FiE-Game/Assets/Cinematic Effects/MotionBlur/Plugins/AmplifyMotionObjectBase.cs

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// Amplify Motion - Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
#if UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9
#define UNITY_4
#if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_5_7 || UNITY_5_8 || UNITY_5_9
#define UNITY_5
#if UNITY_4 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2
#define UNITY_PRE_5_3
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
#if !UNITY_4
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace AmplifyMotion
public enum ObjectType
#if !UNITY_PRE_5_3
internal abstract class MotionState
protected struct MaterialDesc
public Material material;
#if !UNITY_4
public MaterialPropertyBlock propertyBlock;
public bool coverage;
public bool cutoff;
public const int AsyncUpdateTimeout = 100;
protected bool m_error;
protected bool m_initialized;
protected Transform m_transform;
protected AmplifyMotionCamera m_owner;
protected AmplifyMotionObjectBase m_obj;
public AmplifyMotionCamera Owner { get { return m_owner; } }
public bool Initialized { get { return m_initialized; } }
public bool Error { get { return m_error; } }
public MotionState( AmplifyMotionCamera owner, AmplifyMotionObjectBase obj )
m_error = false;
m_initialized = false;
m_owner = owner;
m_obj = obj;
m_transform = obj.transform;
internal virtual void Initialize() { m_initialized = true; }
internal virtual void Shutdown() {}
internal virtual void AsyncUpdate() {}
#if UNITY_4
internal abstract void UpdateTransform( bool starting );
internal virtual void RenderVectors( Camera camera, float scale, AmplifyMotion.Quality quality ) {}
internal abstract void UpdateTransform( CommandBuffer updateCB, bool starting );
internal virtual void RenderVectors( Camera camera, CommandBuffer renderCB, float scale, AmplifyMotion.Quality quality ) {}
internal virtual void RenderDebugHUD() {}
private static HashSet<Material> m_materialWarnings = new HashSet<Material>();
protected MaterialDesc[] ProcessSharedMaterials( Material[] mats )
MaterialDesc[] matsDesc = new MaterialDesc [ mats.Length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++ )
matsDesc[ i ].material = mats[ i ];
bool legacyCoverage = ( mats[ i ].GetTag( "RenderType", false ) == "TransparentCutout" );
#if UNITY_4
bool isCoverage = legacyCoverage;
matsDesc[ i ].coverage = mats[ i ].HasProperty( "_MainTex" ) && isCoverage;
bool isCoverage = legacyCoverage || mats[ i ].IsKeywordEnabled( "_ALPHATEST_ON" );
matsDesc[ i ].propertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
matsDesc[ i ].coverage = mats[ i ].HasProperty( "_MainTex" ) && isCoverage;
matsDesc[ i ].cutoff = mats[ i ].HasProperty( "_Cutoff" );
if ( isCoverage && !matsDesc[ i ].coverage && !m_materialWarnings.Contains( matsDesc[ i ].material ) )
Debug.LogWarning( "[AmplifyMotion] TransparentCutout material \"" + matsDesc[ i ] + "\" {" + matsDesc[ i ] + "} not using _MainTex standard property." );
m_materialWarnings.Add( matsDesc[ i ].material );
return matsDesc;
internal static bool VectorChanged( Vector3 a, Vector3 b )
return Vector3.SqrMagnitude( a - b ) > 0.0f;
internal static bool RotationChanged( Quaternion a, Quaternion b )
Vector4 diff = new Vector4( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z, a.w - b.w );
return Vector4.SqrMagnitude( diff ) > 0.0f;
internal static void MulPoint4x4_XYZW( ref Vector4 result, ref Matrix4x4 mat, Vector4 vec )
result.x = mat.m00 * vec.x + mat.m01 * vec.y + mat.m02 * vec.z + mat.m03 * vec.w;
result.y = mat.m10 * vec.x + mat.m11 * vec.y + mat.m12 * vec.z + mat.m13 * vec.w;
result.z = mat.m20 * vec.x + mat.m21 * vec.y + mat.m22 * vec.z + mat.m23 * vec.w;
result.w = mat.m30 * vec.x + mat.m31 * vec.y + mat.m32 * vec.z + mat.m33 * vec.w;
internal static void MulPoint3x4_XYZ( ref Vector3 result, ref Matrix4x4 mat, Vector4 vec )
result.x = mat.m00 * vec.x + mat.m01 * vec.y + mat.m02 * vec.z + mat.m03;
result.y = mat.m10 * vec.x + mat.m11 * vec.y + mat.m12 * vec.z + mat.m13;
result.z = mat.m20 * vec.x + mat.m21 * vec.y + mat.m22 * vec.z + mat.m23;
internal static void MulPoint3x4_XYZW( ref Vector3 result, ref Matrix4x4 mat, Vector4 vec )
result.x = mat.m00 * vec.x + mat.m01 * vec.y + mat.m02 * vec.z + mat.m03 * vec.w;
result.y = mat.m10 * vec.x + mat.m11 * vec.y + mat.m12 * vec.z + mat.m13 * vec.w;
result.z = mat.m20 * vec.x + mat.m21 * vec.y + mat.m22 * vec.z + mat.m23 * vec.w;
internal static void MulAddPoint3x4_XYZW( ref Vector3 result, ref Matrix4x4 mat, Vector4 vec )
result.x += mat.m00 * vec.x + mat.m01 * vec.y + mat.m02 * vec.z + mat.m03 * vec.w;
result.y += mat.m10 * vec.x + mat.m11 * vec.y + mat.m12 * vec.z + mat.m13 * vec.w;
result.z += mat.m20 * vec.x + mat.m21 * vec.y + mat.m22 * vec.z + mat.m23 * vec.w;
[AddComponentMenu( "" )]
public class AmplifyMotionObjectBase : MonoBehaviour
public enum MinMaxCurveState
Scalar = 0,
Curve = 1,
TwoCurves = 2,
TwoScalars = 3
internal static bool ApplyToChildren = true;
