FiE-Game/Assets/Cinematic Effects/MotionBlur/Plugins/AmplifyMotionBase.cs

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34 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

// Amplify Motion - Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
#if UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_4_8 || UNITY_4_9
#define UNITY_4
#if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_5_7 || UNITY_5_8 || UNITY_5_9
#define UNITY_5
#if UNITY_4 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2
#define UNITY_PRE_5_3
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
#if !UNITY_4
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace AmplifyMotion
public enum Quality
Mobile = 0,
Standard = 1,
Standard_SM3 = 2,
SoftEdge_SM3 = 3
[RequireComponent( typeof( Camera ) )]
[AddComponentMenu( "" )]
public class AmplifyMotionEffectBase : MonoBehaviour
public AmplifyMotion.Quality QualityLevel = AmplifyMotion.Quality.Standard;
public bool AutoRegisterObjs = true;
public Camera[] OverlayCameras = new Camera[ 0 ];
public LayerMask CullingMask = ~0;
public int QualitySteps = 1;
public float MotionScale = 3.0f;
public float CameraMotionMult = 1.0f;
public float MinVelocity = 1.0f;
public float MaxVelocity = 10.0f;
public float DepthThreshold = 0.001f;
[FormerlySerializedAs( "workerThreads" )] public int WorkerThreads = 0;
public bool SystemThreadPool = false;
public bool ForceCPUOnly = false;
public bool DebugMode = false;
// For compatibility
[Obsolete( "workerThreads is deprecated, please use WorkerThreads instead." )]
public int workerThreads { get { return WorkerThreads; } set { WorkerThreads = value; } }
private Camera m_camera;
private bool m_starting = true;
private int m_width, m_height;
private RenderTexture m_motionRT;
#if UNITY_4
private Texture m_dummyTex;
private Material m_blurMaterial;
private Material m_solidVectorsMaterial;
private Material m_skinnedVectorsMaterial;
private Material m_clothVectorsMaterial;
private Material m_reprojectionMaterial;
private Material m_combineMaterial;
private Material m_dilationMaterial;
private Material m_depthMaterial;
private Material m_debugMaterial;
internal Material SolidVectorsMaterial { get { return m_solidVectorsMaterial; } }
internal Material SkinnedVectorsMaterial { get { return m_skinnedVectorsMaterial; } }
internal Material ClothVectorsMaterial { get { return m_clothVectorsMaterial; } }
internal RenderTexture MotionRenderTexture { get { return m_motionRT; } }
private Texture2D m_watermark;
private Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera> m_linkedCameras = new Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera>();
public Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera> LinkedCameras { get { return m_linkedCameras; } }
internal Camera[] m_linkedCameraKeys = null;
internal AmplifyMotionCamera[] m_linkedCameraValues = null;
internal bool m_linkedCamerasChanged = true;
private AmplifyMotionPostProcess m_currentPostProcess = null;
private int m_globalObjectId = 1;
private float m_deltaTime;
private float m_fixedDeltaTime;
private float m_motionScaleNorm;
private float m_fixedMotionScaleNorm;
internal float MotionScaleNorm { get { return m_motionScaleNorm; } }
internal float FixedMotionScaleNorm { get { return m_fixedMotionScaleNorm; } }
private AmplifyMotion.Quality m_qualityLevel;
private AmplifyMotionCamera m_baseCamera = null;
public AmplifyMotionCamera BaseCamera { get { return m_baseCamera; } }
private AmplifyMotion.WorkerThreadPool m_workerThreadPool = null;
internal AmplifyMotion.WorkerThreadPool WorkerPool { get { return m_workerThreadPool; } }
public static Dictionary<GameObject, AmplifyMotionObjectBase> m_activeObjects = new Dictionary<GameObject, AmplifyMotionObjectBase>();
public static Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera> m_activeCameras = new Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera>();
private static bool m_isD3D = false;
public static bool IsD3D { get { return m_isD3D; } }
private bool m_canUseGPU = false;
public bool CanUseGPU { get { return m_canUseGPU; } }
#if !UNITY_4
private const CameraEvent m_updateCBEvent = CameraEvent.BeforeImageEffectsOpaque;
private CommandBuffer m_updateCB = null;
