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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects
[RequireComponent (typeof(Camera))]
[AddComponentMenu ("Image Effects/Bloom and Glow/Bloom")]
public class Bloom : PostEffectsBase
public enum LensFlareStyle
Ghosting = 0,
Anamorphic = 1,
Combined = 2,
public enum TweakMode
Basic = 0,
Complex = 1,
public enum HDRBloomMode
Auto = 0,
On = 1,
Off = 2,
public enum BloomScreenBlendMode
Screen = 0,
Add = 1,
public enum BloomQuality
Cheap = 0,
High = 1,
public TweakMode tweakMode = 0;
public BloomScreenBlendMode screenBlendMode = BloomScreenBlendMode.Add;
public HDRBloomMode hdr = HDRBloomMode.Auto;
private bool doHdr = false;
public float sepBlurSpread = 2.5f;
public BloomQuality quality = BloomQuality.High;
public float bloomIntensity = 0.5f;
public float bloomThreshold = 0.5f;
public Color bloomThresholdColor = Color.white;
public int bloomBlurIterations = 2;
public int hollywoodFlareBlurIterations = 2;
public float flareRotation = 0.0f;
public LensFlareStyle lensflareMode = (LensFlareStyle) 1;
public float hollyStretchWidth = 2.5f;
public float lensflareIntensity = 0.0f;
public float lensflareThreshold = 0.3f;
public float lensFlareSaturation = 0.75f;
public Color flareColorA = new Color (0.4f, 0.4f, 0.8f, 0.75f);
public Color flareColorB = new Color (0.4f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.75f);
public Color flareColorC = new Color (0.8f, 0.4f, 0.8f, 0.75f);
public Color flareColorD = new Color (0.8f, 0.4f, 0.0f, 0.75f);
public Texture2D lensFlareVignetteMask;
public Shader lensFlareShader;
private Material lensFlareMaterial;
public Shader screenBlendShader;
private Material screenBlend;
public Shader blurAndFlaresShader;
private Material blurAndFlaresMaterial;
public Shader brightPassFilterShader;
private Material brightPassFilterMaterial;
public override bool CheckResources ()
CheckSupport (false);
screenBlend = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial (screenBlendShader, screenBlend);
lensFlareMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(lensFlareShader,lensFlareMaterial);
blurAndFlaresMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial (blurAndFlaresShader, blurAndFlaresMaterial);
brightPassFilterMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(brightPassFilterShader, brightPassFilterMaterial);
if (!isSupported)
ReportAutoDisable ();
return isSupported;
public void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (CheckResources()==false)
Graphics.Blit (source, destination);
// screen blend is not supported when HDR is enabled (will cap values)
doHdr = false;
if (hdr == HDRBloomMode.Auto)
doHdr = source.format == RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf && GetComponent<Camera>().allowHDR;
doHdr = source.format == RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf && GetComponent<Camera>().hdr;
else {
doHdr = hdr == HDRBloomMode.On;
doHdr = doHdr && supportHDRTextures;
BloomScreenBlendMode realBlendMode = screenBlendMode;
if (doHdr)
realBlendMode = BloomScreenBlendMode.Add;
var rtFormat= (doHdr) ? RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf : RenderTextureFormat.Default;
var rtW2= source.width/2;
var rtH2= source.height/2;
var rtW4= source.width/4;
var rtH4= source.height/4;
float widthOverHeight = (1.0f * source.width) / (1.0f * source.height);
float oneOverBaseSize = 1.0f / 512.0f;
// downsample
RenderTexture quarterRezColor = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
RenderTexture halfRezColorDown = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW2, rtH2, 0, rtFormat);
if (quality > BloomQuality.Cheap) {
Graphics.Blit (source, halfRezColorDown, screenBlend, 2);
RenderTexture rtDown4 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
Graphics.Blit (halfRezColorDown, rtDown4, screenBlend, 2);
Graphics.Blit (rtDown4, quarterRezColor, screenBlend, 6);
else {
Graphics.Blit (source, halfRezColorDown);
Graphics.Blit (halfRezColorDown, quarterRezColor, screenBlend, 6);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (halfRezColorDown);
// cut colors (thresholding)
RenderTexture secondQuarterRezColor = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
BrightFilter (bloomThreshold * bloomThresholdColor, quarterRezColor, secondQuarterRezColor);
// blurring
if (bloomBlurIterations < 1) bloomBlurIterations = 1;
else if (bloomBlurIterations > 10) bloomBlurIterations = 10;
for (int iter = 0; iter < bloomBlurIterations; iter++)
float spreadForPass = (1.0f + (iter * 0.25f)) * sepBlurSpread;
// vertical blur
RenderTexture blur4 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (0.0f, spreadForPass * oneOverBaseSize, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, blur4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
secondQuarterRezColor = blur4;
// horizontal blur
blur4 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 ((spreadForPass / widthOverHeight) * oneOverBaseSize, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, blur4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (secondQuarterRezColor);
secondQuarterRezColor = blur4;
if (quality > BloomQuality.Cheap)
if (iter == 0)
GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); // Clear to avoid RT restore
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, quarterRezColor);
quarterRezColor.MarkRestoreExpected(); // using max blending, RT restore expected
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, quarterRezColor, screenBlend, 10);
if (quality > BloomQuality.Cheap)
GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); // Clear to avoid RT restore
Graphics.Blit (quarterRezColor, secondQuarterRezColor, screenBlend, 6);
// lens flares: ghosting, anamorphic or both (ghosted anamorphic flares)
if (lensflareIntensity > Mathf.Epsilon)
RenderTexture rtFlares4 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW4, rtH4, 0, rtFormat);
if (lensflareMode == 0)
// ghosting only
BrightFilter (lensflareThreshold, secondQuarterRezColor, rtFlares4);
if (quality > BloomQuality.Cheap)
// smooth a little
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (0.0f, (1.5f) / (1.0f * quarterRezColor.height), 0.0f, 0.0f));
GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); // Clear to avoid RT restore
Graphics.Blit (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 ((1.5f) / (1.0f * quarterRezColor.width), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); // Clear to avoid RT restore
Graphics.Blit (quarterRezColor, rtFlares4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
// no ugly edges!
