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403 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
using ParticlePlaygroundLanguage;
using UnityEditor;
public class PlaygroundSettingsC : ScriptableObject {
public static string settingsPath = "Particle Playground/Playground Assets/Settings/Playground Settings.asset";
public static string playgroundCacheSettingsLocation = "PlaygroundCache/PlaygroundSettingsLocation.txt";
public static PlaygroundSettingsC reference;
bool isInstance = false;
// Playground Wizard
public bool checkForUpdates = true;
public bool enableExtensions = true;
public bool presetsHasPrefabConnection = false;
public bool hierarchyIcon = true;
public float extensionIconSize = 1f;
public float presetIconSize = 1f;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Window
public bool settingsFoldout = false;
public bool settingsLanguageFoldout = true;
public bool settingsPathFoldout = false;
public bool extensionsFoldout = true;
public bool presetsFoldout = true;
public bool playgroundManagerFoldout = true;
public bool particleSystemFoldout = true;
public bool limitsFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Particle System Inspector
public bool particlesFoldout = true;
public bool statesFoldout = true;
public bool sourceFoldout = false;
public bool createNewStateFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsFoldout = false;
public bool forcesFoldout = false;
public bool manipulatorsFoldout = false;
public bool eventsFoldout = false;
public bool collisionFoldout = false;
public bool renderingFoldout = false;
public bool advancedFoldout = false;
public bool saveLoadFoldout = false;
public bool toolboxFoldout = true;
public bool paintToolboxSettingsFoldout = true;
public bool sortingFoldout = false;
public bool textureSheetAnimationFoldout = false;
public bool splineListFoldout = true;
public bool transformListFoldout = true;
public bool particleSettingsParticleCountFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsOverflowOffsetFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsScatterFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsEmissionFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsSizeFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsRotationFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsLifetimeFoldout = false;
public bool particleSettingsMaskFoldout = false;
public bool forceAnnihilationFoldout = false;
public bool forceInitialVelocityFoldout = false;
public bool forceLifetimeVelocityFoldout = false;
public bool forceVelocityBendingFoldout = false;
public bool forceTurbulenceFoldout = false;
public bool forceConstantForceFoldout = false;
public bool forceVelocityScaleFoldout = false;
public bool collisionSettingsFoldout = false;
public bool collisionPlanesFoldout = false;
public bool collisionExclusionFoldout = false;
public bool renderingMaterialFoldout = false;
public bool renderingColorFoldout = false;
public bool renderingRenderModeFoldout = false;
public bool renderingShadowsFoldout = false;
public bool advancedTimeFoldout = false;
public bool advancedSimulationFoldout = false;
public bool advancedRebirthOptionsFoldout = false;
public bool advancedLocksFoldout = false;
public bool advancedOnEnableFoldout = false;
public bool advancedAutoPauseFoldout = false;
public bool advancedMiscFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Manager Inspector
public bool playgroundFoldout = true;
public bool particleSystemsFoldout = false;
public bool globalManipulatorsFoldout = false;
public bool advancedSettingsFoldout = false;
public bool manipulatorTargetsFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Spline
public bool playgroundSplineFoldout = true;
public bool nodesFoldout = false;
public bool usedByFoldout = false;
public bool splineAdvancedFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Recorder
public bool playgroundRecorderFoldout = true;
public bool recorderPlaybackFoldout = true;
public bool recorderAdvancedFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Trails
public bool playgroundTrailsFoldout = true;
public bool trailsTimeFoldout = false;
public bool trailsWidthFoldout = false;
public bool trailsPointCreationFoldout = false;
public bool trailsRenderingFoldout = false;
public bool trailsAdvancedFoldout = false;
// Open/Closed tabs Playground Follow
public bool playgroundFollowFoldout = true;
public bool followFollowersFoldout = false;
public bool followAdvancedFoldout = false;
// Paths
public string playgroundPath = "Particle Playground/";
public string examplePresetPath = "Playground Assets/Presets/";
public string presetPath = "Resources/Presets/";
public string iconPath = "Graphics/Editor/Icons/";
public string brushPath = "Playground Assets/Brushes/";
public string languagePath = "Playground Assets/Settings/Languages/";
public string scriptPath = "Scripts/";
public string versionUrl = "http://www.polyfied.com/products/playgroundversion.php";
public string extensionsUrl = "http://www.polyfied.com/products/playground/extensions/extensions.xml";
// Limits
public float maximumAllowedLifetime = 100f; // The maximum value for Particle Lifetime in Editor
public int maximumAllowedParticles = 100000; // The maximum value for Particle Count in Editor
public float maximumAllowedRotation = 360f; // The maximum value for Minimum- and Maximum Particle Rotation Speed in Editor
public float maximumAllowedSize = 10f; // The maximum value for Minimum- and Maximum Particle Size in Editor
public float maximumAllowedDeltaMovementStrength = 100f; // The maximum value for Particle Delta Movement Strength in Editor
public float maximumAllowedScale = 10f; // The maximum value for Particle Scale in Editor
public float maximumAllowedDamping = 10f; // The maximum value for Particle Damping in Editor
public float maximumAllowedVelocity = 100f; // The maximum value for Particle Max Velocity in Editor
