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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects
[AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Rendering/Screen Space Reflection")]
public class ScreenSpaceReflection : MonoBehaviour
public enum SSRDebugMode
None = 0,
IncomingRadiance = 1,
SSRResult = 2,
FinalGlossyTerm = 3,
SSRMask = 4,
Roughness = 5,
BaseColor = 6,
SpecColor = 7,
Reflectivity = 8,
ReflectionProbeOnly = 9,
ReflectionProbeMinusSSR = 10,
SSRMinusReflectionProbe = 11,
NoGlossy = 12,
NegativeNoGlossy = 13,
MipLevel = 14,
public enum SSRResolution
FullResolution = 0,
HalfTraceFullResolve = 1,
HalfResolution = 2,
public struct SSRSettings
public class LayoutAttribute : PropertyAttribute
public BasicSettings basicSettings;
public ReflectionSettings reflectionSettings;
public AdvancedSettings advancedSettings;
public DebugSettings debugSettings;
private static readonly SSRSettings s_Performance = new SSRSettings
basicSettings = new BasicSettings
screenEdgeFading = 0,
maxDistance = 10.0f,
fadeDistance = 10.0f,
reflectionMultiplier = 1.0f,
enableHDR = false,
additiveReflection = false
reflectionSettings = new ReflectionSettings
maxSteps = 64,
rayStepSize = 4,
widthModifier = 0.5f,
smoothFallbackThreshold = 0.4f,
distanceBlur = 1.0f,
fresnelFade = 0.2f,
fresnelFadePower = 2.0f,
smoothFallbackDistance = 0.05f,
advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings
useTemporalConfidence = false,
temporalFilterStrength = 0.0f,
treatBackfaceHitAsMiss = false,
allowBackwardsRays = false,
traceBehindObjects = true,
highQualitySharpReflections = false,
traceEverywhere = false,
resolution = SSRResolution.HalfResolution,
bilateralUpsample = false,
improveCorners = false,
reduceBanding = false,
highlightSuppression = false
debugSettings = new DebugSettings
debugMode = SSRDebugMode.None
private static readonly SSRSettings s_Default = new SSRSettings
basicSettings = new BasicSettings
screenEdgeFading = 0.03f,
maxDistance = 100.0f,
fadeDistance = 100.0f,
reflectionMultiplier = 1.0f,
enableHDR = true,
additiveReflection = false,
reflectionSettings = new ReflectionSettings
maxSteps = 128,
rayStepSize = 3,
widthModifier = 0.5f,
smoothFallbackThreshold = 0.2f,
distanceBlur = 1.0f,
fresnelFade = 0.2f,
fresnelFadePower = 2.0f,
smoothFallbackDistance = 0.05f,
advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings
useTemporalConfidence = true,
temporalFilterStrength = 0.7f,
treatBackfaceHitAsMiss = false,
allowBackwardsRays = false,
traceBehindObjects = true,
highQualitySharpReflections = true,
traceEverywhere = true,
resolution = SSRResolution.HalfTraceFullResolve,
bilateralUpsample = true,
improveCorners = true,
reduceBanding = true,
highlightSuppression = false
debugSettings = new DebugSettings
debugMode = SSRDebugMode.None
private static readonly SSRSettings s_HighQuality = new SSRSettings
basicSettings = new BasicSettings
screenEdgeFading = 0.03f,
maxDistance = 100.0f,
fadeDistance = 100.0f,
reflectionMultiplier = 1.0f,
enableHDR = true,
additiveReflection = false,
reflectionSettings = new ReflectionSettings
maxSteps = 512,
rayStepSize = 1,
widthModifier = 0.5f,
smoothFallbackThreshold = 0.2f,
distanceBlur = 1.0f,
fresnelFade = 0.2f,
fresnelFadePower = 2.0f,
smoothFallbackDistance = 0.05f,
advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings
useTemporalConfidence = true,
temporalFilterStrength = 0.7f,
treatBackfaceHitAsMiss = false,
allowBackwardsRays = false,
traceBehindObjects = true,
highQualitySharpReflections = true,
traceEverywhere = true,
resolution = SSRResolution.HalfTraceFullResolve,
bilateralUpsample = true,
improveCorners = true,
reduceBanding = true,
highlightSuppression = false
debugSettings = new DebugSettings
debugMode = SSRDebugMode.None
public static SSRSettings performanceSettings
get { return s_Performance; }
public static SSRSettings defaultSettings
get { return s_Default; }
public static SSRSettings highQualitySettings
get { return s_HighQuality; }
public struct BasicSettings
[Tooltip("Nonphysical multiplier for the SSR reflections. 1.0 is physically based.")]