private const CameraEvent m_fixedUpdateCBEvent = CameraEvent.BeforeImageEffectsOpaque;
private CommandBuffer m_fixedUpdateCB = null;
private const CameraEvent m_renderCBEvent = CameraEvent.BeforeImageEffects;
private CommandBuffer m_renderCB = null;
private static bool m_ignoreMotionScaleWarning = false;
public static bool IgnoreMotionScaleWarning { get { return m_ignoreMotionScaleWarning; } }
private static AmplifyMotionEffectBase m_firstInstance = null;
public static AmplifyMotionEffectBase FirstInstance { get { return m_firstInstance; } }
public static AmplifyMotionEffectBase Instance { get { return m_firstInstance; } }
void Awake()
if ( m_firstInstance == null )
m_firstInstance = this;
m_isD3D = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.StartsWith( "Direct3D" );
m_globalObjectId = 1;
m_width = m_height = 0;
if ( ForceCPUOnly )
m_canUseGPU = false;
#if !UNITY_4
bool hasRTs = SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures;
bool hasSM3 = ( SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= 30 );
bool hasRHalfTex = SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RHalf );
bool hasRGHalfTex = SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RGHalf );
bool hasARGBHalfTex = SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RGBAHalf );
bool hasARGBFloatRT = SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat( RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat );
m_canUseGPU = hasRTs && hasSM3 && hasRHalfTex && hasRGHalfTex && hasARGBHalfTex && hasARGBFloatRT;
internal void ResetObjectId()
m_globalObjectId = 1;
internal int GenerateObjectId( GameObject obj )
// id = 0, static objs
// id = 255, excluded objs
if ( obj.isStatic )
return 0; // same as background
// TEMPORARY FIX: wrap around; may cause artifacts on id collision of nearby objs
if ( m_globalObjectId > 254 )
m_globalObjectId = 1;
return m_globalObjectId;
void SafeDestroyMaterial( ref Material mat )
if ( mat != null )
DestroyImmediate( mat );
mat = null;
bool CheckMaterialAndShader( Material material, string name )
bool ok = true;
if ( material == null || material.shader == null )
Debug.LogWarning( "[AmplifyMotion] Error creating " + name + " material" );
ok = false;
else if ( !material.shader.isSupported )
Debug.LogWarning( "[AmplifyMotion] " + name + " shader not supported on this platform" );
ok = false;
return ok;
void DestroyMaterials()
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_blurMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_solidVectorsMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_skinnedVectorsMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_clothVectorsMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_reprojectionMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_combineMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_dilationMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_depthMaterial );
SafeDestroyMaterial( ref m_debugMaterial );
bool CreateMaterials()
int shaderModel = ( SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= 30 ) ? 3 : 2;
string blurShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/MotionBlurSM" + shaderModel;
string solidVectorsShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/SolidVectors";
string skinnedVectorsShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/SkinnedVectors";
string clothVectorsShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/ClothVectors";
string reprojectionVectorsShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/ReprojectionVectors";
string combineShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/Combine";
string dilationShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/Dilation";
string depthShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/Depth";
string debugShader = "Hidden/Amplify Motion/Debug";