public float maximumAllowedDepth = 100f; // The maximum value for Particle Collision Depth in Editor (collision type Physics2D)
public float maximumAllowedMass = 100f; // The maximum value for Particle Mass in Editor
public float maximumAllowedCollisionRadius = 10f; // The maximum value for Particle Collision Radius in Editor
public float maximumAllowedBounciness = 2f; // The maximum value for Particle Bounciness in Editor
public int minimumAllowedUpdateRate = 10; // The minimum value for Particle Update Rate in Editor
public float maximumAllowedTransitionTime = 10f; // The maximum value for Particle Transition Time in Editor
public float maximumAllowedTimescale = 2f; // The maximum value for Particle Timescale
public int maximumAllowedPaintPositions = 100000; // The maximum value for Paint Positions
public float minimumAllowedBrushScale = .001f; // The minimum scale of a Brush
public float maximumAllowedBrushScale = 1f; // The maximum scale of a Brush
public float maximumAllowedPaintSpacing = 10f; // The maximum spacing when painting
public float maximumAllowedInitialVelocity = 100f; // The maximum value for Minimum- and Maximum Initial (+Local) Velocity
public float minimumEraserRadius = .001f; // The minimum value for Eraser radius
public float maximumEraserRadius = 100f; // The maximum value for Eraser radius
public float maximumRenderSliders = 10f; // The minimum- and maximum value for sliders in Rendering
public float maximumAllowedManipulatorSize = 100f; // The maximum value for Manipulator Size
public float maximumAllowedManipulatorStrength = 100f; // The maximum value for Manipulator Strength
public float maximumAllowedManipulatorStrengthEffectors = 2f; // The maximum value for Manipulator Strength Effect Scale
public float maximumAllowedManipulatorZeroVelocity = 10f; // The maximum value for Manipulator Property Zero Velocity Strength
public float maximumAllowedSourceScatter = 10f; // The maximum value for scattering source positions
public float maximumAllowedTurbulenceTimeScale = 10f; // The maximum value for turbulence time scale
public float maximumAllowedTurbulenceStrength = 100f; // The maximum value for turbulence strength
public float maximumAllowedTurbulenceScale = 10f; // The maximum value for turbulence scale
public float maximumAllowedStretchSpeed = 10f; // The maximum value for stretch speed
public int maximumAllowedPrewarmCycles = 128; // The maximum value for prewarm cycles (resolution)
// Textures
public Texture2D playgroundIcon;
public Texture2D playgroundIconInactive;
public Texture2D playgroundIconHeavy;
// Language
public int selectedLanguage = 0;
public List<PlaygroundLanguageC> languages = new List<PlaygroundLanguageC>();
public static PlaygroundLanguageC GetLanguage () {
if (reference.languages.Count>0)
reference.selectedLanguage = reference.selectedLanguage%reference.languages.Count;
else reference.selectedLanguage = 0;
return GetLanguage (reference.selectedLanguage);
public static PlaygroundLanguageC GetLanguage (int i) {
if (reference.languages.Count>0) {
if (i<reference.languages.Count && reference.languages[i] != null)
return reference.languages[i];
return ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PlaygroundLanguageC>();
} else return ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PlaygroundLanguageC>();
public static PlaygroundSettingsC GetReference () {
if (reference!=null)
return reference;
return SetReference();
public static PlaygroundSettingsC SetReference () {
reference = (PlaygroundSettingsC)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath ("Assets/"+settingsPath, typeof(PlaygroundSettingsC));
// If reference is null - look in the PlaygroundCache for new file path
if (reference==null)
if (Directory.Exists("PlaygroundCache") && File.Exists(playgroundCacheSettingsLocation))
string text = File.ReadAllText(playgroundCacheSettingsLocation);
if (text.Length>0)
settingsPath = text;
reference = (PlaygroundSettingsC)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (settingsPath, typeof(PlaygroundSettingsC));
if (reference != null)
reference.isInstance = false;
// If reference still is null - create a temporary settings instance
if (reference==null) {
reference = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PlaygroundSettingsC>();
reference.isInstance = true;
} else reference.isInstance = false;
return reference;
public static void SetReference (object thisRef) {
reference = (PlaygroundSettingsC)thisRef;
reference.isInstance = false;
public static void New () {
PlaygroundSettingsC newSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PlaygroundSettingsC>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newSettings, "Assets/"+settingsPath);
public bool IsInstance () {
return reference.isInstance;
public static bool SetPlaygroundSettingsLocation ()
UnityEngine.Object[] settingsFiles = GetAssetsOfType(typeof(PlaygroundSettingsC), ".asset");
if (settingsFiles.Length>0) {
reference = (PlaygroundSettingsC)settingsFiles[0];
reference.isInstance = false;
// Write this to file so we don't have to search next time
if (!Directory.Exists("PlaygroundCache"))
if (!File.Exists(playgroundCacheSettingsLocation))
File.WriteAllText(playgroundCacheSettingsLocation, AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath((UnityEngine.Object)reference));
return true;
return false;
public static Texture2D GetGraphicsAsset (string path, string imageName) {
Texture2D graphicAsset = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (path+imageName, typeof(Texture2D));
if (graphicAsset==null) {
string[] imageFiles = GetAssetPathsOfType(".png");
foreach (string obj in imageFiles) {
if (obj.EndsWith(imageName)) {
return (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(obj, typeof(Texture2D));
return graphicAsset;
static string[] assetPathsOfType;
/// <summary>
/// Searches through the Project folder for specific file types. This returns an array of asset paths.
