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package com.minelittlepony.api.pony;
import com.minelittlepony.api.pony.meta.Race;
import java.util.Optional;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.StairsBlock;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
public final class PonyPosture {
public static Optional<IPony> getMountPony(LivingEntity entity) {
return entity.getVehicle() instanceof LivingEntity mount
? IPony.getManager().getPony(mount)
: Optional.empty();
public static boolean isCrouching(IPony pony, LivingEntity entity) {
boolean isSneak = entity.isInSneakingPose();
boolean isFlying = isFlying(entity);
boolean isSwimming = isSwimming(entity);
return !isPerformingRainboom(pony, entity) && !isSwimming && isSneak && !isFlying;
private static boolean isPerformingRainboom(IPony pony, LivingEntity entity) {
Vec3d motion = entity.getVelocity();
double zMotion = Math.sqrt(motion.x * motion.x + motion.z * motion.z);
return (isFlying(entity) && pony.race().hasWings()) || entity.isFallFlying() & zMotion > 0.4F;
public static boolean isFlying(LivingEntity entity) {
return !(isOnGround(entity)
|| entity.hasVehicle()
|| (entity.isClimbing() && !(entity instanceof PlayerEntity && ((PlayerEntity)entity).getAbilities().allowFlying))
|| entity.isSubmergedInWater()
|| entity.isSleeping());
* Checks if the entity is on the ground, or close enough to be "effectively" grounded.
* this is to keep Pegasus wings from flapping in odd situations (Hypixel).
private static boolean isOnGround(LivingEntity entity) {
if (entity.isOnGround()) {
return true;
BlockState below = entity.getEntityWorld()
// Check for stairs so we can keep Pegasi from flailing their wings as they descend
double offsetAmount = below.getBlock() instanceof StairsBlock ? 1 : 0.05;
Vec3d pos = entity.getPos();
BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(
pos.y - offsetAmount,
return !entity.getEntityWorld().isAir(blockpos);
public static boolean isSwimming(LivingEntity entity) {
return entity.isSwimming() || entity.isInSwimmingPose();
public static boolean isPartiallySubmerged(LivingEntity entity) {
return entity.isSubmergedInWater()
|| entity.getEntityWorld().getBlockState(entity.getBlockPos()).getMaterial() == Material.WATER;
public static boolean isSitting(LivingEntity entity) {
return entity.hasVehicle();
public static boolean isRidingAPony(LivingEntity entity) {
return isSitting(entity) && getMountPony(entity).map(IPony::race).orElse(Race.HUMAN) != Race.HUMAN;