#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you intend to redistribute ponysay or a fork of it commercially, it contains aggregated images, some of which may not be commercially redistribute, you would be required to remove those. To determine whether or not you may commercially redistribute an image make use that line ‘FREE: yes’, is included inside the image between two ‘$$$’ lines and the ‘FREE’ is and upper case and directly followed by the colon. ''' from common import * ARGUMENTLESS = 0 ''' Option takes no arguments ''' ARGUMENTED = 1 ''' Option takes one argument per instance ''' VARIADIC = 2 ''' Option consumes all following arguments ''' class ArgParser(): ''' Simple argument parser ''' def __init__(self, program, description, usage, longdescription = None): ''' Constructor. The short description is printed on same line as the program name @param program:str The name of the program @param description:str Short, single-line, description of the program @param usage:str Formated, multi-line, usage text @param longdescription:str Long, multi-line, description of the program, may be `None` ''' self.linuxvt = ('TERM' in os.environ) and (os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux') self.__program = program self.__description = description self.__usage = usage self.__longdescription = longdescription self.__arguments = [] self.opts = {} self.optmap = {} def add_argumentless(self, alternatives, help = None): ''' Add option that takes no arguments @param alternatives:list Option names @param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option ''' self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTLESS, alternatives, None, help)) stdalt = alternatives[0] self.opts[stdalt] = None for alt in alternatives: self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTLESS) def add_argumented(self, alternatives, arg, help = None): ''' Add option that takes one argument @param alternatives:list Option names @param arg:str The name of the takes argument, one word @param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option ''' self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTED, alternatives, arg, help)) stdalt = alternatives[0] self.opts[stdalt] = None for alt in alternatives: self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTED) def add_variadic(self, alternatives, arg, help = None): ''' Add option that takes all following argument @param alternatives:list Option names @param arg:str The name of the takes arguments, one word @param help:str Short description, use `None` to hide the option ''' self.__arguments.append((VARIADIC, alternatives, arg, help)) stdalt = alternatives[0] self.opts[stdalt] = None for alt in alternatives: self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, VARIADIC) def parse(self, argv = sys.argv): ''' Parse arguments @param args:list The command line arguments, should include the execute file at index 0, `sys.argv` is default @return :bool Whether no unrecognised option is used ''' self.argcount = len(argv) - 1 self.files = [] argqueue = [] optqueue = [] deque = [] for arg in argv[1:]: deque.append(arg) dashed = False tmpdashed = False get = 0 dontget = 0 self.rc = True self.unrecognisedCount = 0 def unrecognised(arg): self.unrecognisedCount += 1 if self.unrecognisedCount <= 5: sys.stderr.write('%s: warning: unrecognised option %s\n' % (self.__program, arg)) self.rc = False while len(deque) != 0: arg = deque[0] deque = deque[1:] if (get > 0) and (dontget == 0): get -= 1 argqueue.append(arg) elif tmpdashed: self.files.append(arg) tmpdashed = False elif dashed: self.files.append(arg) elif arg == '++': tmpdashed = True elif arg == '--': dashed = True elif (len(arg) > 1) and (arg[0] in ('-', '+')): if (len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++')): if dontget > 0: dontget -= 1 elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTLESS): optqueue.append(arg) argqueue.append(None) elif '=' in arg: arg_opt = arg[:arg.index('=')] if (arg_opt in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg_opt][1] >= ARGUMENTED): optqueue.append(arg_opt) argqueue.append(arg[arg.index('=') + 1:]) if self.optmap[arg_opt][1] == VARIADIC: dashed = True else: unrecognised(arg) elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTED): optqueue.append(arg) get += 1 elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == VARIADIC): optqueue.append(arg) argqueue.append(None) dashed = True else: unrecognised(arg) else: sign = arg[0] i = 1 n = len(arg) while i < n: narg = sign + arg[i] i += 1 if (narg in self.optmap): if self.optmap[narg][1] == ARGUMENTLESS: optqueue.append(narg) argqueue.append(None) elif self.optmap[narg][1] == ARGUMENTED: optqueue.append(narg) nargarg = arg[i:] if len(nargarg) == 0: get += 1 else: argqueue.append(nargarg) break elif self.optmap[narg][1] == VARIADIC: optqueue.append(narg) nargarg = arg[i:] argqueue.append(nargarg if len(nargarg) > 0 else None) dashed = True break else: unrecognised(narg) else: self.files.append(arg) i = 0 n = len(optqueue) while i < n: opt = optqueue[i] arg = argqueue[i] if len(argqueue) > i else None i += 1 opt = self.optmap[opt][0] if (opt not in self.opts) or (self.opts[opt] is None): self.opts[opt] = [] if len(argqueue) >= i: self.opts[opt].append(arg) for arg in self.__arguments: if arg[0] == VARIADIC: varopt = self.opts[arg[1][0]] if varopt is not None: additional = ','.join(self.files).split(',') if len(self.files) > 0 else [] if varopt[0] is None: self.opts[arg[1][0]] = additional else: self.opts[arg[1][0]] = varopt[0].split(',') + additional self.files = [] break self.message = ' '.join(self.files) if len(self.files) > 0 else None if self.unrecognisedCount > 5: sys.stderr.write('%s: warning: %i more unrecognised %s\n' % (self.unrecognisedCount - 5, 'options' if self.unrecognisedCount == 6 else 'options')) return self.rc def help(self, use_colours = None): ''' Prints a colourful help message @param use_colours:bool? Whether to use colours, `None` if stdout is not piped ''' if use_colours is None: use_colours = sys.stdout.isatty() print(('\033[1m%s\033[21m %s %s' if use_colours else '%s %s %s') % (self.__program, '-' if self.linuxvt else '—', self.__description)) print() if self.__longdescription is not None: desc = self.__longdescription if not use_colours: while '\033' in desc: esc = desc.find('\033') desc = desc[:esc] + desc[desc.find('m', esc) + 1:] print(desc) print() print('\033[1mUSAGE:\033[21m' if use_colours else 'USAGE:', end='') first = True for line in self.__usage.split('\n'): if first: first = False else: print(' or', end='') if not use_colours: while '\033' in line: esc = line.find('\033') line = line[:esc] + line[line.find('m', esc) + 1:] print('\t%s' % line) print() maxfirstlen = [] for opt in self.__arguments: opt_alts = opt[1] opt_help = opt[3] if opt_help is None: continue first = opt_alts[0] last = opt_alts[-1] if first is not last: maxfirstlen.append(first) maxfirstlen = len(max(maxfirstlen, key = len)) print('\033[1mSYNOPSIS:\033[21m' if use_colours else 'SYNOPSIS') (lines, lens) = ([], []) for opt in self.__arguments: opt_type = opt[0] opt_alts = opt[1] opt_arg = opt[2] opt_help = opt[3] if opt_help is None: continue (line, l) = ('', 0) first = opt_alts[0] last = opt_alts[-1] alts = ['', last] if first is last else [first, last] alts[0] += ' ' * (maxfirstlen - len(alts[0])) for opt_alt in alts: if opt_alt is alts[-1]: line += '%colour%' + opt_alt l += len(opt_alt) if use_colours: if opt_type == ARGUMENTED: line += ' \033[4m%s\033[24m' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 1 elif opt_type == VARIADIC: line += ' [\033[4m%s\033[24m...]' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 6 else: if opt_type == ARGUMENTED: line += ' %s' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 1 elif opt_type == VARIADIC: line += ' [%s...]' % (opt_arg); l += len(opt_arg) + 6 else: if use_colours: line += ' \033[2m%s\033[22m ' % (opt_alt) else: line += ' %s ' % (opt_alt) l += len(opt_alt) + 6 lines.append(line) lens.append(l) col = max(lens) col += 8 - ((col - 4) & 7) index = 0 for opt in self.__arguments: opt_help = opt[3] if opt_help is None: continue first = True colour = ('36' if (index & 1) == 0 else '34') if use_colours else '' print(lines[index].replace('%colour%', ('\033[%s;1m' % colour) if use_colours else ''), end=' ' * (col - lens[index])) for line in opt_help.split('\n'): if first: first = False print('%s' % (line), end='\033[21;39m\n' if use_colours else '\n') else: print(('%s\033[%sm%s\033[39m' if use_colours else '%s%s%s') % (' ' * col, colour, line)) index += 1 print()