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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects
[AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Cinematic/Ambient Occlusion")]
public partial class AmbientOcclusion : MonoBehaviour
#region Public Properties
/// Effect settings.
public Settings settings = Settings.defaultSettings;
/// Checks if the ambient-only mode is supported under the current settings.
public bool isAmbientOnlySupported
get { return targetCamera.hdr && isGBufferAvailable; }
#region Private Properties
// Properties referring to the current settings
float intensity
get { return settings.intensity; }
float radius
get { return Mathf.Max(settings.radius, 1e-4f); }
SampleCount sampleCount
get { return settings.sampleCount; }
int sampleCountValue
switch (settings.sampleCount)
case SampleCount.Lowest: return 3;
case SampleCount.Low: return 6;
case SampleCount.Medium: return 12;
case SampleCount.High: return 20;
return Mathf.Clamp(settings.sampleCountValue, 1, 256);
bool downsampling
get { return settings.downsampling; }
bool ambientOnly
get { return settings.ambientOnly && isAmbientOnlySupported; }
// AO shader
Shader aoShader
if (_aoShader == null)
_aoShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Image Effects/Cinematic/AmbientOcclusion");
return _aoShader;
[SerializeField] Shader _aoShader;
// Temporary aterial for the AO shader
Material aoMaterial
if (_aoMaterial == null)
_aoMaterial = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(aoShader);
return _aoMaterial;
Material _aoMaterial;
// Command buffer for the AO pass
CommandBuffer aoCommands
if (_aoCommands == null)
_aoCommands = new CommandBuffer();
_aoCommands.name = "AmbientOcclusion";
return _aoCommands;
CommandBuffer _aoCommands;
// Target camera
Camera targetCamera
get { return GetComponent<Camera>(); }
// Property observer
PropertyObserver propertyObserver { get; set; }
// Check if the G-buffer is available
bool isGBufferAvailable
var path = targetCamera.actualRenderingPath;
return path == RenderingPath.DeferredShading;
// Reference to the quad mesh in the built-in assets
// (used in MRT blitting)
Mesh quadMesh
get { return _quadMesh; }
[SerializeField] Mesh _quadMesh;
#region Effect Passes
// Build commands for the AO pass (used in the ambient-only mode).
void BuildAOCommands()
var cb = aoCommands;
var tw = targetCamera.pixelWidth;
var th = targetCamera.pixelHeight;
var ts = downsampling ? 2 : 1;
var format = RenderTextureFormat.R8;
var rwMode = RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear;
var filter = FilterMode.Bilinear;
// AO buffer
var m = aoMaterial;
var rtMask = Shader.PropertyToID("_OcclusionTexture");
cb.GetTemporaryRT(rtMask, tw / ts, th / ts, 0, filter, format, rwMode);
// AO estimation
cb.Blit((Texture)null, rtMask, m, 0);
// Blur buffer
var rtBlur = Shader.PropertyToID("_OcclusionBlurTexture");
// Primary blur filter (large kernel)
cb.GetTemporaryRT(rtBlur, tw, th, 0, filter, format, rwMode);
cb.SetGlobalVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.right * 2);
cb.Blit(rtMask, rtBlur, m, 1);
cb.GetTemporaryRT(rtMask, tw, th, 0, filter, format, rwMode);
cb.SetGlobalVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.up * 2 * ts);
cb.Blit(rtBlur, rtMask, m, 1);
// Secondary blur filter (small kernel)
cb.GetTemporaryRT(rtBlur, tw, th, 0, filter, format, rwMode);
cb.SetGlobalVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.right * ts);
cb.Blit(rtMask, rtBlur, m, 2);
cb.GetTemporaryRT(rtMask, tw, th, 0, filter, format, rwMode);
cb.SetGlobalVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.up * ts);
cb.Blit(rtBlur, rtMask, m, 2);
// Combine AO to the G-buffer.
var mrt = new RenderTargetIdentifier[] {
BuiltinRenderTextureType.GBuffer0, // Albedo, Occ
BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget // Ambient
cb.SetRenderTarget(mrt, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);
cb.SetGlobalTexture("_OcclusionTexture", rtMask);
cb.DrawMesh(quadMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m, 0, 4);
// Execute the AO pass immediately (used in the forward mode).
void ExecuteAOPass(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
var tw = source.width;
var th = source.height;
var ts = downsampling ? 2 : 1;
var format = RenderTextureFormat.R8;
var rwMode = RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear;
// AO buffer
var m = aoMaterial;
var rtMask = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tw / ts, th / ts, 0, format, rwMode);
// AO estimation
Graphics.Blit((Texture)null, rtMask, m, 0);
// Primary blur filter (large kernel)
var rtBlur = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tw, th, 0, format, rwMode);
m.SetVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.right * 2);
Graphics.Blit(rtMask, rtBlur, m, 1);
rtMask = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tw, th, 0, format, rwMode);
m.SetVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.up * 2 * ts);
Graphics.Blit(rtBlur, rtMask, m, 1);
// Secondary blur filter (small kernel)
rtBlur = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tw, th, 0, format, rwMode);
m.SetVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.right * ts);
Graphics.Blit(rtMask, rtBlur, m, 2);
rtMask = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tw, th, 0, format, rwMode);
m.SetVector("_BlurVector", Vector2.up * ts);
Graphics.Blit(rtBlur, rtMask, m, 2);
// Combine AO with the source.
m.SetTexture("_OcclusionTexture", rtMask);
if (!settings.debug)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, m, 3);
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, m, 5);
// Update the common material properties.
void UpdateMaterialProperties()
var m = aoMaterial;
m.shaderKeywords = null;
m.SetFloat("_Intensity", intensity);
m.SetFloat("_Radius", radius);
m.SetFloat("_TargetScale", downsampling ? 0.5f : 1);
// Use G-buffer if available.
if (isGBufferAvailable)
// Sample count
if (sampleCount == SampleCount.Lowest)
m.SetInt("_SampleCount", sampleCountValue);
#region MonoBehaviour Functions
void OnEnable()
// Check if the shader is supported in the current platform.
if (!ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(aoShader, true, false, this))
enabled = false;
// Register the command buffer if in the ambient-only mode.
if (ambientOnly)
targetCamera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeReflections, aoCommands);
// Requires DepthNormals when G-buffer is not available.
if (!isGBufferAvailable)
targetCamera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;
void OnDisable()
// Destroy all the temporary resources.
if (_aoMaterial != null) DestroyImmediate(_aoMaterial);
_aoMaterial = null;
if (_aoCommands != null)
targetCamera.RemoveCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeReflections, _aoCommands);
_aoCommands = null;
void Update()
if (propertyObserver.CheckNeedsReset(settings, targetCamera))
// Reinitialize all the resources by disabling/enabling itself.
// This is not very efficient way but just works...
// Build the command buffer if in the ambient-only mode.
if (ambientOnly)
propertyObserver.Update(settings, targetCamera);
// Update the material properties (later used in the AO commands).
if (ambientOnly) UpdateMaterialProperties();
void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (ambientOnly)
// Do nothing in the ambient-only mode.
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
// Execute the AO pass.
ExecuteAOPass(source, destination);