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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HighlightingSystem
public class HighlightingBase : MonoBehaviour
#region Static Fields and Constants
static protected readonly Color colorClear = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
static protected readonly string renderBufferName = "HighlightingSystem";
static protected readonly Matrix4x4 identityMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
protected const CameraEvent queue = CameraEvent.BeforeImageEffectsOpaque;
static protected RenderTargetIdentifier cameraTargetID;
static protected Mesh quad;
// Graphics device version identifiers
protected const int OGL = 0;
protected const int D3D9 = 1;
protected const int D3D11 = 2;
// Current graphics device version: 0 = OpenGL or unknown (default), 1 = Direct3D 9, 2 = Direct3D 11
static protected int graphicsDeviceVersion = D3D9;
#region Public Fields
// Depth offset factor for highlighting shaders
public float offsetFactor = 0f;
// Depth offset units for highlighting shaders
public float offsetUnits = 0f;
// Highlighting buffer size downsample factor
public int downsampleFactor
get { return _downsampleFactor; }
if (_downsampleFactor != value)
// Is power of two check
if ((value != 0) && ((value & (value - 1)) == 0))
_downsampleFactor = value;
isDirty = true;
Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : Prevented attempt to set incorrect downsample factor value.");
// Blur iterations
public int iterations
get { return _iterations; }
if (_iterations != value)
_iterations = value;
isDirty = true;
// Blur minimal spread
public float blurMinSpread
get { return _blurMinSpread; }
if (_blurMinSpread != value)
_blurMinSpread = value;
isDirty = true;
// Blur spread per iteration
public float blurSpread
get { return _blurSpread; }
if (_blurSpread != value)
_blurSpread = value;
isDirty = true;
// Blurring intensity for the blur material
public float blurIntensity
get { return _blurIntensity; }
if (_blurIntensity != value)
_blurIntensity = value;
if (Application.isPlaying)
blurMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyID._Intensity, _blurIntensity);
#region Protected Fields
protected CommandBuffer renderBuffer;
protected bool isDirty = true;
protected int cachedWidth = -1;
protected int cachedHeight = -1;
protected int cachedAA = -1;
protected int _downsampleFactor = 4;
protected int _iterations = 2;
protected float _blurMinSpread = 0.65f;
protected float _blurSpread = 0.25f;
protected float _blurIntensity = 0.3f;
// RenderTargetidentifier for the highlightingBuffer RenderTexture
protected RenderTargetIdentifier highlightingBufferID;
// RenderTexture with highlighting buffer
protected RenderTexture highlightingBuffer = null;
// Camera reference
protected Camera cam = null;
// True if HighlightingSystem is supported on this platform
protected bool isSupported = false;
// True if framebuffer depth data is currently available (it is required for the highlighting occlusion feature)
protected bool isDepthAvailable = true;
// Material parameters
protected const int BLUR = 0;
protected const int CUT = 1;
protected const int COMP = 2;
static protected readonly string[] shaderPaths = new string[]
static protected Shader[] shaders;
static protected Material[] materials;
// Static materials
static protected Material cutMaterial;
static protected Material compMaterial;
// Dynamic materials
protected Material blurMaterial;
static protected bool initialized = false;
#region MonoBehaviour
protected virtual void OnEnable()
if (!CheckInstance()) { return; }
isSupported = CheckSupported();
if (!isSupported)
enabled = false;
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : Highlighting System has been disabled due to unsupported Unity features on the current platform!");
blurMaterial = new Material(materials[BLUR]);
// Set initial intensity in blur material
blurMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyID._Intensity, _blurIntensity);
renderBuffer = new CommandBuffer();
renderBuffer.name = renderBufferName;
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
// Force-rebuild renderBuffer
isDirty = true;
cam.AddCommandBuffer(queue, renderBuffer);
protected virtual void OnDisable()
if (renderBuffer != null)
cam.RemoveCommandBuffer(queue, renderBuffer);
renderBuffer = null;
if (highlightingBuffer != null && highlightingBuffer.IsCreated())
highlightingBuffer = null;
protected virtual void OnPreRender()
int aa = GetAA();
bool depthAvailable = (aa == 1);
// In case MSAA is enabled in forward/vertex lit rendeirng paths - depth buffer is not available
if (aa > 1 && (cam.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.Forward || cam.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.VertexLit))
depthAvailable = false;
// Check if framebuffer depth data availability has changed
if (isDepthAvailable != depthAvailable)
isDepthAvailable = depthAvailable;
