeltype ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $channeltype >= 0 ) && ( $channeltype <= 8 ) && ( $this -> majorversion == 4 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidAPICpicturetype ( $picturetype ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $picturetype >= 0 ) && ( $picturetype <= 0x14 ) && ( $this -> majorversion >= 2 ) && ( $this -> majorversion <= 4 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidAPICimageformat ( $imageformat ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $imageformat == '-->' ) {
return true ;
} elseif ( $this -> majorversion == 2 ) {
if (( strlen ( $imageformat ) == 3 ) && ( $imageformat == strtoupper ( $imageformat ))) {
return true ;
} elseif (( $this -> majorversion == 3 ) || ( $this -> majorversion == 4 )) {
if ( $this -> IsValidMIMEstring ( $imageformat )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidCOMRreceivedAs ( $receivedas ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $this -> majorversion >= 3 ) && ( $receivedas >= 0 ) && ( $receivedas <= 8 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidRGADname ( $RGADname ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $RGADname >= 0 ) && ( $RGADname <= 2 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidRGADoriginator ( $RGADoriginator ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( $RGADoriginator >= 0 ) && ( $RGADoriginator <= 3 )) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding ( $textencodingbyte ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
static $ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding_cache = array (
2 => array ( true , true ),
3 => array ( true , true ),
4 => array ( true , true , true , true ));
return isset ( $ID3v2IsValidTextEncoding_cache [ $this -> majorversion ][ $textencodingbyte ]);
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function Unsynchronise ( $data ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// Whenever a false synchronisation is found within the tag, one zeroed
// byte is inserted after the first false synchronisation byte. The
// format of a correct sync that should be altered by ID3 encoders is as
// follows:
// %11111111 111xxxxx
// And should be replaced with:
// %11111111 00000000 111xxxxx
// This has the side effect that all $FF 00 combinations have to be
// altered, so they won't be affected by the decoding process. Therefore
// all the $FF 00 combinations have to be replaced with the $FF 00 00
// combination during the unsynchronisation.
$data = str_replace ( " \xFF \x00 " , " \xFF \x00 \x00 " , $data );
$unsyncheddata = '' ;
$datalength = strlen ( $data );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $datalength ; $i ++ ) {
$thischar = $data { $i };
$unsyncheddata .= $thischar ;
if ( $thischar == " \xFF " ) {
$nextchar = ord ( $data { $i + 1 });
if (( $nextchar & 0xE0 ) == 0xE0 ) {
// previous byte = 11111111, this byte = 111?????
$unsyncheddata .= " \x00 " ;
return $unsyncheddata ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function is_hash ( $var ) {
// written by dev-nullØchristophe*vg
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// taken from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge-recursive.php
if ( is_array ( $var )) {
$keys = array_keys ( $var );
$all_num = true ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $keys ); $i ++ ) {
if ( is_string ( $keys [ $i ])) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function array_join_merge ( $arr1 , $arr2 ) {
// written by dev-nullØchristophe*vg
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// taken from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge-recursive.php
if ( is_array ( $arr1 ) && is_array ( $arr2 )) {
// the same -> merge
$new_array = array ();
if ( $this -> is_hash ( $arr1 ) && $this -> is_hash ( $arr2 )) {
// hashes -> merge based on keys
$keys = array_merge ( array_keys ( $arr1 ), array_keys ( $arr2 ));
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$new_array [ $key ] = $this -> array_join_merge (( isset ( $arr1 [ $key ]) ? $arr1 [ $key ] : '' ), ( isset ( $arr2 [ $key ]) ? $arr2 [ $key ] : '' ));
} else {
// two real arrays -> merge
$new_array = array_reverse ( array_unique ( array_reverse ( array_merge ( $arr1 , $arr2 ))));
return $new_array ;
} else {
// not the same ... take new one if defined, else the old one stays
return $arr2 ? $arr2 : $arr1 ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function IsValidMIMEstring ( $mimestring ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if (( strlen ( $mimestring ) >= 3 ) && ( strpos ( $mimestring , '/' ) > 0 ) && ( strpos ( $mimestring , '/' ) < ( strlen ( $mimestring ) - 1 ))) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function IsWithinBitRange ( $number , $maxbits , $signed = false ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $signed ) {
if (( $number > ( 0 - pow ( 2 , $maxbits - 1 ))) && ( $number <= pow ( 2 , $maxbits - 1 ))) {
return true ;
} else {
if (( $number >= 0 ) && ( $number <= pow ( 2 , $maxbits ))) {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function safe_parse_url ( $url ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$parts = @ parse_url ( $url );
$parts [ 'scheme' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'scheme' ]) ? $parts [ 'scheme' ] : '' );
$parts [ 'host' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'host' ]) ? $parts [ 'host' ] : '' );
$parts [ 'user' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'user' ]) ? $parts [ 'user' ] : '' );
$parts [ 'pass' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'pass' ]) ? $parts [ 'pass' ] : '' );
$parts [ 'path' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'path' ]) ? $parts [ 'path' ] : '' );
$parts [ 'query' ] = ( isset ( $parts [ 'query' ]) ? $parts [ 'query' ] : '' );
return $parts ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function IsValidURL ( $url , $allowUserPass = false ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $url == '' ) {
return false ;
if ( $allowUserPass !== true ) {
if ( strstr ( $url , '@' )) {
// in the format http://user:pass@example.com or http://user@example.com
// but could easily be somebody incorrectly entering an email address in place of a URL
return false ;
