#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al. This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. Authors: Erkin Batu Altunbaş: Project leader, helped write the first implementation Mattias "maandree" Andrée: Major contributor of both implementions Elis "etu" Axelsson: Major contributor of current implemention and patcher of the first implementation Sven-Hendrik "svenstaro" Haase: Major contributor of the first implementation Jan Alexander "heftig" Steffens: Major contributor of the first implementation Kyah "L-four" Rindlisbacher: Patched the first implementation ''' from common import * from argparser import * from ponysay import * ''' Start the program from ponysay.__init__ if this is the executed file ''' if __name__ == '__main__': isthink = (len(__file__) >= len('think')) and (__file__.endswith('think')) isthink = ((len(__file__) >= len('think.py')) and (__file__.endswith('think.py'))) or isthink usage_saythink = '\033[34;1m(ponysay | ponythink)\033[21;39m' usage_common = '[-c] [-W\033[33mCOLUMN\033[39m] [-b\033[33mSTYLE\033[39m]' usage_listhelp = '(-l | -L | -B | +l | +L | -A | + A | -v | -h)' usage_file = '[-f\033[33mPONY\033[39m]* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]' usage_xfile = '(+f\033[33mPONY\033[39m)* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]' usage_afile = '(-F\033[33mPONY\033[39m)* [[--] \033[33mmessage\033[39m]' usage_quote = '(-q\033[33mPONY\033[39m)*' usage = ('%s %s' + 4 * '\n%s %s %s') % (usage_saythink, usage_listhelp, usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_file, usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_xfile, usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_afile, usage_saythink, usage_common, usage_quote) usage = usage.replace('\033[', '\0') for sym in ('[', ']', '(', ')', '|', '...', '*'): usage = usage.replace(sym, '\033[2m' + sym + '\033[22m') usage = usage.replace('\0', '\033[') ''' Argument parsing ''' opts = ArgParser(program = 'ponythink' if isthink else 'ponysay', description = 'cowsay reimplemention for ponies', usage = usage, longdescription = '''Ponysay displays an image of a pony saying some text provided by the user. If \033[4mmessage\033[24m is not provided, it accepts standard input. For an extensive documentation run `info ponysay`, or for just a little more help than this run `man ponysay`. Ponysay has so much more to offer than described here.''') opts.add_argumentless(['--quoters']) opts.add_argumentless(['--onelist']) opts.add_argumentless(['++onelist']) opts.add_argumentless(['--Onelist']) opts.add_argumentless(['-X', '--256-colours', '--256colours', '--x-colours']) opts.add_argumentless(['-V', '--tty-colours', '--ttycolours', '--vt-colours']) opts.add_argumentless(['-K', '--kms-colours', '--kmscolours']) opts.add_argumentless(['-i', '--info']) opts.add_argumentless(['+i', '++info']) opts.add_argumented( ['-r', '--restrict'], arg = 'RESTRICTION') opts.add_argumented( ['+c', '--colour'], arg = 'COLOUR') opts.add_argumented( ['--colour-bubble', '--colour-balloon'], arg = 'COLOUR') opts.add_argumented( ['--colour-link'], arg = 'COLOUR') opts.add_argumented( ['--colour-msg', '--colour-message'], arg = 'COLOUR') opts.add_argumented( ['--colour-pony'], arg = 'COLOUR') opts.add_argumented( ['--colour-wrap', '--colour-hyphen'], arg = 'COLOUR') _F = ['--any-file', '--anyfile', '--any-pony', '--anypony'] __F = [_.replace("pony", "ponie") + 's' for _ in _F] opts.add_argumentless(['-h', '--help'], help = 'Print this help message.') opts.add_argumentless(['-v', '--version'], help = 'Print the version of the program.') opts.add_argumentless(['-l', '--list'], help = 'List pony names.') opts.add_argumentless(['-L', '--symlist', '--altlist'], help = 'List pony names with alternatives.') opts.add_argumentless(['+l', '++list'], help = 'List non-MLP:FiM pony names.') opts.add_argumentless(['+L', '++symlist', '++altlist'], help = 'List non-MLP:FiM pony names with alternatives.') opts.add_argumentless(['-A', '--all'], help = 'List all pony names.') opts.add_argumentless(['+A', '++all', '--symall', '--altall'], help = 'List all pony names with alternatives.') opts.add_argumentless(['-B', '--bubblelist', '--balloonlist'], help = 'List balloon styles.') opts.add_argumentless(['-c', '--compress', '--compact'], help = 'Compress messages.') opts.add_argumentless(['-o', '--pony-only', '--ponyonly'], help = 'Print only the pony.') opts.add_argumented( ['-W', '--wrap'], arg = 'COLUMN', help = 'Specify column where the message should be wrapped.') opts.add_argumented( ['-b', '--bubble', '--balloon'], arg = 'STYLE', help = 'Select a balloon style.') opts.add_argumented( ['-f', '--file', '--pony'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a pony.\nEither a file name or a pony name.') opts.add_argumented( ['+f', '++file', '++pony'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a non-MLP:FiM pony.') opts.add_argumented( ['-F'] + _F, arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a pony, that can be a non-MLP:FiM pony.') opts.add_argumented( ['-q', '--quote'], arg = 'PONY', help = 'Select a pony which will quote herself.') opts.add_variadic( ['--f', '--files', '--ponies'], arg = 'PONY') opts.add_variadic( ['++f', '++files', '++ponies'], arg = 'PONY') opts.add_variadic( ['--F'] + __F, arg = 'PONY') opts.add_variadic( ['--q', '--quotes'], arg = 'PONY') ''' Whether at least one unrecognised option was used ''' unrecognised = not opts.parse() ## Start ponysay = Ponysay() ponysay.unrecognised = unrecognised ponysay.run(opts)