Class XmlReaderException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XmlReaderException
extends IOException

The XmlReaderException is thrown by the XmlReader constructors if the charset encoding can not be determined according to the XML 1.0 specification and RFC 3023.

The exception returns the unconsumed InputStream to allow the application to do an alternate processing with the stream. Note that the original InputStream given to the XmlReader cannot be used as that one has been already read.

Alejandro Abdelnur
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
XmlReaderException(String msg, String bomEnc, String xmlGuessEnc, String xmlEnc, InputStream is)
          Creates an exception instance if the charset encoding could not be determined.
XmlReaderException(String msg, String ctMime, String ctEnc, String bomEnc, String xmlGuessEnc, String xmlEnc, InputStream is)
          Creates an exception instance if the charset encoding could not be determined.
Method Summary
 String getBomEncoding()
          Returns the BOM encoding found in the InputStream.
 String getContentTypeEncoding()
          Returns the encoding in the content-type used to attempt determining the encoding.
 String getContentTypeMime()
          Returns the MIME type in the content-type used to attempt determining the encoding.
 InputStream getInputStream()
          Returns the unconsumed InputStream to allow the application to do an alternate encoding detection on the InputStream.
 String getXmlEncoding()
          Returns the encoding found in the XML prolog of the InputStream.
 String getXmlGuessEncoding()
          Returns the encoding guess based on the first bytes of the InputStream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XmlReaderException(String msg,
                          String bomEnc,
                          String xmlGuessEnc,
                          String xmlEnc,
                          InputStream is)
Creates an exception instance if the charset encoding could not be determined.

Instances of this exception are thrown by the XmlReader.

msg - message describing the reason for the exception.
bomEnc - BOM encoding.
xmlGuessEnc - XML guess encoding.
xmlEnc - XML prolog encoding.
is - the unconsumed InputStream.


public XmlReaderException(String msg,
                          String ctMime,
                          String ctEnc,
                          String bomEnc,
                          String xmlGuessEnc,
                          String xmlEnc,
                          InputStream is)
Creates an exception instance if the charset encoding could not be determined.

Instances of this exception are thrown by the XmlReader.

msg - message describing the reason for the exception.
ctMime - MIME type in the content-type.
ctEnc - encoding in the content-type.
bomEnc - BOM encoding.
xmlGuessEnc - XML guess encoding.
xmlEnc - XML prolog encoding.
is - the unconsumed InputStream.
Method Detail


public String getBomEncoding()
Returns the BOM encoding found in the InputStream.

the BOM encoding, null if none.


public String getXmlGuessEncoding()
Returns the encoding guess based on the first bytes of the InputStream.

the encoding guess, null if it couldn't be guessed.


public String getXmlEncoding()
Returns the encoding found in the XML prolog of the InputStream.

the encoding of the XML prolog, null if none.


public String getContentTypeMime()
Returns the MIME type in the content-type used to attempt determining the encoding.

the MIME type in the content-type, null if there was not content-type or the encoding detection did not involve HTTP.


public String getContentTypeEncoding()
Returns the encoding in the content-type used to attempt determining the encoding.

the encoding in the content-type, null if there was not content-type, no encoding in it or the encoding detection did not involve HTTP.


public InputStream getInputStream()
Returns the unconsumed InputStream to allow the application to do an alternate encoding detection on the InputStream.

the unconsumed InputStream.

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