2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
< ? php
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// or http://www.getid3.org //
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
// also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
// See readme.txt for more details //
// //
// module.graphic.png.php //
// module for analyzing PNG Image files //
// dependencies: NONE //
// ///
class getid3_png extends getid3_handler
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
public $max_data_bytes = 10000000 ; // if data chunk is larger than this do not read it completely (getID3 only needs the first few dozen bytes for parsing)
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function Analyze () {
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$info = & $this -> getid3 -> info ;
// shortcut
$info [ 'png' ] = array ();
$thisfile_png = & $info [ 'png' ];
$info [ 'fileformat' ] = 'png' ;
$info [ 'video' ][ 'dataformat' ] = 'png' ;
$info [ 'video' ][ 'lossless' ] = false ;
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
$this -> fseek ( $info [ 'avdataoffset' ]);
$PNGfiledata = $this -> fread ( $this -> getid3 -> fread_buffer_size ());
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$offset = 0 ;
$PNGidentifier = substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , 8 ); // $89 $50 $4E $47 $0D $0A $1A $0A
$offset += 8 ;
if ( $PNGidentifier != " \x89 \x50 \x4E \x47 \x0D \x0A \x1A \x0A " ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'First 8 bytes of file (' . getid3_lib :: PrintHexBytes ( $PNGidentifier ) . ') did not match expected PNG identifier' ;
unset ( $info [ 'fileformat' ]);
return false ;
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
while ((( $this -> ftell () - ( strlen ( $PNGfiledata ) - $offset )) < $info [ 'filesize' ])) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$chunk [ 'data_length' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , 4 ));
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
if ( $chunk [ 'data_length' ] === false ) {
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Failed to read data_length at offset ' . $offset ;
return false ;
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$offset += 4 ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
$truncated_data = false ;
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
while ((( strlen ( $PNGfiledata ) - $offset ) < ( $chunk [ 'data_length' ] + 4 )) && ( $this -> ftell () < $info [ 'filesize' ])) {
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
if ( strlen ( $PNGfiledata ) < $this -> max_data_bytes ) {
$PNGfiledata .= $this -> fread ( $this -> getid3 -> fread_buffer_size ());
} else {
$info [ 'warning' ][] = 'At offset ' . $offset . ' chunk "' . substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , 4 ) . '" exceeded max_data_bytes value of ' . $this -> max_data_bytes . ', data chunk will be truncated at ' . ( strlen ( $PNGfiledata ) - 8 ) . ' bytes' ;
break ;
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
$chunk [ 'type_text' ] = substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , 4 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$offset += 4 ;
$chunk [ 'type_raw' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( $chunk [ 'type_text' ]);
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
$chunk [ 'data' ] = substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , $chunk [ 'data_length' ]);
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$offset += $chunk [ 'data_length' ];
$chunk [ 'crc' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $PNGfiledata , $offset , 4 ));
$offset += 4 ;
$chunk [ 'flags' ][ 'ancilliary' ] = ( bool ) ( $chunk [ 'type_raw' ] & 0x20000000 );
$chunk [ 'flags' ][ 'private' ] = ( bool ) ( $chunk [ 'type_raw' ] & 0x00200000 );
$chunk [ 'flags' ][ 'reserved' ] = ( bool ) ( $chunk [ 'type_raw' ] & 0x00002000 );
$chunk [ 'flags' ][ 'safe_to_copy' ] = ( bool ) ( $chunk [ 'type_raw' ] & 0x00000020 );
// shortcut
$thisfile_png [ $chunk [ 'type_text' ]] = array ();
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text = & $thisfile_png [ $chunk [ 'type_text' ]];
switch ( $chunk [ 'type_text' ]) {
case 'IHDR' : // Image Header
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'width' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 4 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'height' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 4 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 8 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 9 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'compression_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 10 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'filter_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 11 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'interlace_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 12 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method_text' ] = $this -> PNGcompressionMethodLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'compression_method' ]);
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'color_type' ][ 'palette' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ] & 0x01 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'color_type' ][ 'true_color' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ] & 0x02 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'color_type' ][ 'alpha' ] = ( bool ) ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ] & 0x04 );
$info [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_x' ] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'width' ];
$info [ 'video' ][ 'resolution_y' ] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'height' ];
$info [ 'video' ][ 'bits_per_sample' ] = $this -> IHDRcalculateBitsPerSample ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ]);
break ;
case 'PLTE' : // Palette
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$paletteoffset = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 255 ; $i ++ ) {
//$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text['red'][$i] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($chunk['data'], $paletteoffset++, 1));
//$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text['green'][$i] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($chunk['data'], $paletteoffset++, 1));
//$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text['blue'][$i] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($chunk['data'], $paletteoffset++, 1));
$red = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $paletteoffset ++ , 1 ));
$green = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $paletteoffset ++ , 1 ));
$blue = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $paletteoffset ++ , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ $i ] = (( $red << 16 ) | ( $green << 8 ) | ( $blue ));
break ;
case 'tRNS' : // Transparency
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
switch ( $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ]) {
case 0 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'transparent_color_gray' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 2 ));
break ;
case 2 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'transparent_color_red' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 2 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'transparent_color_green' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 , 2 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'transparent_color_blue' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 2 ));
break ;
case 3 :
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $chunk [ 'data' ]); $i ++ ) {
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'palette_opacity' ][ $i ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $i , 1 ));
