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// Copyright (c) 2015 Augie R. Maddox, Guavaman Enterprises. All rights reserved.
#pragma warning disable 0219
#pragma warning disable 0618
#pragma warning disable 0649
namespace Rewired.UI.ControlMapper {
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class UISelectionUtility {
// Find the next selectable object in the specified world-space direction.
public static Selectable FindNextSelectable(Selectable selectable, Transform transform, List<Selectable> allSelectables, Vector3 direction) {
RectTransform rectTransform = transform as RectTransform;
if(rectTransform == null) return null;
direction = direction.normalized;
Vector2 localDir = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * direction;
Vector2 searchStartPos = transform.TransformPoint(Rewired.UI.ControlMapper.UITools.GetPointOnRectEdge(rectTransform, localDir)); // search from point on rect edge from center out in direction
//Vector2 searchStartPos = transform.TransformPoint((transform as RectTransform).rect.center); // search from center
bool isHoriz = direction == Vector3.left || direction == Vector3.right;
float minCenterDistSqMag = Mathf.Infinity;
float minDirectLineSqMag = Mathf.Infinity;
Selectable bestCenterDistPick = null;
Selectable bestDirectLinePick = null;
const float length = 999999f; // Mathf.Infinity fails
Vector2 directLineCastEndPos = searchStartPos + localDir * length;
for(int i = 0; i < allSelectables.Count; ++i) {
Selectable sel = allSelectables[i];
if(sel == selectable || sel == null) continue; // skip if self or null
if(sel.navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.None) continue; // skip if non-navigable
// Allow selection of non-interactable elements because it makes navigating easier and more predictable
// but the CanvasGroup interactable value is private in Selectable
// Reflect to get group intaractability if non-interactable
bool canvasGroupAllowsInteraction = sel.IsInteractable() || Rewired.Utils.ReflectionTools.GetPrivateField<Selectable, bool>(sel, "m_GroupsAllowInteraction");
if(!canvasGroupAllowsInteraction) continue; // skip if disabled by canvas group, otherwise allow it
// Can't do private field reflection in Metro
if(!sel.IsInteractable()) continue; // skip if disabled
var selRect = sel.transform as RectTransform;
if(selRect == null) continue;
// Check direct line cast from center edge of object in direction pressed
float directLineSqMag;
Rect worldSpaceRect = Rewired.UI.ControlMapper.UITools.GetWorldSpaceRect(selRect);
// Check for direct line rect intersection
if(Rewired.Utils.MathTools.LineIntersectsRect(searchStartPos, directLineCastEndPos, worldSpaceRect, out directLineSqMag)) {
if(isHoriz) directLineSqMag *= 0.25f; // give extra bonus to horizontal directions because most of the UI groups are laid out horizontally
if(directLineSqMag < minDirectLineSqMag) {
minDirectLineSqMag = directLineSqMag;
bestDirectLinePick = sel;
// Check distance to center
Vector2 selCenter = (Vector3)selRect.rect.center;
Vector2 searchPosToSelCenter = (Vector2)sel.transform.TransformPoint(selCenter) - searchStartPos;
const float maxSafeAngle = 75.0f;
// Get the angle the target center deviates from straight
float angle = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Angle(localDir, searchPosToSelCenter));
if(angle > maxSafeAngle) continue; // only consider if within a reasonable angle of the desired direction
float score = searchPosToSelCenter.sqrMagnitude;
// Lower score is better
if(score < minCenterDistSqMag) {
minCenterDistSqMag = score;
bestCenterDistPick = sel;
// Choose between direct line and center dist
if(bestDirectLinePick != null && bestCenterDistPick != null) {
if(minDirectLineSqMag > minCenterDistSqMag) {
return bestCenterDistPick;
return bestDirectLinePick;
return bestDirectLinePick ?? bestCenterDistPick;