[Range(0.0f, 2.0f)]
public float reflectionMultiplier;
[Tooltip("Maximum reflection distance in world units.")]
[Range(0.5f, 1000.0f)]
public float maxDistance;
[Tooltip("How far away from the maxDistance to begin fading SSR.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1000.0f)]
public float fadeDistance;
[Tooltip("Higher = fade out SSRR near the edge of the screen so that reflections don't pop under camera motion.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float screenEdgeFading;
[Tooltip("Enable for better reflections of very bright objects at a performance cost")]
public bool enableHDR;
// When enabled, we just add our reflections on top of the existing ones. This is physically incorrect, but several
// popular demos and games have taken this approach, and it does hide some artifacts.
[Tooltip("Add reflections on top of existing ones. Not physically correct.")]
public bool additiveReflection;
public struct ReflectionSettings
[Tooltip("Max raytracing length.")]
[Range(16, 2048)]
public int maxSteps;
[Tooltip("Log base 2 of ray tracing coarse step size. Higher traces farther, lower gives better quality silhouettes.")]
[Range(0, 4)]
public int rayStepSize;
[Tooltip("Typical thickness of columns, walls, furniture, and other objects that reflection rays might pass behind.")]
[Range(0.01f, 10.0f)]
public float widthModifier;
[Tooltip("Increase if reflections flicker on very rough surfaces.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float smoothFallbackThreshold;
[Tooltip("Start falling back to non-SSR value solution at smoothFallbackThreshold - smoothFallbackDistance, with full fallback occuring at smoothFallbackThreshold.")]
[Range(0.0f, 0.2f)]
public float smoothFallbackDistance;
[Tooltip("Amplify Fresnel fade out. Increase if floor reflections look good close to the surface and bad farther 'under' the floor.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float fresnelFade;
[Tooltip("Higher values correspond to a faster Fresnel fade as the reflection changes from the grazing angle.")]
[Range(0.1f, 10.0f)]
public float fresnelFadePower;
[Tooltip("Controls how blurry reflections get as objects are further from the camera. 0 is constant blur no matter trace distance or distance from camera. 1 fully takes into account both factors.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float distanceBlur;
public struct AdvancedSettings
[Range(0.0f, 0.99f)]
[Tooltip("Increase to decrease flicker in scenes; decrease to prevent ghosting (especially in dynamic scenes). 0 gives maximum performance.")]
public float temporalFilterStrength;
[Tooltip("Enable to limit ghosting from applying the temporal filter.")]
public bool useTemporalConfidence;
[Tooltip("Enable to allow rays to pass behind objects. This can lead to more screen-space reflections, but the reflections are more likely to be wrong.")]
public bool traceBehindObjects;
[Tooltip("Enable to increase quality of the sharpest reflections (through filtering), at a performance cost.")]
public bool highQualitySharpReflections;
[Tooltip("Improves quality in scenes with varying smoothness, at a potential performance cost.")]
public bool traceEverywhere;
[Tooltip("Enable to force more surfaces to use reflection probes if you see streaks on the sides of objects or bad reflections of their backs.")]
public bool treatBackfaceHitAsMiss;
[Tooltip("Enable for a performance gain in scenes where most glossy objects are horizontal, like floors, water, and tables. Leave on for scenes with glossy vertical objects.")]
public bool allowBackwardsRays;
[Tooltip("Improve visual fidelity of reflections on rough surfaces near corners in the scene, at the cost of a small amount of performance.")]
public bool improveCorners;
[Tooltip("Half resolution SSRR is much faster, but less accurate. Quality can be reclaimed for some performance by doing the resolve at full resolution.")]
