mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:20:04 +01:00
Move the GuiItemStackButton to live with the rest of the gui classes and improved error message handling
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 154 additions and 151 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.minelittlepony.gui;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
public class IconicButton extends Button {
private ItemStack itemStack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
public IconicButton(int x, int y, IGuiAction<IconicButton> callback) {
super(x, y, 20, 20, "", callback);
public IconicButton setIcon(ItemStack stack) {
itemStack = stack;
return this;
public IconicButton setIcon(ItemStack stack, int colour) {
Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS.setColor(stack, colour);
return setIcon(stack);
public void drawButton(Minecraft mc, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
super.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(itemStack, x + 2, y + 2);
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
public class Button extends GuiButton implements IActionable, IGuiTooltipped {
private IGuiAction<Button> action;
protected IGuiAction<Button> action;
private List<String> tooltip = null;
public Button(int x, int y, int width, int height, String label, IGuiAction<? extends Button> callback) {
super(0, x, y, width, height, GameGui.format(label));
super(5000, x, y, width, height, GameGui.format(label));
action = (IGuiAction<Button>)callback;
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class GLWindow extends DropTarget {
public synchronized void setDropTargetListener(DropTargetListener dtl) {
public synchronized void setDropTargetListener(FileDropListener dtl) {
try {
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.Button;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.IGuiAction;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
public class GuiItemStackButton extends Button {
private ItemStack itemStack;
public GuiItemStackButton(int x, int y, ItemStack itemStack, IGuiAction<GuiItemStackButton> callback) {
super(x, y, 20, 20, "", callback);
this.itemStack = itemStack;
public GuiItemStackButton(int x, int y, ItemStack itemStack, int colour, IGuiAction<GuiItemStackButton> callback) {
this(x, y, itemStack, callback);
Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS.setColor(itemStack, colour);
public void drawButton(Minecraft mc, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
super.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(itemStack, this.x + 2, this.y + 2);
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.Button;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.GameGui;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.IconicButton;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.Label;
import com.minelittlepony.util.math.MathUtil;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture;
import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture.Type;
@ -26,13 +28,14 @@ import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMainMenu;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
@ -69,22 +72,29 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private DoubleBuffer doubleBuffer;
private String uploadError;
private volatile String skinMessage = format("hdskins.choose");
private String skinUploadMessage = format("hdskins.request");
private boolean showMessage;
private float uploadOpacity = 0;
private String uploadError = "";
private String uploadMessage = format("hdskins.request");
private volatile String localMessage = format("hdskins.choose");
private volatile boolean fetchingSkin;
private volatile boolean uploadingSkin;
private volatile boolean pendingRemoteSkinRefresh;
private volatile boolean throttledByMojang;
private int refreshCounter = -1;
private int refreshCounter = 0;
private ThreadOpenFilePNG openFileThread;
private final Object skinLock = new Object();
private File pendingSkinFile;
private File selectedSkin;
private float uploadOpacity = 0;
private int lastMouseX = 0;
@ -95,6 +105,14 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private MinecraftProfileTexture.Type textureType = SKIN;
private boolean thinArmType = false;
static {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public GuiSkins() {
instance = this;
@ -148,8 +166,8 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
localPlayer.setLocalTexture(pendingSkinFile, textureType);
selectedSkin = pendingSkinFile;
pendingSkinFile = null;
btnUpload.enabled = true;
@ -161,30 +179,27 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
if (throttledByMojang) {
if (refreshCounter == -1) {
