FiE-Game/Assets/Control Mapper/Extras/ControlMapper/Scripts/CalibrationWindow.cs
2023-07-27 18:02:29 +05:00

472 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015 Augie R. Maddox, Guavaman Enterprises. All rights reserved.
#pragma warning disable 0219
#pragma warning disable 0618
#pragma warning disable 0649
namespace Rewired.UI.ControlMapper {
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Rewired;
using Rewired.Utils;
using Rewired.Integration.UnityUI;
public class CalibrationWindow : Window {
private const float minSensitivityOtherAxes = 0.1f; // used for non-menu axes, min value to prevent axis from becoming useless
private const float maxDeadzone = 0.8f; // max dead zone value user is allowed to set to prevent full axis from becoming useless
private RectTransform rightContentContainer;
private RectTransform valueDisplayGroup;
private RectTransform calibratedValueMarker;
private RectTransform rawValueMarker;
private RectTransform calibratedZeroMarker;
private RectTransform deadzoneArea;
private Slider deadzoneSlider;
private Slider zeroSlider;
private Slider sensitivitySlider;
private Toggle invertToggle;
private RectTransform axisScrollAreaContent;
private Button doneButton;
private Button calibrateButton;
private Text doneButtonLabel;
private Text cancelButtonLabel;
private Text defaultButtonLabel;
private Text deadzoneSliderLabel;
private Text zeroSliderLabel;
private Text sensitivitySliderLabel;
private Text invertToggleLabel;
private Text calibrateButtonLabel;
private GameObject axisButtonPrefab;
private Joystick joystick;
private string origCalibrationData;
private int selectedAxis = -1;
private AxisCalibrationData origSelectedAxisCalibrationData;
private float displayAreaWidth;
private List<Button> axisButtons;
private bool axisSelected {
get {
if(joystick == null) return false;
if(selectedAxis < 0 || selectedAxis >= joystick.calibrationMap.axisCount) return false;
return true;
private AxisCalibration axisCalibration {
get {
if(!axisSelected) return null;
return joystick.calibrationMap.GetAxis(selectedAxis);
private Dictionary<int, System.Action<int>> buttonCallbacks;
private int playerId;
private RewiredStandaloneInputModule rewiredStandaloneInputModule;
private int menuHorizActionId = -1;
private int menuVertActionId = -1;
/// <summary>
/// This value prevents the user from lowering the axis sensitivity so far that the axis is unusable.
/// This is very important for the axes used for menu navigation, otherwise the user could permanently
/// disable their ability to navigate the menu on a console with no mouse/keyboard.
/// This value will be drawn from the InputBehavior(s) assigned to the menu horizontal and vertical axes
/// </summary>
private float minSensitivity;
public override void Initialize(int id, System.Func<int, bool> isFocusedCallback) {
rightContentContainer == null ||
valueDisplayGroup == null ||
calibratedValueMarker == null ||
rawValueMarker == null ||
calibratedZeroMarker == null ||
deadzoneArea == null ||
deadzoneSlider == null ||
sensitivitySlider == null ||
zeroSlider == null ||
invertToggle == null ||
axisScrollAreaContent == null ||
doneButton == null ||
calibrateButton == null ||
axisButtonPrefab == null ||
doneButtonLabel == null ||
cancelButtonLabel == null ||
defaultButtonLabel == null ||
deadzoneSliderLabel == null ||
zeroSliderLabel == null ||
sensitivitySliderLabel == null ||
invertToggleLabel == null ||
calibrateButtonLabel == null
) {
Debug.LogError("Rewired Control Mapper: All inspector values must be assigned!");
axisButtons = new List<Button>();
buttonCallbacks = new Dictionary<int, System.Action<int>>();
// Set static element labels
doneButtonLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().done;
cancelButtonLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().cancel;
defaultButtonLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().default_;
deadzoneSliderLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().calibrateWindow_deadZoneSliderLabel;
zeroSliderLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().calibrateWindow_zeroSliderLabel;
sensitivitySliderLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().calibrateWindow_sensitivitySliderLabel;
invertToggleLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().calibrateWindow_invertToggleLabel;
calibrateButtonLabel.text = ControlMapper.GetLanguage().calibrateWindow_calibrateButtonLabel;
base.Initialize(id, isFocusedCallback);
public void SetJoystick(int playerId, Joystick joystick) {
if(!initialized) return;
this.playerId = playerId;
this.joystick = joystick;