m_blurMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( blurShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_solidVectorsMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( solidVectorsShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_skinnedVectorsMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( skinnedVectorsShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_clothVectorsMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( clothVectorsShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_reprojectionMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( reprojectionVectorsShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_combineMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( combineShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_dilationMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( dilationShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_depthMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( depthShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
m_debugMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( debugShader ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
catch ( Exception )
// even if we fail, we still need to know which one failed
bool ok = CheckMaterialAndShader( m_blurMaterial, blurShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_solidVectorsMaterial, solidVectorsShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_skinnedVectorsMaterial, skinnedVectorsShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_clothVectorsMaterial, clothVectorsShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_reprojectionMaterial, reprojectionVectorsShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_combineMaterial, combineShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_dilationMaterial, dilationShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_depthMaterial, depthShader );
ok = ok && CheckMaterialAndShader( m_debugMaterial, debugShader );
return ok;
RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture( string name, int depth, RenderTextureFormat fmt, RenderTextureReadWrite rw, FilterMode fm )
RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture( m_width, m_height, depth, fmt, rw );
rt.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; = name;
rt.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
rt.filterMode = fm;
return rt;
void SafeDestroyRenderTexture( ref RenderTexture rt )
if ( rt != null )
{ = null;
DestroyImmediate( rt );
rt = null;
void SafeDestroyTexture( ref Texture tex )
if ( tex != null )
DestroyImmediate( tex );
tex = null;
void DestroyRenderTextures()
{ = null;
SafeDestroyRenderTexture( ref m_motionRT );
#if UNITY_4
SafeDestroyTexture( ref m_dummyTex );
if ( m_dummyTex != null )
DestroyImmediate( m_dummyTex );
m_dummyTex = null;
void UpdateRenderTextures( bool qualityChanged )
int screenWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt( m_camera.pixelWidth + 0.5f );
int screenHeight = Mathf.FloorToInt( m_camera.pixelHeight + 0.5f );
if ( QualityLevel == AmplifyMotion.Quality.Mobile )
screenWidth /= 2;
screenHeight /= 2;
if ( m_width != screenWidth || m_height != screenHeight || qualityChanged )
m_width = screenWidth;
m_height = screenHeight;
if ( m_motionRT == null )
m_motionRT = CreateRenderTexture( "AM-MotionVectors", 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear, FilterMode.Point );
#if UNITY_4
if ( m_dummyTex == null )
m_dummyTex = new Texture2D( 4, 4, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true );
m_dummyTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
m_dummyTex.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
public bool CheckSupport()
if ( !SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects || !SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures )
Debug.LogError( "[AmplifyMotion] Initialization failed. This plugin requires support for Image Effects and Render Textures." );
return false;
return true;
void InitializeThreadPool()
if ( WorkerThreads <= 0 )
WorkerThreads = Mathf.Max( Environment.ProcessorCount / 2, 1 ); // half of CPU threads; non-busy idle
m_workerThreadPool = new AmplifyMotion.WorkerThreadPool();
m_workerThreadPool.InitializeAsyncUpdateThreads( WorkerThreads, SystemThreadPool );
void ShutdownThreadPool()
if ( m_workerThreadPool != null )
m_workerThreadPool = null;
void InitializeCommandBuffers()
#if !UNITY_4
m_updateCB = new CommandBuffer(); = "AmplifyMotion.Update";
m_camera.AddCommandBuffer( m_updateCBEvent, m_updateCB );
m_fixedUpdateCB = new CommandBuffer(); = "AmplifyMotion.FixedUpdate";