public SSRResolution resolution;
[Tooltip("Drastically improves reflection reconstruction quality at the expense of some performance.")]
public bool bilateralUpsample;
[Tooltip("Improve visual fidelity of mirror reflections at the cost of a small amount of performance.")]
public bool reduceBanding;
[Tooltip("Enable to limit the effect a few bright pixels can have on rougher surfaces")]
public bool highlightSuppression;
public struct DebugSettings
[Tooltip("Various Debug Visualizations")]
public SSRDebugMode debugMode;
public SSRSettings settings = SSRSettings.defaultSettings;
///////////// Unexposed Variables //////////////////
// Perf optimization we still need to test across platforms
[Tooltip("Enable to try and bypass expensive bilateral upsampling away from edges. There is a slight performance hit for generating the edge buffers, but a potentially high performance savings from bypassing bilateral upsampling where it is unneeded. Test on your target platforms to see if performance improves.")]
private bool useEdgeDetector = false;
// Debug variable, useful for forcing all surfaces in a scene to reflection with arbitrary sharpness/roughness
[Range(-4.0f, 4.0f)]
private float mipBias = 0.0f;
// Flag for whether to knock down the reflection term by occlusion stored in the gbuffer. Currently consistently gives
// better results when true, so this flag is private for now.
private bool useOcclusion = true;
// When enabled, all filtering is performed at the highest resolution. This is extraordinarily slow, and should only be used during development.
private bool fullResolutionFiltering = false;
// Crude sky fallback, feature-gated until next revision
private bool fallbackToSky = false;
// For next release; will improve quality at the expense of performance
private bool computeAverageRayDistance = false;
// Internal values for temporal filtering
private bool m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame;
private Matrix4x4 m_PreviousWorldToCameraMatrix;
private RenderTexture m_PreviousDepthBuffer;
private RenderTexture m_PreviousHitBuffer;
private RenderTexture m_PreviousReflectionBuffer;
private RenderTextureUtility m_RTU = new RenderTextureUtility();
private Shader m_Shader;
public Shader shader
if (m_Shader == null)
m_Shader = Shader.Find("Hidden/ScreenSpaceReflection");
return m_Shader;
private Material m_Material;
public Material material
if (m_Material == null)
m_Material = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(shader);
return m_Material;
// Shader pass indices used by the effect
private enum PassIndex
RayTraceStep1 = 0,
RayTraceStep2 = 1,
RayTraceStep4 = 2,
RayTraceStep8 = 3,
RayTraceStep16 = 4,
CompositeFinal = 5,
Blur = 6,
CompositeSSR = 7,
Blit = 8,
EdgeGeneration = 9,
MinMipGeneration = 10,
HitPointToReflections = 11,
BilateralKeyPack = 12,
BlitDepthAsCSZ = 13,
TemporalFilter = 14,
AverageRayDistanceGeneration = 15,
PoissonBlur = 16,
private void OnEnable()
if (!ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(shader, false, true, this))
enabled = false;
GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
void OnDisable()
if (m_Material)
if (m_PreviousDepthBuffer)
if (m_PreviousHitBuffer)
if (m_PreviousReflectionBuffer)
m_Material = null;
m_PreviousDepthBuffer = null;
m_PreviousHitBuffer = null;
m_PreviousReflectionBuffer = null;
private void PreparePreviousBuffers(int w, int h)
if (m_PreviousDepthBuffer != null)
if ((m_PreviousDepthBuffer.width != w) || (m_PreviousDepthBuffer.height != h))
m_PreviousDepthBuffer = null;
m_PreviousHitBuffer = null;
m_PreviousReflectionBuffer = null;
if (m_PreviousDepthBuffer == null)
m_PreviousDepthBuffer = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
m_PreviousHitBuffer = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
m_PreviousReflectionBuffer = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
public void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (material == null)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
if (m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame)
m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame = (m_PreviousDepthBuffer != null) &&
(source.width == m_PreviousDepthBuffer.width) &&
(source.height == m_PreviousDepthBuffer.height);
bool doTemporalFilterThisFrame = m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame && settings.advancedSettings.temporalFilterStrength > 0.0;
m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame = false;
// Not using deferred shading? Just blit source to destination.
if (Camera.current.actualRenderingPath != RenderingPath.DeferredShading)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
var rtW = source.width;
var rtH = source.height;
// RGB: Normals, A: Roughness.