refreshCounter = 200;
} else if (refreshCounter > 0) {
} else {
refreshCounter = -1;
throttledByMojang = false;
refreshCounter = (refreshCounter + 1) % 200;
if (refreshCounter == 0) {
protected void onSetRemoteSkin(MinecraftProfileTexture.Type typeIn, ResourceLocation location, MinecraftProfileTexture profileTexture) {
protected void onSetRemoteSkin(Type type, ResourceLocation location, MinecraftProfileTexture profileTexture) {
protected void onSetLocalSkin(MinecraftProfileTexture.Type type) {
protected void onSetLocalSkin(Type type) {
private void reloadRemoteSkin() {
throttledByMojang = false;
try {
} catch (Exception var2) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throttledByMojang = true;
@ -192,13 +207,15 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
public void initGui() {
GLWindow.current().setDropTargetListener((FileDropListener) files -> {
GLWindow.current().setDropTargetListener(files -> {
addButton(new Label(width / 2, 10, "hdskins.manager", 0xffffff, true));
addButton(new Label(34, 34, "hdskins.local", 0xffffff));
addButton(new Label(width / 2 + 34, 34, "hdskins.server", 0xffffff));
addButton(new Button(width / 2 - 150, height - 27, 90, 20, "hdskins.options.browse", sender ->{
selectedSkin = null;
@ -215,41 +232,35 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
addButton(btnUpload = new Button(width / 2 - 24, height / 2 - 10, 48, 20, "hdskins.options.chevy", sender -> {
if (selectedSkin != null) {
punchServer("hdskins.upload", selectedSkin.toURI());
sender.enabled = false;
} else {
punchServer("hdskins.upload", selectedSkin.toURI());
addButton(btnClear = new Button(width / 2 + 60, height - 27, 90, 20, "hdskins.options.clear", sender -> {
if (remotePlayer.isTextureSetupComplete()) {
punchServer("hdskins.request", null);
btnUpload.enabled = selectedSkin != null;
addButton(new Button(width / 2 - 50, height - 25, 100, 20, "hdskins.options.close", sender -> {
mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiMainMenu());
addButton(btnModeSteve = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 32, new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0x3c5dcb, sender -> {
switchSkinMode(sender, false);
addButton(btnModeSteve = new IconicButton(width - 25, 32, sender -> {
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0x3c5dcb)).setEnabled(thinArmType).setTooltip("hdskins.mode.steve");
addButton(btnModeAlex = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 51, new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0xfff500, sender -> {
switchSkinMode(sender, true);
addButton(btnModeAlex = new IconicButton(width - 25, 51, sender -> {
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0xfff500)).setEnabled(!thinArmType).setTooltip("hdskins.mode.alex");
addButton(btnModeSkin = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 75, new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE), sender -> {
addButton(btnModeSkin = new IconicButton(width - 25, 75, sender -> {
switchSkinType(sender, SKIN);
})).setEnabled(textureType == ELYTRA).setTooltip(format("hdskins.mode.skin", toTitleCase(SKIN.name())));
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE))).setEnabled(textureType == ELYTRA).setTooltip(format("hdskins.mode.skin", toTitleCase(SKIN.name())));
addButton(btnModeElytra = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 94, new ItemStack(Items.ELYTRA), sender -> {
addButton(btnModeElytra = new IconicButton(width - 25, 94, sender -> {
switchSkinType(sender, ELYTRA);
})).setEnabled(textureType == SKIN).setTooltip(format("hdskins.mode.skin", toTitleCase(ELYTRA.name())));
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.ELYTRA))).setEnabled(textureType == SKIN).setTooltip(format("hdskins.mode.skin", toTitleCase(ELYTRA.name())));
addButton(new Button(width - 25, height - 65, 20, 20, "?", sender -> {
@ -268,28 +279,28 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private void loadLocalFile(File skinFile) {
if (!skinFile.exists()) {
skinMessage = format("hdskins.error.unreadable");
localMessage = format("hdskins.error.unreadable");
} else if (!FilenameUtils.isExtension(skinFile.getName(), new String[]{"png", "PNG"})) {
skinMessage = format("hdskins.error.ext");
localMessage = format("hdskins.error.ext");
} else {
try {
BufferedImage chosenImage = ImageIO.read(skinFile);
if (chosenImage == null) {
skinMessage = format("hdskins.error.open");
localMessage = format("hdskins.error.open");
} else if (!acceptsSkinDimensions(chosenImage.getWidth(), chosenImage.getHeight())) {
skinMessage = format("hdskins.error.invalid");
localMessage = format("hdskins.error.invalid");
} else {
synchronized (skinLock) {
pendingSkinFile = skinFile;
} catch (IOException var6) {
