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using Fie.Manager;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Fie.Object
public class FieDamageSystem : MonoBehaviour
public struct DamageMagniContainer
public int abilityID;
public float magni;
public DamageMagniContainer(int abilityID, float magni)
this.abilityID = abilityID;
this.magni = magni;
public delegate void ReviveDelegate();
public delegate void DeathDelegate(FieGameCharacter killer, FieDamage damage);
public delegate void StaggerDelegate(FieDamage damage);
public delegate bool DamageCheckDelegate(FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage);
public delegate void BeforeDamageDelegate(FieGameCharacter attacker, ref FieDamage damage);
public delegate void DamageDelegate(FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage);
public delegate void StatusEffectDelegate(FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect, FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage);
public const float HITPOINT_GATE_RATE = 0.05f;
public const float HITPOINT_GATE_DELAY = 12f;
public const float HITPOINT_GATE_IMMUNITY_SEC = 0.3f;
public const float SHIELD_GATE_DELAY = 8f;
public const float DEFAULT_DYING_SEC = 12f;
public const float DEFAULT_REVIVE_SEC = 3f;
private Dictionary<Type, StatusEffectDelegate> _statusEffectCallbacks = new Dictionary<Type, StatusEffectDelegate>();
private FieGameCharacter _ownerCharacter;
private FieGameCharacter _latestPerpetrator;
private FieDamage _latestDamage;
private FieHealthStats _healthStats = new FieHealthStats();
private FieHealthStats _healthStatsSandbox = new FieHealthStats();
private bool _isDead;
private float _dyingCount;
private float _reviveCount;
private float _currentRegenerateDelay;
private float _hitPointGateDelay;
private float _hitPointGateImunitySec;
private float _shieldGateDelay;
private bool _isEnableRegenerate = true;
private bool _isEnableHitPointGate = true;
private bool _isEnableShieldGate = true;
private bool _isEnableHealthImmunity;
private bool _isEnableStaggerImmunity;
private bool _revivable;
private float _dyingNeedSec = 12f;
private float _reviveNeedSec = 3f;
private Dictionary<int, Queue<DamageMagniContainer>> _attackMagniStack = new Dictionary<int, Queue<DamageMagniContainer>>();
private Dictionary<int, Queue<float>> _defenceMagniStack = new Dictionary<int, Queue<float>>();
private Dictionary<FieGameCharacter, float> _takenDamages = new Dictionary<FieGameCharacter, float>();
private FieHealthStats healthStats
if (_ownerCharacter == null || _ownerCharacter.photonView == null || !_ownerCharacter.photonView.isMine)
return _healthStatsSandbox;
return _healthStats;
public bool isEnableRegenerate
return _isEnableRegenerate;
_isEnableRegenerate = value;
public bool isEnableHitPointGate
return _isEnableHitPointGate;
_isEnableHitPointGate = value;
public bool isEnableShieldGate
return _isEnableShieldGate;
_isEnableShieldGate = value;
public bool isEnableHealthImmunity
return _isEnableHealthImmunity;
_isEnableHealthImmunity = value;
public bool isEnableStaggerImmunity
return _isEnableStaggerImmunity;
_isEnableStaggerImmunity = value;
public float dyingNeedSec
return _dyingNeedSec;
_dyingNeedSec = Mathf.Max(value, 0f);
public float reviveNeedSec
return _reviveNeedSec;
_reviveNeedSec = Mathf.Max(value, 0f);
public bool isDying
if (healthStats == null)
return true;
return healthStats.hitPoint <= 0f;
public bool isDead => _isDead;
public bool revivable
return _revivable;
if (_revivable != value)
_reviveCount = 0f;
_revivable = value;
public Dictionary<FieGameCharacter, float> takenDamage => _takenDamages;
public event DeathDelegate deathEvent;
public event ReviveDelegate reviveEvent;
public event StaggerDelegate staggerEvent;
public event DamageCheckDelegate damageCheckEvent;
public event BeforeDamageDelegate beforeDamageEvent;
public event DamageDelegate damagedEvent;
private IEnumerator addAttackMagniStackCoroutine(int skillID, int abilityID, float magni, float duration, bool isEnableStack = false)
if (!_attackMagniStack.ContainsKey(skillID) || _attackMagniStack[skillID] == null)
_attackMagniStack[skillID] = new Queue<DamageMagniContainer>();
int stackedCount = _attackMagniStack[skillID].Count;
if (stackedCount > 0 && !isEnableStack)
if (stackedCount == 1)
_attackMagniStack[skillID].Enqueue(new DamageMagniContainer(abilityID, magni));
yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(duration);
/*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/;
private IEnumerator addDefenceMagniStackCoroutine(int skillID, float magni, float duration, bool isEnableStack = false)
if (!_defenceMagniStack.ContainsKey(skillID) || _defenceMagniStack[skillID] == null)
_defenceMagniStack[skillID] = new Queue<float>();