if(joystick == null) {
Debug.LogError("Rewired Control Mapper: Joystick cannot be null!");
// Create axis list
float buttonHeight = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < joystick.axisCount; i++) {
int index = i;
GameObject instance = UITools.InstantiateGUIObject<Button>(axisButtonPrefab, axisScrollAreaContent, "Axis" + i);
Button button = instance.GetComponent<Button>();
button.onClick.AddListener(() => { OnAxisSelected(index, button); });
Text text = UnityTools.GetComponentInSelfOrChildren<Text>(instance);
if(text != null) text.text = joystick.AxisElementIdentifiers[i].name;
if(buttonHeight == 0.0f) buttonHeight = UnityTools.GetComponentInSelfOrChildren<LayoutElement>(instance).minHeight;
// set axis list height
float vSpacing = axisScrollAreaContent.GetComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>().spacing;
axisScrollAreaContent.sizeDelta = new Vector2(axisScrollAreaContent.sizeDelta.x, Mathf.Max((joystick.axisCount * (buttonHeight + vSpacing) - vSpacing), axisScrollAreaContent.sizeDelta.y));
// Store the original calibration data so we can revert
origCalibrationData = joystick.calibrationMap.ToXmlString();
// Record info
displayAreaWidth = rightContentContainer.sizeDelta.x;
// Try to get the UI control axis deadzone from the RewiredStandaloneInputModule if it exists in the hierarchy
// This is used to prevent users from rendering menu navigation axes unusable by changing the axis sensitivity
rewiredStandaloneInputModule = gameObject.transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<RewiredStandaloneInputModule>();
if(rewiredStandaloneInputModule != null) {
menuHorizActionId = ReInput.mapping.GetActionId(rewiredStandaloneInputModule.horizontalAxis);
menuVertActionId = ReInput.mapping.GetActionId(rewiredStandaloneInputModule.verticalAxis);
// Select first axis
if(joystick.axisCount > 0) {
// Set default UI element
defaultUIElement = doneButton.gameObject;
// Draw window
public void SetButtonCallback(ButtonIdentifier buttonIdentifier, System.Action<int> callback) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(callback == null) return;
if(buttonCallbacks.ContainsKey((int)buttonIdentifier)) buttonCallbacks[(int)buttonIdentifier] = callback;
else buttonCallbacks.Add((int)buttonIdentifier, callback);
public override void Cancel() {
if(!initialized) return;
// don't call on base
if(joystick != null) joystick.ImportCalibrationMapFromXmlString(origCalibrationData); // restore old data
System.Action<int> callback;
if(!buttonCallbacks.TryGetValue((int)ButtonIdentifier.Cancel, out callback)) {
if(cancelCallback != null) cancelCallback();
protected override void Update() {
if(!initialized) return;
UpdateDisplay(); // update the real-time display
#region Control Event Handlers
public void OnDone() {
if(!initialized) return;
System.Action<int> callback;
if(!buttonCallbacks.TryGetValue((int)ButtonIdentifier.Done, out callback)) return;
public void OnCancel() {
public void OnRestoreDefault() {
if(!initialized) return;
if(joystick == null) return;
public void OnCalibrate() {
if(!initialized) return;
System.Action<int> callback;
if(!buttonCallbacks.TryGetValue((int)ButtonIdentifier.Calibrate, out callback)) return;
public void OnInvert(bool state) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
axisCalibration.invert = state;
public void OnZeroValueChange(float value) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
axisCalibration.calibratedZero = value;
public void OnZeroCancel() {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
axisCalibration.calibratedZero =;
public void OnDeadzoneValueChange(float value) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
// Enforce a max dead zone to prevent axis from becoming useless
axisCalibration.deadZone = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.0f, maxDeadzone);
if(value > maxDeadzone) deadzoneSlider.value = maxDeadzone; // prevent control from going outside range
public void OnDeadzoneCancel() {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
axisCalibration.deadZone = origSelectedAxisCalibrationData.deadZone;
public void OnSensitivityValueChange(float value) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
// Enforce a min sensitivity to prevent axis from becoming useless
axisCalibration.sensitivity = Mathf.Clamp(value, minSensitivity, Mathf.Infinity);
if(value < minSensitivity) sensitivitySlider.value = minSensitivity; // prevent control from going outside range
public void OnSensitivityCancel(float value) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(!axisSelected) return;
