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using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects
//Improvement ideas:
// Use rgba8 buffer in ldr / in some pass in hdr (in correlation to previous point and remapping coc from -1/0/1 to 0/0.5/1)
// Use temporal stabilisation.
// Add a mode to do bokeh texture in quarter res as well
// Support different near and far blur for the bokeh texture
// Try distance field for the bokeh texture.
// Try to separate the output of the blur pass to two rendertarget near+far, see the gain in quality vs loss in performance.
// Try swirl effect on the samples of the circle blur.
//References :
// This DOF implementation use ideas from public sources, a big thank to them :
// http://www.iryoku.com/next-generation-post-processing-in-call-of-duty-advanced-warfare
// http://www.crytek.com/download/Sousa_Graphics_Gems_CryENGINE3.pdf
// http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/MedianShaderX6/
// http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems/gpugems_ch24.html
// http://vec3.ca/bicubic-filtering-in-fewer-taps/
[AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Cinematic/Depth Of Field")]
public class DepthOfField : MonoBehaviour
private const float kMaxBlur = 35.0f;
#region Render passes
private enum Passes
BlurAlphaWeighted = 0 ,
BoxBlur = 1 ,
DilateFgCocFromColor = 2 ,
DilateFgCoc = 3 ,
CaptureCoc = 4 ,
CaptureCocExplicit = 5 ,
VisualizeCoc = 6 ,
VisualizeCocExplicit = 7 ,
CocPrefilter = 8 ,
CircleBlur = 9 ,
CircleBlurWithDilatedFg = 10,
CircleBlurLowQuality = 11,
CircleBlowLowQualityWithDilatedFg = 12,
Merge = 13,
MergeExplicit = 14,
MergeBicubic = 15,
MergeExplicitBicubic = 16,
ShapeLowQuality = 17,
ShapeLowQualityDilateFg = 18,
ShapeLowQualityMerge = 19,
ShapeLowQualityMergeDilateFg = 20,
ShapeMediumQuality = 21,
ShapeMediumQualityDilateFg = 22,
ShapeMediumQualityMerge = 23,
ShapeMediumQualityMergeDilateFg = 24,
ShapeHighQuality = 25,
ShapeHighQualityDilateFg = 26,
ShapeHighQualityMerge = 27,
ShapeHighQualityMergeDilateFg = 28
private enum MedianPasses
Median3 = 0,
Median3X3 = 1
private enum BokehTexturesPasses
Apply = 0,
Collect = 1
public enum TweakMode
public enum ApertureShape
public enum QualityPreset
public enum FilterQuality
#region Attributes
public class TopLevelSettings : Attribute
public class SettingsGroup : Attribute
public class AllTweakModes : Attribute
public class Basic : Attribute
public class Advanced : Attribute
public class Explicit : Attribute
#region Settings
public struct GlobalSettings
[Tooltip("Allows to view where the blur will be applied. Yellow for near blur, blue for far blur.")]
public bool visualizeBluriness;
[Tooltip("Setup mode. Use \"Advanced\" if you need more control on blur settings and/or want to use a bokeh texture. \"Explicit\" is the same as \"Advanced\" but makes use of \"Near Plane\" and \"Far Plane\" values instead of \"F-Stop\".")]
public TweakMode tweakMode;
[Tooltip("Quality presets. Use \"Custom\" for more advanced settings.")]
public QualityPreset quality;
[Space, Tooltip("\"Circular\" is the fastest, followed by \"Hexagonal\" and \"Octogonal\".")]
public ApertureShape apertureShape;
[Range(0f, 179f), Tooltip("Rotates the aperture when working with \"Hexagonal\" and \"Ortogonal\".")]
public float apertureOrientation;
public static GlobalSettings defaultSettings
return new GlobalSettings
visualizeBluriness = false,
tweakMode = TweakMode.Basic,
quality = QualityPreset.High,
apertureShape = ApertureShape.Circular,
apertureOrientation = 0f
public struct QualitySettings
[Tooltip("Enable this to get smooth bokeh.")]
public bool prefilterBlur;
[Tooltip("Applies a median filter for even smoother bokeh.")]
public FilterQuality medianFilter;
[Tooltip("Dilates near blur over in focus area.")]