int stackedCount = _defenceMagniStack[skillID].Count;
if (stackedCount > 0 && !isEnableStack)
if (stackedCount == 1)
yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(duration);
/*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/;
public void AddAttackMagni(int skillID, float magni, float duration, int abilityID = -1, bool isEnableStack = false)
StartCoroutine(addAttackMagniStackCoroutine(skillID, abilityID, magni, duration, isEnableStack));
public void AddDefenceMagni(int skillID, float magni, float duration, bool isEnableStack = false)
StartCoroutine(addDefenceMagniStackCoroutine(skillID, magni, duration, isEnableStack));
public float GetAttackMagni(int abilityID = -1)
float num = 0f;
if (_attackMagniStack == null || _attackMagniStack.Count <= 0)
return num;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Queue<DamageMagniContainer>> item in _attackMagniStack)
if (item.Value != null && item.Value.Count > 0)
foreach (DamageMagniContainer item2 in item.Value)
DamageMagniContainer current2 = item2;
if (current2.abilityID == abilityID || current2.abilityID == -1)
num += current2.magni;
return num;
public float GetDeffenceMagni()
float num = 0f;
if (_defenceMagniStack == null || _defenceMagniStack.Count <= 0)
return num;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Queue<float>> item in _defenceMagniStack)
if (item.Value != null && item.Value.Count > 0)
foreach (float item2 in item.Value)
num += item2;
return num;
public void Regen(float regenPoint)
if (healthStats.shield <= 0f)
float num = Mathf.Clamp(healthStats.hitPoint + regenPoint, 0f, healthStats.maxHitPoint);
regenPoint -= num - healthStats.hitPoint;
healthStats.hitPoint = num;
healthStats.shield = Mathf.Clamp(healthStats.shield + regenPoint, 0f, healthStats.maxShield);
public void initHealthSystem(FieGameCharacter ownerCharacter, ref FieHealthStats parameters)
_ownerCharacter = ownerCharacter;
_healthStats = parameters;
public void resetHealthSystem()
healthStats.hitPoint = healthStats.maxHitPoint;
healthStats.shield = healthStats.maxShield;
_isEnableRegenerate = true;
_isEnableHitPointGate = true;
_isEnableShieldGate = true;
_isEnableHealthImmunity = false;
_isEnableStaggerImmunity = false;
_revivable = false;
_isDead = false;
_dyingCount = 0f;
_reviveCount = 0f;
_currentRegenerateDelay = 0f;
_hitPointGateDelay = 0f;
_hitPointGateImunitySec = 0f;
_shieldGateDelay = 0f;
_dyingNeedSec = 12f;
_reviveNeedSec = 3f;
public void calcHitPoitDirect(float additionalHitpoint)
if (!(_ownerCharacter.photonView != null) || _ownerCharacter.photonView.isMine)
healthStats.hitPoint += additionalHitpoint;
healthStats.hitPoint = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(healthStats.hitPoint, healthStats.maxHitPoint), 0f);
public void calcShieldDirect(float additionalShield)
if (!(_ownerCharacter.photonView != null) || _ownerCharacter.photonView.isMine)
healthStats.shield += additionalShield;
healthStats.shield = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(healthStats.shield, healthStats.maxShield), 0f);
public void setRegenerateDelay(float delayTime, bool roundToBigger = false)
if (!roundToBigger || !(delayTime < _currentRegenerateDelay))
_currentRegenerateDelay = Mathf.Max(delayTime, 0f);
public void ResetStaggerEvent()
this.staggerEvent = null;
public void updateHealthSystem(float time)
if (isDying)
if (!_isDead)
_isDead = true;
if (this.deathEvent != null)
this.deathEvent(_latestPerpetrator, _latestDamage);
if (healthStats.stagger > 0f)
healthStats.stagger -= healthStats.staggerResistance * healthStats.staggerAttenuationPerSec * time;
healthStats.stagger = Mathf.Max(healthStats.stagger, 0f);
if (_hitPointGateImunitySec > 0f)
_hitPointGateImunitySec -= time;
if (_hitPointGateDelay > 0f)
_hitPointGateDelay -= time;
if (_shieldGateDelay > 0f)
_shieldGateDelay -= time;
if (_currentRegenerateDelay > 0f)
_currentRegenerateDelay -= time;
else if (_isEnableRegenerate)
if (healthStats.hitPoint < healthStats.maxHitPoint)
healthStats.hitPoint += healthStats.maxHitPoint * healthStats.hitPointRegeneratePerSec * time;
if (healthStats.hitPoint >= healthStats.maxHitPoint && healthStats.shield < healthStats.maxShield)
healthStats.shield += healthStats.maxShield * healthStats.shieldRegeneratePerSec * time;
healthStats.hitPoint = Mathf.Min(healthStats.hitPoint, healthStats.maxHitPoint);
healthStats.shield = Mathf.Min(healthStats.shield, healthStats.maxShield);
public FieDamageSystem addDamage(FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damageObject, bool isPenetration = false)
if (damageObject == null)
return this;
bool flag = false;
if (this.damageCheckEvent != null && !this.damageCheckEvent(attacker, damageObject))
return this;
if (damageObject.statusEffects != null)
