Before installing ponysay, make sure your system have the packages listed under Required runtime dependencies and Package building dependencies installed.
Tarballs can be downloaded at for bleeding edge, or from for releases.
If you have git you can clone the project URL
In the terminal, cd into the ponysay directory and execute ./ install or python3 install. This will install ponysay into /usr, normally meaning you need to run as root, e.g. by running sudo ./ install.
Now you will be to use ponysay, run: ponysay "I am just the cutest pony!", or if have a specific pony in your mind: ponysay -f pinkie "Partay!~".
ponysay comes with this info manual and a manpage in section 6, man 6 ponysay (or just man ponysay). The manpage is also available in Spanish: man -L es 6 ponysay. To install the Spanish manual add the option --with-man-es when running ./