public bool dilateNearBlur;
[Tooltip("Uses high quality upsampling.")]
public bool highQualityUpsampling;
[Tooltip("Prevent haloing from bright in focus region over dark out of focus region.")]
public bool preventHaloing;
public static QualitySettings[] presetQualitySettings =
// Simple
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = false,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.None,
dilateNearBlur = false,
highQualityUpsampling = false,
preventHaloing = false
// Low
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = true,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.None,
dilateNearBlur = false,
highQualityUpsampling = false,
preventHaloing = false
// Medium
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = true,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.Normal,
dilateNearBlur = false,
highQualityUpsampling = false,
preventHaloing = false
// High
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = true,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.Normal,
dilateNearBlur = true,
highQualityUpsampling = false,
preventHaloing = false
// Very high
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = true,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.High,
dilateNearBlur = true,
highQualityUpsampling = false,
preventHaloing = true
// Ultra
new QualitySettings
prefilterBlur = true,
medianFilter = FilterQuality.High,
dilateNearBlur = true,
highQualityUpsampling = true,
preventHaloing = true
public struct FocusSettings
[Basic, Advanced, Explicit, Tooltip("Auto-focus on a selected transform.")]
public Transform transform;
[Basic, Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Focus distance.")]
public float plane;
[Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Near focus distance.")]
public float nearPlane;
[Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Far focus distance.")]
public float farPlane;
[Basic, Advanced, Range(0f, 32f), Tooltip("Simulates focal ratio. Lower values will result in a narrow depth of field.")]
public float fStops;
[Basic, Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Focus range/spread. Use this to fine-tune the F-Stop range.")]
public float rangeAdjustment;
public static FocusSettings defaultSettings
return new FocusSettings
transform = null,
plane = 0.225f,
nearPlane = 0f,
farPlane = 1f,
fStops = 5f,
rangeAdjustment = 0.9f
public struct BokehTextureSettings
[Advanced, Explicit, Tooltip("Adding a texture to this field will enable the use of \"Bokeh Textures\". Use with care. This feature is only available on Shader Model 5 compatible-hardware and performance scale with the amount of bokeh.")]
public Texture2D texture;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0.01f, 5f), Tooltip("Maximum size of bokeh textures on screen.")]
public float scale;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0.01f, 100f), Tooltip("Bokeh brightness.")]
public float intensity;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0.01f, 50f), Tooltip("Controls the amount of bokeh textures. Lower values mean more bokeh splats.")]
public float threshold;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0.01f, 1f), Tooltip("Controls the spawn conditions. Lower values mean more visible bokeh.")]
public float spawnHeuristic;
public static BokehTextureSettings defaultSettings
return new BokehTextureSettings
texture = null,
scale = 1f,
intensity = 50f,
threshold = 2f,
spawnHeuristic = 0.15f
public struct BlurSettings
[Basic, Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, kMaxBlur), Tooltip("Maximum blur radius for the near plane.")]
public float nearRadius;
[Basic, Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, kMaxBlur), Tooltip("Maximum blur radius for the far plane.")]
public float farRadius;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0.5f, 4f), Tooltip("Blur luminosity booster threshold for the near and far boost amounts.")]
public float boostPoint;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Boosts luminosity in the near blur.")]
public float nearBoostAmount;
[Advanced, Explicit, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Boosts luminosity in the far blur.")]
