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synced 2025-03-15 16:10:05 +01:00
Change mixed humans skins option to a dual skin mode and add a priority trigger pixel to facilitate skin sorting
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 44 additions and 25 deletions
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ public class PonyConfig extends Config {
* Sets the pony level. Want MOAR PONEHS? Well here you go.
public final Setting<PonyLevel> ponyLevel = value("ponylevel", PonyLevel.PONIES)
.addComment("How much pony do you want?")
.addComment("PONIES - all players are turned into ponies")
.addComment("HUMANS - all players are humans")
.addComment("BOTH - players with compatible skins will be ponies whilst the rest are humans");
.addComment("How much pony do you want?")
.addComment("PONIES - all players are turned into ponies")
.addComment("HUMANS - all players are humans")
.addComment("BOTH - players with compatible skins will be ponies whilst the rest are humans");
private final Setting<Float> scaleFactor = value("globalScaleFactor", 0.9F)
.addComment("How large do you want your ponies to be?")
.addComment("Default is show scale (0.9)");
.addComment("How large do you want your ponies to be?")
.addComment("Default is show scale (0.9)");
public final Setting<Boolean> sizes = value("settings", "sizes", true)
.addComment("Allows ponies of different sizes/ages");
@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ public class PonyConfig extends Config {
.addComment("Adjust camera intersection checks to properly cull entities when they're not in view.")
.addComment("Helps to prevent entities from vanishing when they're in long stacks");
public final Setting<Boolean> horsieMode = value("settings", "horsieMode", false)
.addComment("Enables the alternative horsey models from the April Fools 2023 update");
public final Setting<Boolean> mixedHumanSkins = value("settings", "mixedHumanSkins", false)
.addComment("(Experimental) When displaying humans, use mojang's skin server instead.")
.addComment("(Experimental) Only takes effect on pony level = HUMANS")
.addComment("(Experimental) Will cause the vanilla skin to show if the hd skin is a pony skin");
.addComment("Enables the alternative horsey models from the April Fools 2023 update");
public final Setting<Boolean> mixedHumanSkins = value("settings", "dualSkinMode", false)
.addComment("(Experimental) Use priority to decide between displaying the HDSkins' texture, or vanilla mojang server skin")
.addComment("(Experimental) eg. On pony level = HUMANS")
.addComment("(Experimental) Any time both skins resolve to the same race (eg. on pony-level HUMANS, or if both are ponies)")
.addComment("(Experimental) the skin with the highest priority will be chosen.");;
public final Setting<SizePreset> sizeOverride = value("debug", "sizeOverride", SizePreset.UNSET)
.addComment("Overrides pony sizes")
@ -79,10 +80,10 @@ public class PonyConfig extends Config {
.addComment("Turning this off may help with compatibility in some cases");
public final Setting<VisibilityMode> horseButton = value("horseButton", VisibilityMode.AUTO)
.addComment("Whether to show the mine little pony settings button on the main menu")
.addComment("AUTO (default) - only show when HDSkins is not installed")
.addComment("ON - always show")
.addComment("OFF - never show");
.addComment("Whether to show the mine little pony settings button on the main menu")
.addComment("AUTO (default) - only show when HDSkins is not installed")
.addComment("ON - always show")
.addComment("OFF - never show");
public PonyConfig(Path path) {
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public class MsgPonyData {
new MsgSize(buffer),
Flags.read(Wearable.NONE, buffer)
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ public class MsgPonyData {
new MsgSize(data.size()).toBuffer(buffer);
@ -49,13 +49,25 @@ public record PonyData (
* rather than a user-uploaded one.
boolean noSkin,
* (Experimental) Priority.
* Used to decide which skin to use when dual skin mode is active.
* Provides an optional tie-breaker when the client has to decide between displaying
* either the HDSkins texture or vanilla texture given both are otherwise acceptable.
* Any time both skins resolve to the same race (eg. on pony-level HUMANS, or if both are ponies)
* the skin with the highest priority will be chosen.
* If both have the same priority, HD Skins' texture will always be used (old default).
int priority,
* Gets the trigger pixel values as they appeared in the underlying image.