if ( $parts = $this -> safe_parse_url ( $url )) {
if (( $parts [ 'scheme' ] != 'http' ) && ( $parts [ 'scheme' ] != 'https' ) && ( $parts [ 'scheme' ] != 'ftp' ) && ( $parts [ 'scheme' ] != 'gopher' )) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! preg_match ( '#^[[:alnum:]]([-.]?[0-9a-z])*\\.[a-z]{2,3}$#i' , $parts [ 'host' ], $regs ) && ! preg_match ( '#^[0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$#' , $parts [ 'host' ])) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! preg_match ( '#^([[:alnum:]-]|[\\_])*$#i' , $parts [ 'user' ], $regs )) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! preg_match ( '#^([[:alnum:]-]|[\\_])*$#i' , $parts [ 'pass' ], $regs )) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! preg_match ( '#^[[:alnum:]/_\\.@~-]*$#i' , $parts [ 'path' ], $regs )) {
return false ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $parts [ 'query' ]) && ! preg_match ( '#^[[:alnum:]?&=+:;_()%\\#/,\\.-]*$#i' , $parts [ 'query' ], $regs )) {
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
return false ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public static function ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup ( $majorversion , $long_description ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$long_description = str_replace ( ' ' , '_' , strtolower ( trim ( $long_description )));
static $ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup = array ();
if ( empty ( $ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup )) {
// The following are unique to ID3v2.2
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'comment' ] = 'COM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'album' ] = 'TAL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'beats_per_minute' ] = 'TBP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'composer' ] = 'TCM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'genre' ] = 'TCO' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'itunescompilation' ] = 'TCP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'copyright' ] = 'TCR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'encoded_by' ] = 'TEN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'language' ] = 'TLA' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'length' ] = 'TLE' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'original_artist' ] = 'TOA' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'original_filename' ] = 'TOF' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'original_lyricist' ] = 'TOL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'original_album_title' ] = 'TOT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'artist' ] = 'TP1' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'band' ] = 'TP2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'conductor' ] = 'TP3' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'remixer' ] = 'TP4' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'publisher' ] = 'TPB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'isrc' ] = 'TRC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'tracknumber' ] = 'TRK' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'track_number' ] = 'TRK' ;
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'size' ] = 'TSI' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'encoder_settings' ] = 'TSS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'description' ] = 'TT1' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'title' ] = 'TT2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'subtitle' ] = 'TT3' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'lyricist' ] = 'TXT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'user_text' ] = 'TXX' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'year' ] = 'TYE' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'unique_file_identifier' ] = 'UFI' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'unsynchronised_lyrics' ] = 'ULT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'url_file' ] = 'WAF' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'url_artist' ] = 'WAR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'url_source' ] = 'WAS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'copyright_information' ] = 'WCP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'url_publisher' ] = 'WPB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 2 ][ 'url_user' ] = 'WXX' ;
// The following are common to ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'audio_encryption' ] = 'AENC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'attached_picture' ] = 'APIC' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'picture' ] = 'APIC' ;
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'comment' ] = 'COMM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'commercial' ] = 'COMR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'encryption_method_registration' ] = 'ENCR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'event_timing_codes' ] = 'ETCO' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'general_encapsulated_object' ] = 'GEOB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'group_identification_registration' ] = 'GRID' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'linked_information' ] = 'LINK' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'music_cd_identifier' ] = 'MCDI' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'mpeg_location_lookup_table' ] = 'MLLT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'ownership' ] = 'OWNE' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'play_counter' ] = 'PCNT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'popularimeter' ] = 'POPM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'position_synchronisation' ] = 'POSS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'private' ] = 'PRIV' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'recommended_buffer_size' ] = 'RBUF' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'reverb' ] = 'RVRB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'synchronised_lyrics' ] = 'SYLT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'synchronised_tempo_codes' ] = 'SYTC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'album' ] = 