axisCalibration.sensitivity = origSelectedAxisCalibrationData.sensitivity;
public void OnAxisScrollRectScroll(Vector2 pos) {
if(!initialized) return;
private void OnAxisSelected(int axisIndex, Button button) {
if(!initialized) return;
if(joystick == null) return;
private void UpdateDisplay() {
private void Redraw() {
RedrawCalibratedZero(); // also updates deadzone
private void RefreshControls() {
if(!axisSelected) {
// Deadzone slider
deadzoneSlider.value = 0;
// Zero slider
zeroSlider.value = 0;
// Sensitivity slider
sensitivitySlider.value = 0;
// Invert toggle
invertToggle.isOn = false;
} else {
// Deadzone slider
deadzoneSlider.value = axisCalibration.deadZone;
// Zero slider
zeroSlider.value = axisCalibration.calibratedZero;
// Sensitivity slider
sensitivitySlider.value = axisCalibration.sensitivity;
// Invert toggle
invertToggle.isOn = axisCalibration.invert;
private void RedrawDeadzone() {
if(!axisSelected) return;
float width = displayAreaWidth * axisCalibration.deadZone;
deadzoneArea.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, deadzoneArea.sizeDelta.y);
deadzoneArea.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(axisCalibration.calibratedZero * -deadzoneArea.parent.localPosition.x, deadzoneArea.anchoredPosition.y);
private void RedrawCalibratedZero() {
if(!axisSelected) return;
calibratedZeroMarker.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(axisCalibration.calibratedZero * -deadzoneArea.parent.localPosition.x, calibratedZeroMarker.anchoredPosition.y);
private void RedrawValueMarkers() {
if(!axisSelected) {
calibratedValueMarker.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, calibratedValueMarker.anchoredPosition.y);
rawValueMarker.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, rawValueMarker.anchoredPosition.y);
float value = joystick.GetAxis(selectedAxis);
float rawValue = Mathf.Clamp(joystick.GetAxisRaw(selectedAxis),-1.0f, 1.0f);
calibratedValueMarker.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(displayAreaWidth * 0.5f * value, calibratedValueMarker.anchoredPosition.y);
rawValueMarker.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(displayAreaWidth * 0.5f * rawValue, rawValueMarker.anchoredPosition.y);
private void SelectAxis(int index) {
if(index < 0 || index >= axisButtons.Count) return;
if(axisButtons[index] == null) return;
axisButtons[index].interactable = false; // disable this axis
// Unity changed the system so when interactible is set to false,
// the Selectable is immediately deselected.
axisButtons[index].Select(); // force select after Unity deselects it
// Enable other axes
for(int i = 0; i < axisButtons.Count; i++) {
if(i == index) continue;
axisButtons[i].interactable = true;
selectedAxis = index;
origSelectedAxisCalibrationData = axisCalibration.GetData();
public override void TakeInputFocus() {
if(selectedAxis >= 0) SelectAxis(selectedAxis); // refresh the axis selection so button interactivity matches
private void SetMinSensitivity() {
if(!axisSelected) return;
minSensitivity = minSensitivityOtherAxes;
// Set the minimum sensitivity for this axis
if(rewiredStandaloneInputModule != null) {
if(IsMenuAxis(menuHorizActionId, selectedAxis)) {
GetAxisButtonDeadZone(playerId, menuHorizActionId, ref minSensitivity);
} else if(IsMenuAxis(menuVertActionId, selectedAxis)) {
GetAxisButtonDeadZone(playerId, menuVertActionId, ref minSensitivity);
private bool IsMenuAxis(int actionId, int axisIndex) {
if(rewiredStandaloneInputModule == null) return false;
// Determine if menu action is mapped to this axis on any player
IList<Player> players = ReInput.players.AllPlayers;
int playerCount = players.Count;
for(int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) {
IList<JoystickMap> maps = players[i].controllers.maps.GetMaps<JoystickMap>(;
if(maps == null) continue;
int mapCount = maps.Count;
for(int j = 0; j < mapCount; j++) {
IList<ActionElementMap> aems = maps[j].AxisMaps;
if(aems == null) continue;
int aemCount = aems.Count;
for(int k = 0; k < aemCount; k++) {
ActionElementMap aem = aems[k];
if(aem.actionId == actionId && aem.elementIndex == axisIndex) return true;
return false;
private void GetAxisButtonDeadZone(int playerId, int actionId, ref float value) {
InputAction action = ReInput.mapping.GetAction(actionId);
if(action == null) return;
int behaviorId = action.behaviorId;
InputBehavior inputBehavior = ReInput.mapping.GetInputBehavior(playerId, behaviorId);
if(inputBehavior == null) return;
value = inputBehavior.buttonDeadZone + 0.1f; // add a small amount so it never reaches the deadzone
public enum ButtonIdentifier {