2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
< ? php
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// See readme.txt for more details //
// //
// module.misc.iso.php //
// module for analyzing ISO files //
// dependencies: NONE //
// ///
class getid3_iso extends getid3_handler
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function Analyze () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
$info [ 'fileformat' ] = 'iso' ;
for ( $i = 16 ; $i <= 19 ; $i ++ ) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$this -> fseek ( 2048 * $i );
$ISOheader = $this -> fread ( 2048 );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( substr ( $ISOheader , 1 , 5 ) == 'CD001' ) {
switch ( ord ( $ISOheader { 0 })) {
case 1 :
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'offset' ] = 2048 * $i ;
$this -> ParsePrimaryVolumeDescriptor ( $ISOheader );
break ;
case 2 :
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'offset' ] = 2048 * $i ;
$this -> ParseSupplementaryVolumeDescriptor ( $ISOheader );
break ;
default :
// skip
break ;
$this -> ParsePathTable ();
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'files' ] = array ();
foreach ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'directories' ] as $directorynum => $directorydata ) {
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'directories' ][ $directorynum ] = $this -> ParseDirectoryRecord ( $directorydata );
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ParsePrimaryVolumeDescriptor ( & $ISOheader ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// ISO integer values are stored *BOTH* Little-Endian AND Big-Endian format!!
// ie 12345 == 0x3039 is stored as $39 $30 $30 $39 in a 4-byte field
// shortcuts
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ] = array ();
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD = & $info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ];
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw = & $thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'raw' ];
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_descriptor_type' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 1 , 5 );
if ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] != 'CD001' ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Expected "CD001" at offset (' . ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'offset' ] + 1 ) . '), found "' . $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] . '" instead' ;
unset ( $info [ 'fileformat' ]);
unset ( $info [ 'iso' ]);
return false ;
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_descriptor_version' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 6 , 1 ));
//$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw['unused_1'] = substr($ISOheader, 7, 1);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'system_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 8 , 32 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 40 , 32 );
//$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw['unused_2'] = substr($ISOheader, 72, 8);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 80 , 4 ));
//$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw['unused_3'] = substr($ISOheader, 88, 32);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 120 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_sequence_number' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 124 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'logical_block_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 128 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 132 , 4 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_l_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 140 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_l_opt_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 144 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_m_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 148 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_m_opt_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 152 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'root_directory_record' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 156 , 34 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 190 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'publisher_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 318 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 446 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'application_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 574 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 702 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 739 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 776 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 813 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 830 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 847 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 864 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'file_structure_version' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 881 , 1 ));
//$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw['unused_4'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ISOheader, 882, 1));
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'application_data' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 883 , 512 );
//$thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw['unused_5'] = substr($ISOheader, 1395, 653);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'system_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'system_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_set_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'publisher_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'publisher_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'application_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'application_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_primaryVD [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ]);
if (( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] * 2048 ) > $info [ 'filesize' ]) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Volume Space Size (' . ( $thisfile_iso_primaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] * 2048 ) . ' bytes) is larger than the file size (' . $info [ 'filesize' ] . ' bytes) (truncated file?)' ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ParseSupplementaryVolumeDescriptor ( & $ISOheader ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// ISO integer values are stored Both-Endian format!!
// ie 12345 == 0x3039 is stored as $39 $30 $30 $39 in a 4-byte field
// shortcuts
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ] = array ();
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD = & $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ];
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw = & $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'raw' ];
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_descriptor_type' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 1 , 5 );
if ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] != 'CD001' ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Expected "CD001" at offset (' . ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'offset' ] + 1 ) . '), found "' . $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'standard_identifier' ] . '" instead' ;
unset ( $info [ 'fileformat' ]);
unset ( $info [ 'iso' ]);
return false ;
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_descriptor_version' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 6 , 1 ));
//$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw['unused_1'] = substr($ISOheader, 7, 1);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'system_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 8 , 32 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 40 , 32 );
//$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw['unused_2'] = substr($ISOheader, 72, 8);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 80 , 4 ));
if ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] == 0 ) {
// Supplementary Volume Descriptor not used
//return false;
//$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw['unused_3'] = substr($ISOheader, 88, 32);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 120 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_sequence_number' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 124 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'logical_block_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 128 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 132 , 4 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_l_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 140 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_l_opt_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 144 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_m_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 148 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'path_table_m_opt_location' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 152 , 2 ));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'root_directory_record' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 156 , 34 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 190 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'publisher_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 318 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 446 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'application_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 574 , 128 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 702 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 739 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 776 , 37 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 813 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 830 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 847 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 864 , 17 );
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'file_structure_version' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $ISOheader , 881 , 1 ));
//$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw['unused_4'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ISOheader, 882, 1));
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'application_data' ] = substr ( $ISOheader , 883 , 512 );
//$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw['unused_5'] = substr($ISOheader, 1395, 653);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'system_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'system_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_set_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_set_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'publisher_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'publisher_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'data_preparer_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'application_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'application_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'copyright_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'abstract_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ] = trim ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'bibliographic_file_identifier' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_creation_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_modification_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_expiration_date_time' ]);
$thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ] = $this -> ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_effective_date_time' ]);
if (( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] * $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'logical_block_size' ]) > $info [ 'filesize' ]) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Volume Space Size (' . ( $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'volume_space_size' ] * $thisfile_iso_supplementaryVD_raw [ 'logical_block_size' ]) . ' bytes) is larger than the file size (' . $info [ 'filesize' ] . ' bytes) (truncated file?)' ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ParsePathTable () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
if ( ! isset ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_l_location' ]) && ! isset ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_l_location' ])) {
return false ;
if ( isset ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_l_location' ])) {
$PathTableLocation = $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_l_location' ];
$PathTableSize = $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_size' ];
$TextEncoding = 'UTF-16BE' ; // Big-Endian Unicode
} else {
$PathTableLocation = $info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_l_location' ];
$PathTableSize = $info [ 'iso' ][ 'primary_volume_descriptor' ][ 'raw' ][ 'path_table_size' ];
$TextEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ; // Latin-1
if (( $PathTableLocation * 2048 ) > $info [ 'filesize' ]) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Path Table Location specifies an offset (' . ( $PathTableLocation * 2048 ) . ') beyond the end-of-file (' . $info [ 'filesize' ] . ')' ;
return false ;
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'offset' ] = $PathTableLocation * 2048 ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$this -> fseek ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'offset' ]);
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ] = $this -> fread ( $PathTableSize );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$offset = 0 ;
$pathcounter = 1 ;
while ( $offset < $PathTableSize ) {
// shortcut
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'directories' ][ $pathcounter ] = array ();
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current = & $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'directories' ][ $pathcounter ];
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'length' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ], $offset , 1 ));
$offset += 1 ;
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'extended_length' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ], $offset , 1 ));
$offset += 1 ;
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'location_logical' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ], $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'parent_directory' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ], $offset , 2 ));
$offset += 2 ;
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'name' ] = substr ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'raw' ], $offset , $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'length' ]);
$offset += $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'length' ] + ( $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'length' ] % 2 );
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'name_ascii' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $TextEncoding , $info [ 'encoding' ], $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'name' ]);
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'location_bytes' ] = $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'location_logical' ] * 2048 ;
if ( $pathcounter == 1 ) {
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'full_path' ] = '/' ;
} else {
$thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'full_path' ] = $info [ 'iso' ][ 'path_table' ][ 'directories' ][ $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'parent_directory' ]][ 'full_path' ] . $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'name_ascii' ] . '/' ;
$FullPathArray [] = $thisfile_iso_pathtable_directories_current [ 'full_path' ];
$pathcounter ++ ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ParseDirectoryRecord ( $directorydata ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
if ( isset ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'supplementary_volume_descriptor' ])) {
$TextEncoding = 'UTF-16BE' ; // Big-Endian Unicode
} else {
$TextEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ; // Latin-1
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$this -> fseek ( $directorydata [ 'location_bytes' ]);
$DirectoryRecordData = $this -> fread ( 1 );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
while ( ord ( $DirectoryRecordData { 0 }) > 33 ) {
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$DirectoryRecordData .= $this -> fread ( ord ( $DirectoryRecordData { 0 }) - 1 );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'length' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 0 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'extended_attribute_length' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 1 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'offset_logical' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 2 , 4 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'filesize' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 10 , 4 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'recording_date_time' ] = substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 18 , 7 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 25 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_unit_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 26 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'interleave_gap_size' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 27 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'volume_sequence_number' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 28 , 2 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_identifier_length' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 32 , 1 ));
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_identifier' ] = substr ( $DirectoryRecordData , 33 , $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_identifier_length' ]);
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_identifier_ascii' ] = getid3_lib :: iconv_fallback ( $TextEncoding , $info [ 'encoding' ], $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_identifier' ]);
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'filesize' ] = $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'filesize' ];
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'offset_bytes' ] = $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'offset_logical' ] * 2048 ;
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'hidden' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x01 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'directory' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x02 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'associated' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x04 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'extended' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x08 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'permissions' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x10 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'multiple' ] = ( bool ) ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'file_flags' ] & 0x80 );
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'recording_timestamp' ] = $this -> ISOtime2UNIXtime ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'raw' ][ 'recording_date_time' ]);
if ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_flags' ][ 'directory' ]) {
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'filename' ] = $directorydata [ 'full_path' ];
} else {
$ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'filename' ] = $directorydata [ 'full_path' ] . $this -> ISOstripFilenameVersion ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'file_identifier_ascii' ]);
$info [ 'iso' ][ 'files' ] = getid3_lib :: array_merge_clobber ( $info [ 'iso' ][ 'files' ], getid3_lib :: CreateDeepArray ( $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'filename' ], '/' , $ThisDirectoryRecord [ 'filesize' ]));
$DirectoryRecord [] = $ThisDirectoryRecord ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$DirectoryRecordData = $this -> fread ( 1 );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
return $DirectoryRecord ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ISOstripFilenameVersion ( $ISOfilename ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// convert 'filename.ext;1' to 'filename.ext'
if ( ! strstr ( $ISOfilename , ';' )) {
return $ISOfilename ;
} else {
return substr ( $ISOfilename , 0 , strpos ( $ISOfilename , ';' ));
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ISOtimeText2UNIXtime ( $ISOtime ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$UNIXyear = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 0 , 4 );
$UNIXmonth = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 4 , 2 );
$UNIXday = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 6 , 2 );
$UNIXhour = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 8 , 2 );
$UNIXminute = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 10 , 2 );
$UNIXsecond = ( int ) substr ( $ISOtime , 12 , 2 );
if ( ! $UNIXyear ) {
return false ;
return gmmktime ( $UNIXhour , $UNIXminute , $UNIXsecond , $UNIXmonth , $UNIXday , $UNIXyear );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function ISOtime2UNIXtime ( $ISOtime ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// Represented by seven bytes:
// 1: Number of years since 1900
// 2: Month of the year from 1 to 12
// 3: Day of the Month from 1 to 31
// 4: Hour of the day from 0 to 23
// 5: Minute of the hour from 0 to 59
// 6: second of the minute from 0 to 59
// 7: Offset from Greenwich Mean Time in number of 15 minute intervals from -48 (West) to +52 (East)
$UNIXyear = ord ( $ISOtime { 0 }) + 1900 ;
$UNIXmonth = ord ( $ISOtime { 1 });
$UNIXday = ord ( $ISOtime { 2 });
$UNIXhour = ord ( $ISOtime { 3 });
$UNIXminute = ord ( $ISOtime { 4 });
$UNIXsecond = ord ( $ISOtime { 5 });
$GMToffset = $this -> TwosCompliment2Decimal ( ord ( $ISOtime { 5 }));
return gmmktime ( $UNIXhour , $UNIXminute , $UNIXsecond , $UNIXmonth , $UNIXday , $UNIXyear );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function TwosCompliment2Decimal ( $BinaryValue ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// http://sandbox.mc.edu/~bennet/cs110/tc/tctod.html
// First check if the number is negative or positive by looking at the sign bit.
// If it is positive, simply convert it to decimal.
// If it is negative, make it positive by inverting the bits and adding one.
// Then, convert the result to decimal.
// The negative of this number is the value of the original binary.
if ( $BinaryValue & 0x80 ) {
// negative number
return ( 0 - (( ~ $BinaryValue & 0xFF ) + 1 ));
} else {
// positive number
return $BinaryValue ;