public float farBoostAmount;
public static BlurSettings defaultSettings
return new BlurSettings
nearRadius = 20f,
farRadius = 20f,
boostPoint = 0.75f,
nearBoostAmount = 0f,
farBoostAmount = 0f,
public GlobalSettings settings = GlobalSettings.defaultSettings;
[SettingsGroup, AllTweakModes]
public QualitySettings quality = QualitySettings.presetQualitySettings[3];
public FocusSettings focus = FocusSettings.defaultSettings;
public BokehTextureSettings bokehTexture = BokehTextureSettings.defaultSettings;
public BlurSettings blur = BlurSettings.defaultSettings;
private Shader m_FilmicDepthOfFieldShader;
public Shader filmicDepthOfFieldShader
if (m_FilmicDepthOfFieldShader == null)
m_FilmicDepthOfFieldShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/DepthOfField/DepthOfField");
return m_FilmicDepthOfFieldShader;
private Shader m_MedianFilterShader;
public Shader medianFilterShader
if (m_MedianFilterShader == null)
m_MedianFilterShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/DepthOfField/MedianFilter");
return m_MedianFilterShader;
private Shader m_TextureBokehShader;
public Shader textureBokehShader
if (m_TextureBokehShader == null)
m_TextureBokehShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/DepthOfField/BokehSplatting");
return m_TextureBokehShader;
private RenderTextureUtility m_RTU = new RenderTextureUtility();
private Material m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial;
public Material filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial
if (m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial == null)
m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(filmicDepthOfFieldShader);
return m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial;
private Material m_MedianFilterMaterial;
public Material medianFilterMaterial
if (m_MedianFilterMaterial == null)
m_MedianFilterMaterial = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(medianFilterShader);
return m_MedianFilterMaterial;
private Material m_TextureBokehMaterial;
public Material textureBokehMaterial
if (m_TextureBokehMaterial == null)
m_TextureBokehMaterial = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(textureBokehShader);
return m_TextureBokehMaterial;
private ComputeBuffer m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs;
public ComputeBuffer computeBufferDrawArgs
if (m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs == null)
#if (UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3)
m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs = new ComputeBuffer(1, 16, ComputeBufferType.DrawIndirect);
m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs = new ComputeBuffer(1, 16, ComputeBufferType.IndirectArguments);
m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs.SetData(new[] {0, 1, 0, 0});
return m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs;
private ComputeBuffer m_ComputeBufferPoints;
public ComputeBuffer computeBufferPoints
if (m_ComputeBufferPoints == null)
m_ComputeBufferPoints = new ComputeBuffer(90000, 12 + 16, ComputeBufferType.Append);
return m_ComputeBufferPoints;
private QualitySettings m_CurrentQualitySettings;
private float m_LastApertureOrientation;
private Vector4 m_OctogonalBokehDirection1;
private Vector4 m_OctogonalBokehDirection2;
private Vector4 m_OctogonalBokehDirection3;
private Vector4 m_OctogonalBokehDirection4;
private Vector4 m_HexagonalBokehDirection1;
private Vector4 m_HexagonalBokehDirection2;
private Vector4 m_HexagonalBokehDirection3;
private void OnEnable()
if (!ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(filmicDepthOfFieldShader, true, true, this) || !ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(medianFilterShader, true, true, this))
enabled = false;
if (ImageEffectHelper.supportsDX11 && !ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(textureBokehShader, true, true, this))
enabled = false;
GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
private void OnDisable()
if (m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial != null)
if (m_TextureBokehMaterial != null)
if (m_MedianFilterMaterial != null)
m_FilmicDepthOfFieldMaterial = null;
m_TextureBokehMaterial = null;
m_MedianFilterMaterial = null;
// Main entry point //
private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (medianFilterMaterial == null || filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial == null)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
if (settings.visualizeBluriness)
Vector4 blurrinessParam;
Vector4 blurrinessCoe;
ComputeCocParameters(out blurrinessParam, out blurrinessCoe);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurParams", blurrinessParam);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurCoe", blurrinessCoe);
Graphics.Blit(null, destination, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Explicit) ? (int)Passes.VisualizeCocExplicit : (int)Passes.VisualizeCoc);
DoDepthOfField(source, destination);
private void DoDepthOfField(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
m_CurrentQualitySettings = quality;
if (settings.quality != QualityPreset.Custom)