m_camera.AddCommandBuffer( m_fixedUpdateCBEvent, m_fixedUpdateCB );
m_renderCB = new CommandBuffer(); = "AmplifyMotion.Render";
m_camera.AddCommandBuffer( m_renderCBEvent, m_renderCB );
void ShutdownCommandBuffers()
#if !UNITY_4
if ( m_updateCB != null )
m_camera.RemoveCommandBuffer( m_updateCBEvent, m_updateCB );
m_updateCB = null;
if ( m_fixedUpdateCB != null )
m_camera.RemoveCommandBuffer( m_fixedUpdateCBEvent, m_fixedUpdateCB );
m_fixedUpdateCB = null;
if ( m_renderCB != null )
m_camera.RemoveCommandBuffer( m_renderCBEvent, m_renderCB );
m_renderCB = null;
void OnEnable()
m_camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
if ( !CheckSupport() )
enabled = false;
m_starting = true;
if ( !CreateMaterials() )
Debug.LogError( "[AmplifyMotion] Failed loading or compiling necessary shaders. Please try reinstalling Amplify Motion or contact" );
enabled = false;
if ( AutoRegisterObjs )
UpdateRenderTextures( true );
m_linkedCameras.TryGetValue( m_camera, out m_baseCamera );
if ( m_baseCamera == null )
Debug.LogError( "[AmplifyMotion] Failed setting up Base Camera. Please contact" );
enabled = false;
if ( m_currentPostProcess != null )
m_currentPostProcess.enabled = true;
m_qualityLevel = QualityLevel;
void OnDisable()
if ( m_currentPostProcess != null )
m_currentPostProcess.enabled = false;
void Start()
m_watermark = new Texture2D( 4, 4 );
m_watermark.LoadImage( AmplifyMotion.Watermark.ImageData );
internal void RemoveCamera( Camera reference )
m_linkedCameras.Remove( reference );
void OnDestroy()
AmplifyMotionCamera[] prevLinkedCams = m_linkedCameras.Values.ToArray<AmplifyMotionCamera>();
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in prevLinkedCams )
if ( cam != null && cam.gameObject != gameObject )
Camera actual = cam.GetComponent<Camera>();
if ( actual != null )
actual.targetTexture = null;
DestroyImmediate( cam );
DestroyImmediate( m_watermark );
GameObject RecursiveFindCamera( GameObject obj, string auxCameraName )
GameObject cam = null;
if ( == auxCameraName )
cam = obj;
foreach ( Transform child in obj.transform )
cam = RecursiveFindCamera( child.gameObject, auxCameraName );
if ( cam != null )
return cam;
void InitializeCameras()
List<Camera> cleanOverlayCameras = new List<Camera>( OverlayCameras.Length );
for ( int i = 0; i < OverlayCameras.Length; i++ )
if ( OverlayCameras[ i ] != null )
cleanOverlayCameras.Add( OverlayCameras[ i ] );
Camera[] referenceCameras = new Camera[ cleanOverlayCameras.Count + 1 ];
referenceCameras[ 0 ] = m_camera;
for ( int i = 0; i < cleanOverlayCameras.Count; i++ )
referenceCameras[ i + 1 ] = cleanOverlayCameras[ i ];
for ( int i = 0; i < referenceCameras.Length; i++ )
Camera reference = referenceCameras[ i ];
if ( !m_linkedCameras.ContainsKey( reference ) )
AmplifyMotionCamera cam = reference.gameObject.GetComponent<AmplifyMotionCamera>();
if ( cam != null )
cam.enabled = false;
cam.enabled = true;
cam = reference.gameObject.AddComponent<AmplifyMotionCamera>();
cam.LinkTo( this, i > 0 );
m_linkedCameras.Add( reference, cam );
m_linkedCamerasChanged = true;
public void UpdateActiveCameras()
internal static void RegisterCamera( AmplifyMotionCamera cam )
m_activeCameras.Add( cam.GetComponent<Camera>(), cam );
foreach ( AmplifyMotionObjectBase obj in m_activeObjects.Values )
obj.RegisterCamera( cam );
internal static void UnregisterCamera( AmplifyMotionCamera cam )
foreach ( AmplifyMotionObjectBase obj in m_activeObjects.Values )
obj.UnregisterCamera( cam );
m_activeCameras.Remove( cam.GetComponent<Camera>() );
public void UpdateActiveObjects()
GameObject[] gameObjs = FindObjectsOfType( typeof( GameObject ) ) as GameObject[];
for ( int i = 0; i < gameObjs.Length; i++ )
if ( !m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObjs[ i ] ) )
TryRegister( gameObjs[ i ], true );
internal static void RegisterObject( AmplifyMotionObjectBase obj )
m_activeObjects.Add( obj.gameObject, obj );
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in m_activeCameras.Values )
obj.RegisterCamera( cam );
internal static void UnregisterObject( AmplifyMotionObjectBase obj )
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in m_activeCameras.Values )
obj.UnregisterCamera( cam );
m_activeObjects.Remove( obj.gameObject );