skinMessage = format("hdskins.error.open");
} catch (IOException e) {
localMessage = format("hdskins.error.open");
@ -312,7 +323,7 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
remotePlayer.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.CHEST, stack);
protected void switchSkinMode(Button sender, boolean thin) {
protected void switchSkinMode(boolean thin) {
mc.getSoundHandler().playSound(PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_BREWING_STAND_BREW, 1));
thinArmType = thin;
@ -328,22 +339,22 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
protected boolean clearMessage() {
showMessage = false;
return uploadOpacity == 0;
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton guiButton) {
if (openFileThread == null && !uploadingSkin) {
if (uploadError != null) {
uploadError = null;
} else {
if (openFileThread == null && !uploadingSkin && clearMessage()) {
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) throws IOException {
if (uploadError != null) {
uploadError = null;
} else {
if (clearMessage()) {
super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button);
int bottom = height - 40;
@ -360,21 +371,24 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
protected void mouseClickMove(int mouseX, int mouseY, int clickedMouseButton, long timeSinceLastClick) {
updateCounter -= (lastMouseX - mouseX);
if (clearMessage()) {
updateCounter -= (lastMouseX - mouseX);
lastMouseX = mouseX;
protected void keyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) throws IOException {
if (openFileThread == null && !uploadingSkin) {
if (clearMessage()) {
if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT) {
updateCounter -= 5;
} else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT) {
updateCounter += 5;
super.keyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
if (openFileThread == null && !uploadingSkin) {
super.keyTyped(keyChar, keyCode);
@ -397,7 +411,6 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
super.drawContents(mouseX, mouseY, partialTick);
float yPos = height * 0.75F;
@ -406,33 +419,19 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
float scale = height / 4;
float lookX = mid - mouseX;
renderPlayerModel(localPlayer, xPos1, yPos, scale, horizon - mouseY, lookX, partialTick);
renderPlayerModel(remotePlayer, xPos2, yPos, scale, horizon - mouseY, lookX, partialTick);
fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(format("hdskins.local"), 34, 34, 0xffffff);
fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(format("hdskins.server"), width / 2 + 34, 34, 0xffffff);
if (!localPlayer.isUsingLocalTexture()) {
int opacity = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(skinMessage) / 2;
Gui.drawRect(40, height / 2 - 12, width / 2 - 40, height / 2 + 12, 0xB0000000);
fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(skinMessage, (int) (xPos1 - opacity), height / 2 - 4, 0xffffff);
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, localMessage, (int)xPos1, height / 2 - 4, 0xffffff);
if (fetchingSkin) {
int lineHeight = throttledByMojang ? 16 : 12;
int lineHeight = throttledByMojang ? 18 : 12;
Gui.drawRect((int) (xPos2 - width / 4 + 40), height / 2 - lineHeight, width - 40, height / 2 + lineHeight, 0xB0000000);
@ -444,30 +443,29 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
if (uploadingSkin || uploadOpacity > 0) {
if (!uploadingSkin) {
uploadOpacity -= deltaTime / 20;
if (uploadingSkin || showMessage || uploadOpacity > 0) {
if (!uploadingSkin && !showMessage) {
uploadOpacity -= deltaTime / 10;
} else if (uploadOpacity < 1) {
uploadOpacity += deltaTime / 10;
if (uploadOpacity > 1) {
uploadOpacity = 1;
int opacity = Math.min(180, (int) (uploadOpacity * 180)) & 255;
if (uploadOpacity > 0) {
Gui.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, opacity << 24);
if (uploadingSkin) {
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, skinUploadMessage, width / 2, height / 2, opacity << 24 | 0xffffff);
uploadOpacity = MathHelper.clamp(uploadOpacity, 0, 1);
if (uploadError != null) {
Gui.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, 0xB0000000);
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, format("hdskins.failed"), width / 2, height / 2 - 10, 0xFFFFFF55);
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, uploadError, width / 2, height / 2 + 2, 0xFFFF5555);
if (uploadOpacity > 0) {
int opacity = (Math.min(180, (int) (uploadOpacity * 180)) & 255) << 24;
Gui.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, opacity);
if (uploadingSkin) {
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, uploadMessage, width / 2, height / 2, 0xffffff);
} else if (showMessage) {
