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1428 lines
54 KiB
* Author: Lane Gresham, AKA LaneMax
* Websites: http://resurgamstudios.com
* Description: Core logic for Circular Gravity Force for 2D.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
namespace CircularGravityForce
[AddComponentMenu("Physics 2D/Circular Gravity Force 2D", -1)]
public class CGF2D : MonoBehaviour
#region Events
public delegate void ApplyCGFEvent(CGF2D cgf, Rigidbody2D rigid, Collider2D coll);
public static event ApplyCGFEvent OnApplyCGFEvent;
#region Enums
//Force Types
public enum ForceType2D
//Force Types
public enum Shape2D
#region Classes
//Manages all force position properties
public class ForcePositionProperties
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used for toggling force position properties.")]
private bool toggleForcePositionProperties;
public bool ToggleForcePositionProperties
get { return toggleForcePositionProperties; }
set { toggleForcePositionProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Force position options.")]
private CGF.ForcePosition forcePosition = CGF.ForcePosition.ThisTransform;
public CGF.ForcePosition ForcePosition
get { return forcePosition; }
set { forcePosition = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Colliders for when using 'Closest Collider' for 'Force Position'")]
private List<Collider2D> closestColliders;
public List<Collider2D> ClosestColliders
get { return closestColliders; }
set { closestColliders = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Finds the closest point on effected object and uses that as the force pivot.")]
private bool useEffectedClosestPoint = false;
public bool UseEffectedClosestPoint
get { return useEffectedClosestPoint; }
set { useEffectedClosestPoint = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Height offset for closest colliders.")]
private float heightOffset = 0f;
public float HeightOffset
get { return heightOffset; }
set { heightOffset = value; }
public ForcePositionProperties()
ClosestColliders = new List<Collider2D>();
//Manages all filter type properties
public class FilterProperties
//Filter effect types
public enum EffectType
//Tag filter properties
public class TagFilter
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Effect type for tag filter options.")]
private EffectType effectType = EffectType.Effect;
public EffectType _effectType
get { return effectType; }
set { effectType = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Tag name used for filter options.")]
private string tag = string.Empty;
public string Tag
get { return tag; }
set { tag = value; }
//GameObject filter properties
public class GameObjectFilter
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Effect type for Gameobject filter options.")]
private EffectType effectType = EffectType.Effect;
public EffectType _effectType
get { return effectType; }
set { effectType = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Gameobject used for filter options.")]
private GameObject gameObject;
public GameObject _gameObject
get { return gameObject; }
set { gameObject = value; }
//Collider filter properties
public class BoundsFilter
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Effect type for bounds collider filter options.")]
private EffectType effectType = EffectType.Effect;
public EffectType _effectType
get { return effectType; }
set { effectType = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Bound collider used for filter options.")]
private Collider2D collider;
public Collider2D _collider
get { return collider; }
set { collider = value; }
//Physic material filter properties
public class PhysicMaterialFilter
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Effect type for physic material filter options.")]
private EffectType effectType = EffectType.Effect;
public EffectType _effectType
get { return effectType; }
set { effectType = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Physic material used for filter options.")]
private PhysicsMaterial2D physicMaterial;
public PhysicsMaterial2D _physicMaterial
get { return physicMaterial; }
set { physicMaterial = value; }
// Filter Properties Constructor
public FilterProperties()
gameObjectFilter = new List<GameObjectFilter>();
tagFilter = new List<TagFilter>();
boundsFilter = new List<BoundsFilter>();
physicMaterialFilter = new List<PhysicMaterialFilter>();
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used to filter out gameobjects, has authority over tags, colliders, physicMaterial, and layermasks.")]
private List<GameObjectFilter> gameObjectFilter;
public List<GameObjectFilter> _gameObjectFilter
get { return gameObjectFilter; }
set { gameObjectFilter = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used to filter out tags, has authority over colliders, physicMaterial, and layermasks.")]
private List<TagFilter> tagFilter;
public List<TagFilter> _tagFilter
get { return tagFilter; }
set { tagFilter = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used to filter out collider bounds, has authority over physicMaterial, and layermasks.")]