internal static bool FindValidTag( Material[] materials )
for ( int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++ )
Material mat = materials[ i ];
if ( mat != null )
string tag = mat.GetTag( "RenderType", false );
if ( tag == "Opaque" || tag == "TransparentCutout" )
#if UNITY_4
return true;
return !mat.IsKeywordEnabled( "_ALPHABLEND_ON" ) && !mat.IsKeywordEnabled( "_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON" );
return false;
internal static bool CanRegister( GameObject gameObj, bool autoReg )
// Ignore static objects
if ( gameObj.isStatic )
return false;
// Ignore invalid materials; Ignore static batches
Renderer renderer = gameObj.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if ( renderer == null || renderer.sharedMaterials == null || renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch )
return false;
// Ignore disabled renderer
if ( !renderer.enabled )
return false;
// Ignore if visible only for shadows
#if !UNITY_4
if ( renderer.shadowCastingMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.ShadowsOnly )
return false;
if ( renderer.GetType() == typeof( SpriteRenderer ) )
return false;
// Ignore unsupported RenderType
if ( !FindValidTag( renderer.sharedMaterials ) )
return false;
#if UNITY_4
if ( renderer.GetType() == typeof( ClothRenderer ) )
if ( gameObj.GetComponent<InteractiveCloth>().tearFactor != 0.0f )
Debug.LogWarning( "[AmplifyMotion] Tearable cloth objects are not supported at this time. Ignoring cloth object \"" + + "\"" );
return true;
// Only valid and supported renderers
Type type = renderer.GetType();
if ( type == typeof( MeshRenderer ) || type == typeof( SkinnedMeshRenderer ) )
return true;
#if !UNITY_PRE_5_3
if ( type == typeof( ParticleSystemRenderer ) && !autoReg )
// Only supported ParticleSystem modes
ParticleSystemRenderMode mode = ( renderer as ParticleSystemRenderer ).renderMode;
return ( mode == ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh || mode == ParticleSystemRenderMode.Billboard );
return false;
internal static void TryRegister( GameObject gameObj, bool autoReg )
if ( CanRegister( gameObj, autoReg ) && gameObj.GetComponent<AmplifyMotionObjectBase>() == null )
AmplifyMotionObjectBase.ApplyToChildren = false;
AmplifyMotionObjectBase.ApplyToChildren = true;
internal static void TryUnregister( GameObject gameObj )
AmplifyMotionObjectBase comp = gameObj.GetComponent<AmplifyMotionObjectBase>();
if ( comp != null )
Destroy( comp );
public void Register( GameObject gameObj )
if ( !m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryRegister( gameObj, false );
public static void RegisterS( GameObject gameObj )
if ( !m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryRegister( gameObj, false );
public void RegisterRecursively( GameObject gameObj )
if ( !m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryRegister( gameObj, false );
foreach ( Transform child in gameObj.transform )
RegisterRecursively( child.gameObject );
public static void RegisterRecursivelyS( GameObject gameObj )
if ( !m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryRegister( gameObj, false );
foreach ( Transform child in gameObj.transform )
RegisterRecursivelyS( child.gameObject );
public void Unregister( GameObject gameObj )
if ( m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryUnregister( gameObj );
public static void UnregisterS( GameObject gameObj )
if ( m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryUnregister( gameObj );
public void UnregisterRecursively( GameObject gameObj )
if ( m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryUnregister( gameObj );
foreach ( Transform child in gameObj.transform )
UnregisterRecursively( child.gameObject );
public static void UnregisterRecursivelyS( GameObject gameObj )
if ( m_activeObjects.ContainsKey( gameObj ) )
TryUnregister( gameObj );
foreach ( Transform child in gameObj.transform )
UnregisterRecursivelyS( child.gameObject );
void UpdatePostProcess()
Camera highestReference = null;
float highestDepth = -float.MaxValue;
if ( m_linkedCamerasChanged )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_linkedCameraKeys.Length; i++ )
if ( m_linkedCameraKeys[ i ] != null && m_linkedCameraKeys[ i ].isActiveAndEnabled && m_linkedCameraKeys[ i ].depth > highestDepth )
