Once everything is up and running, you'll be able to access the site at [http://ponyfm-dev.poni/](http://ponyfm-dev.poni/). You can access the MySQL database by logging into **ponyfm-dev.poni:3306** with the username **homestead** and the password **secret**. Pony.fm's database is named **homestead**.
Pony.fm uses nginx, php-fpm, redis, and MySQL. You can modify the configuration of these services by locating the appropriate config file in the `vagrant` folder. Once modified, you must reload the configuration by running the appropriate shell script (`reload-config.sh`) or bat files (`reload-config.bat` and `reload-config.vmware.bat`). These scripts simply tell Vagrant to run `copy-and-restart-config.sh` on the VM.
If you need to change any other configuration file on the VM - copy the entire file over into the vagrant folder, make your changes, and update the `copy-and-restart-config.sh` script to copy the modified config back into the proper folder. All potential configuration requirements should be represented in the `vagrant` folder **and never only on the VM itself** as changes will not be preserved.