// Update ZWrite value for all highlighting shaders correspondingly (isDepthAvailable ? ZWrite Off : ZWrite On)
Highlighter.SetZWrite(isDepthAvailable ? 0f : 1f);
if (isDepthAvailable)
Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is available back again and will be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders disabled.");
Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is not available and can't be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders enabled.");
isDirty = true;
// Set global depth offset properties for highlighting shaders to the values which has this HighlightingBase component
isDirty |= HighlighterManager.isDirty;
isDirty |= HighlightersChanged();
if (isDirty)
isDirty = false;
protected virtual void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dst)
Graphics.Blit(src, dst, compMaterial);
#region Internal
static protected void Initialize()
if (initialized) { return; }
// Determine graphics device version
string version = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.ToLower();
if (version.Contains("direct3d") || version.Contains("directx"))
if (version.Contains("direct3d 11") || version.Contains("directx 11")) { graphicsDeviceVersion = D3D11; }
else { graphicsDeviceVersion = D3D9; }
else if (version.Contains("emulated"))
graphicsDeviceVersion = D3D9;
graphicsDeviceVersion = OGL;
// Initialize shader property constants
// Initialize shaders and materials
int l = shaderPaths.Length;
shaders = new Shader[l];
materials = new Material[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
Shader shader = Shader.Find(shaderPaths[i]);
shaders[i] = shader;
Material material = new Material(shader);
materials[i] = material;
cutMaterial = materials[CUT];
compMaterial = materials[COMP];
// Initialize static RenderTargetIdentifiers
cameraTargetID = new RenderTargetIdentifier(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);
// Create static quad mesh
initialized = true;
static protected void CreateQuad()
if (quad == null)
quad = new Mesh();
float y1 = 1f;
float y2 = -1f;
if (graphicsDeviceVersion == OGL)
y1 = -1f;
y2 = 1f;
quad.vertices = new Vector3[]
new Vector3(-1f, y1, 0f), // Bottom-Left
new Vector3(-1f, y2, 0f), // Upper-Left
new Vector3( 1f, y2, 0f), // Upper-Right
new Vector3( 1f, y1, 0f) // Bottom-Right
quad.uv = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0f, 0f),
new Vector2(0f, 1f),
new Vector2(1f, 1f),
new Vector2(1f, 0f)
quad.colors = new Color[]
quad.triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };
protected virtual int GetAA()
int aa = QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
if (aa == 0) { aa = 1; }
// Reset aa value to 1 in case camera is in DeferredLighting or DeferredShading Rendering Path
if (cam.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.DeferredLighting || cam.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.DeferredShading) { aa = 1; }
return aa;
protected virtual void UpdateHighlightingBuffer()
int aa = GetAA();
if (cam.pixelWidth == cachedWidth && cam.pixelHeight == cachedHeight && aa == cachedAA) { return; }
cachedWidth = cam.pixelWidth;
cachedHeight = cam.pixelHeight;
cachedAA = aa;
if (highlightingBuffer != null && highlightingBuffer.IsCreated())
highlightingBuffer = new RenderTexture(cachedWidth, cachedHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
highlightingBuffer.antiAliasing = cachedAA;
highlightingBuffer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
highlightingBuffer.useMipMap = false;
highlightingBuffer.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
if (!highlightingBuffer.Create())
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : UpdateHighlightingBuffer() : Failed to create highlightingBuffer RenderTexture!");
highlightingBufferID = new RenderTargetIdentifier(highlightingBuffer);
Shader.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBuffer, highlightingBuffer);
Vector4 v = new Vector4((graphicsDeviceVersion == OGL ? 1f : -1f) / (float)highlightingBuffer.width, 1f / (float)highlightingBuffer.height, 0f, 0f);
Shader.SetGlobalVector(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBufferTexelSize, v);
// Always set as dirty, because camera width/height/anti-aliasing has changed
isDirty = true;
// Allow only single instance of the HighlightingBase component on a GameObject
public virtual bool CheckInstance()
HighlightingBase[] highlightingBases = GetComponents<HighlightingBase>();
if (highlightingBases.Length > 1 && highlightingBases[0] != this)
enabled = false;
string className = this.GetType().ToString();
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("HighlightingSystem : Only single instance of the HighlightingRenderer component is allowed on a single Gameobject! {0} has been disabled on GameObject with name '{1}'.", className, name));
return false;
return true;
protected virtual bool CheckSupported()
// Image Effects supported?
