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synced 2025-03-14 07:30:08 +01:00
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3 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
6e63347449 | ||
f6dc4dce36 | ||
97fda0ed86 |
24 changed files with 304 additions and 134 deletions
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ org.gradle.daemon=false
# Fabric Properties
# check these on https://fabricmc.net/develop
# Mod Properties
displayname=Mine Little Pony
authors=Verdana, Rene_Z, Mumfrey, Killjoy1221, Sollace
description=Mine Little Pony turns players and mobs into ponies. Press F9 ingame to access settings.
displayname=Mine Horsey Horse
authors=A bunch of horesy people
description=Mine Horsey Horse turns players and mobs into horses. Press F9 ingame to neigh loudly.
# Publishing
@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ public class GuiPonySettings extends GameGui {
.getStyle().setText(MOB_PREFIX + i.name);
content.addButton(new Toggle(RIGHT, row += 20, false))
.onChange(s -> s)
.getStyle().setText("Horsify Horses");
row += 15;
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.TitleScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.option.KeyBinding;
import net.minecraft.client.sound.PositionedSoundInstance;
import net.minecraft.client.util.InputUtil;
import net.minecraft.resource.ResourceType;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
@ -107,7 +109,12 @@ public class MineLittlePony implements ClientModInitializer {
if ((mainMenu || inGame) && keyBinding.isPressed()) {
client.setScreen(new GuiPonySettings(client.currentScreen));
// client.setScreen(new GuiPonySettings(client.currentScreen));
client.getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_ANGRY, 1, 1));
if (inGame && client.options.jumpKey.isPressed() && client.player.isOnGround()) {
client.getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_ANGRY, 1, 1));
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import com.minelittlepony.hdskins.profile.SkinType;
import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
import net.minecraft.client.sound.PositionedSoundInstance;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
@ -37,7 +39,11 @@ class GuiSkinsMineLP extends GuiSkins {
if (!(parent instanceof GuiPonySettings)) {
addButton(new Button(width - 25, height - 90, 20, 20))
.onClick(sender -> client.setScreen(new GuiPonySettings(this)))
.onClick(sender -> {
client.getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_ANGRY, 1, 1));
//client.setScreen(new GuiPonySettings(this));
.setIcon(new TextureSprite()
.setPosition(2, 2)
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import net.minecraft.class_8293;
import net.minecraft.class_8323;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart;
import net.minecraft.client.render.VertexConsumer;
import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack;
@ -148,8 +150,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
} else {
adjustBody(0, ORIGIN);
rightLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y;
leftLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y;
// rightLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y;
// leftLeg.pivotY = FRONT_LEGS_Y;
if (!attributes.isSleeping) {
@ -165,6 +167,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
head.pivotY -= 3;
head.pivotZ -= 2;
head.pitch = 0.5F;
parts.forEach(part -> part.setPartAngles(attributes, limbAngle, limbSpeed, wobbleAmount, animationProgress));
@ -275,6 +281,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
leftArm.pivotZ = 2 - sin;
float legRPX = attributes.getMainInterpolator().interpolate("legOffset", cos - getLegOutset() - 0.001F, 2);
legRPX += 2;
rightArm.pivotX = -legRPX;
rightLeg.pivotX = -legRPX;
@ -285,8 +292,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
rightArm.yaw += body.yaw;
leftArm.yaw += body.yaw;
rightArm.pivotY = leftArm.pivotY = 8;
rightLeg.pivotZ = leftLeg.pivotZ = 11;
rightArm.pivotZ = leftArm.pivotZ = 1;
rightArm.pivotY = leftArm.pivotY = 6;
rightLeg.pivotY = leftLeg.pivotY = 6;
rightLeg.pivotZ = leftLeg.pivotZ = 21;
@ -314,10 +323,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