'TALB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'beats_per_minute' ] = 'TBPM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'itunescompilation' ] = 'TCMP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'composer' ] = 'TCOM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'genre' ] = 'TCON' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'copyright' ] = 'TCOP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'playlist_delay' ] = 'TDLY' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'encoded_by' ] = 'TENC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'lyricist' ] = 'TEXT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'file_type' ] = 'TFLT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'content_group_description' ] = 'TIT1' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'title' ] = 'TIT2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'subtitle' ] = 'TIT3' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'initial_key' ] = 'TKEY' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'language' ] = 'TLAN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'length' ] = 'TLEN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'media_type' ] = 'TMED' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'original_album_title' ] = 'TOAL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'original_filename' ] = 'TOFN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'original_lyricist' ] = 'TOLY' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'original_artist' ] = 'TOPE' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'file_owner' ] = 'TOWN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'artist' ] = 'TPE1' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'band' ] = 'TPE2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'conductor' ] = 'TPE3' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'remixer' ] = 'TPE4' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'part_of_a_set' ] = 'TPOS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'publisher' ] = 'TPUB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'tracknumber' ] = 'TRCK' ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'track_number' ] = 'TRCK' ;
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'internet_radio_station_name' ] = 'TRSN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'internet_radio_station_owner' ] = 'TRSO' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'isrc' ] = 'TSRC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'encoder_settings' ] = 'TSSE' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'user_text' ] = 'TXXX' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'unique_file_identifier' ] = 'UFID' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'terms_of_use' ] = 'USER' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'unsynchronised_lyrics' ] = 'USLT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'commercial' ] = 'WCOM' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'copyright_information' ] = 'WCOP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_file' ] = 'WOAF' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_artist' ] = 'WOAR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_source' ] = 'WOAS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_station' ] = 'WORS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'payment' ] = 'WPAY' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_publisher' ] = 'WPUB' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'url_user' ] = 'WXXX' ;
// The above are common to ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4
// so copy them to ID3v2.4 before adding specifics for 2.3 and 2.4
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ] = $ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ];
// The following are unique to ID3v2.3
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'equalisation' ] = 'EQUA' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'involved_people_list' ] = 'IPLS' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'relative_volume_adjustment' ] = 'RVAD' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'date' ] = 'TDAT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'time' ] = 'TIME' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'original_release_year' ] = 'TORY' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'recording_dates' ] = 'TRDA' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'size' ] = 'TSIZ' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 3 ][ 'year' ] = 'TYER' ;
// The following are unique to ID3v2.4
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'audio_seek_point_index' ] = 'ASPI' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'equalisation' ] = 'EQU2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'relative_volume_adjustment' ] = 'RVA2' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'seek' ] = 'SEEK' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'signature' ] = 'SIGN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'encoding_time' ] = 'TDEN' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'original_release_time' ] = 'TDOR' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'recording_time' ] = 'TDRC' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'release_time' ] = 'TDRL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'tagging_time' ] = 'TDTG' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'involved_people_list' ] = 'TIPL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'musician_credits_list' ] = 'TMCL' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'mood' ] = 'TMOO' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'produced_notice' ] = 'TPRO' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'album_sort_order' ] = 'TSOA' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'performer_sort_order' ] = 'TSOP' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'title_sort_order' ] = 'TSOT' ;
$ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ 4 ][ 'set_subtitle' ] = 'TSST' ;
return ( isset ( $ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ $majorversion ][ strtolower ( $long_description )]) ? $ID3v2ShortFrameNameLookup [ $majorversion ][ strtolower ( $long_description )] : '' );