FiE-Game/Assets/Cinematic Effects/MotionBlur/Plugins/WorkerThreadPool.cs

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// Amplify Motion - Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Windows.System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AmplifyMotion
internal class WorkerThreadPool
private const int ThreadStateQueueCapacity = 1024;
internal Queue<AmplifyMotion.MotionState>[] m_threadStateQueues = null;
internal object[] m_threadStateQueueLocks = null;
private int m_threadPoolSize = 0;
private ManualResetEvent m_threadPoolTerminateSignal;
private AutoResetEvent[] m_threadPoolContinueSignals;
private Thread[] m_threadPool = null;
private bool m_threadPoolFallback = false;
internal object m_threadPoolLock = null;
internal int m_threadPoolIndex = 0;
internal void InitializeAsyncUpdateThreads( int threadCount, bool systemThreadPool )
if ( systemThreadPool )
m_threadPoolFallback = true;
m_threadPoolSize = threadCount;
m_threadStateQueues = new Queue<AmplifyMotion.MotionState>[ m_threadPoolSize ];
m_threadStateQueueLocks = new object[ m_threadPoolSize ];
m_threadPool = new Thread[ m_threadPoolSize ];
m_threadPoolTerminateSignal = new ManualResetEvent( false );
m_threadPoolContinueSignals = new AutoResetEvent[ m_threadPoolSize ];
m_threadPoolLock = new object();
m_threadPoolIndex = 0;
for ( int id = 0; id < m_threadPoolSize; id++ )
m_threadStateQueues[ id ] = new Queue<AmplifyMotion.MotionState>( ThreadStateQueueCapacity );
m_threadStateQueueLocks[ id ] = new object();
m_threadPoolContinueSignals[ id ] = new AutoResetEvent( false );
m_threadPool[ id ] = new Thread( new ParameterizedThreadStart( AsyncUpdateThread ) );
m_threadPool[ id ].Start( new KeyValuePair<object, int>( this, id ) );
catch ( Exception e )
// fallback to ThreadPool
Debug.LogWarning( "[AmplifyMotion] Non-critical error while initializing WorkerThreads. Falling back to using System.Threading.ThreadPool().\n" + e.Message );
m_threadPoolFallback = true;
internal void FinalizeAsyncUpdateThreads()
if ( !m_threadPoolFallback )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_threadPoolSize; i++ )
if ( m_threadPool[ i ].IsAlive )
m_threadPoolContinueSignals[ i ].Set();
m_threadPool[ i ].Join();
// making sure these marked for disposal
m_threadPool[ i ] = null;
lock ( m_threadStateQueueLocks[ i ] )
while ( m_threadStateQueues[ i ].Count > 0 )
m_threadStateQueues[ i ].Dequeue().AsyncUpdate();
m_threadStateQueues = null;
m_threadStateQueueLocks = null;
m_threadPoolSize = 0;
m_threadPool = null;
m_threadPoolTerminateSignal = null;
m_threadPoolContinueSignals = null;
m_threadPoolLock = null;
m_threadPoolIndex = 0;
internal void EnqueueAsyncUpdate( AmplifyMotion.MotionState state )
Task.Run( () => AsyncUpdateCallback( state ) );
AsyncUpdateCallback( state );
if ( !m_threadPoolFallback )
lock ( m_threadStateQueueLocks[ m_threadPoolIndex ] )
m_threadStateQueues[ m_threadPoolIndex ].Enqueue( state );
m_threadPoolContinueSignals[ m_threadPoolIndex ].Set();
if ( m_threadPoolIndex >= m_threadPoolSize )
m_threadPoolIndex = 0;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( new WaitCallback( AsyncUpdateCallback ), state );
private static void AsyncUpdateCallback( object obj )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state = ( AmplifyMotion.MotionState ) obj;
private static void AsyncUpdateThread( object obj )
KeyValuePair<object, int> pair = ( KeyValuePair<object, int> ) obj;
WorkerThreadPool pool = ( WorkerThreadPool ) pair.Key;
int id = ( int ) pair.Value;
while ( true )
pool.m_threadPoolContinueSignals[ id ].WaitOne();
if ( pool.m_threadPoolTerminateSignal.WaitOne( 0 ) )
while ( true )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state = null;
lock ( pool.m_threadStateQueueLocks[ id ] )
if ( pool.m_threadStateQueues[ id ].Count > 0 )
state = pool.m_threadStateQueues[ id ].Dequeue();
if ( state != null )
catch ( System.Exception e )
if ( e.GetType() != typeof( ThreadAbortException ) )
Debug.LogWarning( e );