protected void rotateLegsOnGround(float move, float swing, float ticks, T entity) {
float angle = MathHelper.PI * (float) Math.pow(swing, 16);
float baseRotation = move * 0.6662F; // magic number ahoy
float scale = swing / 4;
float rainboomLegLotation = attributes.getMainInterpolator().interpolate(
@ -326,10 +331,71 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
float yAngle = 0.2F * rainboomLegLotation;
leftArm.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle) * scale, -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), -yAngle, 0);
rightArm.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI + angle / 2) * scale, -MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), yAngle, 0);
leftLeg.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI - (angle * 0.4f)) * scale, MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), yAngle, leftLeg.roll);
rightLeg.setAngles(MathHelper.lerp(rainboomLegLotation, MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle / 5) * scale, MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation), -yAngle, rightLeg.roll);
class_8323 legAnimationType = class_8293.field_43554.method_50145();
float rightArmPitch, leftArmPitch, rightLegPitch, leftLegPitch;
switch (legAnimationType) {
case NONE: {
rightArmPitch = 0;
leftArmPitch = 0;
rightLegPitch = 0;
leftLegPitch = 0;
case WINDMILL: {
rightArmPitch = move * 2.0f * 0.5f / swing;
leftArmPitch = move * 2.0f * 0.5f / swing;
rightLegPitch = move * 1.4f / swing;
leftLegPitch = (move + MathHelper.PI) * 1.4f / swing;
default: {
float l = switch (legAnimationType) {
default -> 0.6662f;
case MILD -> 0.3331f;
case WILD -> 0.9993f;
case EXTREME -> 1.3324f;
float m = switch (legAnimationType) {
default -> 1.0f;
case MILD -> 0.5f;
case WILD -> 2.0f;
case EXTREME -> 4.0f;
float baseRotation = move * l; // magic number ahoy
float scale = m * swing / 4;
float angle = MathHelper.PI * (float) Math.pow(swing, 16);
rightArmPitch = MathHelper.lerp(
MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI + angle / 2) * scale,
-MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation
leftArmPitch = MathHelper.lerp(
MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle) * scale,
-MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation
rightLegPitch = MathHelper.lerp(
MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + angle / 5) * scale,
MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation
leftLegPitch = MathHelper.lerp(
MathHelper.cos(baseRotation + MathHelper.PI - (angle * 0.4f)) * scale,
MathUtil.Angles._90_DEG * rainboomLegLotation
rightArm.setAngles(rightArmPitch, yAngle, 0);
leftArm.setAngles(leftArmPitch, -yAngle, 0);
rightLeg.setAngles(rightLegPitch, -yAngle, rightLeg.roll);
leftLeg.setAngles(leftLegPitch, yAngle, leftLeg.roll);
protected float getLegOutset() {
@ -517,7 +583,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
protected void adjustBody(float pitch, Pivot pivot) {
adjustBodyComponents(pitch, pivot);
neck.setPivot(NECK_X + pitch, pivot.y(), pivot.z());
neck.setPivot(NECK_X + pitch, pivot.y() - 1, pivot.z() - 2);
protected void adjustBodyComponents(float pitch, Pivot pivot) {
@ -541,16 +607,37 @@ public abstract class AbstractPonyModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends ClientPo
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
neck.visible = visible;
hat.visible = false;
parts.forEach(part -> part.setVisible(visible, attributes));
public void transform(BodyPart part, MatrixStack stack) {
stack.translate(0, 0.1F, 0);
if (attributes.isSleeping || attributes.isRiptide) {
if (part == BodyPart.BODY) {
stack.scale(1.5F, 1, 1.5F);
if (part == BodyPart.HEAD && method_50988()) {
stack.scale(1.5F, 1.5F, 1.5F);
if (class_8293.field_43574.method_50116()) {
if (part != BodyPart.HEAD) {
stack.scale(0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F);
stack.translate(0, 0.92F, 0);
} else {
stack.translate(0, 0.6F, 0);
neck.visible = head.visible;
PonyTransformation.forSize(getSize()).transform(this, part, stack);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.minelittlepony.client.model.armour;
import net.minecraft.class_8293;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart;
