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synced 2025-03-19 17:57:14 +01:00
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353 lines
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using GameDataEditor;
using RogoDigital.Lipsync;
using Spine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Spine.Unity;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Fie.Voice
public class FieVoiceController : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void FieVoiceControllerEventCallback(FieVoiceController controller);
private FieGameCharacter _actorCharacter;
private FieVoiceSpeaker _speaker;
public List<FiePhonemeAnimationData> phonemeAnimation;
public List<FieEmotionAnimationData> emotionAnimation;
private Dictionary<Phoneme, string> phonemesAnimations;
private Dictionary<string, string> emotionsAnimations;
public int phonemeTrackID;
public int emotionTrackID = 1;
public float restTime = 0.025f;
private Dictionary<string, LipSyncData> _lipSyncData = new Dictionary<string, LipSyncData>();
private List<PhonemeMarker> _phonemeMarkers;
private List<EmotionMarker> _emotionMarkers;
private AudioClip _currentAudioClip;
private int _currentPhonemeMarker = -1;
private int _currentEmotionMarker = -1;
private int _currentFileID = -1;
private float _masterTimer;
private bool _isEndPreload;
private static Comparison<PhonemeMarker> _003C_003Ef__mg_0024cache0;
public bool isPlaying
private set;
public bool isPaused
private set;
public FieGameCharacter actorCharacter => _actorCharacter;
public bool isEndPreload => _isEndPreload;
public event FieVoiceControllerEventCallback startEvent;
public event FieVoiceControllerEventCallback endEvent;
private IEnumerator AsyncLoadVoiceDatas(GDEGameCharacterTypeData gameCharacterTypeData)
//_003CAsyncLoadVoiceDatas_003Ec__Iterator0 _003CAsyncLoadVoiceDatas_003Ec__Iterator = (_003CAsyncLoadVoiceDatas_003Ec__Iterator0)/*Error near IL_0034: stateMachine*/;
if (gameCharacterTypeData != null)
List<GDEWordScriptsListData> voiceDataList = FieMasterData<GDEWordScriptsListData>.FindMasterDataList(delegate(GDEWordScriptsListData data)
if (data.Actor.Key != gameCharacterTypeData.Key)
return false;
return true;
if (voiceDataList.Count > 0)
foreach (GDEWordScriptsListData item in voiceDataList)
ResourceRequest loadRequest = Resources.LoadAsync<LipSyncData>(item.VoiceAssetPath);
float time = 0f;
if (time < 3f)
if (!loadRequest.isDone)
float num = time + Time.deltaTime;
yield return (object)null;
/*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/;
LipSyncData lipSyncData = loadRequest.asset as LipSyncData;
if (!(lipSyncData == null))
_lipSyncData[item.Key] = lipSyncData;
_isEndPreload = true;
yield break;
/*Error near IL_01c1: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/;
private void Awake()
if (_actorCharacter == null)
Debug.LogError("FieVoiceController : An actor character not binded.");
else if (_speaker == null)
Debug.LogError("FieVoiceController : A speaker not binded.");
phonemesAnimations = new Dictionary<Phoneme, string>();
emotionsAnimations = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (phonemeAnimation != null && phonemeAnimation.Count > 0)
foreach (FiePhonemeAnimationData item in phonemeAnimation)
phonemesAnimations[item.phoneme] = item.animationName;
if (emotionAnimation != null && emotionAnimation.Count > 0)
foreach (FieEmotionAnimationData item2 in emotionAnimation)
emotionsAnimations[item2.emotion] = item2.animationName;
private void Update()
if (isPlaying && !isPaused)
if (_phonemeMarkers == null)
Stop(stopAudio: false);