m_CurrentQualitySettings = QualitySettings.presetQualitySettings[(int)settings.quality];
float radiusAdjustement = source.height / 720.0f;
float textureBokehScale = radiusAdjustement;
float textureBokehMaxRadius = Mathf.Max(blur.nearRadius, blur.farRadius) * textureBokehScale * 0.75f;
float nearBlurRadius = blur.nearRadius * radiusAdjustement;
float farBlurRadius = blur.farRadius * radiusAdjustement;
float maxBlurRadius = Mathf.Max(nearBlurRadius, farBlurRadius);
switch (settings.apertureShape)
case ApertureShape.Hexagonal:
maxBlurRadius *= 1.2f;
case ApertureShape.Octogonal:
maxBlurRadius *= 1.15f;
if (maxBlurRadius < 0.5f)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
// Quarter resolution
int rtW = source.width / 2;
int rtH = source.height / 2;
Vector4 blurrinessCoe = new Vector4(nearBlurRadius * 0.5f, farBlurRadius * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
RenderTexture colorAndCoc = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH);
RenderTexture colorAndCoc2 = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH);
if (m_CurrentQualitySettings.preventHaloing)
// Downsample to Color + COC buffer and apply boost
Vector4 cocParam;
Vector4 cocCoe;
ComputeCocParameters(out cocParam, out cocCoe);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurParams", cocParam);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurCoe", cocCoe);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BoostParams", new Vector4(nearBlurRadius * blur.nearBoostAmount * -0.5f, farBlurRadius * blur.farBoostAmount * 0.5f, blur.boostPoint, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit(source, colorAndCoc2, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Explicit) ? (int)Passes.CaptureCocExplicit : (int)Passes.CaptureCoc);
RenderTexture src = colorAndCoc2;
RenderTexture dst = colorAndCoc;
// Collect texture bokeh candidates and replace with a darker pixel
if (shouldPerformBokeh)
// Blur a bit so we can do a frequency check
RenderTexture blurred = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH);
Graphics.Blit(src, blurred, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.BoxBlur);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f, 1.5f));
Graphics.Blit(blurred, dst, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.BlurAlphaWeighted);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(1.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f));
Graphics.Blit(dst, blurred, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.BlurAlphaWeighted);
// Collect texture bokeh candidates and replace with a darker pixel
textureBokehMaterial.SetTexture("_BlurredColor", blurred);
textureBokehMaterial.SetFloat("_SpawnHeuristic", bokehTexture.spawnHeuristic);
textureBokehMaterial.SetVector("_BokehParams", new Vector4(bokehTexture.scale * textureBokehScale, bokehTexture.intensity, bokehTexture.threshold, textureBokehMaxRadius));
Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, computeBufferPoints);
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, textureBokehMaterial, (int)BokehTexturesPasses.Collect);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurParams", cocParam);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurCoe", blurrinessCoe);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BoostParams", new Vector4(nearBlurRadius * blur.nearBoostAmount * -0.5f, farBlurRadius * blur.farBoostAmount * 0.5f, blur.boostPoint, 0.0f));
// Dilate near blur factor
RenderTexture blurredFgCoc = null;
if (m_CurrentQualitySettings.dilateNearBlur)
RenderTexture blurredFgCoc2 = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf);
blurredFgCoc = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(0.0f, nearBlurRadius * 0.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit(src, blurredFgCoc2, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.DilateFgCocFromColor);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(nearBlurRadius * 0.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit(blurredFgCoc2, blurredFgCoc, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.DilateFgCoc);
blurredFgCoc.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
// Blur downsampled color to fill the gap between samples
if (m_CurrentQualitySettings.prefilterBlur)
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, (int)Passes.CocPrefilter);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
// Apply blur : Circle / Hexagonal or Octagonal (blur will create bokeh if bright pixel where not removed by "m_UseBokehTexture")
switch (settings.apertureShape)
case ApertureShape.Circular:
DoCircularBlur(blurredFgCoc, ref src, ref dst, maxBlurRadius);
case ApertureShape.Hexagonal:
DoHexagonalBlur(blurredFgCoc, ref src, ref dst, maxBlurRadius);
case ApertureShape.Octogonal:
DoOctogonalBlur(blurredFgCoc, ref src, ref dst, maxBlurRadius);
// Smooth result
switch (m_CurrentQualitySettings.medianFilter)
case FilterQuality.Normal:
medianFilterMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, medianFilterMaterial, (int)MedianPasses.Median3);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
medianFilterMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, medianFilterMaterial, (int)MedianPasses.Median3);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
case FilterQuality.High:
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, medianFilterMaterial, (int)MedianPasses.Median3X3);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
// Merge to full resolution (with boost) + upsampling (linear or bicubic)
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_BlurCoe", blurrinessCoe);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Convolved_TexelSize", new Vector4(src.width, src.height, 1.0f / src.width, 1.0f / src.height));
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_SecondTex", src);
int mergePass = (settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Explicit) ? (int)Passes.MergeExplicit : (int)Passes.Merge;
if (m_CurrentQualitySettings.highQualityUpsampling)
mergePass = (settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Explicit) ? (int)Passes.MergeExplicitBicubic : (int)Passes.MergeBicubic;
// Apply texture bokeh
if (shouldPerformBokeh)
RenderTexture tmp = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(source.height, source.width, 0, source.format);
Graphics.Blit(source, tmp, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, mergePass);
ComputeBuffer.CopyCount(computeBufferPoints, computeBufferDrawArgs, 0);
textureBokehMaterial.SetBuffer("pointBuffer", computeBufferPoints);
textureBokehMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", bokehTexture.texture);
textureBokehMaterial.SetVector("_Screen", new Vector3(1.0f / (1.0f * source.width), 1.0f / (1.0f * source.height), textureBokehMaxRadius));
Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirect(MeshTopology.Points, computeBufferDrawArgs, 0);
Graphics.Blit(tmp, destination); // hackaround for DX11 flipfun (OPTIMIZEME)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, mergePass);
// Blurs //
private void DoHexagonalBlur(RenderTexture blurredFgCoc, ref RenderTexture src, ref RenderTexture dst, float maxRadius)
int blurPass;
int blurPassMerge;
GetDirectionalBlurPassesFromRadius(blurredFgCoc, maxRadius, out blurPass, out blurPassMerge);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_SecondTex", blurredFgCoc);
RenderTexture tmp = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(src.width, src.height, 0, src.format);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_HexagonalBokehDirection1);
Graphics.Blit(src, tmp, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPass);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_HexagonalBokehDirection2);
Graphics.Blit(tmp, src, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPass);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_HexagonalBokehDirection3);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_ThirdTex", src);
Graphics.Blit(tmp, dst, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPassMerge);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
private void DoOctogonalBlur(RenderTexture blurredFgCoc, ref RenderTexture src, ref RenderTexture dst, float maxRadius)
int blurPass;
int blurPassMerge;
GetDirectionalBlurPassesFromRadius(blurredFgCoc, maxRadius, out blurPass, out blurPassMerge);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_SecondTex", blurredFgCoc);
RenderTexture tmp = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(src.width, src.height, 0, src.format);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_OctogonalBokehDirection1);
Graphics.Blit(src, tmp, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPass);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_OctogonalBokehDirection2);
Graphics.Blit(tmp, dst, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPass);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_OctogonalBokehDirection3);
Graphics.Blit(src, tmp, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPass);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetVector("_Offsets", m_OctogonalBokehDirection4);
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_ThirdTex", dst);
Graphics.Blit(tmp, src, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, blurPassMerge);
private void DoCircularBlur(RenderTexture blurredFgCoc, ref RenderTexture src, ref RenderTexture dst, float maxRadius)
int bokehPass;
if (blurredFgCoc != null)
filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial.SetTexture("_SecondTex", blurredFgCoc);
bokehPass = (maxRadius > 10.0f) ? (int)Passes.CircleBlurWithDilatedFg : (int)Passes.CircleBlowLowQualityWithDilatedFg;
bokehPass = (maxRadius > 10.0f) ? (int)Passes.CircleBlur : (int)Passes.CircleBlurLowQuality;
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, filmicDepthOfFieldMaterial, bokehPass);
SwapRenderTexture(ref src, ref dst);
// Helpers //
private void ComputeCocParameters(out Vector4 blurParams, out Vector4 blurCoe)
Camera sceneCamera = GetComponent<Camera>();
float focusDistance01 = focus.transform
? (sceneCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(focus.transform.position)).z / (sceneCamera.farClipPlane)
: (focus.plane * focus.plane * focus.plane * focus.plane);