import net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.BipedEntityModel;
import net.minecraft.entity.EquipmentSlot;
@ -51,4 +52,9 @@ public class PonyArmourModel<T extends LivingEntity> extends AbstractPonyModel<T
return head.visible || body.visible;
public boolean method_50994() {
return class_8293.field_43574.method_50116();
@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ public class LionTail implements IPart {
public void setVisible(boolean visible, ModelAttributes attributes) {
tail.visible = visible;
tail.pivotZ = 14;
tail.pivotY = 7;
@ -33,5 +33,9 @@ public class PonyEars implements IPart, MsonModel {
public void setVisible(boolean visible, ModelAttributes attributes) {
right.visible = visible && !attributes.metadata.getRace().isHuman();
left.visible = visible && !attributes.metadata.getRace().isHuman();
left.pivotX = -1;
right.pivotX = 1;
left.pivotY = right.pivotY = 1;
left.pivotZ = right.pivotZ = 1.5F;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public class PonySnout implements IPart, MsonModel {
public void setVisible(boolean visible, ModelAttributes attributes) {
visible &= !attributes.metadata.getRace().isHuman() && MineLittlePony.getInstance().getConfig().snuzzles.get();
Gender gender = attributes.metadata.getGender();
visible = false;
mare.visible = (visible && gender.isMare());
stallion.visible = (visible && gender.isStallion());
@ -108,9 +108,14 @@ public class PonyTail implements IPart, MsonModel {
if (tail.shape == TailShape.STRAIGHT) {
tree.pitch = 0.5F;
tree.pivotX = 0;
tree.pivotY = 6;
tree.pivotZ = -6;
if (true || tail.shape == TailShape.STRAIGHT) {
tree.yaw = 0;
tree.pivotZ = 0;
// tree.pivotZ = 0;
tree.render(stack, renderContext, overlayUv, lightUv, red, green, blue, alpha);
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.EquipmentSlot;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.*;
import net.minecraft.item.trim.ArmorTrim;
import net.minecraft.resource.featuretoggle.FeatureFlags;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
public class ArmourFeature<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityModel<T> & IPonyModel<T>> extends AbstractPonyFeature<T, M> {
@ -85,7 +84,6 @@ public class ArmourFeature<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityModel<T> & IP
if (entity.world.getEnabledFeatures().contains(FeatureFlags.UPDATE_1_20)) {
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ArmorItem armor) {
ArmorTrim.getTrim(entity.world.getRegistryManager(), stack).ifPresent(trim -> {
pony.getArmourModel(stack, layer, ArmourVariant.TRIM)
@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ public class ArmourFeature<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityModel<T> & IP
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Little Pony Einstellungen",
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Horsey Horse Einstellungen",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Pony-Stufen",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Nur Ponies",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies.tooltip": "Alle Spieler sind Ponies\n\nSkins, die keine Ponys sind, werden durch ein zufälliges Hintergrundpony ersetzt",
@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Little Pony",
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Little Pony Settings",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Pony Level",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Ponies Only",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies.tooltip": "All players are ponies\n\nNon-pony skins are replaced with a random background pony",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.humans": "Humans Only",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.humans.tooltip": "All players are humans\n\nPony skins are used but will be applied to the human model",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.both": "Both",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.both.tooltip": "Players can be ponies or humans",
"minelp.options.options": "Pony Options",
"minelp.options.sizes": "Varied Pony Sizes",
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Horsey Horse",