if (!SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : Image effects is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
// Render Textures supported?
if (!SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : RenderTextures is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
// Required Render Texture Format supported?
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32))
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
if (SystemInfo.supportsStencil < 1)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : Stencil buffer is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
// HighlightingOpaque shader supported?
if (!Highlighter.opaqueShader.isSupported)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingOpaque shader is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
// HighlightingTransparent shader supported?
if (!Highlighter.transparentShader.isSupported)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingTransparent shader is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
// Required shaders supported?
for (int i = 0; i < shaders.Length; i++)
Shader shader = shaders[i];
if (!shader.isSupported)
Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : Shader '" + shader.name + "' is not supported on this platform!");
return false;
return true;
protected virtual bool HighlightersChanged()
bool changed = false;
// Check if list of highlighted objects has changed
HashSet<Highlighter>.Enumerator e = HighlighterManager.GetEnumerator();
while (e.MoveNext())
Highlighter highlighter = e.Current;
changed |= highlighter.UpdateHighlighting(isDepthAvailable);
return changed;
protected virtual void RebuildCommandBuffer()
RenderTargetIdentifier depthID = isDepthAvailable ? cameraTargetID : highlightingBufferID;
// Prepare and clear render target
renderBuffer.SetRenderTarget(highlightingBufferID, depthID);
renderBuffer.ClearRenderTarget(!isDepthAvailable, true, colorClear);
// Fill buffer with highlighters rendering commands
FillBuffer(renderBuffer, 0); // Highlighters
FillBuffer(renderBuffer, 1); // Occluders
FillBuffer(renderBuffer, 2); // See-through Highlighters
// Create two buffers for blurring the image
RenderTargetIdentifier blur1ID = new RenderTargetIdentifier(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlur1);
RenderTargetIdentifier blur2ID = new RenderTargetIdentifier(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlur2);
int width = highlightingBuffer.width / _downsampleFactor;
int height = highlightingBuffer.height / _downsampleFactor;
renderBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlur1, width, height, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
renderBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlur2, width, height, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
renderBuffer.Blit(highlightingBufferID, blur1ID);
// Blur the small texture
bool oddEven = true;
for (int i = 0; i < _iterations; i++)
float off = _blurMinSpread + _blurSpread * i;
renderBuffer.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlurOffset, off);
if (oddEven)
renderBuffer.Blit(blur1ID, blur2ID, blurMaterial);
renderBuffer.Blit(blur2ID, blur1ID, blurMaterial);
oddEven = !oddEven;
// Upscale blurred texture and cut stencil from it
renderBuffer.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderPropertyID._HighlightingBlurred, oddEven ? blur1ID : blur2ID);
renderBuffer.SetRenderTarget(highlightingBufferID, depthID);
renderBuffer.DrawMesh(quad, identityMatrix, cutMaterial);
// Cleanup
protected virtual void FillBuffer(CommandBuffer buffer, int renderQueue)
HashSet<Highlighter>.Enumerator e;
e = HighlighterManager.GetEnumerator();
while (e.MoveNext())
Highlighter highlighter = e.Current;
highlighter.FillBuffer(renderBuffer, renderQueue);