Interface CopyFrom<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
DCModule, DCSubject, Module, SyModule, SyndContent, SyndEnclosure, SyndEntry, SyndFeed, SyndImage
All Known Implementing Classes:
DCModuleImpl, DCSubjectImpl, ModuleImpl, SyModuleImpl, SyndContentImpl, SyndEnclosureImpl, SyndEntryImpl, SyndFeedImpl, SyndImageImpl

public interface CopyFrom<T>

Alejandro Abdelnur

Method Summary
 void copyFrom(CopyFrom obj)
          Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.
 Class<? extends CopyFrom> getInterface()
          Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

Method Detail


Class<? extends CopyFrom> getInterface()
Returns the interface the copyFrom works on.

This is useful when dealing with properties that may have multiple implementations. For example, Module.

the interface the copyFrom works on.


void copyFrom(CopyFrom obj)
Copies all the properties of the given bean into this one.

Any existing properties in this bean are lost.

This method is useful for moving from one implementation of a bean interface to another. For example from the default SyndFeed bean implementation to a Hibernate ready implementation.

obj - the instance to copy properties from.

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