"minelp.options.title": "NEeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiigh!",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Horsieness",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Not Very Horse",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies.tooltip": "All players are horsies\n\nNon-pony skins are replaced with a random background horsie",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.humans": "Very Horse",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.humans.tooltip": "All players are horises!!!",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.both": "HORSIIIIEEEEE",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.both.tooltip": "Whiiiiiiiineeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhhhhhht!",
"minelp.options.options": "Horsie Options",
"minelp.options.sizes": "Varied Horsie Sizes",
"minelp.options.skins": "Skin Uploader",
"minelp.options.skins.hdskins.open": "Open HD Skins",
"minelp.options.skins.hdskins.disabled": "HD Skins is not installed\n\nThe HD Skins mod is required to upload skins from in-game and to use custom skin servers.\n\nIf you cannot use that you will have to go to www.minecraft.net to upload your skin there.",
"minelp.options.snuzzles": "Show Snuzzles",
"minelp.options.fillycam": "Filly Cam",
"minelp.options.snuzzles": "Snoots",
"minelp.options.fillycam": "Smol HOrsie Cam",
"minelp.options.showscale": "Show-accurate scaling",
"minelp.options.fpsmagic": "Magic in first-person",
"minelp.options.tpsmagic": "Magic in third-person",
"minelp.options.ponyskulls": "Pony Skulls",
"minelp.options.fpsmagic": "Witchcraft in first-person",
"minelp.options.tpsmagic": "Witchcraft in third-person",
"minelp.options.ponyskulls": "Horsie Heads",
"minelp.options.frustrum": "Frustum checks",
"minelp.options.flappyelytras": "Flap Wings whilst Gliding",
"minelp.options.nofun": "Boring Mode",
"minelp.options.button": "Display On Title Screen",
"minelp.options.button.on": "Always Display\n\nBoth the pony button and HD Skins button are visible (if installed)",
"minelp.options.button.on": "Always Display\n\nBoth the horsie button and HD Skins button are visible (if installed)",
"minelp.options.button.auto": "Display only when HD Skins is not installed",
"minelp.options.button.off": "Never Display\n\nYou will only see the HD Skins button if installed.",
"minelp.options.option.disabled": "This option is locked in survival multiplayer.\n\nChange game modes or leave and rejoin\nthe server to change this setting.",
"minelp.mobs.title": "Mob Settings",
"minelp.mobs.villagers": "Ponify Villagers",
"minelp.mobs.zombies": "Ponify Zombies",
"minelp.mobs.pigzombies": "Ponify Piglins",
"minelp.mobs.striders": "Ponify Striders",
"minelp.mobs.skeletons": "Ponify Skeletons",
"minelp.mobs.illagers": "Ponify Illagers",
"minelp.mobs.guardians": "Ponify Guardians",
"minelp.mobs.endermen": "Ponify Endermen",
"minelp.mobs.allays": "Ponify Allays",
"minelp.mobs.inanimates": "Ponify Objects",
"minelp.mode.dry": "Land pony",
"minelp.mode.wet": "Sea pony",
"minelp.debug.reload_models.message": "Reloading pony models...",
"minelp.mobs.villagers": "Horsify Villagers",
"minelp.mobs.zombies": "Horsify Zombies",
"minelp.mobs.pigzombies": "Horsify Piglins",
"minelp.mobs.striders": "Horsify Striders",
"minelp.mobs.skeletons": "Horsify Skeletons",
"minelp.mobs.illagers": "Horsify Illagers",
"minelp.mobs.guardians": "Horsify Guardians",
"minelp.mobs.endermen": "Horsify Endermen",
"minelp.mobs.allays": "Horsify Allays",
"minelp.mobs.inanimates": "Horsify Objects",
"minelp.mode.dry": "Horse",
"minelp.mode.wet": "Seahorsie",
"minelp.debug.reload_models.message": "Reloading horsie models...",
"minelp.debug.scale": "Scaling Factor",
"minelp.debug.scale.value": "%.2f",
"minelp.debug.scale.meg": "Mega",
"minelp.debug.scale.max": "Double",
"minelp.debug.scale.mid": "Default",
"minelp.debug.scale.sa": "Show Accurate",
"minelp.debug.scale.min": "Miniscule",
"minelp.debug.scale.meg": "Much Much Bigger Than Pipp",
"minelp.debug.scale.max": "Much Bigger Than Pipp",
"minelp.debug.scale.mid": "Bigger Than Pipp",
"minelp.debug.scale.sa": "Still Bigger Than Pipp",
"minelp.debug.scale.min": "Slightly Bigger Than Pipp",
"minelp.debug.size": "Size Override",
