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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="PlayerRoomIndexing.cs" company="Exit Games GmbH">
// Part of: Photon Unity Utilities,
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Assign numbers to Players in a room. Uses Room custom Properties
// </summary>
// <author>developer@exitgames.com</author>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Photon;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
namespace ExitGames.UtilityScripts
/// <summary>
/// Implements consistent indexing in a room/game with help of room properties. Access them by PhotonPlayer.GetRoomIndex() extension.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// indexing ranges from 0 to the maximum number of Players.
/// indexing remains for the player while in room.
/// If a Player is indexed 2 and player indexes 1 leaves, index 1 become vacant and will assigned to the future player joining (the first available vacant index is assigned when joining)
/// </remarks>
public class PlayerRoomIndexing : PunBehaviour
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// The instance. EntryPoint to query about Room Indexing.
/// </summary>
public static PlayerRoomIndexing instance;
/// <summary>
/// OnRoomIndexingChanged delegate. Use
/// </summary>
public delegate void RoomIndexingChanged();
/// <summary>
/// Called everytime the room Indexing was updated. Use this for discrete updates. Always better than brute force calls every frame.
/// </summary>
public RoomIndexingChanged OnRoomIndexingChanged;
/// <summary>Defines the room custom property name to use for room player indexing tracking.</summary>
public const string RoomPlayerIndexedProp = "PlayerIndexes";
/// <summary>
/// Cached list of Player indexes. You can use <PhotonPlayer>.GetRoomIndex()
/// </summary>
/// <value>The player identifiers.</value>
public int[] PlayerIds
get {
return _playerIds;
#region Private Properties
int[] _playerIds;
object _indexes;
Dictionary<int,int> _indexesLUT;
List<bool> _indexesPool;
PhotonPlayer _p;
#region MonoBehaviours methods
public void Awake()
if (instance!=null)
Debug.LogError("Existing instance of PlayerRoomIndexing found. Only One instance is required at the most. Please correct and have only one at any time.");
instance = this;
#region PunBehavior Overrides
public override void OnJoinedRoom()
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
public override void OnLeftRoom()
public override void OnPhotonPlayerConnected (PhotonPlayer newPlayer)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
public override void OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer otherPlayer)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
public override void OnPhotonCustomRoomPropertiesChanged(Hashtable propertiesThatChanged)
if (propertiesThatChanged.ContainsKey(PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp))
public override void OnMasterClientSwitched(PhotonPlayer newMasterClient)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
/// <summary>Get the room index of a particular PhotonPlayer. You can also use <PhotonPlayer>.GetRoomIndex() </summary>
/// <returns>persistent index in room. -1 for none</returns>
public int GetRoomIndex( PhotonPlayer player)
if (_indexesLUT!=null && _indexesLUT.ContainsKey(player.ID))
return _indexesLUT[player.ID];
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Sanitizes the indexing incase a player join while masterclient was changed and missed it.
/// </summary>
void SanitizeIndexing()
if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
if (PhotonNetwork.room==null)
// attempt to access index props.
Dictionary<int,int> _indexesLUT_local = new Dictionary<int, int>();
if(PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, out _indexes))
_indexesLUT_local = _indexes as Dictionary<int,int>;
// check if we need to assign
if (_indexesLUT_local.Count != PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount)
foreach(PhotonPlayer _p in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
if (!_indexesLUT_local.ContainsKey(_p.ID))
// Debug.Log("Sanitizing Index for "+_p);
/// <summary>
/// Internal call Refresh the cached data and call the OnRoomIndexingChanged delegate.
/// </summary>
void RefreshData()
if (PhotonNetwork.room!=null)
_playerIds = new int[PhotonNetwork.room.MaxPlayers];
if (PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, out _indexes))
_indexesLUT = _indexes as Dictionary<int,int>;
foreach(KeyValuePair<int,int> _entry in _indexesLUT)
//Debug.Log("Entry; "+_entry.Key+":"+_entry.Value);
_p = PhotonPlayer.Find(_entry.Key);
_playerIds[_entry.Value] = _p.ID;
_playerIds = new int[0];
if (OnRoomIndexingChanged!=null) OnRoomIndexingChanged();
void AssignIndex(PhotonPlayer player)
if (PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, out _indexes))
_indexesLUT = _indexes as Dictionary<int,int>;
_indexesLUT = new Dictionary<int, int>();
List<bool> _indexesPool = new List<bool>( new bool[PhotonNetwork.room.MaxPlayers] );
foreach(KeyValuePair<int,int> _entry in _indexesLUT)
_indexesPool[_entry.Value] = true;
_indexesLUT[player.ID] = Mathf.Max (0,_indexesPool.IndexOf(false));
PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() {{PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, _indexesLUT}});
void UnAssignIndex(PhotonPlayer player)
if (PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, out _indexes))
_indexesLUT = _indexes as Dictionary<int,int>;
PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() {{PlayerRoomIndexing.RoomPlayerIndexedProp, _indexesLUT}});
/// <summary>Extension used for PlayerRoomIndexing and PhotonPlayer class.</summary>
public static class PlayerRoomIndexingExtensions
/// <summary>Extension for PhotonPlayer class to wrap up access to the player's custom property.</summary>
/// <returns>persistent index in room. -1 for no indexing</returns>
public static int GetRoomIndex(this PhotonPlayer player)
if (PlayerRoomIndexing.instance == null)
Debug.LogError("Missing PlayerRoomIndexing Component in Scene");
return -1;
return PlayerRoomIndexing.instance.GetRoomIndex(player);
} |