Tailszefox 3e638ff216 Added cache
This will decrease the amount of CPU and RAM needed when generating fusions, but will use more disk space since we store each fusion as a PNG.

Check the changes in this commit for more information on how caching works.
2023-03-29 21:31:29 +02:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

// Use this script to generate a cache of all the fusions. For security reasons this can only be done through the command line.
// If you want to regenerate a fusion already in the cache, delete it from the cache first. This script will not generate a fusion that's already cached.
// There is a small pause between each fusion in order to not overload the server. Depending on the number of ponies, this may take a while to run.
if(php_sapi_name() !== 'cli')
exit('You cannot run this script in your browser.');
$totalPonies = 0;
foreach($ponies as $id => $properties)
if(strpos($id, "break") === FALSE)
$totalFusions = $totalPonies * $totalPonies;
$i = 0;
foreach($ponies as $id => $properties)
if(strpos($id, "break") === FALSE)
foreach($ponies as $idSecond => $propertiesSecond)
if(strpos($idSecond, "break") === FALSE)
$percentage = sprintf("%3d", floor(($i / $totalFusions) * 100));
echo "($percentage%) [$i/$totalFusions] $id + $idSecond\n";
makeFusion($id, $idSecond, TRUE);