"minelp.debug.race": "Race Override",
"minelp.debug.armour": "Disable ponified armour textures",
"minelp.debug.armour": "Disable horsified armour textures",
"hdskins.mode.minelp_seapony": "Seapony",
"hdskins.mode.minelp_seapony": "Seahorsie",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_crown": "Crown",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_muffin": "Muffin Hat",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_muffin": "[C&D'd] Hat",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_hat": "Witch Hat",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_antlers": "Deer Antlers",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_antlers": "Festive Horns",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_saddle_bags_left": "Left Satchel",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_saddle_bags_right": "Right Satchel",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_saddle_bags_both": "Saddlebags",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_stetson": "Stetson"
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_saddle_bags_both": "Horsie Purse",
"hdskins.mode.minelittlepony_stetson": "Non-Denominational Head Garment"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Little Pony Réglages",
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Horsey Horse Réglages",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Niveau Poney",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Seuls Poneys",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.humans": "Seuls Humains",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Little Pony",
"minelp.options.title": "Настройки Mine Little Pony",
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Horsey Horse",
"minelp.options.title": "Настройки Mine Horsey Horse",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Уровень пони",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Только пони",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies.tooltip": "Все игроки - пони\n\nИгроки без скина пони отображаются, как случайный фоновый персонаж",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Mali Poni",
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Mali Poni Podešavanja",
"key.minelittlepony.settings": "Mine Horsey Horse",
"minelp.options.title": "Mine Horsey Horse Podešavanja",
"minelp.options.ponylevel": "Poni Nivo",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies": "Samo Poniji",
"minelp.options.ponylevel.ponies.tooltip": "Svi igrači su poniji\n\nObični Minecraft ljudski skinovi su automatski zamenjeni nekim sporednim ponijem",
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"pivot": ["#x", "#y", "#z"],
"rotate": [0, 0, "#ear_spread"],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -8, -1], "size": [2, 2, 2], "dilate": [0, "#ear_pronouncement", 0] }
{ "from": [-4, -8, -1], "size": [2, 2, 2], "dilate": [0, "#ear_pronouncement", -0.5] }
"left": {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"mirror": [true, false, false],
"rotate": [0, 0, "#ear_spread_neg"],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [2, -8, -1], "size": [2, 2, 2], "dilate": [0, "#ear_pronouncement", 0] }
{ "from": [2, -8, -1], "size": [2, 2, 2], "dilate": [0, "#ear_pronouncement", -0.5] }
@ -2,10 +2,18 @@
"parent": "minelittlepony:steve_pony",
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": {
"data": "minelittlepony:components/snout",
"implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout"
@ -16,10 +16,17 @@
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": {
"implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout",
"data": "minelittlepony:components/beak"
@ -2,10 +2,18 @@
"parent": "minelittlepony:races/steve/unicorn",
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": {
"data": "minelittlepony:components/snout",
"implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout"
@ -30,18 +38,30 @@
"neck": {
"type": "mson:planar",
"dilate": [ -0.3, "#neck_dilate_y", -0.3 ],
"pivot": [0, -2, -4],
"dilate": [ -0.3, "#neck_dilate_y", 1.5 ],
"texture": { "u": 0, "v": 16 },
"rotate": [9, 0, 0],
"rotate": [30, 0, 0],
"north": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"south": [-2, 1.199998, 1.2, 4, 4],