Vignette (0.975f, rtFlares4, rtFlares4);
BlendFlares (rtFlares4, secondQuarterRezColor);
//Vignette (0.975ff, rtFlares4, rtFlares4);
//DrawBorder(rtFlares4, screenBlend, 8);
float flareXRot = 1.0f * Mathf.Cos(flareRotation);
float flareyRot = 1.0f * Mathf.Sin(flareRotation);
float stretchWidth = (hollyStretchWidth * 1.0f / widthOverHeight) * oneOverBaseSize;
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (flareXRot, flareyRot, 0.0f, 0.0f));
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Threshhold", new Vector4 (lensflareThreshold, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_TintColor", new Vector4 (flareColorA.r, flareColorA.g, flareColorA.b, flareColorA.a) * flareColorA.a * lensflareIntensity);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetFloat ("_Saturation", lensFlareSaturation);
// "pre and cut"
Graphics.Blit (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 2);
// "post"
Graphics.Blit (quarterRezColor, rtFlares4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 3);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (flareXRot * stretchWidth, flareyRot * stretchWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// stretch 1st
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetFloat ("_StretchWidth", hollyStretchWidth);
Graphics.Blit (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 1);
// stretch 2nd
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetFloat ("_StretchWidth", hollyStretchWidth * 2.0f);
Graphics.Blit (quarterRezColor, rtFlares4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 1);
// stretch 3rd
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetFloat ("_StretchWidth", hollyStretchWidth * 4.0f);
Graphics.Blit (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 1);
// additional blur passes
for (int iter = 0; iter < hollywoodFlareBlurIterations; iter++)
stretchWidth = (hollyStretchWidth * 2.0f / widthOverHeight) * oneOverBaseSize;
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (stretchWidth * flareXRot, stretchWidth * flareyRot, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit (quarterRezColor, rtFlares4, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
blurAndFlaresMaterial.SetVector ("_Offsets", new Vector4 (stretchWidth * flareXRot, stretchWidth * flareyRot, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Graphics.Blit (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor, blurAndFlaresMaterial, 4);
if (lensflareMode == (LensFlareStyle) 1)
// anamorphic lens flares
AddTo (1.0f, quarterRezColor, secondQuarterRezColor);
// "combined" lens flares
Vignette (1.0f, quarterRezColor, rtFlares4);
BlendFlares (rtFlares4, quarterRezColor);
AddTo (1.0f, quarterRezColor, secondQuarterRezColor);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (rtFlares4);
int blendPass = (int) realBlendMode;
//if (Mathf.Abs(chromaticBloom) < Mathf.Epsilon)
// blendPass += 4;
screenBlend.SetFloat ("_Intensity", bloomIntensity);
screenBlend.SetTexture ("_ColorBuffer", source);
if (quality > BloomQuality.Cheap)
RenderTexture halfRezColorUp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (rtW2, rtH2, 0, rtFormat);
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, halfRezColorUp);
Graphics.Blit (halfRezColorUp, destination, screenBlend, blendPass);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (halfRezColorUp);
Graphics.Blit (secondQuarterRezColor, destination, screenBlend, blendPass);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (quarterRezColor);
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (secondQuarterRezColor);
private void AddTo (float intensity_, RenderTexture from, RenderTexture to)
screenBlend.SetFloat ("_Intensity", intensity_);
to.MarkRestoreExpected(); // additive blending, RT restore expected
Graphics.Blit (from, to, screenBlend, 9);
private void BlendFlares (RenderTexture from, RenderTexture to)
lensFlareMaterial.SetVector ("colorA", new Vector4 (flareColorA.r, flareColorA.g, flareColorA.b, flareColorA.a) * lensflareIntensity);
lensFlareMaterial.SetVector ("colorB", new Vector4 (flareColorB.r, flareColorB.g, flareColorB.b, flareColorB.a) * lensflareIntensity);
lensFlareMaterial.SetVector ("colorC", new Vector4 (flareColorC.r, flareColorC.g, flareColorC.b, flareColorC.a) * lensflareIntensity);
lensFlareMaterial.SetVector ("colorD", new Vector4 (flareColorD.r, flareColorD.g, flareColorD.b, flareColorD.a) * lensflareIntensity);
to.MarkRestoreExpected(); // additive blending, RT restore expected
Graphics.Blit (from, to, lensFlareMaterial);
private void BrightFilter (float thresh, RenderTexture from, RenderTexture to)
brightPassFilterMaterial.SetVector ("_Threshhold", new Vector4 (thresh, thresh, thresh, thresh));
Graphics.Blit (from, to, brightPassFilterMaterial, 0);
private void BrightFilter (Color threshColor, RenderTexture from, RenderTexture to)
brightPassFilterMaterial.SetVector ("_Threshhold", threshColor);
Graphics.Blit (from, to, brightPassFilterMaterial, 1);
private void Vignette (float amount, RenderTexture from, RenderTexture to)
if (lensFlareVignetteMask)
screenBlend.SetTexture ("_ColorBuffer", lensFlareVignetteMask);
to.MarkRestoreExpected(); // using blending, RT restore expected
Graphics.Blit (from == to ? null : from, to, screenBlend, from == to ? 7 : 3);
else if (from != to)
Graphics.SetRenderTarget (to);
GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); // clear destination to avoid RT restore
Graphics.Blit (from, to);