foreach (FieStatusEffectEntityBase statusEffect in damageObject.statusEffects)
flag |= statusEffect.ApplyStatusEffect(this, attacker, damageObject);
if (flag)
return this;
damageObject.damage *= Mathf.Max(0f, 1f - GetDeffenceMagni());
if (this.beforeDamageEvent != null)
this.beforeDamageEvent(attacker, ref damageObject);
healthStats.stagger += damageObject.stagger;
if (_healthStats.stagger >= _healthStats.staggerResistance && !isEnableStaggerImmunity)
if (this.staggerEvent != null)
healthStats.stagger = 0f;
if (damageObject.damage > 0f && !isEnableHealthImmunity)
float num = damageObject.damage + damageObject.damage * (((UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) < 50) ? (-1f) : 1f) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, damageObject.fluctuatingRate));
damageObject.finallyDamage = 0f;
bool flag2 = false;
if (_healthStats.shield > 0f)
float num2 = 1f;
switch (damageObject.attribute)
case FieAttribute.MAGIC:
if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.WING)
num2 += _healthStats.weakAttributeDamageMagnify;
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.EFFECTIVE;
else if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.EARTH)
num2 += _healthStats.strongAttributeDamageMagnify;
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.NONEFFECTIVE;
case FieAttribute.WING:
if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.EARTH)
num2 += _healthStats.weakAttributeDamageMagnify;
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.EFFECTIVE;
else if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.MAGIC)
num2 += _healthStats.strongAttributeDamageMagnify;
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.NONEFFECTIVE;
case FieAttribute.EARTH:
if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.MAGIC)
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.EFFECTIVE;
num2 += _healthStats.weakAttributeDamageMagnify;
else if (_healthStats.shieldType == FieAttribute.WING)
num2 += _healthStats.strongAttributeDamageMagnify;
damageObject.attributeDamageState = FieDamage.FieAttributeDamageState.NONEFFECTIVE;
num = damageObject.damage * num2;
float num3 = Mathf.Max(_healthStats.shield - num, 0f);
if (num3 <= 0f)
num = Mathf.Abs(_healthStats.shield - num);
flag2 = true;
if (_isEnableShieldGate && _shieldGateDelay <= 0f && !isPenetration && FieManagerBehaviour<FieEnvironmentManager>.I.currentDifficulty < FieEnvironmentManager.Difficulty.NIGHTMARE)
flag2 = false;
if (num3 <= 0f)
_shieldGateDelay = 8f;
float shield = _healthStats.shield;
healthStats.shield = num3;
damageObject.finallyDamage += shield - healthStats.shield;
flag2 = true;
if (flag2 && num > 0f)
float hitPoint = _healthStats.hitPoint;
float num4 = hitPoint;
if (_isEnableHitPointGate && !isPenetration && FieManagerBehaviour<FieEnvironmentManager>.I.currentDifficulty != FieEnvironmentManager.Difficulty.CHAOS)
if (_hitPointGateDelay <= 0f && _healthStats.hitPoint - num <= _healthStats.maxHitPoint * 0.05f)
_hitPointGateImunitySec = 0.3f;
_hitPointGateDelay = 12f;
float b = (!(_hitPointGateImunitySec > 0f)) ? 0f : (_healthStats.maxHitPoint * 0.05f);
healthStats.hitPoint = Mathf.Max(_healthStats.hitPoint - num, b);
num4 = healthStats.hitPoint;
num4 = _healthStats.hitPoint - num;
healthStats.hitPoint = Mathf.Max(_healthStats.hitPoint - num, 0f);
damageObject.finallyDamage += hitPoint - num4;
_currentRegenerateDelay = _healthStats.regenerateDelay;
if (this.damagedEvent != null)
this.damagedEvent(attacker, damageObject);
if (attacker != null && damageObject.finallyDamage > 0f)
_latestPerpetrator = attacker;
if (!_takenDamages.ContainsKey(attacker))
_takenDamages[attacker] = 0f;
Dictionary<FieGameCharacter, float> takenDamages;
FieGameCharacter key;
(takenDamages = _takenDamages)[key = attacker] = takenDamages[key] + damageObject.finallyDamage;
if (damageObject != null)
_latestDamage = damageObject;
return this;
public void addStatusEffectCallback<T>(StatusEffectDelegate callback) where T : FieStatusEffectEntityBase
_statusEffectCallbacks[typeof(T)] = callback;
public void applyStatusEffectCallback<T>(T statusEffectObject, FieGameCharacter attacker, FieDamage damage) where T : FieStatusEffectEntityBase
if (statusEffectObject != null)
Type type = statusEffectObject.GetType();
if (_statusEffectCallbacks.ContainsKey(type) && _statusEffectCallbacks[type] != null)
_statusEffectCallbacks[type](statusEffectObject, attacker, damage);
public void Heal(float healingRate)
private void initializeByRevive()
healthStats.hitPoint = healthStats.maxHitPoint;
healthStats.shield = 0f;
_isDead = false;
_revivable = false;
_reviveCount = 0f;
_dyingCount = 0f;
_currentRegenerateDelay = healthStats.regenerateDelay;
_hitPointGateDelay = 0f;
_hitPointGateImunitySec = 0f;