"east": [ 2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"west": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"children": {
"mane": {
"type": "mson:planar",
"pivot": [0, -2.9, 1.5],
"dilate": [ -0.8, 2, 0 ],
"texture": { "u": 32, "v": 0 },
"rotate": [0, 0, 0],
"north": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"south": [-2, 1.199998, 1.2, 4, 4],
"east": [ 2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"west": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4]
"beard": {
"texture": { "u": 16, "v": 16 },
"pivot": [-4, 2, -2],
"rotate": [-29, 0, 0],
"rotate": [-50, 0, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [0, 0, 0], "size": [ 8, 8, 4], "dilate": [0.5, -0.5, 0] }
@ -2,10 +2,18 @@
"parent": "minelittlepony:steve_pony",
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": { "data": "minelittlepony:components/snout", "implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout" },
"ears": { "data": "minelittlepony:components/ears", "implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonyEars" },
"horn": { "data": "minelittlepony:components/horn", "implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.UnicornHorn" }
@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
"parent": "minelittlepony:steve_pony",
"locals": {
"head_pivot_y": -1.2,
"neck_dilate_y": 1.6
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": { "data": "minelittlepony:components/snout", "implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout" },
"ears": { "data": "minelittlepony:components/ears", "implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonyEars" },
"bristles": {
@ -9,20 +9,27 @@
"arm_depth": 4,
"arm_x": 0,
"arm_x_neg": ["#arm_x", "-", "#arm_width"],
"arm_z": [2, "-", "#arm_depth"],
"arm_z": [0, "-", "#arm_depth"],
"arm_rotation_x": 0,
"arm_rotation_x_neg": [0, "-", "#arm_rotation_x"],
"arm_rotation_y": 8,
"head_pivot_y": 0,
"neck_dilate_y": -0.1
"neck_dilate_y": 3
"data": {
"head": {
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"children": {
"nose": {
"dilate": [-1, 0, -1],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -13], "size": [ 8, 8, 8] }
"snout": {
"implementation": "com.minelittlepony.client.model.part.PonySnout",
"data": "minelittlepony:components/snout"
@ -35,6 +42,7 @@
"hat": {
"texture": { "u": 32, "v": 0 },
"dilate": [-1, -1, 0],
"pivot": [ 0, "#head_pivot_y", 0 ],
"cubes": [
{ "from": [-4, -6, -6], "size": [ 8, 8, 8], "dilate": 0.5 }
@ -138,36 +146,32 @@
"size": [ 4, 4 ]
"tail_stub": {
"type": "mson:planar",
"pivot": [0, 1, -2.25],
"texture": { "u": 32, "v": 0 },
"rotate": [29, 0, 0],
"up": [-1, 10, 10, 2, 6],
"down": [-1, 12, 10, 2, 6],
"east": [ 1, 10, 10, 6, 2],
"south":[-1, 10, 16, 2, 2],
"cubes": [
"type": "mson:plane",
"mirror": [ true, false ],
"face": "west",
"position": [ -1, 10, 10 ], "size": [ 6, 2 ]
"neck": {
"type": "mson:planar",
"dilate": [ -0.3, "#neck_dilate_y", -0.3 ],
"pivot": [0, -2, -4],
"dilate": [ -0.3, "#neck_dilate_y", 1.5 ],
"texture": { "u": 0, "v": 16 },
"rotate": [9, 0, 0],
"rotate": [30, 0, 0],
"north": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"south": [-2, 1.199998, 1.2, 4, 4],
"east": [ 2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"west": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"children": {
"mane": {
"type": "mson:planar",
"pivot": [0, -2.9, 1.5],
"dilate": [ -0.8, 2, 0 ],
"texture": { "u": 32, "v": 0 },
"rotate": [0, 0, 0],
"north": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"south": [-2, 1.199998, 1.2, 4, 4],
"east": [ 2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4],
"west": [-2, 1.199998, -2.8, 4, 4]
"jacket": {
"texture": { "u": 24, "v": 0 },
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
"schemaVersion": 1,
"id": "minelp",
"version": "${version}",
"name": "Mine Little Pony",
"description": "Mine Little Pony turns players and mobs into ponies.",
"name": "Mine Horsey Horse",
"description": "Mine Horsey Horse turns players and mobs into horsies.",
"authors": [
"Mumfrey", "Killjoy1221", "Sollace"
"A bunch of horsey people"
"contact": {
"homepage": "https://minelittlepony-mod.com/",
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