#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you intend to redistribute ponysay or a fork of it commercially, it contains aggregated images, some of which may not be commercially redistribute, you would be required to remove those. To determine whether or not you may commercially redistribute an image make use that line ‘FREE: yes’, is included inside the image between two ‘$$$’ lines and the ‘FREE’ is and upper case and directly followed by the colon. ''' from common import * ''' ANSI colour stack This is used to make layers with independent coloursations ''' class ColourStack(): ''' Constructor @param autopush:str String that, when used, will create a new independently colourised layer @param autopop:str String that, when used, will end the current layer and continue of the previous layer ''' def __init__(self, autopush, autopop): self.autopush = autopush self.autopop = autopop self.lenpush = len(autopush) self.lenpop = len(autopop) self.bufproto = ' ' * (self.lenpush if self.lenpush > self.lenpop else self.lenpop) self.stack = [] self.push() self.seq = None ''' Create a new independently colourised layer @return :str String that should be inserted into your buffer ''' def push(self): self.stack.insert(0, [self.bufproto, None, None, [False] * 9]) if len(self.stack) == 1: return None return '\033[0m' ''' End the current layer and continue of the previous layer @return :str String that should be inserted into your buffer ''' def pop(self): old = self.stack.pop(0) rc = '\033[0;' if len(self.stack) == 0: # last resort in case something made it pop too mush push() new = self.stack[0] if new[1] is not None: rc += new[1] + ';' if new[2] is not None: rc += new[2] + ';' for i in range(0, 9): if new[3][i]: rc += str(i + 1) + ';' return rc[:-1] + 'm' ''' Use this, in sequence, for which character in your buffer that contains yor autopush and autopop string, the automatically get push and pop string to insert after each character @param :chr One character in your buffer @return :str The text to insert after the input character ''' def feed(self, char): if self.seq is not None: self.seq += char if (char == '~') or (('a' <= char) and (char <= 'z')) or (('A' <= char) and (char <= 'Z')): if (self.seq[0] == '[') and (self.seq[-1] == 'm'): self.seq = self.seq[1:-1].split(';') (i, n) = (0, len(self.seq)) while i < n: part = self.seq[i] p = 0 if part == '' else int(part) i += 1 if p == 0: self.stack[0][1:] = [None, None, [False] * 9] elif (1 <= p) and (p <= 9): self.stack[0][3][p - 1] = True elif (21 <= p) and (p <= 29): self.stack[0][3][p - 21] = False elif p == 39: self.stack[0][1] = None elif p == 49: self.stack[0][2] = None elif (30 <= p) and (p <= 37): self.stack[0][1] = part elif (90 <= p) and (p <= 97): self.stack[0][1] = part elif (40 <= p) and (p <= 47): self.stack[0][2] = part elif (100 <= p) and (p <= 107): self.stack[0][2] = part elif p == 38: self.stack[0][1] = '%s;%s;%s' % (part, self.seq[i], self.seq[i + 1]) i += 2 elif p == 48: self.stack[0][2] = '%s;%s;%s' % (part, self.seq[i], self.seq[i + 1]) i += 2 self.seq = None elif char == '\033': self.seq = '' buf = self.stack[0][0] buf = buf[1:] + char rc = '' if buf[-self.lenpush:] == self.autopush: rc = self.push() elif buf[-self.lenpop:] == self.autopop: rc = self.pop() self.stack[0][0] = buf return rc