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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
#pragma warning disable 0109 // Disable warning due to conflict between Unity Editor DLL and Runtime DLL related to .renderer property being available in one but not the other.
namespace TMPro
public class TMP_SubMesh : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// The TMP Font Asset assigned to this sub text object.
/// </summary>
public TMP_FontAsset fontAsset
get { return m_fontAsset; }
set { m_fontAsset = value; }
private TMP_FontAsset m_fontAsset;
/// <summary>
/// The TMP Sprite Asset assigned to this sub text object.
/// </summary>
public TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset
get { return m_spriteAsset; }
set { m_spriteAsset = value; }
private TMP_SpriteAsset m_spriteAsset;
/// <summary>
/// The material to be assigned to this object. Returns an instance of the material.
/// </summary>
public Material material
// Return a new Instance of the Material if none exists. Otherwise return the current Material Instance.
get { return GetMaterial(m_sharedMaterial); }
// Assign new font material
if (m_sharedMaterial.GetInstanceID() == value.GetInstanceID())
m_sharedMaterial = m_material = value;
m_padding = GetPaddingForMaterial();
private Material m_material;
/// <summary>
/// The material to be assigned to this text object.
/// </summary>
public Material sharedMaterial
get { return m_sharedMaterial; }
set { SetSharedMaterial(value); }
private Material m_sharedMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// The fallback material created from the properties of the fallback source material.
/// </summary>
public Material fallbackMaterial
get { return m_fallbackMaterial; }
if (m_fallbackMaterial == value) return;
if (m_fallbackMaterial != null && m_fallbackMaterial != value)
m_fallbackMaterial = value;
private Material m_fallbackMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// The source material used by the fallback font
/// </summary>
public Material fallbackSourceMaterial
get { return m_fallbackSourceMaterial; }
set { m_fallbackSourceMaterial = value; }
private Material m_fallbackSourceMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// Is the text object using the default font asset material.
/// </summary>
public bool isDefaultMaterial
get { return m_isDefaultMaterial; }
set { m_isDefaultMaterial = value; }
private bool m_isDefaultMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// Padding value resulting for the property settings on the material.
/// </summary>
public float padding
get { return m_padding; }
set { m_padding = value; }
private float m_padding;
/// <summary>
/// The Mesh Renderer of this text sub object.
/// </summary>
public new Renderer renderer
get { if (m_renderer == null) m_renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
return m_renderer;
private Renderer m_renderer;
/// <summary>
/// The MeshFilter of this text sub object.
/// </summary>
public MeshFilter meshFilter
get { if (m_meshFilter == null) m_meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
return m_meshFilter;
private MeshFilter m_meshFilter;
/// <summary>
/// The Mesh of this text sub object.
/// </summary>
public Mesh mesh
if (m_mesh == null)
m_mesh = new Mesh();
m_mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
this.meshFilter.mesh = m_mesh;
return m_mesh;
set { m_mesh = value; }
private Mesh m_mesh;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public BoxCollider boxCollider
if (m_boxCollider == null)
m_boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
if (m_boxCollider == null)
m_boxCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
return m_boxCollider;
private BoxCollider m_boxCollider;
private TextMeshPro m_TextComponent;
private bool m_isRegisteredForEvents;
void OnEnable()
// Register Callbacks for various events.
if (!m_isRegisteredForEvents)
m_isRegisteredForEvents = true;
// Make the geometry visible when the object is enabled.
meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
// Update _ClipRect values
if (m_sharedMaterial != null)
m_sharedMaterial.SetVector(ShaderUtilities.ID_ClipRect, new Vector4(-32767, -32767, 32767, 32767));
void OnDisable()
// Hide the geometry when the object is disabled.
m_meshFilter.sharedMesh = null;
if (m_fallbackMaterial != null)
m_fallbackMaterial = null;
void OnDestroy()
// Destroy Mesh
if (m_mesh != null) DestroyImmediate(m_mesh);
if (m_fallbackMaterial != null)
m_fallbackMaterial = null;
// Unregister the event this object was listening to
m_isRegisteredForEvents = false;
// Event received when custom material editor properties are changed.
void ON_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED(bool isChanged, Material mat)
int targetMaterialID = mat.GetInstanceID();
int sharedMaterialID = m_sharedMaterial.GetInstanceID();
int fallbackSourceMaterialID = m_fallbackSourceMaterial == null ? 0 : m_fallbackSourceMaterial.GetInstanceID();
// Filter events and return if the affected material is not this object's material.
if (targetMaterialID != sharedMaterialID)
// Check if event applies to the source fallback material
if (m_fallbackMaterial != null && fallbackSourceMaterialID == targetMaterialID)
TMP_MaterialManager.CopyMaterialPresetProperties(mat, m_fallbackMaterial);
if (m_TextComponent == null) m_TextComponent = GetComponentInParent<TextMeshPro>();
m_padding = GetPaddingForMaterial();
m_TextComponent.havePropertiesChanged = true;
// Event to Track Material Changed resulting from Drag-n-drop.
void ON_DRAG_AND_DROP_MATERIAL(GameObject obj, Material currentMaterial, Material newMaterial)
// Check if event applies to this current object
if (obj == gameObject || UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(gameObject) == obj)
if (!m_isDefaultMaterial) return;
// Make sure we have a valid reference to the renderer.
if (m_renderer == null) m_renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(this, "Material Assignment");
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(m_renderer, "Material Assignment");
m_TextComponent.havePropertiesChanged = true;
// Event received when font asset properties are changed in Font Inspector
void ON_SPRITE_ASSET_PROPERTY_CHANGED(bool isChanged, UnityEngine.Object obj)
//if (spriteSheet != null && (obj as TMP_SpriteAsset == m_spriteAsset || obj as Texture2D == m_spriteAsset.spriteSheet))
if (m_TextComponent != null)
m_TextComponent.havePropertiesChanged = true;
// Event received when font asset properties are changed in Font Inspector
void ON_FONT_PROPERTY_CHANGED(bool isChanged, TMP_FontAsset font)
if (font.GetInstanceID() == m_fontAsset.GetInstanceID())
// Copy Normal and Bold Weight
if (m_fallbackMaterial != null)
m_fallbackMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightNormal, m_fontAsset.normalStyle);
m_fallbackMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightBold, m_fontAsset.boldStyle);
/// <summary>
/// Event received when the TMP Settings are changed.