Map<String, TValue<?>> attributes
) implements Comparable<PonyData> {
public static final int DEFAULT_MAGIC_COLOR = 0x4444aa;
private static final Function<Race, PonyData> OF_RACE = Util.memoize(race -> new PonyData(race, TailLength.FULL, TailShape.STRAIGHT, Gender.MARE, SizePreset.NORMAL, DEFAULT_MAGIC_COLOR, true, Wearable.EMPTY_FLAGS));
private static final Function<Race, PonyData> OF_RACE = Util.memoize(race -> new PonyData(race, TailLength.FULL, TailShape.STRAIGHT, Gender.MARE, SizePreset.NORMAL, DEFAULT_MAGIC_COLOR, true, 0, Wearable.EMPTY_FLAGS));
public static final PonyData NULL = OF_RACE.apply(Race.HUMAN);
public static PonyData emptyOf(Race race) {
@ -71,18 +83,20 @@ public record PonyData (
public PonyData(Race race, TailLength tailLength, TailShape tailShape, Gender gender, Size size, int glowColor, boolean noSkin, Flags<Wearable> wearables) {
this(race, tailLength, tailShape, gender, size, glowColor, wearables, noSkin, Util.make(new TreeMap<>(), map -> {
public PonyData(Race race, TailLength tailLength, TailShape tailShape, Gender gender, Size size, int glowColor, boolean noSkin, int priority, Flags<Wearable> wearables) {
this(race, tailLength, tailShape, gender, size, glowColor, wearables, noSkin, priority, Util.make(new TreeMap<>(), map -> {
map.put("race", race);
map.put("tailLength", tailLength);
map.put("tailShape", tailShape);
map.put("gender", gender);
map.put("size", size);
map.put("magic", new TValue.Numeric(glowColor));
map.put("priority", new TValue.Numeric(priority));
map.put("gear", wearables);
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public interface TriggerPixel<T> {
TriggerPixel<Size> SIZE = ofOptions(3, 0, SizePreset.NORMAL, SizePreset.values());
TriggerPixel<Integer> GLOW = ofColor(0, 1);
TriggerPixel<Flags<Wearable>> WEARABLES = ofFlags(1, 1, Wearable.EMPTY_FLAGS, Wearable.values());
TriggerPixel<Integer> PRIORITY = ofColor(2, 2);
static <T extends TValue<T>> TriggerPixel<T> ofOptions(int x, int y, T def, T[] options) {
MAX_COORDS.x = Math.max(MAX_COORDS.x, x);
@ -61,9 +61,12 @@ public class MineLPHDSkins extends SkinsProxy implements ClientModInitializer {
HDSkins.getInstance().getSkinPrioritySorter().addSelector((skinType, playerSkins) -> {
if (skinType == SkinType.SKIN && PonyConfig.getInstance().mixedHumanSkins.get()) {
PonyLevel level = PonyConfig.getInstance().ponyLevel.get();
Optional<Pony> hdPony = getPony(playerSkins.hd());
Optional<Pony> vanillaPony = getPony(playerSkins.vanilla());
if (level == PonyLevel.HUMANS && isPony(playerSkins.hd()) && !isPony(playerSkins.vanilla())) {
if (hdPony.isPresent() && vanillaPony.isPresent()
&& vanillaPony.get().metadata().priority() > hdPony.get().metadata().priority()
&& (PonyConfig.getInstance().ponyLevel.get() == PonyLevel.HUMANS || vanillaPony.get().metadata().race().isHuman() == hdPony.get().metadata().race().isHuman())) {
return playerSkins.vanilla();
@ -71,12 +74,10 @@ public class MineLPHDSkins extends SkinsProxy implements ClientModInitializer {
static boolean isPony(PlayerSkins.Layer layer) {
static Optional<Pony> getPony(PlayerSkins.Layer layer) {
return layer
.filter(pony -> !pony.metadata().race().isHuman())
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"minelp.options.flappyelytras": "Flap Wings whilst Gliding",
"minelp.options.horsiemode": "Horsey Horse Mode",
"minelp.options.nofun": "Boring Mode",
"minelp.options.mixedhumanskins": "(Experimental) Vanilla Humans",
"minelp.options.dualskinmode": "(Experimental) Dual Skin Mode",
"minelp.options.button": "Display On Title Screen",
"minelp.options.button.on": "Always Display\n\nBoth the pony button and HD Skins button are visible (if installed)",
"minelp.options.button.auto": "Display only when HD Skins is not installed",
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