public List<BoundsFilter> boundsFilter;
public List<BoundsFilter> _boundsFilter
get { return boundsFilter; }
set { boundsFilter = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used to filter out physic material, has authority over layermasks.")]
public List<PhysicMaterialFilter> physicMaterialFilter;
public List<PhysicMaterialFilter> _physicMaterialFilter
get { return physicMaterialFilter; }
set { physicMaterialFilter = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Used for fildering LayerMasks.")]
private LayerMask layerMaskFilter = -1;
public LayerMask _layerMaskFilter
get { return layerMaskFilter; }
set { layerMaskFilter = value; }
//ValidateFilters all filter options
public bool ValidateFilters(Rigidbody2D rigid, Collider2D coll)
bool value = true;
if (_gameObjectFilter.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _gameObjectFilter.Count; i++)
switch (_gameObjectFilter[i]._effectType)
case EffectType.Effect:
if (_gameObjectFilter[i]._gameObject == rigid.gameObject)
return true;
case EffectType.DontEffect:
if (_gameObjectFilter[i]._gameObject == rigid.gameObject)
return false;
if (_tagFilter.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _tagFilter.Count; i++)
switch (_tagFilter[i]._effectType)
case EffectType.Effect:
if (rigid.transform.gameObject.CompareTag(_tagFilter[i].Tag))
return true;
case EffectType.DontEffect:
if (rigid.transform.gameObject.CompareTag(_tagFilter[i].Tag))
return false;
if (_boundsFilter.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _boundsFilter.Count; i++)
switch (_boundsFilter[i]._effectType)
case EffectType.Effect:
if (_boundsFilter[i]._collider.bounds.Contains(rigid.position))
return true;
case EffectType.DontEffect:
if (_boundsFilter[i]._collider.bounds.Contains(rigid.position))
return false;
if (_physicMaterialFilter.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _physicMaterialFilter.Count; i++)
switch (_physicMaterialFilter[i]._effectType)
case EffectType.Effect:
if (_physicMaterialFilter[i]._physicMaterial == coll.sharedMaterial)
return true;
case EffectType.DontEffect:
if (_physicMaterialFilter[i]._physicMaterial == coll.sharedMaterial)
return false;
if (((1 << rigid.transform.gameObject.layer) & _layerMaskFilter) != 0)
value = true;
else if (((1 << rigid.transform.gameObject.layer) & _layerMaskFilter) == 0)
value = false;
return value;
//Trigger Area Filter
public class TriggerAreaFilter2D
//Trigger Options
public enum TriggerAreaFilterOptions
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Trigger area filter options.")]
private TriggerAreaFilterOptions triggerAreaFilterOptions = TriggerAreaFilterOptions.Disabled;
public TriggerAreaFilterOptions _triggerAreaFilterOptions
get { return triggerAreaFilterOptions; }
set { triggerAreaFilterOptions = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Listed triggers used for the filter.")]
private List<Collider2D> triggerAreas;
public List<Collider2D> TriggerAreas
get { return triggerAreas; }
set { triggerAreas = value; }
#region Properties/Constructor
public CGF2D()
_transformProperties = new CGF.TransformProperties();
_forcePositionProperties = new ForcePositionProperties();
_filterProperties = new FilterProperties();
_eventProperties = new CGF.EventProperties();
_drawGravityProperties = new CGF.DrawGravityProperties();
_memoryProperties = new CGF.MemoryProperties();
//Used for when wanting to see the cgf line
static private string CirularGravityLineName = "CirularGravityForce_LineDisplay";
#if (UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2)
//Warning message for Requiring Unity 5.3
static private string WarningMessageBoxUnity_5_3 = "2D Box Shape Physics Requires Upgrading Project to Unity 5.3 or Higher.";
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Enable/Disable the Circular Gravity Force.")]
private bool enable = true;
public bool Enable
get { return enable; }
set { enable = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Shape of the Cirular Gravity Force.")]
private Shape2D shape2D = Shape2D.Sphere;
public Shape2D _shape2D
get { return shape2D; }
set { shape2D = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The force type of the Cirular Gravity Force.")]