// Has the nice benefit of allowing us to control the filtering mode as well.
RenderTexture bilateralKeyTexture = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
bilateralKeyTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
Graphics.Blit(source, bilateralKeyTexture, material, (int)PassIndex.BilateralKeyPack);
material.SetTexture("_NormalAndRoughnessTexture", bilateralKeyTexture);
float sWidth = source.width;
float sHeight = source.height;
Vector2 sourceToTempUV = new Vector2(sWidth / rtW, sHeight / rtH);
int downsampleAmount = (settings.advancedSettings.resolution == SSRResolution.FullResolution) ? 1 : 2;
rtW = rtW / downsampleAmount;
rtH = rtH / downsampleAmount;
material.SetVector("_SourceToTempUV", new Vector4(sourceToTempUV.x, sourceToTempUV.y, 1.0f / sourceToTempUV.x, 1.0f / sourceToTempUV.y));
Matrix4x4 P = GetComponent<Camera>().projectionMatrix;
Vector4 projInfo = new Vector4
((-2.0f / (sWidth * P[0])),
(-2.0f / (sHeight * P[5])),
((1.0f - P[2]) / P[0]),
((1.0f + P[6]) / P[5]));
/** The height in pixels of a 1m object if viewed from 1m away. */
float pixelsPerMeterAtOneMeter = sWidth / (-2.0f * (float)(Math.Tan(GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView / 180.0 * Math.PI * 0.5)));
material.SetFloat("_PixelsPerMeterAtOneMeter", pixelsPerMeterAtOneMeter);
float sx = sWidth / 2.0f;
float sy = sHeight / 2.0f;
Matrix4x4 warpToScreenSpaceMatrix = new Matrix4x4();
warpToScreenSpaceMatrix.SetRow(0, new Vector4(sx, 0.0f, 0.0f, sx));
warpToScreenSpaceMatrix.SetRow(1, new Vector4(0.0f, sy, 0.0f, sy));
warpToScreenSpaceMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
warpToScreenSpaceMatrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
Matrix4x4 projectToPixelMatrix = warpToScreenSpaceMatrix * P;
material.SetVector("_ScreenSize", new Vector2(sWidth, sHeight));
material.SetVector("_ReflectionBufferSize", new Vector2(rtW, rtH));
Vector2 invScreenSize = new Vector2((float)(1.0 / sWidth), (float)(1.0 / sHeight));
Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix = GetComponent<Camera>().worldToCameraMatrix;
Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix = GetComponent<Camera>().worldToCameraMatrix.inverse;
material.SetVector("_InvScreenSize", invScreenSize);
material.SetVector("_ProjInfo", projInfo); // used for unprojection
material.SetMatrix("_ProjectToPixelMatrix", projectToPixelMatrix);
material.SetMatrix("_WorldToCameraMatrix", worldToCameraMatrix);
material.SetMatrix("_CameraToWorldMatrix", cameraToWorldMatrix);
material.SetInt("_EnableRefine", settings.advancedSettings.reduceBanding ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_AdditiveReflection", settings.basicSettings.additiveReflection ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_ImproveCorners", settings.advancedSettings.improveCorners ? 1 : 0);
material.SetFloat("_ScreenEdgeFading", settings.basicSettings.screenEdgeFading);
material.SetFloat("_MipBias", mipBias);
material.SetInt("_UseOcclusion", useOcclusion ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_BilateralUpsampling", settings.advancedSettings.bilateralUpsample ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_FallbackToSky", fallbackToSky ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_TreatBackfaceHitAsMiss", settings.advancedSettings.treatBackfaceHitAsMiss ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_AllowBackwardsRays", settings.advancedSettings.allowBackwardsRays ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_TraceEverywhere", settings.advancedSettings.traceEverywhere ? 1 : 0);
float z_f = GetComponent<Camera>().farClipPlane;
float z_n = GetComponent<Camera>().nearClipPlane;
Vector3 cameraClipInfo = (float.IsPositiveInfinity(z_f)) ?
new Vector3(z_n, -1.0f, 1.0f) :
new Vector3(z_n * z_f, z_n - z_f, z_f);
material.SetVector("_CameraClipInfo", cameraClipInfo);
material.SetFloat("_MaxRayTraceDistance", settings.basicSettings.maxDistance);
material.SetFloat("_FadeDistance", settings.basicSettings.fadeDistance);
material.SetFloat("_LayerThickness", settings.reflectionSettings.widthModifier);
const int maxMip = 5;
RenderTexture[] reflectionBuffers;
RenderTextureFormat intermediateFormat = settings.basicSettings.enableHDR ? RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
reflectionBuffers = new RenderTexture[maxMip];
for (int i = 0; i < maxMip; ++i)
if (fullResolutionFiltering)
reflectionBuffers[i] = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH, 0, intermediateFormat);
reflectionBuffers[i] = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW >> i, rtH >> i, 0, intermediateFormat);
// We explicitly interpolate during bilateral upsampling.
reflectionBuffers[i].filterMode = settings.advancedSettings.bilateralUpsample ? FilterMode.Point : FilterMode.Bilinear;
material.SetInt("_EnableSSR", 1);
material.SetInt("_DebugMode", (int)settings.debugSettings.debugMode);
material.SetInt("_TraceBehindObjects", settings.advancedSettings.traceBehindObjects ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_MaxSteps", settings.reflectionSettings.maxSteps);
RenderTexture rayHitTexture = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH);
// We have 5 passes for different step sizes
int tracePass = Mathf.Clamp(settings.reflectionSettings.rayStepSize, 0, 4);
Graphics.Blit(source, rayHitTexture, material, tracePass);
material.SetTexture("_HitPointTexture", rayHitTexture);
// Resolve the hitpoints into the mirror reflection buffer
Graphics.Blit(source, reflectionBuffers[0], material, (int)PassIndex.HitPointToReflections);
material.SetTexture("_ReflectionTexture0", reflectionBuffers[0]);
material.SetInt("_FullResolutionFiltering", fullResolutionFiltering ? 1 : 0);
material.SetFloat("_MaxRoughness", 1.0f - settings.reflectionSettings.smoothFallbackThreshold);
material.SetFloat("_RoughnessFalloffRange", settings.reflectionSettings.smoothFallbackDistance);
material.SetFloat("_SSRMultiplier", settings.basicSettings.reflectionMultiplier);
RenderTexture[] edgeTextures = new RenderTexture[maxMip];
if (settings.advancedSettings.bilateralUpsample && useEdgeDetector)
edgeTextures[0] = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH);
Graphics.Blit(source, edgeTextures[0], material, (int)PassIndex.EdgeGeneration);
for (int i = 1; i < maxMip; ++i)
edgeTextures[i] = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW >> i, rtH >> i);
material.SetInt("_LastMip", i - 1);
Graphics.Blit(edgeTextures[i - 1], edgeTextures[i], material, (int)PassIndex.MinMipGeneration);
if (settings.advancedSettings.highQualitySharpReflections)
RenderTexture filteredReflections = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(reflectionBuffers[0].width, reflectionBuffers[0].height, 0, reflectionBuffers[0].format);
filteredReflections.filterMode = reflectionBuffers[0].filterMode;
reflectionBuffers[0].filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
Graphics.Blit(reflectionBuffers[0], filteredReflections, material, (int)PassIndex.PoissonBlur);
// Replace the unfiltered buffer with the newly filtered one.
reflectionBuffers[0] = filteredReflections;
material.SetTexture("_ReflectionTexture0", reflectionBuffers[0]);
// Generate the blurred low-resolution buffers
for (int i = 1; i < maxMip; ++i)
RenderTexture inputTex = reflectionBuffers[i - 1];
RenderTexture hBlur;
if (fullResolutionFiltering)
hBlur = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW, rtH, 0, intermediateFormat);
int lowMip = i;
hBlur = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(rtW >> lowMip, rtH >> (i - 1), 0, intermediateFormat);
for (int j = 0; j < (fullResolutionFiltering ? (i * i) : 1); ++j)
// Currently we blur at the resolution of the previous mip level, we could save bandwidth by blurring directly to the lower resolution.