break ;
case 4 :
case 6 :
$info [ 'error' ][] = 'Invalid color_type in tRNS chunk: ' . $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ];
default :
$info [ 'warning' ][] = 'Unhandled color_type in tRNS chunk: ' . $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ];
break ;
break ;
case 'gAMA' : // Image Gamma
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'gamma' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( $chunk [ 'data' ]) / 100000 ;
break ;
case 'cHRM' : // Primary Chromaticities
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'white_x' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'white_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'red_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 8 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'red_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 12 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'green_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 16 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'green_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 20 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'blue_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 24 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'blue_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 28 , 4 )) / 100000 ;
break ;
case 'sRGB' : // Standard RGB Color Space
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'reindering_intent' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( $chunk [ 'data' ]);
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'reindering_intent_text' ] = $this -> PNGsRGBintentLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'reindering_intent' ]);
break ;
case 'iCCP' : // Embedded ICC Profile
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
list ( $profilename , $compressiondata ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'profile_name' ] = $profilename ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $compressiondata , 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_profile' ] = substr ( $compressiondata , 1 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method_text' ] = $this -> PNGcompressionMethodLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ]);
break ;
case 'tEXt' : // Textual Data
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
list ( $keyword , $text ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ] = $keyword ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ] = $text ;
$thisfile_png [ 'comments' ][ $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ]][] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ];
break ;
case 'zTXt' : // Compressed Textual Data
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
list ( $keyword , $otherdata ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ] = $keyword ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compressed_text' ] = substr ( $otherdata , 1 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method_text' ] = $this -> PNGcompressionMethodLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ]);
switch ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ]) {
case 0 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ] = gzuncompress ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compressed_text' ]);
break ;
default :
// unknown compression method
break ;
if ( isset ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ])) {
$thisfile_png [ 'comments' ][ $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ]][] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ];
break ;
case 'iTXt' : // International Textual Data
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
list ( $keyword , $otherdata ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ] = $keyword ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression' ] = ( bool ) getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , 1 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method_text' ] = $this -> PNGcompressionMethodLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ]);
list ( $languagetag , $translatedkeyword , $text ) = explode ( " \x00 " , substr ( $otherdata , 2 ), 3 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'language_tag' ] = $languagetag ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'translated_keyword' ] = $translatedkeyword ;
if ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression' ]) {
switch ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'compression_method' ]) {
case 0 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ] = gzuncompress ( $text );
break ;
default :
// unknown compression method
break ;
} else {
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ] = $text ;
if ( isset ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ])) {
$thisfile_png [ 'comments' ][ $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'keyword' ]][] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'text' ];
break ;
case 'bKGD' : // Background Color
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
switch ( $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ]) {
case 0 :
case 4 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'background_gray' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( $chunk [ 'data' ]);
break ;
case 2 :
case 6 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'background_red' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 * $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ], $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ]));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'background_green' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 1 * $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ], $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ]));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'background_blue' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 * $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ], $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'bit_depth' ]));
break ;
case 3 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'background_index' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( $chunk [ 'data' ]);
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
case 'pHYs' : // Physical Pixel Dimensions
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'pixels_per_unit_x' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 4 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'pixels_per_unit_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 4 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit_specifier' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 8 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit' ] = $this -> PNGpHYsUnitLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit_specifier' ]);
break ;
case 'sBIT' : // Significant Bits
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
switch ( $thisfile_png [ 'IHDR' ][ 'raw' ][ 'color_type' ]) {
case 0 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_gray' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 1 ));
break ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_red' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_green' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 1 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_blue' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 , 1 ));
break ;
case 4 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_gray' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_alpha' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 1 , 1 ));
break ;