private ForceType2D forceType2D = ForceType2D.ForceAtPosition;
public ForceType2D _forceType2D
get { return forceType2D; }
set { forceType2D = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Option for how to apply a force.")]
private ForceMode2D forceMode2D = ForceMode2D.Force;
public ForceMode2D _forceMode2D
get { return forceMode2D; }
set { forceMode2D = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Projects the force to the right.")]
private bool projectRight = false;
public bool _projectRight
get { return projectRight; }
set { projectRight = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Radius of the force.")]
private float size = 5f;
public float Size
get { return size; }
set { size = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Radius of the force.")]
private Vector2 boxSize = Vector2.one * 5f;
public Vector2 BoxSize
get { return boxSize; }
set { boxSize = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Power for the force, can be negative or positive.")]
private float forcePower = 10f;
public float ForcePower
get { return forcePower; }
set { forcePower = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Velocity damping on effected rigidbodys.")]
private float velocityDamping = 0f;
public float VelocityDamping
get { return velocityDamping; }
set { velocityDamping = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Angular velocity damping on effected rigidbodys.")]
private float angularVelocityDamping = 0f;
public float AngularVelocityDamping
get { return angularVelocityDamping; }
set { angularVelocityDamping = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Manages all transform properties.")]
private CGF.TransformProperties transformProperties;
public CGF.TransformProperties _transformProperties
get { return transformProperties; }
set { transformProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Options for where you want the force to start. Only available 'Force At Position', 'Explosion Force', and 'Gravitational Attraction' force types.")]
private ForcePositionProperties forcePositionProperties;
public ForcePositionProperties _forcePositionProperties
get { return forcePositionProperties; }
set { forcePositionProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Filter properties options.")]
private FilterProperties filterProperties;
public FilterProperties _filterProperties
get { return filterProperties; }
set { filterProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Event properties options.")]
private CGF.EventProperties eventProperties;
public CGF.EventProperties _eventProperties
get { return eventProperties; }
set { eventProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Draw gravity properties.")]
private CGF.DrawGravityProperties drawGravityProperties;
public CGF.DrawGravityProperties _drawGravityProperties
get { return drawGravityProperties; }
set { drawGravityProperties = value; }
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Memory Properties.")]
private CGF.MemoryProperties memoryProperties;
public CGF.MemoryProperties _memoryProperties
get { return memoryProperties; }
set { memoryProperties = value; }
private int colliderListCount;
public int ColliderListCount
get { return colliderListCount; }
private int raycastHitListCount;
public int RaycastHitListCount
get { return raycastHitListCount; }
//Selected Flag
bool isSelected = false;
//Line Object
private GameObject cirularGravityLine;
//Effected Rigidbodys
Collider2D[] colliderList;
RaycastHit2D[] raycastHitList;
Color DebugGravityLineColorA;
Color DebugGravityLineColorB;
#region Gizmos
//Used for draying icons
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (_drawGravityProperties.DrawGizmo)
string icon = "CircularGravityForce Icons/";
icon = SetupIcons(icon);
isSelected = CheckGameObjects();
if (isSelected)
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying && (_shape2D != Shape2D.Box))
_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForceGizmos = false;
_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForceGizmos = true;
Gizmos.DrawIcon(this.transform.position, icon, true);
_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForceGizmos = true;
if (_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForceGizmos)
bool CheckGameObjects()
if (Selection.activeGameObject == this.gameObject)
return true;
foreach (var item in Selection.gameObjects)
if (item == this.gameObject)
return true;
return false;
string SetupIcons(string icon)
string cgfDir = string.Format("{0}/ResurgamStudios/CircularGravityForce Package/Gizmos/CircularGravityForce Icons/", Application.dataPath);
string dir = string.Format("{0}/Gizmos/CircularGravityForce Icons/", Application.dataPath);
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
if (Directory.Exists(cgfDir))
CopyIcons(cgfDir, dir);
icon = icon + "cgf_icon";
if (forcePower == 0 || enable == false)
icon = icon + "0.png";
else if (forcePower >= 0)
icon = icon + "1.png";
else if (ForcePower < 0)
icon = icon + "2.png";
return icon;
//Copys all cgf icons
