#+OPTIONS: toc:nil * RSS based thread watcher Get notifications from your feed reader when your favourite /mlp/ thread is about to die ** Usage 1) Open your RSS feed reader (you have one right?) 2) Add your custom URL (see getting custom URL) 3) Enable notifications in your feed reader and set update interval to 5minutes or more (you can set less but the feed is updated only every 5 minutes) 4) Profit! RSS feed will include only the threads matching your querry so every notification your feed reader will send means your watched thread is about to die ** Getting custom URL *** Crafting URL by hand Right now there is no automated way to generate your feed url but making one by hand is fairly simple. **** URL parameters | Param name | Default value | Can have multiple? | Mandatory? | Short description | |------------+---------------+--------------------+----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | board | "mlp" | No | No (not implemented) | Which board to generate feed for, *ONLY* ​/mlp​/ is supported | | q | nil | Yes | Yes (1 or more) | This string is used to filter threads according to their titles | | chod | 94 | No | No | CHanceOfDeath - will include thread in the feed if it's chance to death i > chod | | repeat | ~false~ | No | No | Whether to make new notification on every server update even when thread doesnt have higher chod | | recreate | ~bool~ | Not implemented | Not implemented | Whether to notify when creation of new thread matching querry is detected (uses 4chans RSS) | **** How to create URL *** Generating URL interactively Coming soon ** Limitations This is an experimental project. There are several limitations: - Only supported board is ​/mlp​/ (You can choose your own when self hosting) - Only searched threads are those who are in the 50% closer to death part of the catalog ** Feature set - Planned/finnished features [7%] - [X] [DONE] Super basic features done (feed, query, repeat) - [ ] No params request should redirect to url generator or (for now) documentation - [ ] Have proper sorting - The most likely to die threads first (stačí dát reverse u posledního vstupu filtru?) - [ ] Config file instead of hardcoding config values - [ ] Include time of latest data fetch - [ ] Make threads have preview images taken from the actuall thread OP - [ ] Show which query matched the thread you were notified of - [ ] Option to include advanced HTML formating of text (different color text for ChoD etc) - [ ] Support notification on watched thread re-creation after it died - [ ] Support notification for thread death - [ ] Support multiple boards at once - [ ] Support async responses - [ ] Graal VM support for native configuration ** Self hosting This is not supported until release 1.0. You can do it if you figure it out (probably not that hard tbh) but there will be much more detailed instructions in the future. *** Prebuilt There will be instructions at some point I promise. Until then you can download binaries from the releases page and run them like you would any other java executable, default port is ~6969~. And you need Java for now if that isn't clear. ~$ java -jar whatEverNameTheReleaseHas.jar~~ *** From source If you know Clojure, then just clone and build with lein. If you don't either RTFM to lein or wait before instructions will be avaiabile here. *** Configuring Self hosting is not supported at the moment so no configuration for you. ** License - AGPL3 Copyright © 2023 Felisp This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see .