case 6 :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_red' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_green' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 1 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_blue' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'significant_bits_alpha' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 3 , 1 ));
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
case 'sPLT' : // Suggested Palette
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
2015-12-20 12:20:04 +01:00
list ( $palettename , $otherdata ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'palette_name' ] = $palettename ;
$sPLToffset = 0 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bits' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , 1 ));
$sPLToffset += 1 ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ] = $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bits' ] / 8 ;
$paletteCounter = 0 ;
while ( $sPLToffset < strlen ( $otherdata )) {
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'red' ][ $paletteCounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ]));
$sPLToffset += $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ];
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'green' ][ $paletteCounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ]));
$sPLToffset += $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ];
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'blue' ][ $paletteCounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ]));
$sPLToffset += $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ];
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'alpha' ][ $paletteCounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ]));
$sPLToffset += $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'sample_depth_bytes' ];
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'frequency' ][ $paletteCounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $otherdata , $sPLToffset , 2 ));
$sPLToffset += 2 ;
$paletteCounter ++ ;
break ;
case 'hIST' : // Palette Histogram
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$hISTcounter = 0 ;
while ( $hISTcounter < strlen ( $chunk [ 'data' ])) {
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ $hISTcounter ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $hISTcounter / 2 , 2 ));
$hISTcounter += 2 ;
break ;
case 'tIME' : // Image Last-Modification Time
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'year' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 2 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'month' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'day' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 3 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'hour' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'minute' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 5 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'second' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 6 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unix' ] = gmmktime ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'hour' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'minute' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'second' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'month' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'day' ], $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'year' ]);
break ;
case 'oFFs' : // Image Offset
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'position_x' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 0 , 4 ), false , true );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'position_y' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 4 , 4 ), false , true );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit_specifier' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], 8 , 1 ));
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit' ] = $this -> PNGoFFsUnitLookup ( $thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'unit_specifier' ]);
break ;
case 'pCAL' : // Calibration Of Pixel Values
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
list ( $calibrationname , $otherdata ) = explode ( " \x00 " , $chunk [ 'data' ], 2 );
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'calibration_name' ] = $calibrationname ;
$pCALoffset = 0 ;
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$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'parameter_count' ] = getid3_lib :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $pCALoffset , 1 ));
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$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'parameters' ] = explode ( " \x00 " , substr ( $chunk [ 'data' ], $pCALoffset ));
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case 'sCAL' : // Physical Scale Of Image Subject
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unset ( $chunk [ 'data' ]);
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ $idatinformationfieldindex ][ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
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case 'IEND' : // Image Trailer
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break ;
default :
$thisfile_png_chunk_type_text [ 'header' ] = $chunk ;
$info [ 'warning' ][] = 'Unhandled chunk type: ' . $chunk [ 'type_text' ];
break ;
return true ;
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGsRGBintentLookup ( $sRGB ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGsRGBintentLookup = array (
0 => 'Perceptual' ,
1 => 'Relative colorimetric' ,
2 => 'Saturation' ,
3 => 'Absolute colorimetric'
return ( isset ( $PNGsRGBintentLookup [ $sRGB ]) ? $PNGsRGBintentLookup [ $sRGB ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGcompressionMethodLookup ( $compressionmethod ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGcompressionMethodLookup = array (
0 => 'deflate/inflate'
return ( isset ( $PNGcompressionMethodLookup [ $compressionmethod ]) ? $PNGcompressionMethodLookup [ $compressionmethod ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGpHYsUnitLookup ( $unitid ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGpHYsUnitLookup = array (
0 => 'unknown' ,
1 => 'meter'
return ( isset ( $PNGpHYsUnitLookup [ $unitid ]) ? $PNGpHYsUnitLookup [ $unitid ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGoFFsUnitLookup ( $unitid ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGoFFsUnitLookup = array (
0 => 'pixel' ,
1 => 'micrometer'
return ( isset ( $PNGoFFsUnitLookup [ $unitid ]) ? $PNGoFFsUnitLookup [ $unitid ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGpCALequationTypeLookup ( $equationtype ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGpCALequationTypeLookup = array (
0 => 'Linear mapping' ,
1 => 'Base-e exponential mapping' ,
2 => 'Arbitrary-base exponential mapping' ,
3 => 'Hyperbolic mapping'
return ( isset ( $PNGpCALequationTypeLookup [ $equationtype ]) ? $PNGpCALequationTypeLookup [ $equationtype ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function PNGsCALUnitLookup ( $unitid ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
static $PNGsCALUnitLookup = array (
0 => 'meter' ,
1 => 'radian'
return ( isset ( $PNGsCALUnitLookup [ $unitid ]) ? $PNGsCALUnitLookup [ $unitid ] : 'invalid' );
2015-09-04 03:59:46 +02:00
public function IHDRcalculateBitsPerSample ( $color_type , $bit_depth ) {
2013-07-28 19:45:21 +02:00
switch ( $color_type ) {
case 0 : // Each pixel is a grayscale sample.
return $bit_depth ;
break ;
case 2 : // Each pixel is an R,G,B triple
return 3 * $bit_depth ;
break ;
case 3 : // Each pixel is a palette index; a PLTE chunk must appear.
return $bit_depth ;
break ;
case 4 : // Each pixel is a grayscale sample, followed by an alpha sample.
return 2 * $bit_depth ;
break ;
case 6 : // Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample.
return 4 * $bit_depth ;
break ;
return false ;