void CopyIcons(string sourceDir, string targetDir)
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".png")))
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(targetDir, Path.GetFileName(file)));
#region Unity Events
void Awake()
if (_memoryProperties.NonAllocPhysics)
colliderList = new Collider2D[_memoryProperties.ColliderBuffer];
raycastHitList = new RaycastHit2D[_memoryProperties.RaycastHitBuffer];
//Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Enable)
//Sets up the line that gets rendered showing the area of forces
if (_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForce)
if (cirularGravityLine == null)
//Creates line for showing the force
cirularGravityLine = new GameObject(CirularGravityLineName);
cirularGravityLine.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform, false);
if (cirularGravityLine != null)
//Destroys line when not using
if (cirularGravityLine != null)
//Destroys line when not using
//Used for when drawing the cgf line with no lag
void LateUpdate()
if (Enable)
//Validates the this.transform rotation and position
//Sets up the line that gets rendered showing the area of forces
if (_drawGravityProperties.DrawGravityForce)
if (cirularGravityLine != null)
//This function is called every fixed frame
void FixedUpdate()
if (Enable && ForcePower != 0)
#region Functions
//Applys the force function
private void ApplyForce(Rigidbody2D rigid, Transform trans, Collider2D coll)
var transPos = trans.position;
switch (_forcePositionProperties.ForcePosition)
case CGF.ForcePosition.ThisTransform:
case CGF.ForcePosition.ClosestCollider:
if (_forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders != null)
if (_forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders.Count > 0)
float heightOffset = _forcePositionProperties.HeightOffset;
if (!_forcePositionProperties.UseEffectedClosestPoint)
var point = FindClosestPoints(coll, _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, false);
transPos = GetVectorHeightOffset(point, coll.transform.position, heightOffset);
Vector3 pointA = FindClosestPoints(coll, _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, false);
Vector3 pointB = FindClosestPoints(coll, _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, true);
float distanceThisA = Vector3.Distance(coll.transform.position, pointA);
float distanceAB = Vector3.Distance(pointA, pointB);
transPos = GetVectorHeightOffset(pointA, coll.transform.position, Mathf.Abs(distanceThisA - distanceAB) + heightOffset);
switch (_forceType2D)
//TODO: Add infinity check
case ForceType2D.ForceAtPosition:
ApplyCGFForceAtPosition(rigid, transPos, trans);
case ForceType2D.Force:
ApplyCGFForce(rigid, transPos, trans);
case ForceType2D.Torque:
ApplyCGFTorque(rigid, transPos, trans);
case ForceType2D.GravitationalAttraction:
ApplyCGFGravitationalAttraction(rigid, transPos, trans);
private void ApplyCGFForceAtPosition(Rigidbody2D rigid, Vector3 transPos, Transform trans)
Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(rigid.velocity.x, rigid.velocity.y, 0f);
Vector3 forceAtPoint = transPos;
if (_projectRight || _shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast)
forceAtPoint = ((trans.right) * ForcePower) - (VelocityDamping * velocity);
forceAtPoint = ((rigid.gameObject.transform.position - transPos) * ForcePower) - (VelocityDamping * velocity);
rigid.AddForceAtPosition(forceAtPoint, transPos, _forceMode2D);
private void ApplyCGFForce(Rigidbody2D rigid, Vector3 transPos, Transform trans)
Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(rigid.velocity.x, rigid.velocity.y, 0f);
if (_projectRight || _shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast)
rigid.AddForce(((trans.right) * ForcePower) - (VelocityDamping * velocity), _forceMode2D);
rigid.AddForce(((rigid.transform.position - transPos) * ForcePower) - (VelocityDamping * velocity), _forceMode2D);
private void ApplyCGFTorque(Rigidbody2D rigid, Vector3 transPos, Transform trans)
rigid.AddTorque(-(ForcePower + ((rigid.angularVelocity * AngularVelocityDamping) * Time.deltaTime)), _forceMode2D);
private void ApplyCGFGravitationalAttraction(Rigidbody2D rigid, Vector3 transPos, Transform trans)
Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(rigid.velocity.x, rigid.velocity.y, 0f);
if (_projectRight || _shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast)
Vector3 gravitationalAttraction = (trans.right).normalized * rigid.mass * ForcePower / (trans.right).sqrMagnitude;
if (float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.x) && float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.y) && float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.z))
gravitationalAttraction = Vector3.zero;
rigid.AddForce(gravitationalAttraction - (VelocityDamping * velocity), _forceMode2D);
Vector3 gravitationalAttraction = (rigid.gameObject.transform.position - transPos).normalized * rigid.mass * ForcePower / (rigid.gameObject.transform.position - transPos).sqrMagnitude;
if (float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.x) && float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.y) && float.IsNaN(gravitationalAttraction.z))
gravitationalAttraction = Vector3.zero;
rigid.AddForce(gravitationalAttraction - (VelocityDamping * velocity), _forceMode2D);
//Calculate and Estimate the force
private void CalculateAndEstimateForce()
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Sphere)
#region Sphere
colliderListCount = 0;
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Sphere)
if (_memoryProperties.NonAllocPhysics)
colliderListCount = Physics2D.OverlapCircleNonAlloc(this.transform.position, Size, colliderList, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
colliderList = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(this.transform.position, Size, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
colliderListCount = colliderList.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < colliderListCount; i++)
if (colliderList[i] != null)
if (!colliderList[i].isTrigger)
var rigid = colliderList[i].attachedRigidbody;
if (rigid != null)
if (_filterProperties.ValidateFilters(rigid, colliderList[i]))
ApplyForce(rigid, this.transform, colliderList[i]);
//Enables send message & events
if (eventProperties.EnableEvents)
if (OnApplyCGFEvent != null)
OnApplyCGFEvent.Invoke(this, rigid, colliderList[i]);
if (eventProperties.EnableSendMessage)
rigid.SendMessage("OnApplyCGF", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
#region RayCast
//Circular Gravity Force Transform
Transform cgfTran = this.transform;
raycastHitListCount = 0;
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast)
if (_memoryProperties.NonAllocPhysics)
raycastHitListCount = Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(cgfTran.position, cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right, raycastHitList, Size, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
raycastHitList = Physics2D.RaycastAll(cgfTran.position, cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right, Size, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
raycastHitListCount = raycastHitList.Length;
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Box)
#if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2)
if (_memoryProperties.NonAllocPhysics)
raycastHitListCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(this.transform.position, new Vector2(boxSize.x * 2, boxSize.y * 2), this.transform.eulerAngles.z, Vector3.zero, raycastHitList, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
raycastHitList = Physics2D.BoxCastAll(this.transform.position, new Vector2(boxSize.x * 2, boxSize.y * 2), this.transform.eulerAngles.z, Vector3.zero, _memoryProperties.ColliderLayerMask);
raycastHitListCount = raycastHitList.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < raycastHitListCount; i++)
if (raycastHitList[i].collider != null)
if (!raycastHitList[i].collider.isTrigger)
var rigid = raycastHitList[i].collider.attachedRigidbody;
if (rigid != null)
if (_filterProperties.ValidateFilters(rigid, raycastHitList[i].collider))
ApplyForce(rigid, this.transform, raycastHitList[i].collider);
//Enables send message & events
if (eventProperties.EnableEvents)
if (OnApplyCGFEvent != null)
OnApplyCGFEvent.Invoke(this, rigid, raycastHitList[i].collider);
if (eventProperties.EnableSendMessage)
rigid.SendMessage("OnApplyCGF", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
public Vector3 FindClosestPoints(Collider2D point, List<Collider2D> closestColliders, bool findClosestPoint)
Vector3 closestPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity);
if (closestColliders.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < closestColliders.Count; i++)
if (closestColliders[i] != null)
if (closestColliders[i].gameObject.activeSelf && closestColliders[i].enabled)
var distance = Vector3.Distance(point.transform.position, closestPoint);
var newPoint = FindClosestPoints(point, closestColliders[i], findClosestPoint);
if (distance > Vector3.Distance(point.transform.position, newPoint))
closestPoint = newPoint;
return closestPoint;
public Vector3 FindClosestPoints(Collider2D point, Collider2D closestCollider, bool findClosestPoint)
Vector3 closestPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity);
if (closestCollider != null)
var distance = Vector3.Distance(point.transform.position, closestPoint);
var newPoint = point.transform.position;
#if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5)
// if (!findClosestPoint)
// newPoint = point.Distance(closestCollider).pointB;
// else
// newPoint = point.Distance(closestCollider).pointA;
if (distance > Vector3.Distance(point.transform.position, newPoint))
closestPoint = newPoint;
closestPoint = point.transform.position;
return closestPoint;
public Vector3 GetVectorHeightOffset(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float x)
Vector3 P = x * Vector3.Normalize(B - A) + A;
return P;
#region Static Functions
//Static function used to create CGFs
public static GameObject CreateCGF()
//Creates empty gameobject.
