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#ifndef __COMMON__
#define __COMMON__
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// Mobile: use RGBM instead of float/half RGB
#if defined(SHADER_API_PSSL)
// No support for sampler2D_half on PS4 in 5.4
#define sampler2D_half sampler2D_float
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uniforms
Texture2D _MainTex;
SamplerState sampler_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vertex shaders
struct AttributesDefault
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct VaryingsDefault
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float2 uvSPR : TEXCOORD1; // Single Pass Stereo UVs
VaryingsDefault VertDefault(AttributesDefault v)
VaryingsDefault o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord.xy;
o.uvSPR = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xy, _MainTex_ST);
return o;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maths stuff
#define HALF_MAX 65504.0
#define EPSILON 1.0e-4
#define UNITY_PI_2 (UNITY_PI * 2.0)
inline half Min3(half3 x) { return min(x.x, min(x.y, x.z)); }
inline half Min3(half x, half y, half z) { return min(x, min(y, z)); }
inline half Max3(half3 x) { return max(x.x, max(x.y, x.z)); }
inline half Max3(half x, half y, half z) { return max(x, max(y, z)); }
inline half Min4(half4 x) { return min(x.x, min(x.y, min(x.z, x.w))); }
inline half Min4(half x, half y, half z, half w) { return min(x, min(y, min(z, w))); }
inline half Max4(half4 x) { return max(x.x, max(x.y, max(x.z, x.w))); }
inline half Max4(half x, half y, half z, half w) { return max(x, max(y, min(z, w))); }
inline half Pow2(half x) { return x * x; }
inline half2 Pow2(half2 x) { return x * x; }
inline half3 Pow2(half3 x) { return x * x; }
inline half4 Pow2(half4 x) { return x * x; }
inline half Pow3(half x) { return x * x * x; }
inline half2 Pow3(half2 x) { return x * x * x; }
inline half3 Pow3(half3 x) { return x * x * x; }
inline half4 Pow3(half4 x) { return x * x * x; }
inline half Pow4(half x) { return x * x * x * x; }
inline half2 Pow4(half2 x) { return x * x * x * x; }
inline half3 Pow4(half3 x) { return x * x * x * x; }
inline half4 Pow4(half4 x) { return x * x * x * x; }
// Returns the largest vector of v1 and v2
inline half2 MaxV(half2 v1, half2 v2) { return dot(v1, v1) < dot(v2, v2) ? v2 : v1; }
inline half3 MaxV(half3 v1, half3 v2) { return dot(v1, v1) < dot(v2, v2) ? v2 : v1; }
inline half4 MaxV(half4 v1, half4 v2) { return dot(v1, v1) < dot(v2, v2) ? v2 : v1; }
// Clamp HDR value within a safe range
inline half SafeHDR(half c) { return min(c, HALF_MAX); }
inline half2 SafeHDR(half2 c) { return min(c, HALF_MAX); }
inline half3 SafeHDR(half3 c) { return min(c, HALF_MAX); }
inline half4 SafeHDR(half4 c) { return min(c, HALF_MAX); }
// Compatibility function
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 50 && !defined(SHADER_API_PSSL))
float rcp(float value)
return 1.0 / value;
// NAN checker
bool IsNan(float x)
return (x <= 0.0 || 0.0 <= x) ? false : true;
bool AnyIsNan(float2 x)
return IsNan(x.x) || IsNan(x.y);
bool AnyIsNan(float3 x)
return IsNan(x.x) || IsNan(x.y) || IsNan(x.z);
bool AnyIsNan(float4 x)
return IsNan(x.x) || IsNan(x.y) || IsNan(x.z) || IsNan(x.w);
// Tonemapper from http://gpuopen.com/optimized-reversible-tonemapper-for-resolve/
float4 FastToneMap(in float4 color)
return float4(color.rgb * rcp(Max3(color.rgb) + 1.), color.a);
float4 FastToneMap(in float4 color, in float weight)
return float4(color.rgb * rcp(weight * Max3(color.rgb) + 1.), color.a);
float4 FastToneUnmap(in float4 color)
return float4(color.rgb * rcp(1. - Max3(color.rgb)), color.a);
// Interleaved gradient function from Jimenez 2014 http://goo.gl/eomGso
float GradientNoise(float2 uv)
uv = floor(uv * _ScreenParams.xy);
float f = dot(float2(0.06711056, 0.00583715), uv);
return frac(52.9829189 * frac(f));
// Z buffer depth to linear 0-1 depth
// Handles orthographic projection correctly
float LinearizeDepth(float z)
float isOrtho = unity_OrthoParams.w;
float isPers = 1.0 - unity_OrthoParams.w;
z *= _ZBufferParams.x;
return (1.0 - isOrtho * z) / (isPers * z + _ZBufferParams.y);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RGBM encoding/decoding
half4 EncodeHDR(float3 rgb)
rgb *= 1.0 / 8.0;
float m = max(max(rgb.r, rgb.g), max(rgb.b, 1e-6));
m = ceil(m * 255.0) / 255.0;
return half4(rgb / m, m);
return half4(rgb, 0.0);
float3 DecodeHDR(half4 rgba)
return rgba.rgb * rgba.a * 8.0;
return rgba.rgb;
#endif // __COMMON__