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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="PhotonPlayer.cs" company="Exit Games GmbH">
// PhotonNetwork Framework for Unity - Copyright (C) 2011 Exit Games GmbH
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Represents a player, identified by actorID (a.k.a. ActorNumber).
// Caches properties of a player.
// </summary>
// <author>developer@exitgames.com</author>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using UnityEngine;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
/// <summary>
/// Summarizes a "player" within a room, identified (in that room) by actorID.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Each player has an actorId (or ID), valid for that room. It's -1 until it's assigned by server.
/// Each client can set it's player's custom properties with SetCustomProperties, even before being in a room.
/// They are synced when joining a room.
/// </remarks>
/// \ingroup publicApi
public class PhotonPlayer : IComparable<PhotonPlayer>, IComparable<int>, IEquatable<PhotonPlayer>, IEquatable<int>
/// <summary>This player's actorID</summary>
public int ID
get { return this.actorID; }
/// <summary>Identifier of this player in current room.</summary>
private int actorID = -1;
private string nameField = "";
/// <summary>Nickname of this player.</summary>
/// <remarks>Set the PhotonNetwork.playerName to make the name synchronized in a room.</remarks>
public string NickName
return this.nameField;
if (!IsLocal)
Debug.LogError("Error: Cannot change the name of a remote player!");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals(this.nameField))
this.nameField = value;
PhotonNetwork.playerName = value; // this will sync the local player's name in a room
/// <summary>UserId of the player, available when the room got created with RoomOptions.PublishUserId = true.</summary>
/// <remarks>Useful for PhotonNetwork.FindFriends and blocking slots in a room for expected players (e.g. in PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom).</remarks>
public string UserId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>Only one player is controlled by each client. Others are not local.</summary>
public readonly bool IsLocal = false;
/// <summary>
/// True if this player is the Master Client of the current room.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See also: PhotonNetwork.masterClient.
/// </remarks>
public bool IsMasterClient
get { return (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.mMasterClientId == this.ID); }
/// <summary>Players might be inactive in a room when PlayerTTL for a room is > 0. If true, the player is not getting events from this room (now) but can return later.</summary>
public bool IsInactive { get; set; } // needed for rejoins
/// <summary>Read-only cache for custom properties of player. Set via PhotonPlayer.SetCustomProperties.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Don't modify the content of this Hashtable. Use SetCustomProperties and the
/// properties of this class to modify values. When you use those, the client will
/// sync values with the server.
/// </remarks>
/// <see cref="SetCustomProperties"/>
public Hashtable CustomProperties { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>Creates a Hashtable with all properties (custom and "well known" ones).</summary>
/// <remarks>If used more often, this should be cached.</remarks>
public Hashtable AllProperties
Hashtable allProps = new Hashtable();
allProps[ActorProperties.PlayerName] = this.NickName;
return allProps;
/// <summary>Can be used to store a reference that's useful to know "by player".</summary>
/// <remarks>Example: Set a player's character as Tag by assigning the GameObject on Instantiate.</remarks>
public object TagObject;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a PhotonPlayer instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isLocal">If this is the local peer's player (or a remote one).</param>
/// <param name="actorID">ID or ActorNumber of this player in the current room (a shortcut to identify each player in room)</param>
/// <param name="name">Name of the player (a "well known property").</param>
public PhotonPlayer(bool isLocal, int actorID, string name)
this.CustomProperties = new Hashtable();
this.IsLocal = isLocal;
this.actorID = actorID;
this.nameField = name;
/// <summary>
/// Internally used to create players from event Join
/// </summary>
protected internal PhotonPlayer(bool isLocal, int actorID, Hashtable properties)
this.CustomProperties = new Hashtable();
this.IsLocal = isLocal;
this.actorID = actorID;
/// <summary>
/// Makes PhotonPlayer comparable
/// </summary>
public override bool Equals(object p)
PhotonPlayer pp = p as PhotonPlayer;
return (pp != null && this.GetHashCode() == pp.GetHashCode());
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.ID;
/// <summary>
/// Used internally, to update this client's playerID when assigned.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalChangeLocalID(int newID)
if (!this.IsLocal)
Debug.LogError("ERROR You should never change PhotonPlayer IDs!");
this.actorID = newID;
/// <summary>
/// Caches custom properties for this player.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalCacheProperties(Hashtable properties)
if (properties == null || properties.Count == 0 || this.CustomProperties.Equals(properties))
if (properties.ContainsKey(ActorProperties.PlayerName))
this.nameField = (string)properties[ActorProperties.PlayerName];
if (properties.ContainsKey(ActorProperties.UserId))
this.UserId = (string)properties[ActorProperties.UserId];
if (properties.ContainsKey(ActorProperties.IsInactive))
this.IsInactive = (bool)properties[ActorProperties.IsInactive]; //TURNBASED new well-known propery for players
/// <summary>
/// Updates the this player's Custom Properties with new/updated key-values.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Custom Properties are a key-value set (Hashtable) which is available to all players in a room.
/// They can relate to the room or individual players and are useful when only the current value
/// of something is of interest. For example: The map of a room.
/// All keys must be strings.
/// The Room and the PhotonPlayer class both have SetCustomProperties methods.
/// Also, both classes offer access to current key-values by: customProperties.
/// Always use SetCustomProperties to change values.
/// To reduce network traffic, set only values that actually changed.
/// New properties are added, existing values are updated.
/// Other values will not be changed, so only provide values that changed or are new.
/// To delete a named (custom) property of this room, use null as value.
/// Locally, SetCustomProperties will update it's cache without delay.
/// Other clients are updated through Photon (the server) with a fitting operation.
/// <b>Check and Swap</b>
/// SetCustomProperties have the option to do a server-side Check-And-Swap (CAS):
/// Values only get updated if the expected values are correct.
/// The expectedValues can be different key/values than the propertiesToSet. So you can
/// check some key and set another key's value (if the check succeeds).
/// If the client's knowledge of properties is wrong or outdated, it can't set values with CAS.
/// This can be useful to keep players from concurrently setting values. For example: If all players
/// try to pickup some card or item, only one should get it. With CAS, only the first SetProperties
/// gets executed server-side and any other (sent at the same time) fails.
/// The server will broadcast successfully changed values and the local "cache" of customProperties
/// only gets updated after a roundtrip (if anything changed).
/// You can do a "webForward": Photon will send the changed properties to a WebHook defined
/// for your application.
/// <b>OfflineMode</b>
/// While PhotonNetwork.offlineMode is true, the expectedValues and webForward parameters are ignored.
/// In OfflineMode, the local customProperties values are immediately updated (without the roundtrip).
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="propertiesToSet">The new properties to be set. </param>
/// <param name="expectedValues">At least one property key/value set to check server-side. Key and value must be correct. Ignored in OfflineMode.</param>
/// <param name="webForward">Set to true, to forward the set properties to a WebHook, defined for this app (in Dashboard). Ignored in OfflineMode.</param>
public void SetCustomProperties(Hashtable propertiesToSet, Hashtable expectedValues = null, bool webForward = false)
if (propertiesToSet == null)
Hashtable customProps = propertiesToSet.StripToStringKeys() as Hashtable;
Hashtable customPropsToCheck = expectedValues.StripToStringKeys() as Hashtable;
// no expected values -> set and callback
bool noCas = customPropsToCheck == null || customPropsToCheck.Count == 0;
bool inOnlineRoom = this.actorID > 0 && !PhotonNetwork.offlineMode;
if (noCas)
if (inOnlineRoom)
PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.OpSetPropertiesOfActor(this.actorID, customProps, customPropsToCheck, webForward);
if (!inOnlineRoom || noCas)
NetworkingPeer.SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonPlayerPropertiesChanged, this, customProps);
/// <summary>
/// Try to get a specific player by id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ID">ActorID</param>
/// <returns>The player with matching actorID or null, if the actorID is not in use.</returns>
public static PhotonPlayer Find(int ID)
if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer != null)
return PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.GetPlayerWithId(ID);
return null;
public PhotonPlayer Get(int id)
return PhotonPlayer.Find(id);
public PhotonPlayer GetNext()
return GetNextFor(this.ID);
public PhotonPlayer GetNextFor(PhotonPlayer currentPlayer)
if (currentPlayer == null)
return null;
return GetNextFor(currentPlayer.ID);
public PhotonPlayer GetNextFor(int currentPlayerId)
if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer == null || PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.mActors == null || PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.mActors.Count < 2)
return null;
Dictionary<int, PhotonPlayer> players = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.mActors;
int nextHigherId = int.MaxValue; // we look for the next higher ID
int lowestId = currentPlayerId; // if we are the player with the highest ID, there is no higher and we return to the lowest player's id
foreach (int playerid in players.Keys)
if (playerid < lowestId)
lowestId = playerid; // less than any other ID (which must be at least less than this player's id).