GameObject cgf = new GameObject();
//Sets gameojbect Name
cgf.name = "CGF 2D";
//Creates Circular Gravity Force component
cgf.AddComponent<CGF2D>()._drawGravityProperties.GravityLineMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("GUI/Text Shader"));
return cgf;
#region Draw
//Draws effected area by forces line renderer
private void DrawGravityForceLineRenderer()
//Circular Gravity Force Transform
Transform cgfTran = this.transform;
Color DebugGravityLineColor;
if (Enable)
if (ForcePower == 0)
DebugGravityLineColor = Color.white;
else if (ForcePower > 0)
DebugGravityLineColor = Color.green;
DebugGravityLineColor = Color.red;
DebugGravityLineColor = Color.white;
//Line setup
LineRenderer lineRenderer = cirularGravityLine.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
#if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4)
lineRenderer.startWidth = _drawGravityProperties.Thickness;
lineRenderer.endWidth = _drawGravityProperties.Thickness;
lineRenderer.numCornerVertices = 4;
lineRenderer.SetWidth(_drawGravityProperties.Thickness, _drawGravityProperties.Thickness);
lineRenderer.material = _drawGravityProperties.GravityLineMaterial;
lineRenderer.material.color = DebugGravityLineColor;
//Renders type outline
switch (_shape2D)
case Shape2D.Sphere:
//Models line
// #if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4)
// lineRenderer.positionCount = 8;
// #elif (UNITY_5_5)
lineRenderer.numPositions = 8;
// #else
// lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(8);
// #endif
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.up) * Size));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(2, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.down) * Size));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(3, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(4, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.left) * Size));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(5, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(6, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * Size));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(7, cgfTran.position);
case Shape2D.Raycast:
//Models line
// #if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4)
// lineRenderer.positionCount = 2;
// #elif (UNITY_5_5)
lineRenderer.numPositions = 2;
// #else
// lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(2);
// #endif
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * Size));
case Shape2D.Box:
//Models line
// #if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4)
// lineRenderer.positionCount = 8;
// #elif (UNITY_5_5)
lineRenderer.numPositions = 8;
// #else
// lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(8);
// #endif
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.up) * BoxSize.y));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(2, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.down) * BoxSize.y));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(3, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(4, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.left) * BoxSize.x));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(5, cgfTran.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(6, cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * BoxSize.x));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(7, cgfTran.position);
//Sets up the gizmo colors for CGF for the editor
private void SetupDebugColors()
if (Enable)
if (forcePower == 0)
DebugGravityLineColorA = Color.white;
DebugGravityLineColorB = Color.white;
else if (forcePower > 0)
DebugGravityLineColorA = Color.green;
DebugGravityLineColorB = Color.green;
DebugGravityLineColorA = Color.red;
DebugGravityLineColorB = Color.red;
DebugGravityLineColorA = Color.white;
DebugGravityLineColorB = Color.white;
DebugGravityLineColorA.a = .5f;
DebugGravityLineColorB.a = .1f;
//Draws effected area by forces with debug draw line, so you can see it in Gizmos
private void DrawGravityForceGizmos()
//Circular Gravity Force Transform
Transform cgfTran = this.transform;
//Renders type outline
switch (_shape2D)
case Shape2D.Sphere:
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.up) * Size), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.down) * Size), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.left) * Size), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * Size), cgfTran.position);
case Shape2D.Raycast:
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * Size), cgfTran.position);
case Shape2D.Box:
Vector3 BoxSize = new Vector3(boxSize.x, boxSize.y, 0f);
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Matrix4x4 cubeTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, Vector3.one * 2);
Matrix4x4 oldGizmosMatrix = Gizmos.matrix;
Gizmos.matrix *= cubeTransform;
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, BoxSize);
if (isSelected)
DebugGravityLineColorA.a = 1f;
if (isSelected)
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, BoxSize);
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorB;
Gizmos.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, BoxSize);
if (isSelected)
Gizmos.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, BoxSize);
Gizmos.matrix = oldGizmosMatrix;
if (!isSelected)
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.up) * BoxSize.y), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.down) * BoxSize.y), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.left) * BoxSize.x), cgfTran.position);
Gizmos.DrawLine(cgfTran.position + ((cgfTran.rotation * Vector3.right) * BoxSize.x), cgfTran.position);
if (memoryProperties.SeeColliders)
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Sphere)
if (ForcePower != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < ColliderListCount; i++)
if (isSelected)
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
DebugGravityLineColorA.a = 1f;
Gizmos.DrawLine(this.transform.position, colliderList[i].gameObject.transform.position);
if (memoryProperties.SeeRaycastHits)
if (shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast || _shape2D == Shape2D.Box)
if (ForcePower != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < RaycastHitListCount; i++)
if (isSelected)
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
DebugGravityLineColorA.a = 1f;
Gizmos.DrawLine(this.transform.position, raycastHitList[i].collider.gameObject.transform.position);
if (_forcePositionProperties.ForcePosition == CGF.ForcePosition.ClosestCollider)
switch (_forceType2D)
case ForceType2D.ForceAtPosition:
case ForceType2D.Force:
case ForceType2D.GravitationalAttraction:
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Sphere)
for (int i = 0; i < ColliderListCount; i++)
if (colliderList != null)
if (colliderList.Length > 0)
var rigidCheck = colliderList[i].attachedRigidbody;
if (rigidCheck != null)
if (_filterProperties.ValidateFilters(rigidCheck, colliderList[i]))
Vector3 pointA = FindClosestPoints(colliderList[i], _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, false);
Vector3 pointB = Vector3.zero;
if (_forcePositionProperties.UseEffectedClosestPoint)
pointB = FindClosestPoints(colliderList[i], _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, true);
pointB = colliderList[i].transform.position;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pointA, .01f);
Gizmos.DrawLine(pointA, pointB);
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pointB, .01f);
if (_shape2D == Shape2D.Raycast || _shape2D == Shape2D.Box)
for (int i = 0; i < RaycastHitListCount; i++)
if (raycastHitList != null)
if (raycastHitList.Length > 0)
var rigidCheck = raycastHitList[i].collider.attachedRigidbody;
if (rigidCheck != null)
if (_filterProperties.ValidateFilters(rigidCheck, raycastHitList[i].collider))
Vector3 pointA = FindClosestPoints(raycastHitList[i].collider, _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, false);
Vector3 pointB = Vector3.zero;
if (_forcePositionProperties.UseEffectedClosestPoint)
pointB = FindClosestPoints(raycastHitList[i].collider, _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders, true);
pointB = raycastHitList[i].collider.transform.position;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pointA, .01f);
Gizmos.DrawLine(pointA, pointB);
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pointB, .01f);
case ForceType2D.Torque:
//Draws CGF bounds for ClosestCollider
private void DrawClosetColliderGizmos()
if (!isSelected)
Gizmos.color = DebugGravityLineColorA;
if (_forcePositionProperties.ForcePosition == CGF.ForcePosition.ClosestCollider)
for (int i = 0; i < _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders.Count; i++)
if (_forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders[i] != null)
var bound = _forcePositionProperties.ClosestColliders[i].bounds;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(bound.center, bound.size);