[Chapters Here, Unnamed chapters can be included only if are confired to _exist_ by crew] S01E01 Friendship is Magic [Part 1] S01E02 Friendship is Magic [Part 2] S01E03 The Ticket Master S01E04 Applebuck Season S01E05 Griffon the Brush Off S01E06 Boast Busters S01E07 Dragonshy S01E08 Look Before You Sleep S01E09 Bridle Gossip S01E10 Swarm of the Century S01E11 Winter Wrap Up S01E12 Call of the Cutie S01E13 Fall Weather Friends S01E14 Suited for Success S01E15 Feeling Pinkie Keen S01E16 Sonic Rainboom S01E17 Stare Master S01E18 The Show Stoppers S01E19 A Dog and Pony Show S01E20 Green isn't Your Color S01E21 Over a Barrel S01E22 A Bird in the Hoof S01E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles S01E24 Owl's Well That Ends Well S01E25 Party of One S01E26 The Best Night Ever S02E01 The Return of Harmony [Part 1] S02E02 The Return of Harmony [Part 2] S02E03 Lesson Zero S02E04 Luna Eclipsed S02E05 Sisterhooves Social S02E06 The Cutie Pox S02E07 May the Best Pet Win! S02E08 The Mysterious Mare Do Well S02E09 Sweet and Elite S02E10 Secret of My Excess S02E11 Hearth's Warming Eve S02E12 Family Appreciation Day S02E13 Baby Cakes S02E14 The Last Roundup S02E15 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 S02E16 Read It and Weep S02E17 Hearts and Hooves Day S02E18 A Friend in Deed S02E19 Putting Your Hoof Down S02E20 It's About Time S02E21 Dragon Quest S02E22 Hurricane Fluttershy S02E23 Ponyville Confidential S02E24 MMMystery on the Friendship Express S02E25 A Canterlot Wedding [Part 1] S02E26 A Canterlot Wedding [Part 2] S03E01 The Crystal Empire [Part 1] S03E02 The Crystal Empire [Part 2] S03E03 Too Many Pinkie Pies S03E04 One Bad Apple S03E05 Magic Duel S03E06 Sleepless in Ponyville S03E07 Wonderbolts Academy S03E08 Apple Family Reunion S03E09 Spike at Your Service S03E10 Keep Calm and Flutter On S03E11 Just For Sidekicks S03E12 Games Ponies Play S03E13 Magical Mystery Cure S04E01 S04E02 S04E03 S04E04 S04E05 S04E06 S04E07 S04E08 S04E09 S04E10 S04E11 S04E12 S04E13 S04E14 S04E15 S04E16 S04E17 S04E18 S04E19 S04E20 S04E21 S04E22 S04E23 S04E24 S04E25 S04E26 [Movies with scenes with ponies from G4 there count here] My Little Pony: Equestria Girls [Official Comic here] My Little Pony: (Arc 1) [Issue 1-4] The Return of Queen Chrysalis My Little Pony: (Arc 2) [Issue 5-8] Arc 2 [Also know as: The Nightmare] My Little Pony: (Arc 3) [issue 9-10] Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair My Little Pony: (Arc 4) [Issue 11-12] Neigh Anything My Little Pony: (Arc 5) [Issue 13-14] My Little Pony Micro Series 1: Twilight Sparkle My Little Pony Micro Series 2: Rainbow Dash My Little Pony Micro Series 3: Rarity My Little Pony Micro Series 4: Fluttershy My Little Pony Micro Series 5: Pinkie Pie My Little Pony Micro Series 6: Applejack My Little Pony Micro Series 7: The Cutie Mark Crusaders My Little Pony Micro Series 8: Princess Celestia My Little Pony Micro Series 9: Spike My Little Pony Micro Series 10: Princess Luna [Only Novels count here] My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare [Any 'Official' guide here] My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony