2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
< ? php
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// See readme.txt for more details //
// //
// module.audio.monkey.php //
// module for analyzing Monkey's Audio files //
// dependencies: NONE //
// ///
class getid3_monkey extends getid3_handler
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function Analyze () {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
// based loosely on code from TMonkey by Jurgen Faul <jfaulØgmx*de>
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
// http://jfaul.de/atl or http://j-faul.virtualave.net/atl/atl.html
$info [ 'fileformat' ] = 'mac' ;
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'dataformat' ] = 'mac' ;
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'bitrate_mode' ] = 'vbr' ;
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'lossless' ] = true ;
$info [ 'monkeys_audio' ][ 'raw' ] = array ();
$thisfile_monkeysaudio = & $info [ 'monkeys_audio' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw = & $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'raw' ];
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
$this -> fseek ( $info [ 'avdataoffset' ]);
$MACheaderData = $this -> fread ( 74 );
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'magic' ] = substr ( $MACheaderData , 0 , 4 );
$magic = 'MAC ' ;
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'magic' ] != $magic ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Expecting "' . getid3_lib :: PrintHexBytes ( $magic ) . '" at offset ' . $info [ 'avdataoffset' ] . ', found "' . getid3_lib :: PrintHexBytes ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'magic' ]) . '"' ;
unset ( $info [ 'fileformat' ]);
return false ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 4 , 2 )); // appears to be uint32 in 3.98+
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] < 3980 ) {
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nCompressionLevel' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 6 , 2 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 8 , 2 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nChannels' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 10 , 2 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSampleRate' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 12 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderDataBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 16 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nWAVTerminatingBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 20 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTotalFrames' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 24 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFinalFrameSamples' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 28 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nPeakLevel' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 32 , 4 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSeekElements' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , 38 , 2 ));
$offset = 8 ;
} else {
$offset = 8 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nDescriptorBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSeekTableBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderDataBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nAPEFrameDataBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nAPEFrameDataBytesHigh' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTerminatingDataBytes' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'cFileMD5' ] = substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 16 );
$offset += 16 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nCompressionLevel' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 2 ));
$offset += 2 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 2 ));
$offset += 2 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nBlocksPerFrame' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFinalFrameBlocks' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTotalFrames' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nBitsPerSample' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 2 ));
$offset += 2 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nChannels' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 2 ));
$offset += 2 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSampleRate' ] = getid3_lib :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $MACheaderData , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ '8-bit' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0001 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ 'crc-32' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0002 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ 'peak_level' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0004 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ '24-bit' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0008 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ 'seek_elements' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0010 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ 'no_wav_header' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFormatFlags' ] & 0x0020 );
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'version' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] / 1000 ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compression' ] = $this -> MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nCompressionLevel' ]);
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] < 3980 ) {
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples_per_frame' ] = $this -> MonkeySamplesPerFrame ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ], $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nCompressionLevel' ]);
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bits_per_sample' ] = ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ '24-bit' ] ? 24 : ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ '8-bit' ] ? 8 : 16 ));
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'channels' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nChannels' ];
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'channels' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'channels' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'sample_rate' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSampleRate' ];
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'sample_rate' ] == 0 ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Corrupt MAC file: frequency == zero' ;
return false ;
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'sample_rate' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'sample_rate' ];
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'flags' ][ 'peak_level' ]) {
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'peak_level' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nPeakLevel' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'peak_ratio' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'peak_level' ] / pow ( 2 , $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bits_per_sample' ] - 1 );
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] >= 3980 ) {
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples' ] = (( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTotalFrames' ] - 1 ) * $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nBlocksPerFrame' ]) + $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFinalFrameBlocks' ];
} else {
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples' ] = (( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTotalFrames' ] - 1 ) * $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples_per_frame' ]) + $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nFinalFrameSamples' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'playtime' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples' ] / $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'sample_rate' ];
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'playtime' ] == 0 ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Corrupt MAC file: playtime == zero' ;
return false ;
$info [ 'playtime_seconds' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'playtime' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compressed_size' ] = $info [ 'avdataend' ] - $info [ 'avdataoffset' ];
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'uncompressed_size' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples' ] * $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'channels' ] * ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bits_per_sample' ] / 8 );
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'uncompressed_size' ] == 0 ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Corrupt MAC file: uncompressed_size == zero' ;
return false ;
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compression_ratio' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compressed_size' ] / ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'uncompressed_size' ] + $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderDataBytes' ]);
$thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bitrate' ] = (( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'samples' ] * $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'channels' ] * $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bits_per_sample' ]) / $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'playtime' ]) * $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compression_ratio' ];
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'bitrate' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bitrate' ];
// add size of MAC header to avdataoffset
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] >= 3980 ) {
$info [ 'avdataoffset' ] += $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nDescriptorBytes' ];
$info [ 'avdataoffset' ] += $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderBytes' ];
$info [ 'avdataoffset' ] += $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nSeekTableBytes' ];
$info [ 'avdataoffset' ] += $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nHeaderDataBytes' ];
$info [ 'avdataend' ] -= $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nTerminatingDataBytes' ];
} else {
$info [ 'avdataoffset' ] += $offset ;
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'nVersion' ] >= 3980 ) {
if ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'cFileMD5' ] === str_repeat ( " \x00 " , 16 )) {
//$info['warning'][] = 'cFileMD5 is null';
} else {
$info [ 'md5_data_source' ] = '' ;
$md5 = $thisfile_monkeysaudio_raw [ 'cFileMD5' ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $md5 ); $i ++ ) {
$info [ 'md5_data_source' ] .= str_pad ( dechex ( ord ( $md5 { $i })), 2 , '00' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/' , $info [ 'md5_data_source' ])) {
unset ( $info [ 'md5_data_source' ]);
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'bits_per_sample' ] = $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'bits_per_sample' ];
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'encoder' ] = 'MAC v' . number_format ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'version' ], 2 );
$info [ 'audio' ][ 'encoder_options' ] = ucfirst ( $thisfile_monkeysaudio [ 'compression' ]) . ' compression' ;
return true ;
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup ( $compressionlevel ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
static $MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup = array (
0 => 'unknown' ,
1000 => 'fast' ,
2000 => 'normal' ,
3000 => 'high' ,
4000 => 'extra-high' ,
5000 => 'insane'
return ( isset ( $MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup [ $compressionlevel ]) ? $MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup [ $compressionlevel ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-03 18:59:46 -07:00
public function MonkeySamplesPerFrame ( $versionid , $compressionlevel ) {
2013-07-28 12:45:21 -05:00
if ( $versionid >= 3950 ) {
return 73728 * 4 ;
} elseif ( $versionid >= 3900 ) {
return 73728 ;
} elseif (( $versionid >= 3800 ) && ( $compressionlevel == 4000 )) {
return 73728 ;
} else {
return 9216 ;