highestReference = m_linkedCameraKeys[ i ];
highestDepth = m_linkedCameraKeys[ i ].depth;
if ( m_currentPostProcess != null && m_currentPostProcess.gameObject != highestReference.gameObject )
DestroyImmediate( m_currentPostProcess );
m_currentPostProcess = null;
if ( m_currentPostProcess == null && highestReference != null && highestReference != m_camera )
AmplifyMotionPostProcess[] runtimes = gameObject.GetComponents<AmplifyMotionPostProcess>();
if ( runtimes != null && runtimes.Length > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < runtimes.Length; i++ )
DestroyImmediate( runtimes[ i ] );
m_currentPostProcess = highestReference.gameObject.AddComponent<AmplifyMotionPostProcess>();
m_currentPostProcess.Instance = this;
void LateUpdate()
if ( m_baseCamera.AutoStep )
float delta = Application.isPlaying ? Time.deltaTime : Time.fixedDeltaTime;
float fixedDelta = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
m_deltaTime = ( delta > float.Epsilon ) ? delta : m_deltaTime;
m_fixedDeltaTime = ( delta > float.Epsilon ) ? fixedDelta : m_fixedDeltaTime;
QualitySteps = Mathf.Clamp( QualitySteps, 0, 16 );
MotionScale = Mathf.Max( MotionScale, 0 );
MinVelocity = Mathf.Min( MinVelocity, MaxVelocity );
DepthThreshold = Mathf.Max( DepthThreshold, 0 );
public void StopAutoStep()
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in m_linkedCameras.Values )
public void StartAutoStep()
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in m_linkedCameras.Values )
public void Step( float delta )
m_deltaTime = delta;
m_fixedDeltaTime = delta;
foreach ( AmplifyMotionCamera cam in m_linkedCameras.Values )
void UpdateLinkedCameras()
Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera>.KeyCollection keys = m_linkedCameras.Keys;
Dictionary<Camera, AmplifyMotionCamera>.ValueCollection values = m_linkedCameras.Values;
if ( m_linkedCameraKeys == null || keys.Count != m_linkedCameraKeys.Length )
m_linkedCameraKeys = new Camera[ keys.Count ];
if ( m_linkedCameraValues == null || values.Count != m_linkedCameraValues.Length )
m_linkedCameraValues = new AmplifyMotionCamera[ values.Count ];
keys.CopyTo( m_linkedCameraKeys, 0 );
values.CopyTo( m_linkedCameraValues, 0 );
m_linkedCamerasChanged = false;
void FixedUpdate()
if ( m_camera.enabled )
if ( m_linkedCamerasChanged )
#if !UNITY_4
for ( int i = 0; i < m_linkedCameraValues.Length; i++ )
if ( m_linkedCameraValues[ i ] != null && m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].isActiveAndEnabled )
#if UNITY_4
m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].FixedUpdateTransform();
m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].FixedUpdateTransform( m_fixedUpdateCB );
void OnPreRender()
if ( m_camera.enabled && ( Time.frameCount == 1 || Mathf.Abs( Time.deltaTime ) > float.Epsilon ) )
if ( m_linkedCamerasChanged )
#if !UNITY_4
for ( int i = 0; i < m_linkedCameraValues.Length; i++ )
if ( m_linkedCameraValues[ i ] != null && m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].isActiveAndEnabled )
#if UNITY_4
m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].UpdateTransform();
m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].UpdateTransform( m_updateCB );
#if UNITY_4
void RenderReprojectionVectors( RenderTexture destination, float scale )
Shader.SetGlobalMatrix( "_AM_MATRIX_CURR_REPROJ", m_baseCamera.PrevViewProjMatrix * m_baseCamera.InvViewProjMatrix );
Shader.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MOTION_SCALE", scale );
Graphics.Blit( m_dummyTex, destination, m_reprojectionMaterial );
void RenderReprojectionVectors( CommandBuffer commandBuffer, RenderTexture destination, float scale )
commandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrix( "_AM_MATRIX_CURR_REPROJ", m_baseCamera.PrevViewProjMatrix * m_baseCamera.InvViewProjMatrix );
commandBuffer.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MOTION_SCALE", scale );
RenderTexture dummy = null;
commandBuffer.Blit( new RenderTargetIdentifier( dummy ), destination, m_reprojectionMaterial );
public static void DiscardContents( RenderTexture rtex )
#if !( UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP8_1 || UNITY_WSA ) // why?..