_masterTimer += Time.deltaTime;
float time = _masterTimer / _currentAudioClip.length;
private void OnDestroy()
public void Play(string voiceDataName, bool isForceSet = false)
if (_lipSyncData.ContainsKey(voiceDataName))
PlayWithLipSyncData(_lipSyncData[voiceDataName], isForceSet);
public void PlayWithLipSyncData(LipSyncData dataFile, bool isForceSet = false)
if (!isPlaying || isForceSet)
if (isPlaying && isForceSet)
Stop(stopAudio: true);
if (_actorCharacter != null && _actorCharacter.emotionController != null && dataFile.emotionData != null && dataFile.emotionData.Length > 0)
isPlaying = true;
isPaused = false;
_masterTimer = 0f;
if (this.startEvent != null)
this.startEvent = null;
public void Pause()
if (isPlaying && !isPaused)
isPaused = true;
public void Resume()
if (isPlaying && isPaused)
isPaused = false;
public void Stop(bool stopAudio)
if (isPlaying)
isPlaying = false;
isPaused = false;
if (stopAudio)
if (_actorCharacter != null && _actorCharacter.emotionController != null)
if (this.endEvent != null)
this.endEvent = null;
public void Interrupt()
Stop(stopAudio: true);
private void UpdateAnimation(float time)
if (_currentPhonemeMarker + 1 < _phonemeMarkers.Count)
if (time >= _phonemeMarkers[_currentPhonemeMarker + 1].time)
SetCurrentPhoneme(_currentPhonemeMarker + 1);
else if (time >= _phonemeMarkers[_currentPhonemeMarker].time + restTime / _currentAudioClip.length)
Stop(stopAudio: false);
if (_currentEmotionMarker + 1 < _emotionMarkers.Count && time >= _emotionMarkers[_currentEmotionMarker + 1].startTime)
SetCurrentEmotion(_currentEmotionMarker + 1);
private void UpdateEmotion(float time)
private void SetCurrentPhoneme(int index)
if (_phonemeMarkers != null && _phonemeMarkers.Count > 0 && index < _phonemeMarkers.Count)
_currentPhonemeMarker = index;
Phoneme phoneme = _phonemeMarkers[index].phoneme;
// if (phonemesAnimations.ContainsKey(phoneme))
// {
// TrackEntry trackEntry = actorCharacter.skeletonUtility.skeletonAnimation.state.SetAnimation(phonemeTrackID, phonemesAnimations[phoneme], loop: false);
// if (trackEntry != null)
// {
// float mixDuration = 0f;
// if (_currentPhonemeMarker + 1 < _phonemeMarkers.Count)
// {
// mixDuration = _phonemeMarkers[_currentPhonemeMarker + 1].time - _phonemeMarkers[_currentPhonemeMarker].time;
// }
// trackEntry.mixDuration = mixDuration;
// }
// }
private void SetCurrentEmotion(int index)
if (_emotionMarkers != null && _emotionMarkers.Count > 0 && index < _emotionMarkers.Count)
_currentEmotionMarker = index;
string emotion = _emotionMarkers[index].emotion;
if (emotionsAnimations.ContainsKey(emotion))
TrackEntry trackEntry = ((SkeletonAnimation)actorCharacter.skeletonUtility.skeletonAnimation).state.SetAnimation(emotionTrackID, emotionsAnimations[emotion], loop: false);
if (trackEntry != null)
trackEntry.mixDuration = 0.2f;
private bool LoadData(LipSyncData dataFile)
if (dataFile.phonemeData.Length > 0 || dataFile.emotionData.Length > 0)
_currentAudioClip = dataFile.clip;
_phonemeMarkers = new List<PhonemeMarker>();
_emotionMarkers = new List<EmotionMarker>();
PhonemeMarker[] phonemeData = dataFile.phonemeData;
foreach (PhonemeMarker item in phonemeData)
EmotionMarker[] emotionData = dataFile.emotionData;
foreach (EmotionMarker item2 in emotionData)
_speaker.audioSource.clip = _currentAudioClip;
_currentFileID = dataFile.GetInstanceID();
return true;
Debug.Log("A LipSync Data dosen't exist : " + dataFile.ToString());
return false;
private static int SortTime(PhonemeMarker a, PhonemeMarker b)
float time = a.time;
float time2 = b.time;
return time.CompareTo(time2);