/// The results will be temporarily cached for performance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The asset paths of type.</returns>
/// <param name="fileExtension">File extension, ex. ".prefab".</param>
public static string[] GetAssetPathsOfType (string fileExtension) {
if (assetPathsOfType!=null && assetPathsOfType.Length>0 && assetPathsOfType[0].EndsWith(fileExtension))
return assetPathsOfType;
List<string> tempPaths = new List<string>();
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath);
FileInfo[] goFileInfo = directory.GetFiles("*" + fileExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
for (int i = 0; i<goFileInfo.Length; i++) {
if (goFileInfo[i].FullName.EndsWith(fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
string tmpFilePath = goFileInfo[i].FullName;
tmpFilePath = tmpFilePath.Replace(@"\", "/").Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");
tempPaths.Add (tmpFilePath);
assetPathsOfType = tempPaths.ToArray();
return assetPathsOfType;
public static void ResetAssetPathCache () {
assetPathsOfType = null;
static UnityEngine.Object[] assetsOfType;
/// <summary>
/// Searches through the Project folder for specific files. This returns an array of objects.
/// The results will be temporarily cached for performance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The assets (objects) of type.</returns>
/// <param name="type">Type, ex. typeof(GameObject).</param>
/// <param name="fileExtension">File extension, ex. ".prefab".</param>
public static UnityEngine.Object[] GetAssetsOfType (System.Type type, string fileExtension) {
if (assetsOfType!=null && assetsOfType.Length>0 && assetsOfType.GetType()==type)
return assetsOfType;
List<UnityEngine.Object> tempObjects = new List<UnityEngine.Object>();
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath);
FileInfo[] goFileInfo = directory.GetFiles("*" + fileExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
FileInfo tempGoFileInfo; string tempFilePath;
UnityEngine.Object tempGO;
for (int i = 0; i < goFileInfo.Length; i++) {
tempGoFileInfo = goFileInfo[i];
if (tempGoFileInfo == null)
tempFilePath = tempGoFileInfo.FullName;
tempFilePath = tempFilePath.Replace(@"\", "/").Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");
tempGO = (UnityEngine.Object)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(tempFilePath, typeof(UnityEngine.Object));
if (tempGO == null) {
else if (tempGO.GetType() != type) {
assetsOfType = tempObjects.ToArray();
return assetsOfType;
public static void ResetAssetTypeCache () {
assetsOfType = null;
public static void ExportLanguage (int i) {
ExportLanguage (GetLanguage(i));
public static void ExportLanguage (PlaygroundLanguageC selectedLanguage) {
string xmlPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel (selectedLanguage.saveLanguage, "", "Particle Playground Language - "+selectedLanguage.languageNameSeenByEnglish+".xml", "xml");
if (xmlPath.Length!=0) {
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode rootNode = xml.CreateElement ("Playground");
xml.AppendChild (rootNode);
SerializedObject serializedLanguage = new SerializedObject(selectedLanguage);
SerializedProperty languageProperty = serializedLanguage.GetIterator();
while (languageProperty.Next(true)) {
if (languageProperty.propertyType==SerializedPropertyType.String) {
XmlNode newNode = xml.CreateElement(languageProperty.propertyPath);
newNode.InnerText = languageProperty.stringValue;
rootNode.AppendChild (newNode);
xml.Save (xmlPath);
public static void ImportLanguage (string xmlPath) {
if (xmlPath.Length!=0) {
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
xml.Load (xmlPath);
XmlNode nameNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("//languageNameSeenByEnglish");
if (nameNode!=null) {
PlaygroundLanguageC newLanguage = PlaygroundLanguageC.New (nameNode.InnerText.Length>0?nameNode.InnerText:"New Language");
SerializedObject serializedLanguage = new SerializedObject(newLanguage);
SerializedProperty languageProperty = serializedLanguage.GetIterator();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xml.FirstChild.ChildNodes;
while (languageProperty.Next(true)) {
if (languageProperty.propertyType==SerializedPropertyType.String)
if (languageProperty.propertyType==SerializedPropertyType.String) {
foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) {
if (node!=null && node.InnerText.Length!=0 && node.NodeType==XmlNodeType.Element && node.LocalName==languageProperty.propertyPath) {
languageProperty.stringValue = node.InnerText;
reference.languages.Add (newLanguage);
EditorUtility.SetDirty (reference);