void OnPostRender()
bool qualityChanged = ( QualityLevel != m_qualityLevel );
if ( qualityChanged )
m_qualityLevel = QualityLevel;
UpdateRenderTextures( qualityChanged );
#if UNITY_4
RenderBuffer prevColor = Graphics.activeColorBuffer;
RenderBuffer prevDepth = Graphics.activeDepthBuffer;
bool cameraMotion = ( CameraMotionMult > float.Epsilon );
bool clearColor = !cameraMotion || m_starting;
float rcpDepthThreshold = ( DepthThreshold > float.Epsilon ) ? 1.0f / DepthThreshold : float.MaxValue;
m_motionScaleNorm = ( m_deltaTime >= float.Epsilon ) ? MotionScale * ( 1.0f / m_deltaTime ) : 0;
m_fixedMotionScaleNorm = ( m_fixedDeltaTime >= float.Epsilon ) ? MotionScale * ( 1.0f / m_fixedDeltaTime ) : 0;
float objectScale = !m_starting ? m_motionScaleNorm : 0;
float objectFixedScale = !m_starting ? m_fixedMotionScaleNorm : 0;
DiscardContents( m_motionRT );
#if UNITY_4
Graphics.SetRenderTarget( m_motionRT );
GL.Clear( true, clearColor, );
Shader.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MIN_VELOCITY", MinVelocity );
Shader.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MAX_VELOCITY", MaxVelocity );
Shader.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_RCP_TOTAL_VELOCITY", 1.0f / ( MaxVelocity - MinVelocity ) );
Shader.SetGlobalVector( "_AM_DEPTH_THRESHOLD", new Vector2( DepthThreshold, rcpDepthThreshold ) );
m_renderCB.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MIN_VELOCITY", MinVelocity );
m_renderCB.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_MAX_VELOCITY", MaxVelocity );
m_renderCB.SetGlobalFloat( "_AM_RCP_TOTAL_VELOCITY", 1.0f / ( MaxVelocity - MinVelocity ) );
m_renderCB.SetGlobalVector( "_AM_DEPTH_THRESHOLD", new Vector2( DepthThreshold, rcpDepthThreshold ) );
m_renderCB.SetRenderTarget( m_motionRT );
m_renderCB.ClearRenderTarget( true, clearColor, );
if ( cameraMotion )
float cameraMotionScaleNorm = ( m_deltaTime >= float.Epsilon ) ? MotionScale * CameraMotionMult * ( 1.0f / m_deltaTime ) : 0;
float cameraScale = !m_starting ? cameraMotionScaleNorm : 0;
#if UNITY_4
RenderReprojectionVectors( m_motionRT, cameraScale );
RenderReprojectionVectors( m_renderCB, m_motionRT, cameraScale );
#if UNITY_4
m_baseCamera.RenderVectors( objectScale, objectFixedScale, QualityLevel );
// base camera
m_baseCamera.RenderVectors( m_renderCB, objectScale, objectFixedScale, QualityLevel );
// overlay cameras
for ( int i = 0; i < m_linkedCameraValues.Length; i++ )
AmplifyMotionCamera cam = m_linkedCameraValues[ i ];
if ( cam != null && cam.Overlay && cam.isActiveAndEnabled )
m_linkedCameraValues[ i ].RenderVectors( m_renderCB, objectScale, objectFixedScale, QualityLevel );
m_starting = false;
#if UNITY_4
Graphics.SetRenderTarget( prevColor, prevDepth );
void ApplyMotionBlur( RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination, Vector4 blurStep )
bool mobile = ( QualityLevel == AmplifyMotion.Quality.Mobile );
int pass = ( int ) QualityLevel;
RenderTexture depthRT = null;
if ( mobile )
depthRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( m_width, m_height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 ); = "AM-DepthTemp";
depthRT.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
depthRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
RenderTexture combinedRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( m_width, m_height, 0, source.format ); = "AM-CombinedTemp";
combinedRT.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
combinedRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
DiscardContents( combinedRT );
m_combineMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", m_motionRT );
source.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
Graphics.Blit( source, combinedRT, m_combineMaterial, 0 );
m_blurMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", m_motionRT );
