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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
/// <summary>
/// Makes a scene object pickup-able. Needs a PhotonView which belongs to the scene.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Includes a OnPhotonSerializeView implementation that </remarks>
public class PickupItem : Photon.MonoBehaviour, IPunObservable
///<summary>Enables you to define a timeout when the picked up item should re-spawn at the same place it was before.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Set in Inspector per GameObject! The value in code is just the default.
/// If you don't want an item to respawn, set SecondsBeforeRespawn == 0.
/// If an item does not respawn, it could be consumed or carried around and dropped somewhere else.
/// A respawning item should stick to a fixed position. It should not be observed at all (in any PhotonView).
/// It can only be consumed and can't be dropped somewhere else (cause that would double the item).
/// This script uses PunRespawn() as RPC and as method that gets called by Invoke() after a timeout.
/// No matter if the item respawns timed or by Drop, that method makes sure (temporary) owner and other status-values
/// are being re-set.
/// </remarks>
public float SecondsBeforeRespawn = 2;
/// <summary>The most likely trigger to pick up an item. Set in inspector!</summary>
/// <remarks>Edit the collider and set collision masks to avoid pickups by random objects.</remarks>
public bool PickupOnTrigger;
/// <summary>If the pickup item is currently yours. Interesting in OnPickedUp(PickupItem item).</summary>
public bool PickupIsMine;
/// <summary>GameObject to send an event "OnPickedUp(PickupItem item)" to.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Implement OnPickedUp(PickupItem item) {} in some script on the linked game object.
/// The item will be "this" and item.PickupIsMine will help you to find if this pickup was done by "this player".
/// </remarks>
public MonoBehaviour OnPickedUpCall;
// these values are internally used. they are public for debugging only
/// <summary>If this client sent a pickup. To avoid sending multiple pickup requests before reply is there.</summary>
public bool SentPickup;
/// <summary>Timestamp when to respawn the item (compared to PhotonNetwork.time). </summary>
public double TimeOfRespawn; // needed when we want to update new players when a PickupItem respawns
/// <summary></summary>
public int ViewID { get { return this.photonView.viewID; } }
public static HashSet<PickupItem> DisabledPickupItems = new HashSet<PickupItem>();
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
// we only call Pickup() if "our" character collides with this PickupItem.
// note: if you "position" remote characters by setting their translation, triggers won't be hit.
PhotonView otherpv = other.GetComponent<PhotonView>();
if (this.PickupOnTrigger && otherpv != null && otherpv.isMine)
//Debug.Log("OnTriggerEnter() calls Pickup().");
public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
// read the description in SecondsBeforeRespawn
if (stream.isWriting && SecondsBeforeRespawn <= 0)
// this will directly apply the last received position for this PickupItem. No smoothing. Usually not needed though.
Vector3 lastIncomingPos = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
this.gameObject.transform.position = lastIncomingPos;
public void Pickup()
if (this.SentPickup)
// skip sending more pickups until the original pickup-RPC got back to this client
this.SentPickup = true;
this.photonView.RPC("PunPickup", PhotonTargets.AllViaServer);
/// <summary>Makes use of RPC PunRespawn to drop an item (sent through server for all).</summary>
public void Drop()
if (this.PickupIsMine)
this.photonView.RPC("PunRespawn", PhotonTargets.AllViaServer);
/// <summary>Makes use of RPC PunRespawn to drop an item (sent through server for all).</summary>
public void Drop(Vector3 newPosition)
if (this.PickupIsMine)
this.photonView.RPC("PunRespawn", PhotonTargets.AllViaServer, newPosition);
public void PunPickup(PhotonMessageInfo msgInfo)
// when this client's RPC gets executed, this client no longer waits for a sent pickup and can try again
if (msgInfo.sender.IsLocal) this.SentPickup = false;
// In this solution, picked up items are disabled. They can't be picked up again this way, etc.
// You could check "active" first, if you're not interested in failed pickup-attempts.
if (!this.gameObject.GetActive())
// optional logging:
Debug.Log("Ignored PU RPC, cause item is inactive. " + this.gameObject + " SecondsBeforeRespawn: " + SecondsBeforeRespawn + " TimeOfRespawn: " + this.TimeOfRespawn + " respawn in future: " + (TimeOfRespawn > PhotonNetwork.time));
return; // makes this RPC being ignored
// if the RPC isn't ignored by now, this is a successful pickup. this might be "my" pickup and we should do a callback
this.PickupIsMine = msgInfo.sender.IsLocal;
// call the method OnPickedUp(PickupItem item) if a GameObject was defined as callback target
if (this.OnPickedUpCall != null)
// you could also skip callbacks for items that are not picked up by this client by using: if (this.PickupIsMine)
this.OnPickedUpCall.SendMessage("OnPickedUp", this);
// setup a respawn (or none, if the item has to be dropped)
if (SecondsBeforeRespawn <= 0)
this.PickedUp(0.0f); // item doesn't auto-respawn. must be dropped
// how long it is until this item respanws, depends on the pickup time and the respawn time
double timeSinceRpcCall = (PhotonNetwork.time - msgInfo.timestamp);
double timeUntilRespawn = SecondsBeforeRespawn - timeSinceRpcCall;
//Debug.Log("msg timestamp: " + msgInfo.timestamp + " time until respawn: " + timeUntilRespawn);
if (timeUntilRespawn > 0)
internal void PickedUp(float timeUntilRespawn)
// this script simply disables the GO for a while until it respawns.
this.TimeOfRespawn = 0;
if (timeUntilRespawn > 0)
this.TimeOfRespawn = PhotonNetwork.time + timeUntilRespawn;
Invoke("PunRespawn", timeUntilRespawn);
internal void PunRespawn(Vector3 pos)
Debug.Log("PunRespawn with Position.");
this.gameObject.transform.position = pos;
internal void PunRespawn()
// debugging: in some cases, the respawn is "late". it's unclear why! just be aware of this.
double timeDiffToRespawnTime = PhotonNetwork.time - this.TimeOfRespawn;
if (timeDiffToRespawnTime > 0.1f) Debug.LogWarning("Spawn time is wrong by: " + timeDiffToRespawnTime + " (this is not an error. you just need to be aware of this.)");
// if this is called from another thread, we might want to do this in OnEnable() instead of here (depends on Invoke's implementation)
this.TimeOfRespawn = 0;
this.PickupIsMine = false;
if (this.gameObject != null)