material.SetVector("_Axis", new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
material.SetFloat("_CurrentMipLevel", i - 1.0f);
Graphics.Blit(inputTex, hBlur, material, (int)PassIndex.Blur);
material.SetVector("_Axis", new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
inputTex = reflectionBuffers[i];
Graphics.Blit(hBlur, inputTex, material, (int)PassIndex.Blur);
material.SetTexture("_ReflectionTexture" + i, reflectionBuffers[i]);
if (settings.advancedSettings.bilateralUpsample && useEdgeDetector)
for (int i = 0; i < maxMip; ++i)
material.SetTexture("_EdgeTexture" + i, edgeTextures[i]);
material.SetInt("_UseEdgeDetector", useEdgeDetector ? 1 : 0);
RenderTexture averageRayDistanceBuffer = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(source.width, source.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RHalf);
if (computeAverageRayDistance)
Graphics.Blit(source, averageRayDistanceBuffer, material, (int)PassIndex.AverageRayDistanceGeneration);
material.SetInt("_UseAverageRayDistance", computeAverageRayDistance ? 1 : 0);
material.SetTexture("_AverageRayDistanceBuffer", averageRayDistanceBuffer);
bool resolveDiffersFromTraceRes = (settings.advancedSettings.resolution == SSRResolution.HalfTraceFullResolve);
RenderTexture finalReflectionBuffer = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(resolveDiffersFromTraceRes ? source.width : rtW, resolveDiffersFromTraceRes ? source.height : rtH, 0, intermediateFormat);
material.SetFloat("_FresnelFade", settings.reflectionSettings.fresnelFade);
material.SetFloat("_FresnelFadePower", settings.reflectionSettings.fresnelFadePower);
material.SetFloat("_DistanceBlur", settings.reflectionSettings.distanceBlur);
material.SetInt("_HalfResolution", (settings.advancedSettings.resolution != SSRResolution.FullResolution) ? 1 : 0);
material.SetInt("_HighlightSuppression", settings.advancedSettings.highlightSuppression ? 1 : 0);
Graphics.Blit(reflectionBuffers[0], finalReflectionBuffer, material, (int)PassIndex.CompositeSSR);
material.SetTexture("_FinalReflectionTexture", finalReflectionBuffer);
RenderTexture temporallyFilteredBuffer = m_RTU.GetTemporaryRenderTexture(resolveDiffersFromTraceRes ? source.width : rtW, resolveDiffersFromTraceRes ? source.height : rtH, 0, intermediateFormat);
if (doTemporalFilterThisFrame)
material.SetInt("_UseTemporalConfidence", settings.advancedSettings.useTemporalConfidence ? 1 : 0);
material.SetFloat("_TemporalAlpha", settings.advancedSettings.temporalFilterStrength);
material.SetMatrix("_CurrentCameraToPreviousCamera", m_PreviousWorldToCameraMatrix * cameraToWorldMatrix);
material.SetTexture("_PreviousReflectionTexture", m_PreviousReflectionBuffer);
material.SetTexture("_PreviousCSZBuffer", m_PreviousDepthBuffer);
Graphics.Blit(source, temporallyFilteredBuffer, material, (int)PassIndex.TemporalFilter);
material.SetTexture("_FinalReflectionTexture", temporallyFilteredBuffer);
if (settings.advancedSettings.temporalFilterStrength > 0.0)
m_PreviousWorldToCameraMatrix = worldToCameraMatrix;
PreparePreviousBuffers(source.width, source.height);
Graphics.Blit(source, m_PreviousDepthBuffer, material, (int)PassIndex.BlitDepthAsCSZ);
Graphics.Blit(rayHitTexture, m_PreviousHitBuffer);
Graphics.Blit(doTemporalFilterThisFrame ? temporallyFilteredBuffer : finalReflectionBuffer, m_PreviousReflectionBuffer);
m_HasInformationFromPreviousFrame = true;
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)PassIndex.CompositeFinal);