else if (playerid > currentPlayerId && playerid < nextHigherId)
nextHigherId = playerid; // more than our ID and less than those found so far.
//UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Debug. " + currentPlayerId + " lower: " + lowestId + " higher: " + nextHigherId + " ");
//if (nextHigherId != int.MaxValue) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(this.RoomReference.GetPlayer(nextHigherId));
return (nextHigherId != int.MaxValue) ? players[nextHigherId] : players[lowestId];
#region IComparable implementation
public int CompareTo (PhotonPlayer other)
if ( other == null)
return 0;
return this.GetHashCode().CompareTo(other.GetHashCode());
public int CompareTo (int other)
return this.GetHashCode().CompareTo(other);
#region IEquatable implementation
public bool Equals (PhotonPlayer other)
if ( other == null)
return false;
return this.GetHashCode().Equals(other.GetHashCode());
public bool Equals (int other)
return this.GetHashCode().Equals(other);
/// <summary>
/// Brief summary string of the PhotonPlayer. Includes name or player.ID and if it's the Master Client.
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.NickName))
return string.Format("#{0:00}{1}{2}", this.ID, this.IsInactive ? " (inactive)" : " ", this.IsMasterClient ? "(master)":"");
return string.Format("'{0}'{1}{2}", this.NickName, this.IsInactive ? " (inactive)" : " ", this.IsMasterClient ? "(master)" : "");
/// <summary>
/// String summary of the PhotonPlayer: player.ID, name and all custom properties of this user.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Use with care and not every frame!
/// Converts the customProperties to a String on every single call.
/// </remarks>
public string ToStringFull()
return string.Format("#{0:00} '{1}'{2} {3}", this.ID, this.NickName, this.IsInactive ? " (inactive)" : "", this.CustomProperties.ToStringFull());
#region Obsoleted variable names
[Obsolete("Please use NickName (updated case for naming).")]
public string name { get { return this.NickName; } set { this.NickName = value; } }
[Obsolete("Please use UserId (updated case for naming).")]
public string userId { get { return this.UserId; } internal set { this.UserId = value; } }
[Obsolete("Please use IsLocal (updated case for naming).")]
public bool isLocal { get { return this.IsLocal; } }
[Obsolete("Please use IsMasterClient (updated case for naming).")]
public bool isMasterClient { get { return this.IsMasterClient; } }
[Obsolete("Please use IsInactive (updated case for naming).")]
public bool isInactive { get { return this.IsInactive; } set { this.IsInactive = value; } }
[Obsolete("Please use CustomProperties (updated case for naming).")]
public Hashtable customProperties { get { return this.CustomProperties; } internal set { this.CustomProperties = value; } }
[Obsolete("Please use AllProperties (updated case for naming).")]
public Hashtable allProperties { get { return this.AllProperties; } }