if (settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Basic || settings.tweakMode == TweakMode.Advanced)
float focusRange01 = focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment;
float focalLength = 4.0f / Mathf.Tan(0.5f * sceneCamera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float aperture = focalLength / focus.fStops;
blurCoe = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
blurParams = new Vector4(aperture, focalLength, focusDistance01, focusRange01);
float nearDistance01 = focus.nearPlane * focus.nearPlane * focus.nearPlane * focus.nearPlane;
float farDistance01 = focus.farPlane * focus.farPlane * focus.farPlane * focus.farPlane;
float nearFocusRange01 = focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment * focus.rangeAdjustment;
float farFocusRange01 = nearFocusRange01;
if (focusDistance01 <= nearDistance01)
focusDistance01 = nearDistance01 + 0.0000001f;
if (focusDistance01 >= farDistance01)
focusDistance01 = farDistance01 - 0.0000001f;
if ((focusDistance01 - nearFocusRange01) <= nearDistance01)
nearFocusRange01 = (focusDistance01 - nearDistance01 - 0.0000001f);
if ((focusDistance01 + farFocusRange01) >= farDistance01)
farFocusRange01 = (farDistance01 - focusDistance01 - 0.0000001f);
float a1 = 1.0f / (nearDistance01 - focusDistance01 + nearFocusRange01);
float a2 = 1.0f / (farDistance01 - focusDistance01 - farFocusRange01);
float b1 = (1.0f - a1 * nearDistance01), b2 = (1.0f - a2 * farDistance01);
const float c1 = -1.0f;
const float c2 = 1.0f;
blurParams = new Vector4(c1 * a1, c1 * b1, c2 * a2, c2 * b2);
blurCoe = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, (b2 - b1) / (a1 - a2), 0.0f);
private void ReleaseComputeResources()
if (m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs != null)
if (m_ComputeBufferPoints != null)
m_ComputeBufferDrawArgs = null;
m_ComputeBufferPoints = null;
private void ComputeBlurDirections(bool force)
if (!force && Math.Abs(m_LastApertureOrientation - settings.apertureOrientation) < float.Epsilon)
m_LastApertureOrientation = settings.apertureOrientation;
float rotationRadian = settings.apertureOrientation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float cosinus = Mathf.Cos(rotationRadian);
float sinus = Mathf.Sin(rotationRadian);
m_OctogonalBokehDirection1 = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_OctogonalBokehDirection2 = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
m_OctogonalBokehDirection3 = new Vector4(-0.353553f, 0.353553f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
m_OctogonalBokehDirection4 = new Vector4(0.353553f, 0.353553f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
m_HexagonalBokehDirection1 = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_HexagonalBokehDirection2 = new Vector4(0.25f, 0.433013f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
m_HexagonalBokehDirection3 = new Vector4(0.25f, -0.433013f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
if (rotationRadian > float.Epsilon)
Rotate2D(ref m_OctogonalBokehDirection1, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_OctogonalBokehDirection2, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_OctogonalBokehDirection3, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_OctogonalBokehDirection4, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_HexagonalBokehDirection1, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_HexagonalBokehDirection2, cosinus, sinus);
Rotate2D(ref m_HexagonalBokehDirection3, cosinus, sinus);
private bool shouldPerformBokeh
get { return ImageEffectHelper.supportsDX11 && bokehTexture.texture != null && textureBokehMaterial && settings.tweakMode != TweakMode.Basic; }
private static void Rotate2D(ref Vector4 direction, float cosinus, float sinus)
Vector4 source = direction;
direction.x = source.x * cosinus - source.y * sinus;
direction.y = source.x * sinus + source.y * cosinus;
private static void SwapRenderTexture(ref RenderTexture src, ref RenderTexture dst)
RenderTexture tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
private static void GetDirectionalBlurPassesFromRadius(RenderTexture blurredFgCoc, float maxRadius, out int blurPass, out int blurAndMergePass)
if (blurredFgCoc == null)
if (maxRadius > 10.0f)
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeHighQuality;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeHighQualityMerge;
else if (maxRadius > 5.0f)
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeMediumQuality;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeMediumQualityMerge;
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeLowQuality;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeLowQualityMerge;
if (maxRadius > 10.0f)
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeHighQualityDilateFg;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeHighQualityMergeDilateFg;
else if (maxRadius > 5.0f)
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeMediumQualityDilateFg;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeMediumQualityMergeDilateFg;
blurPass = (int)Passes.ShapeLowQualityDilateFg;
blurAndMergePass = (int)Passes.ShapeLowQualityMergeDilateFg;