if ( mobile )
Graphics.Blit( null, depthRT, m_depthMaterial, 0 );
m_blurMaterial.SetTexture( "_DepthTex", depthRT );
if ( QualitySteps > 1 )
RenderTexture temp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( m_width, m_height, 0, source.format ); = "AM-CombinedTemp2";
temp.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
float step = 1.0f / QualitySteps;
float scale = 1.0f;
RenderTexture src = combinedRT;
RenderTexture dst = temp;
for ( int i = 0; i < QualitySteps; i++ )
if ( dst != destination )
DiscardContents( dst );
m_blurMaterial.SetVector( "_AM_BLUR_STEP", blurStep * scale );
Graphics.Blit( src, dst, m_blurMaterial, pass );
if ( i < QualitySteps - 2 )
RenderTexture tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
src = dst;
dst = destination;
scale -= step;
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary( temp );
m_blurMaterial.SetVector( "_AM_BLUR_STEP", blurStep );
Graphics.Blit( combinedRT, destination, m_blurMaterial, pass );
if ( mobile )
// we need the full res here
m_combineMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", m_motionRT );
Graphics.Blit( source, destination, m_combineMaterial, 1 );
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary( combinedRT );
if ( depthRT != null )
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary( depthRT );
void OnRenderImage( RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination )
if ( m_currentPostProcess == null )
PostProcess( source, destination );
Graphics.Blit( source, destination );
public void PostProcess( RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination )
Vector4 blurStep =;
blurStep.x = MaxVelocity / 1000.0f;
blurStep.y = MaxVelocity / 1000.0f;
RenderTexture dilatedRT = null;
if ( QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 1 )
dilatedRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary( m_width, m_height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear ); = "AM-DilatedTemp";
dilatedRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
m_dilationMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", m_motionRT );
Graphics.Blit( m_motionRT, dilatedRT, m_dilationMaterial, 0 );
m_dilationMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", dilatedRT );
Graphics.Blit( dilatedRT, m_motionRT, m_dilationMaterial, 1 );
if ( DebugMode )
m_debugMaterial.SetTexture( "_MotionTex", m_motionRT );
Graphics.Blit( source, destination, m_debugMaterial );
ApplyMotionBlur( source, destination, blurStep );
if ( dilatedRT != null )
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary( dilatedRT );
void OnGUI()
GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect( 15, Screen.height - m_watermark.height - 12, m_watermark.width, m_watermark.height ), m_watermark );
//void OnGUI()
// GUI.color =;
// GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
// GUILayout.Space( 300 );
// GUILayout.BeginVertical();
// GUILayout.Label( "GPU / RT / SM3 => " + m_canUseGPU + " / " + SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures + " / " + ( SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= 30 ) );
// GUILayout.Label( "TEX.RHalf => " + SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RHalf ) );
// GUILayout.Label( "TEX.RGHalf => " + SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RGHalf ) );
// GUILayout.Label( "TEX.RGBAHalf => " + SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat( TextureFormat.RGBAHalf ) );
// GUILayout.Label( "RT.RFloat => " + SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat( RenderTextureFormat.RFloat ) );
// GUILayout.Label( "RT.ARGBFloat => " + SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat( RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat ) );
// GUILayout.EndVertical();
// GUILayout.EndHorizontal();