int blockHeight = (height - fontRenderer.getWordWrappedHeight(uploadError, width - 10)) / 2;
drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, format("hdskins.failed"), width / 2, blockHeight - fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 2, 0xffff55);
fontRenderer.drawSplitString(uploadError, 5, blockHeight, width - 10, 0xff5555);
@ -475,6 +473,8 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private void renderPlayerModel(EntityPlayerModel thePlayer, float xPosition, float yPosition, float scale, float mouseY, float mouseX, float partialTick) {
translate(xPosition, yPosition, 300);
@ -505,6 +505,8 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private void enableClipping(int yBottom) {
if (doubleBuffer == null) {
doubleBuffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(32).asDoubleBuffer();
@ -524,6 +526,10 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private void disableClipping() {
private static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int number) {
@ -532,7 +538,8 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
private void punchServer(String uploadMsg, @Nullable URI path) {
uploadingSkin = true;
skinUploadMessage = format(uploadMsg);
uploadMessage = format(uploadMsg);
btnUpload.enabled = canUpload();
.uploadSkin(mc.getSession(), new SkinUpload(textureType, path, getMetadata()))
@ -544,31 +551,25 @@ public class GuiSkins extends GameGui {
return ImmutableMap.of("model", thinArmType ? "slim" : "default");
private void setUploadError(@Nullable String error) {
uploadError = error;
btnUpload.enabled = true;
private Void onUploadFailure(Throwable t) {
t = Throwables.getRootCause(t);
LogManager.getLogger().warn("Upload failed", t);
uploadError = t.toString();
showMessage = true;
uploadingSkin = false;
btnUpload.enabled = canUpload();
return null;
private void onUploadComplete(SkinUploadResponse response) {
LiteLoaderLogger.info("Upload completed with: %s", response);
uploadingSkin = false;
pendingRemoteSkinRefresh = true;
uploadingSkin = false;
btnUpload.enabled = canUpload();
static {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
protected boolean canUpload() {
return selectedSkin != null && !uploadingSkin && !pendingRemoteSkinRefresh;
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.mixin;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.IconicButton;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.IActionable;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.HDSkinManager;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.GuiItemStackButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMainMenu;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
@ -18,9 +19,9 @@ public class MixinGuiMainMenu extends GuiScreen {
@Inject(method = "initGui()V", at = @At("RETURN"))
private void onInit(CallbackInfo ci) {
addButton(new GuiItemStackButton(width - 50, height - 50, new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0x3c5dcb, sender -> {
addButton(new IconicButton(width - 50, height - 50, sender -> {
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_LEGGINGS), 0x3c5dcb));
@Inject(method = "actionPerformed(Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButton;)V", at = @At("RETURN"))
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ package com.minelittlepony.hdskins.gui;
import com.minelittlepony.MineLittlePony;
import com.minelittlepony.PonyManager;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.Button;
import com.minelittlepony.gui.IconicButton;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture;
import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture.Type;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.EntityPlayerModel;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.GuiItemStackButton;
import com.voxelmodpack.hdskins.gui.GuiSkins;
import net.minecraft.client.audio.PositionedSoundRecord;
@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ public class GuiSkinsMineLP extends GuiSkins {
public void initGui() {
addButton(btnModeWet = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 137, new ItemStack(Items.WATER_BUCKET), sender -> {
addButton(btnModeWet = new IconicButton(width - 25, 137, sender -> {
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.WATER_BUCKET))).setEnabled(!isWet).setTooltip("minelp.mode.wet");
addButton(btnModeDry = new GuiItemStackButton(width - 25, 118, new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET), sender -> {
addButton(btnModeDry = new IconicButton(width - 25, 118, sender -> {
}).setIcon(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET))).setEnabled(isWet).setTooltip("minelp.mode.dry");
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