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// Put the following line to 0 or comment it to disable vignette weighting
#include "Common.cginc"
#include "EyeAdaptation.cginc"
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> _Histogram;
Texture2D<float4> _Source;
float4 _ScaleOffsetRes; // x: scale, y: offset, z: width, w: height
groupshared uint gs_histogram[HISTOGRAM_BINS];
#pragma kernel KEyeHistogram
void KEyeHistogram(uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint2 groupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID)
// Pretty straightforward implementation of histogram gathering using atomic ops.
// I tried a few methods (no atomic ops / heavy LDS leveraging) but this one turned out to be
// the fastest on desktop (Nvidia - Kepler/Maxwell) and PS4. Still need to try it on GCN/desktop
// but considering it runs very fast on PS4 we can expect it to run well (?).
const uint localThreadId = groupThreadId.y * HISTOGRAM_THREAD_X + groupThreadId.x;
// Clears the shared memory
if (localThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS)
gs_histogram[localThreadId] = 0u;
// Gather local group histogram
if (dispatchThreadId.x < (uint)_ScaleOffsetRes.z && dispatchThreadId.y < (uint)_ScaleOffsetRes.w)
// Vignette weighting to put more focus on what's in the center of the screen
float2 uv01 = float2(dispatchThreadId) / float2(_ScaleOffsetRes.z, _ScaleOffsetRes.w);
float2 d = abs(uv01 - (0.5).xx);
float vfactor = Pow2(saturate(1.0 - dot(d, d)));
uint weight = (uint)(64.0 * vfactor);
uint weight = 1u;
float3 color = _Source[dispatchThreadId].xyz;
float luminance = Max3(color); // Looks more natural than using a Rec.709 luminance for some reason
float logLuminance = GetHistogramBinFromLuminance(luminance, _ScaleOffsetRes.xy);
uint idx = (uint)(logLuminance * (HISTOGRAM_BINS - 1u));
InterlockedAdd(gs_histogram[idx], weight);
// Merge everything
if (localThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS)
InterlockedAdd(_Histogram[localThreadId], gs_histogram[localThreadId]);
#pragma kernel KEyeHistogramClear
[numthreads(HISTOGRAM_THREAD_X, 1, 1)]
void KEyeHistogramClear(uint dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
if (dispatchThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS)
_Histogram[dispatchThreadId] = 0u;