2 Invoking ponysay
The format for running the ponysay program is:
ponysay [option...] [--] [message]
ponythink [option...] [--] [message]
Running ponysay will print a speech balloon, ponythink will
print a thought balloon. Otherwise ponysay and ponythink is
the same thing.
ponysay supports the following options:
- --
- Parse the following arguments as parts of message.
- -h
- --help
- Show summary of options.
- -v
- --verion
- Show version of program.
- -f PONY
- --file PONY
- --pony PONY
- Specify the pony that should printed, this can either be a file name or a pony
name printed by ponysay -l. This option can be used multiple times to
specify a set of ponies from which one will be selected randomly. If no pony is
specified one will be selected randomly.
If you have util-say installed, you can use .png-files as the arguments
for this options.
In versions earlier than version 2.0, the if the pony were a file name it had to
include a `/
'. This is not longer required and any existing pony name
supersedes file names.
- ++file PONY
- ++pony PONY
- Just as -F, but it uses extra (non-MLP:FiM) ponies instead of standard
(MLP:FiM) ponies
- -q PONY
- --quote PONY
- By using this option, a pony will be printed with quotes from her in My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic. The pony will be selected randomly, unless at least one pony
is added as an argument to -q. If one or more ponies are added as an argument
to -q, the pony will be selected randomly from that set of ponies.
This option requires the extension ponyquotes4ponysay, which is included
by default since version 1.2.
The argument can be a file name, but only if it ends with .pony.
- --f [PONY...]
- --files [PONY...]
- --ponies [PONY...]
- Variadic variant of -f, meaning that all arguments added after this one
will parsed as an argument to this option. Additionally, those options are added
to -f.
- --F [PONY...]
- ++files [PONY...]
- ++ponies [PONY...]
- Variadic variant of -F, meaning that all arguments added after this one
will parsed as an argument to this option. Additionally, those options are added
to -F.
An important feature of this options, is that you can but it in the end of the
command line, without any argument to get a random non-MLP:FiM pony.
- --q [PONY...]
- --quotes [PONY...]
- Variadic variant of -q, meaning that all arguments added after this one
will parsed as an argument to this option. Additionally, those options are added
to -q.
An important feature of this options, is that you can but it in the end of the
command line, without any argument to get a quote from any pony with a quote.
- -b STYLE
- --bubble STYLE
- --balloon STYLE
- Specify the balloon style that should used, this can either be a file name or a
balloon name printed by ponysay -B. This option can be used multiple
times to specify a set of styles from which one will be selected randomly. If no
balloon style is specified a fallback style will be used.
- --wrap COLUMN
- Specify the screen column where the message should be wrapped, this is by default 40,
as with cowsay. The balloon's extra width is taken into consideration.
If the argument is not a number, but starts instead with n
(for ‘none’ or
‘no’), no wrapping is done, and if it starts with i
(for ‘inherit’) the width
of the terminal is used.
and i
is case insensitive, so you may use N
and I
instead. Additionally, typo correction is for QWERTY and Dvorak is built in to
ponysay; the nearest key, either to the left or to the right, depending
on which hand is used to press the key, is also allowed.
- -c
- --compress
- Compress the message in the same way cowsay does, that is basically
without multiple spaces, and only paragraphs separations. Using this options
will mean that you cannot display figlet and TOIlet style
- -l
- --list
- Lists all installed ponies. The ponies which have quotes, i.e. can be used with
the -q option, will be marked by being printed in bold or bright (depending
on the terminal.)
- -L
- --altlist
- --symlist
- Lists all installed ponies. The ponies which have quotes, i.e. can be used with
the -q option, will be marked by being printed in bold or bright (depending
on the terminal.) This options differs from -l by printing alternative
names (symbolic links) inside brackets after their target ponies.
- +l
- ++list
- Just as -l, except it lists extra (non-MLP:FiM) ponies instead of standard
(MLP:FiM) ponies.
- +L
- ++symlist
- ++altlist
- Just as -L, except it lists extra (non-MLP:FiM) ponies instead of standard
(MLP:FiM) ponies.
- -B
- --balloonlist
- Prints a list of all balloon styles.
- -A
- --all
- List all ponies, MLP:FiM and non-MLP:FiM, in this case the first list are MLP:FiM
and the second are non-MLP:FiM.
- +A
- ++all
- --symall
- --altall
- List all ponies names, including alternatives, these from MLP:FiM and non-MLP:FiM.
The first list are the MLP:FiM and the second one are non-MLP:FiM.
- -o
- --pony-only
- --ponyonly
- Print just the pony, nothing else like the speech balloon. Naturally the
ponysay will not wait for a message from stdin.
- -X
- --256-colours
- --256colours
- --x-colours
- Use xterm's 256-colour support (supported by most X11 terminals), despite
your terminal's actual compatibilies.
- -V
- --tty-colours
- --ttycolours
- --vt-colours
- Use Linux VT's compatbilies without KMS utilisation, despite your terminal's actual
- -K
- --kms-colours
- --kmscolours
- Use Linux VT's compatbilies with KMS utilisation, despite your terminal's actual
- +c
- --colour ANSI-COLOUR
- Colour the balloon, including link and message (the parts that are not individually
specified.) The argument, should be a ANSI colour sequence without leading CSI and
without a tailing ‘m’, for example
will make it in red and bold (or bright
depending on the terminal.)
- --colour-bubble
- --colour-balloon ANSI-COLOUR
- Just like --colour, but it only colours the balloon, without the message
or link.
- --colour-link ANSI-COLOUR
- Just like --colour, but it only colours the balloon link.
- --colour-msg
- --colour-message ANSI-COLOUR
- Just like --colour, but it only colours the message.
- --colour-pony ANSI-COLOUR
- Just like --colour, but it colours the pony. This colouring has no
effect ony regular pony files, as it has its own colouring.
- --colour-wrap
- --colour-hyphen ANSI-COLOUR
- Just like --colour, but it colours hyphen added by the word wrapping.
By default this is red (
), if you want uncoloured use 0
without 0
or 39
, the default 31
is presistent.
If neither -q is used nor any message is specified, ponysay
will read the message from stdin (standard input); however, if no arguments are used
and nothing is piped to stdin, a help message will be printed. If you want to use
ponysay without arguments and enter the message by hand, you can run
cat | ponysay
If no pony is selected, ponysay will look for a best.pony file,
this file should be a symbolic link to the pony you want as a default. If it is not
a symbolic link, -q cannot determine which quotes to use.