[SerializeField] private bool m_applyToChildren = ApplyToChildren;
private AmplifyMotion.ObjectType m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.None;
private Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotion.MotionState> m_states = new Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotion.MotionState>();
private bool m_fixedStep = false;
private int m_objectId = 0;
internal bool FixedStep { get { return m_fixedStep; } }
internal int ObjectId { get { return m_objectId; } }
public AmplifyMotion.ObjectType Type { get { return m_type; } }
internal void RegisterCamera( AmplifyMotionCamera camera )
Camera actual = camera.GetComponent<Camera>();
if ( ( actual.cullingMask & ( 1 << gameObject.layer ) ) != 0 && !m_states.ContainsKey( actual ) )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state = null;
switch ( m_type )
case AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Solid:
state = new AmplifyMotion.SolidState( camera, this ); break;
case AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Skinned:
state = new AmplifyMotion.SkinnedState( camera, this ); break;
case AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Cloth:
state = new AmplifyMotion.ClothState( camera, this ); break;
#if !UNITY_PRE_5_3
case AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Particle:
state = new AmplifyMotion.ParticleState( camera, this ); break;
throw new Exception( "[AmplifyMotion] Invalid object type." );
camera.RegisterObject( this );
m_states.Add( actual, state );
internal void UnregisterCamera( AmplifyMotionCamera camera )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state;
Camera actual = camera.GetComponent<Camera>();
if ( m_states.TryGetValue( actual, out state ) )
camera.UnregisterObject( this );
if ( m_states.TryGetValue( actual, out state ) )
m_states.Remove( actual );
bool InitializeType()
Renderer renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
if ( AmplifyMotionEffectBase.CanRegister( gameObject, false ) )
#if !UNITY_PRE_5_3
ParticleSystem particleRenderer = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
if ( particleRenderer != null )
m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Particle;
AmplifyMotionEffectBase.RegisterObject( this );
if ( renderer != null )
// At this point, Renderer is guaranteed to be one of the following
if ( renderer.GetType() == typeof( MeshRenderer ) )
m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Solid;
#if UNITY_4
else if ( renderer.GetType() == typeof( ClothRenderer ) )
m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Cloth;
else if ( renderer.GetType() == typeof( SkinnedMeshRenderer ) )
#if !UNITY_4
if ( GetComponent<Cloth>() != null )
m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Cloth;
m_type = AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Skinned;
AmplifyMotionEffectBase.RegisterObject( this );
// No renderer? disable it, it is here just for adding children
return ( renderer != null );
void OnEnable()
bool valid = InitializeType();
if ( valid )
if ( m_type == AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Cloth )
#if UNITY_4
m_fixedStep = true;
m_fixedStep = false;
else if ( m_type == AmplifyMotion.ObjectType.Solid )
Rigidbody rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if ( rigidbody != null && rigidbody.interpolation == RigidbodyInterpolation.None && !rigidbody.isKinematic )
m_fixedStep = true;
if ( m_applyToChildren )
foreach ( Transform child in gameObject.transform )
AmplifyMotionEffectBase.RegisterRecursivelyS( child.gameObject );
if ( !valid )
enabled = false;
void OnDisable()
AmplifyMotionEffectBase.UnregisterObject( this );
void TryInitializeStates()
var enumerator = m_states.GetEnumerator();
while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state = enumerator.Current.Value;
if ( state.Owner.Initialized && !state.Error && !state.Initialized )
void Start()
if ( AmplifyMotionEffectBase.Instance != null )
void Update()
if ( AmplifyMotionEffectBase.Instance != null )
#if UNITY_4
internal void OnUpdateTransform( Camera camera, bool starting )
internal void OnUpdateTransform( Camera camera, CommandBuffer updateCB, bool starting )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state;
if ( m_states.TryGetValue( camera, out state ) )
if ( !state.Error )
#if UNITY_4
state.UpdateTransform( starting );
state.UpdateTransform( updateCB, starting );
#if UNITY_4
internal void OnRenderVectors( Camera camera, float scale, AmplifyMotion.Quality quality )
internal void OnRenderVectors( Camera camera, CommandBuffer renderCB, float scale, AmplifyMotion.Quality quality )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state;
if ( m_states.TryGetValue( camera, out state ) )
if ( !state.Error )
#if UNITY_4
state.RenderVectors( camera, scale, quality );
state.RenderVectors( camera, renderCB, scale, quality );
internal void OnRenderDebugHUD( Camera camera )
AmplifyMotion.MotionState state;
if ( m_states.TryGetValue( camera, out state ) )
if ( !state.Error )