/// </summary>
// //Debug.Log("TMP Setting have changed.");
// //SetVerticesDirty();
// SetMaterialDirty();
public static TMP_SubMesh AddSubTextObject(TextMeshPro textComponent, MaterialReference materialReference)
GameObject go = new GameObject("TMP SubMesh [" + materialReference.material.name + "]", typeof(TMP_SubMesh));
TMP_SubMesh subMesh = go.GetComponent<TMP_SubMesh>();
go.transform.SetParent(textComponent.transform, false);
go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
go.layer = textComponent.gameObject.layer;
subMesh.m_meshFilter = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
subMesh.m_TextComponent = textComponent;
subMesh.m_fontAsset = materialReference.fontAsset;
subMesh.m_spriteAsset = materialReference.spriteAsset;
subMesh.m_isDefaultMaterial = materialReference.isDefaultMaterial;
subMesh.renderer.sortingLayerID = textComponent.renderer.sortingLayerID;
subMesh.renderer.sortingOrder = textComponent.renderer.sortingOrder;
return subMesh;
public void DestroySelf()
Destroy(this.gameObject, 1f);
// Function called internally when a new material is assigned via the fontMaterial property.
Material GetMaterial(Material mat)
// Check in case Object is disabled. If so, we don't have a valid reference to the Renderer.
// This can occur when the Duplicate Material Context menu is used on an inactive object.
if (m_renderer == null)
m_renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
// Create Instance Material only if the new material is not the same instance previously used.
if (m_material == null || m_material.GetInstanceID() != mat.GetInstanceID())
m_material = CreateMaterialInstance(mat);
m_sharedMaterial = m_material;
// Compute and Set new padding values for this new material.
m_padding = GetPaddingForMaterial();
return m_sharedMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// Method used to create an instance of the material
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Material CreateMaterialInstance(Material source)
Material mat = new Material(source);
mat.shaderKeywords = source.shaderKeywords;
mat.name += " (Instance)";
return mat;
/// <summary>
/// Method returning the shared material assigned to the text object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
Material GetSharedMaterial()
if (m_renderer == null)
m_renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
return m_renderer.sharedMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// Method to set the shared material.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mat"></param>
void SetSharedMaterial(Material mat)
//Debug.Log("*** SetSharedMaterial() *** FRAME (" + Time.frameCount + ")");
// Assign new material.
m_sharedMaterial = mat;
// Compute and Set new padding values for this new material.
m_padding = GetPaddingForMaterial();
if (m_sharedMaterial != null)
gameObject.name = "TMP SubMesh [" + m_sharedMaterial.name + "]";
/// <summary>
/// Function called when the padding value for the material needs to be re-calculated.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public float GetPaddingForMaterial()
float padding = ShaderUtilities.GetPadding(m_sharedMaterial, m_TextComponent.extraPadding, m_TextComponent.isUsingBold);
return padding;
/// <summary>
/// Function to update the padding values of the object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isExtraPadding"></param>
/// <param name="isBold"></param>
public void UpdateMeshPadding(bool isExtraPadding, bool isUsingBold)
m_padding = ShaderUtilities.GetPadding(m_sharedMaterial, isExtraPadding, isUsingBold);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void SetVerticesDirty()
if (!this.enabled)
// This is called on the parent TextMeshPro component.
if (m_TextComponent != null)
m_TextComponent.havePropertiesChanged = true;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void SetMaterialDirty()
//if (!this.enabled)
// return;
//m_materialDirty = true;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
protected void UpdateMaterial()
//Debug.Log("*** STO - UpdateMaterial() *** FRAME (" + Time.frameCount + ")");
//if (!this.enabled)
// return;
if (m_renderer == null) m_renderer = this.renderer;
m_renderer.sharedMaterial = m_sharedMaterial;
if (m_sharedMaterial != null && gameObject.name != "TMP SubMesh [" + m_sharedMaterial.name + "]")
gameObject.name = "TMP SubMesh [" + m_sharedMaterial.name + "]";
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void UpdateColliders(int vertexCount)
if (this.boxCollider == null) return;
Vector2 bl = TMP_Math.MAX_16BIT;
Vector2 tr = TMP_Math.MIN_16BIT;
// Compute the bounds of the sub text object mesh (excluding the transform position).
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
bl.x = Mathf.Min(bl.x, m_mesh.vertices[i].x);
bl.y = Mathf.Min(bl.y, m_mesh.vertices[i].y);
tr.x = Mathf.Max(tr.x, m_mesh.vertices[i].x);
tr.y = Mathf.Max(tr.y, m_mesh.vertices[i].y);
Vector3 center = (bl + tr) / 2;
Vector3 size = tr - bl;
size.z = .1f;
this.boxCollider.center = center;
this.boxCollider.size = size;